Close to the sun, in lonely lands

The firefox had her ears pinned. "uh. he says, _kajja_, that at least we will not go hungry, because 'they make good food.' he does not refer to my cooking, _kajja_."

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As through a glass

Atta-farash said something -- or tried to -- but the bubbling sound was incoherent, and when i prodded the firefox's ear again she did not see fit to protest.

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Samantha's Third Chance Prologue

firefox ncc-1702-b. we head to the bridge and there we fine a lone figure sitting in the center chair deep in thought.

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Will-OtheFireFox the characters, good and bad

Will-o and his crew | will-o firefox | anthro fox with the fire abilities, he is a fighter and can wrap his hands and feet in fire at will to burn his foes with his punch and kicks he wears complete fireproof clothing with custom designs on his

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Before the Gardens

The firefox nodded. "yes. do you feel... better? that you have had your... ah... your revenge, for whatever you saw in jaikot?" "that i've had it? no," i admitted.

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Samantha's Third Chance Chapter 1

firefox, currently the yacht of marshal admiral q who brought you here." "why?" "because i need your help." samantha looks over and sees a young looking human male wearing, in her mind a ridiculous outfit. he walks towards her and extends his hand.


Change, What The World Needed

This is just the beginging of it, i have written more and if this goes over so far i will upload the rest of the chapter, sorry it took so long had to figure out how to copy and paste sense sofurry has a weird thing going on with firefox!

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Collar 15 -- Answers

The firefox continued. "another thing to do is to resolve that you're going to be bigger than them, that you're going to keep on living, and living well.

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Collar 10 -- Glory

I laughed so happily, my forepaws resting quite properly on his slender hips as he chattered on and on, until the firefox cleared her throat and wondered when those mushrooms would be sliced and cooked.

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Will-OtheFirefox Prolodge

#2 of will-othefirefox the prologue to will-othe firefox, learn about how his family is betrayed, brother kidnapped, parents killed and a new ally will-o was outside with his father. he is 16 and his powers were just coming in and his father was training

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Fit for to Serve as a Soldier

The bandit returned with another firefox, white-muzzled but with a purposeful stride that belied his age.

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