El Dorado (Book7, Chapter12)

Almost as dense as platinum, but oddly light. its melting point is actually the thing that gets me. thirty-five hundred degrees fahrenheit. that's higher than platinum. it's also less reactive than platinum.

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Warmth in the Arctic: Chapter 1 (Patreon Platinum)

#1 of warmth in the arctic (patreon platinum) disclaimer!!! this is the first 1k words for the full story that is located on my patreon.

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Broadened Perspectives

The platinum fox scrambled to his feet as bursik's grasping paw swept closer to him. he had been slightly powdered by the explosion of donuts he hit.

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Hero, Chapter 6

And platinum gym staff had ready stashes of lube available for their clients. tavoro had hiro bent over, ass up and legs wide apart.

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7even Towers: Chapter Three

, silver occurs in only about ten percent of users, and platinum has not been seen since the death of the last black user."

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Tock's Tales - Intro & Glossary

**platinum** - the platinum is the most valuable coin generally available. it is worth approximately 50gold.

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Hero, Chapter 7

Fuck platinum gym. and fuck this fucking contest." hiro answered. his voice was dead and flat. tavoro let him go. shaking his horned head, he returned to platinum to run damage control. \* hiro didn't go home at first.

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Everyone Has a Tell

A certain platinum paw had found its way beneath the table, unseen by the others, and was steadily rolling the gigantic balls that the tanuki was known for.

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The platinum shepherd ace is forcing the crystal taur to clean his equipment! oh how lewd," the announcer would shout. and the crowd watched in silence as the taur licked the shepherd's crotch.

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Fyro's Vacation

I followed him inside to see the shiniest crystal platinum hotel in my life. i walked up to the front desk to hear the desk attendant say, "welcome to the crystal platinum hotel.

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Catalyst Core (prologue?)

It wasn't platinum. he wasn't sure what it was. he thought it was a weak catalyst but it felt right for some reason. he grabbed the catalyst and immediately felt the sphere around him change.

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3 of Clubs

They even took his briefcase (hydra scale with platinum fittings, f.k.

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