Star Fox Reborn Intro

His blaster merely stuns targets and he is a master of hand-to-hand combat and stealth. as a member of dax's team, he doesn't get much opportunity to fly. he is cocky, immature, and has minimal field experience.

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He has a moderate level of skill with hand to hand combat, and training with guns and blades. characteristics: a magical hitman by trade, laporkra has earned a reputation for brutality. his enemies and associates have good cause to fear him.

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Twokinds Revolution Chapter 6

hand to hand? basic weapons knowledge? it can't be marksmanship, there isn't a range." "its calculus. no take your seat." the basitin said again slightly aggravated. "calcu-what?" seth said, starting to panic a bit.

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DC Profile: Heat Wave

Nbsp; rust **fur/skin:** tan **gender:** male **class:** b **known abilities:** molecular manipulation (heat), pyrokinesis, superior intelligence, engineering expertise, basic hand-to-hand

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Character Reference Sheet: Vincent

Skills: high accuracy, great at predicting strategy and tactics, hand-to-hand combat, athletic, long range telepathy description: vince is a sharp man, tall and straight like a razor, cut muscular body and defined features, and eyes that stab right to the


Out Of Time - Book 2: The Element - Chapter 3: Making Contact Part 1

The two spared in hand to hand combat, to which the panda was forbidden the use of powers, which was fine for him, gave him a chance to regain movement and strength in his muscles

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Jade and Amethyst (Chapter 2)

"how is your hand to hand combat?" he asked as he turned to face her. "hand to hand? pretty basic, but, um..." as alaric turned to face her, giada blushed and glanced away. he was just as bare as the chamber. completely uncovered.

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Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 104: Feast Of The Damned

"corey, we can't fight them hand to hand, they are much stronger than us!" i looked at the blue prototype which was still struggling to pull the pink sedan up the side of the ravine and then at the fighting werewolves.

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raptor's delight

He was training his hand-to-hand skills on a dummy that a lycanthrope had kindly lent him. he heard a sound nearby, and spun towards the noise, seeing a female raptor standing at the only entrance to the courtyard. "oh. are you training?"

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Ch. 4 Dieing is easy its living thats a pain in the ass

Some of the gunners were still alive and hand to hand fighting broke out. it did not last very long though. with the last of the gunners killed we took a step over to the old fountain in the middle of the town.

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Astaroth part 2- The birth

The fourth one was a crescent shaped double edged wooden sword, clearly designed as a hand-to-hand weapon. it was a curious toy but the real one would look very gruesome.

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Character Profile: Render

Opponents altitudes, or mid-range throws, and spikes to be used at close range as a striking-distance weapon (he physically jams it into the foe).despite the cleaver tactics, the the physical ability and the weapons he possesses, render's specialty isn't in hand-to-hand
