Freelancers, Chapter Nine

And the geth following it were a very small faction of the total geth population." chula shook her head.

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Freelancers, Chapter Twelve

The geth own this ship, so they're sort of the captains." valeria and irving stared slack-jawed at her and she laughed again. "i've recently begun to find a perverse sort of humor in the idea of working for the geth.

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Midline Shift 44 - The Bloodless Commander

Those are geth weapon marks...old ones, like burns. i got a few hits on me and my armour from your assassin friend, she had a geth weapon too."

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Freelancers, Chapter Four

Lia hung back with chula, quint, dakka, and the two geth platforms as scarface strode toward the square pit beyond the table.

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Freelancers, Chapter Seventeen

"i will contact the geth unit onboard the _normandy_ and request full disclosure to your team.

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Change of Perspective Title

[]( also a geth discord group that this story spawned.

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Midline Shift 19 - Quarian Semantics

We got them stealing minerals, a console and some geth routes, what the hell does this add up to?" "wait a minute...remember that weird geth we fought back on that asari ship?"

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Change of Perspective Page 35

I heard you even managed to study the geth up close." mila jumps and tenses at the word geth. the brown raptor back hands the green raptor's shoulder as the green raptor gives a soft growl, "hey!" "shut it." "what?

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Eldritch thorn erotica sample

Though not technically illegal before arlis' decree, the geth would certainly look down upon pleasures deemed too similar to the sheoul excesses. geth prided themselves on their rationality and honor.

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Freelancers, Chapter Eight

A quarian serving with geth?" she chuckled. "it's even weirder than that. those geth? they own the _sulaco_. they're sort of co-captains. i'm on their crew." "they..." he trailed off and stared at her. "you..."

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