Day 23 - Villain

#23 of hypnovember 2020 a villain celebrates his success, and plots some future endeavors. you finally had him.

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Owning My Humanity -- Anxiety

My pain is that of concentration, and of feeling it constantly being diverted to wasteful endeavors. in short, guilt--but not simply guilt over doing something deliberately wrong.

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The Cold Wind II: Taniwha (preface)

In order to make this whole novel more readable and so that you can concentrate on the story and the characters, i have endeavored to blend as much of the technobabble into the background as possible.

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Difficult Times

May the spirits of the past guide us on this endeavour.



Medical bay aboard fn endeavor 1852 military time emily was finally feeling the embarrassment of her injuries.

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Tales of Sniper Fox - Prologue

However, as with any new frontier, there were unscrupulous profit-takers: smugglers, con-artists, and pirates quickly adopted warp technology to aid in their endeavors as well. this is the story of one such would-be pirate.

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The Chosen One, Unwilling

I wish luck on your endeavour. i felt mist gathering around me. once i came to, i was in my bed once more. that means i shouldn't have to worry about giratina's demands for now.

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Summaries for Halo-Fanfiction

But i am optimistic, through these ten years endeavor will most likely determine how well the alliance goes. unfortunately adam may cause more hostility between us. 2. witness to the events before and after the battle of traxus.

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Chapter 1

I drew inspiration from (among other things,) space dandy [anime], star wars (obv.), trigun [anime], moon [movie], routine [upcoming indie horror game], vandread [anime], halo i hope you enjoy my latest writing endeavor in space!

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To Knock at Heaven's Door

It is the first but not the last of my creative writing endeavors. please critique and comment. :) the night began as any other; darkness sweeping away the heat to reveal in its wake a vast sea of shimmering diamonds. they beckoned. i obliged.

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The Goodness of Nothing

You shall fail in your endeavor foolish creature!" the hero held on to the back as his eyes glanced upon a vital opening within the dragon's tough scales. as he swung for it he declared. "i will return what you stole from our kingdom.

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Chapter 1 - Lemon Warning

**lemon end** i panted for a while, the after affects of our recent endeavor taking hold. "that... was... amazing." i said to him, looking over. i grinned when i saw that he had fallen asleep. "i...

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