Nine Lives - Chapter 10 (the Crownedclown13 Roundabout Project)

Well, here it is, the 10th chapter in the continuing saga of Asher, Claudia and Cory. I had a hell of a lot of fun writing this, and I hope that it brings you countless minutes of reading pleasure! Thank you to CrownedClown13 for inviting me to...

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TLOS legend of the black dragon chapter 15 the tournament

The Legend of Spyro Legend of the black dragon Chapter 15 the tournament A pink dragoness woke up and stretched her body. Her room was the same as ever. It had a dark blue floor and light blue walls. On the walls were star patters of darker...

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Home Ec. 101

The vixen then realized she wasn't feeling shame anymore, but rather longing, loneliness, a persistent needling refrain at the back of her mind: domestication. "and?

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Earning Her Trust (Episode 2.5)

Besides, if ramona wanted to have pups of her own someday, she would've preferred to have them with a male who was larger than duke anyway...such as a wolf or a larger breed of domestic dog.

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Tabitha's Kittens

Tabitha's Kittens NOTE: This story is a follow-up to "Welcome Home, Again" and features the same couple from that story. The next several weeks were extremely busy for Ryan and Tabitha as they made their move from the busy life of Lake City to...

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Raven Wolf - Book 01 - Chapter 12

Shera said that sometimes they just go to meet the domestics to talk too." iuana looks over to kit those efforts very important.

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Raven Wolf - Book 02 - Chapter 10

The domestic military has sent a super soldier after me-"_ _"-it's not going to be the first one you run into either, the domestics have managed to get their hands on five of them.

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Raven Wolf - Book 02 - Chapter 08

How many of the domestics right now side with my ideals and help me by keeping us hidden or promoting the message of peace between us? do you know how close i was to achieving an agreement that would promote peace between the domestics and our people?"

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Bio-Morph FAQ 1

** general labor; wolves (larger species) domestic canines of various breeds domestic felines of various breeds vulpine's (gray and artic) tigers cougar minor specialized labor; wolves (smaller species) lions komodo dragons

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Tribal Orcs Know how to Fuck

"one of those domesticated orcs huh?" he seemed to relax a bit, he saw that the smaller didn't have a weapon which surely helped him calm down. "and what makes you think you can dominate me, little domestic."

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Raven Wolf - Book 05 - Chapter 19

You disgusting domestics who think you are superior because you populate this planet like an infestation of insects?"_ _mort stares down at him. "is that not what you are?"_ _"a domestic?

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Raven Wolf - Book 03 - Chapter 16

"even if they somehow manage to use shiya as such i doubt that you have much to worry about, the domestic military would use it against their enemies; rival domestic factions, the true bloods and even the wilds."

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