Love........SERIOUSLY!? Chapter 9

When Cadance awoke she was still tired from the night before. She had spent a good few hours with her aunts, relishing the company, and helping Luna tease the heck out of Celestia. It was one of the most enjoyable things she had done since she came...


Nightmare In the Lunar Republic Chapter 2

This little army of mercs would have eaten his pockets and the bits and gems in crescent glade will replenish them and the glory of conquering a town will raise him a bit in my sister's court."


Welcome to Equestria chapter 7

I quieted a little bit and approached the door. lightening the mood a little, i came up with a little rhythm on the spot. _ **\*tap-tap-tap tap tap tap, tap\*** _ a small voice came inside, which i could barely pick up with my hearing. "o-oh my?

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My Little Pony Season 5

I do not own my little pony so don't sue.

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Rape Is Bad and You Should Feel Bad

With small steps of her forehooves, she kept herself balanced as she let butch place her perpendicular to her previous position, resisting him only a little.


Fallout Equestria: Letters to Celestia - Foreword

Foreword this foreword is being written after i am already a little way into writing the third chapter of this tale. i've stopped, gone back and added this little snippet before the intro.


My Little Pony; Friendship is Magic: Friends Beyond Magic

#4 of my little pony my little pony friendship is magic friends beyond magic this chapter will not have pinkie pie breaking the fourth wall. what?! aww come on dracie! no! in addition, please do not call me that!

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Face of an Angel, Mind of a Succubus

little mac smiled at this, he _had_ had a light lunch today. _'guess it wouldn't hurt to sneak in a little snack before dinner.'_he thought as he trotted to the kitchen.

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A little story about little me

Age regressors like me tend to call ourselves ''littles''. we're a ''little''. each little has their own age and their own preferences when they enter their headspace. some live in this headspace 24/7 and publically.


Prologue: Primary Sources

"Disaster in the Celestial Sea: Search Underway for Survivors of North Star Sinking." _Canterlot Post_. 4 January, 1135. BALTIMARE - Pegasus search teams were deployed late last night in search of survivors from the _SS North Star_. The...

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Freundschaft ist Verantwortung

# Freundschaft ist Verantwortung Die Sonne stand hoch am Himmel an diesem kalten Novembertag. Doch der tiefblaue, blitzeblank gefagte Himmel war geradezu ein Hohn, wenn man sich in Erinnerung rief, was gerade in ganz Equestria und auch in den...

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It Was Supposed To Be A Costume Chapter 3

Well she was a big fan of my little pony and loved seeing the wonderbolts which apparently were the shows version of the blue angels and wish she could be like them. she bought the out fit for laughs for herself.

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