The Axe Cuts Both Ways - Chapter 6

#6 of the axe cuts both ways interrogations can be fun, especially around precinct one in zootopia **09:35** - interrogation room #4 precinct one - arthur (adolph) dingo "one pair of brass knuckles, two .45 pistols, one .22 pistol with ankle holster

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The Trainer, Ch 1-2 (READ THE WARNING)

Then the interrogator whispered something to the animal and timothy cried out loud!

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A Hunter in a Pickle

Arriving a the interrogation chamber, jacoby was motioned to sit down. at the opposite end of the table was his assigned interrogator inquisitor pomari as usual, setting aside some papers in front of him.

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Fox vs Wolf

Hours after their capture, wolf gathered with his troops in the interrogation room. he asked for fox mccloud to be brought in for interrogation. the troop had left and moments later arrived with mccloud.  

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Darkness Rising Chapter Two

Looking up, eric let out a groan as he saw who his interrogator was. "nice to see you again, eric." said the interrogator, a large male fossa by the name of basilio.

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Chapter 5: The Report

The following interrogation took place in capital metropolitan police station precinct 27, interrogation room no.8 n.s: welcome detective ivanovich, please sit down. i know that it may seem like we're trying to interrogate you.

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Wolves' Legacy: Chapter 22

Sovarn woke up with a grunt from his bed. The hellhound felt very light-headed, but he could still remember what happened last night. Taking a walk to the nearby water basin, he washed his furry face, staring at the mirror with his reflection staring...

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The Dawn of a New Age: Trials and Tribulations - Act1/Chapter1

I really, honestly felt that after today's interrogation, we would get the information that we've been so desperately needing.

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Counter Earth Chronicles Chapter 15: Something More Than You Are

I also listened to lady vermin interrogate the rebel grunt for the next hour. the interrogation took place as a stop and start exchange of questions and answers.

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DC Criminal Profile: Ironsight

When it did not end and an interrogator asked once more about sandoval's youth, the felon leaped to his feet in rage and assaulted the interrogator, breaking four of the interrogator's bones despite the fact that both of sandoval's hands were cuffed behind

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Zakhargrad Unit 582: Chapter 1

It looked into interrogation room three. the interrogation room had bare concrete walls and in the centre was a stainless steel table bolted into the cement floor.

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