Violet moon

She readied another clip and fired 40 mm explosive rounds into the chest of a brood lord wounding it severly and fired into several smaller seekers who were blown apart the blood going everywhere and burning everything it landed on she threw he rifle at the

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Seekers Tale Part 20

He drops to one knee and lowers his head even farther saying, "i am sorry for my crimes alpha seeker and submit to your judgment."

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Seekers Tale Part 18

#19 of seekers tale a darker chapter to seekers tale with some more disturbing images and scenes. again special thanks to wolfie steel and crazy one for the use of their respective fursonas.

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Seekers Tale Part 28

#29 of seekers tale part 28 when rosalie, shadow, and i enter the entrance way heading to the door we run into wolfie and his pack along with the rest of my pack as well as aduro and harandoom.

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The Seeker, Chapter 15

Seeing that made me really glad my mistress made me take down my stupid sign.** **great lord ba'al had watched the whole thing with a satisfied smile on his face, and looking at the seeker had winked his eye, and the seeker had grinned at him with

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Bad to the bone (1)

#1 of bad to the bone here is a new story that i have started writing in collaboration with wolf seeker, i hope you guys like it, the first chapter has been co-written between myself and wolf seeker, i would like to thank him for agreeing to do a story with

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Death Sentence Survival

"i have a bit of a proposition for you, little miss seeker." "i'm not a seeker anymore," zohara growls. "do you really expect me to believe that?" undine challenges as one hand moves to zohara's groin. "i know your trial was a farce.

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Seekers Tale Part 9

seeker, we didn't know you were back....... uhm..... how long have you been back?"

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Under the Sundowner Part 08

"alec, let me introduce seeker, the accordia defense league's second most irritating member." "second?" seeker asked, as she punched tye in the arm. "i'm jace, former slave of the terran confederation." the coyote said, as he offered his hand to alec.

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