A Failed Duty - Chapter 12

An ambassador versus a god of war. an illusionist versus a general. and a gatekeeper versus the former leader of the titans, who, right now, was outmatching my father. to say i was scared would be an understatement.

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An Era of Chivalry 12 - The End Of An Era

This was a classic duel, swordsman versus swordsman, master versus student. james had no idea if he could even beat such a hero, but all that mattered to him now, was to try his hardest.

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An Era of Chivalry 8 - The First Year

The clashing of blades rang throughout the morning forest, reptile versus amphibian, youth versus experience, speed versus skill.

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Chris Klebb Versus Anthro Island: The Sexumentary

It's midway between day and night, but the scorching hot sun in the sky would never so much as hint at that. The way he stands high and proud, roaring in the skies above, dispersing the dry, smouldering-hot air half as hot as an oven everywhere he...

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Jeremy 063; A Game Of Predator Versus Prey

I have a bit of a surprise for you lot this week. Well, most of you since this chapter was seen in the first run, but then again that was a long time ago and I have no idea how good your memory is. Only one way to find out... Jeremy closed the...

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Prologue - You would be too if you did what they did

By this time, humanity versus recoms. but there was an australian town wiped off the map, man, woman and child brutally killed, the methods used were slow and...well, unpleasant would be putting it lightly.


He bit into a hot roll and found it just the right amount of crunchy outside versus soft and fluffy inside. a moan escaped him and he heard her giggle. "this is just what i needed, that last bounty sucked." he groaned as he thought about work.

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Chapter 7: This Wasn't Pleasant

He thought that this was where his life ends... in a battle versus four of his kind. no, this isn't the end - james thought to himself. he quickly hid in a bush and from there he shot another two and then... bang!


Will of the Alpha 3 micro-reviews

"the were-human" by chastity chatterly pro: interesting play on wolf versus human interactions. good reminder that bdsm need not be complicated. con: from the title and first paragraph, one can guess the outcome of first half of the story.

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Zombiology - Horse

Another short story in the zombiology collection, animals versus zombies. the mare snorted a warning at the advancing figures, her head lowered toward the ground. she pawed at the ground and gave one more warning that went unheeded.

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The League: The Bridge Pt. 1

_red versus black_ there was no break between the matches and both shetland and the bullmastiff he faced made their way to the starting positions.

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Rexi and Talon: 21 -- 'Zackton Silvercane'

Although the relative and comparative meanings of pearls versus emeralds versus sapphires ... could be tricky.

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