Patrat TF

It was a rattata, one of the smallest pokemon in the nevermore forest, and it was chosen to look for jimmy in the little town it's in. upon seeing him, the little rat stops and puts a devious grin on it's muzzle, ready to get into action.

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Lost Pokémon Episode 19: The Final Chapter.

Miles and the rattata line up preparing to follow along the course. rattata flicks his tail while he waits to begin. miles stays silent as he focuses on remembering the path to take. miles contemplates of letting the rattata get a head start.

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Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Route 32 and Union Cave

Continuing along the route it wasn't long before i was challenged by a youngster who sent out a rattata and i sent out my wooper and had wooper use water gun and defeat rattata.

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[c] It's a Monster House!

The fastest of the rattata pounced her, his dick slipping in effortlessly and drawing a long, heavy sigh from the pikachu.

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Pokemon MD: Mystic Remnants - Chapter Two

A rattata the like i'd never seen before launched itself from the jungle and jumped me, shouting out something in some language i did not understand.

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Experimental Escaped DNA Pokemon chapter two

Both buizel and riolu nodded, but that made riolu feel even worse for forcing rattata. "what about rattata that riolu forced?" buizel asked.

Lost Pokemon Episodes: Episode 4

All it took was just one blast to knock out the rattata because he was still supercharged from flash fire. the burly grunt gets mad and recalls rattata.

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Lost Pokemon Episodes: Episode 2

The hit did critical damage and the rattata fainted after the hit. "very good bayne. return rattata." this went on until only hakuzo was left. "looks like you're the last one, hakuzo show me what you got!"

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Arc 1 - Pebble - 6: The Aftermath

The rattata nodded his green helmet to pebble and the mew released him from his telekinetic grasp, dropping him a good 50 feet.

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Turning Over A New Leaf! - Chapter 9

I watched as bulbasaur dashed towards the rattata in front of us, her vines popping from the bulb on her back. the rattata looked a bit nervous, but barred its fangs all the same and jumped towards bulbasaur.

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A rattata's nose is one of the most fine-tuned instruments in the world. he would have smelled synapse's approach and avoided him.

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