Chapter 46: You Taste Like Him
The Seduction of Seleste _from the world of the mating season_ You Taste Like Him Chapter 46 After everything that had happened, Keme didn't think it was possible that he could feel so embarrassed, but he did. Aren pulled back and tenderly...
Chapter 45: I Remember You
The Seduction of Seleste _from the world of the mating season_ I Remember You Chapter 45 The next day, Honiahaka seemed to sleep forever. Everyone was concerned, and Taigi pretended to be as clueless and concerned as the others. But Keme knew...
Chapter 44: Just Let Me
The Seduction of Seleste _from the world of the mating season_ Just Let Me Chapter 44 Keme awoke when he felt the blanket being pulled off his body. He thought it was Honiahaka shifting restlessly in his sleep and reached blindly for it. His...
Part ONE
He was the oddball in a diverse city, the only maned wolf. when he had moved to the area, he thought it would be an advantage to stand out, but now, five years later, he was left in solitude.
Looking Back
Hey guys- I know it's been a while since I've written anything. Truth be told I have kept on writing, but just haven't posted anything here. I kind of deviated from the furry scene for a while. No yiff. x3 Sorry if that's what your after. I didn't...
The male baby sitter
THE MALE BABY SITTER Its was the night of the full moon. Mr and mrs wolfer were getting ready for a long dinner at their inlawa's place. "but mom cant i come?" said their 16 year old son jeff. "no you cant....becuase only grownups are...
Chapter 34: He Keeps the Cold Out
The Seduction of Seleste _from the world of the mating season_ He Keeps the Cold Out Chapter 34 Honiahaka tried to make Seleste stay behind at the camp, but she insisted on coming when he, Keme, and Soomse set out to collect Talisa. Soomse...
Chapter 29: Because You’re Here
The Seduction of Seleste _from the world of the mating season_ Because You're Here Chapter 29 Thinking fast, Seleste pretended she didn't know Keme at all. She put on a superior expression and held out her little foot, ordering sharply that Keme...
Chapter 15: Hated Matwau
The Seduction of Seleste from the world of the mating season Hated Matwau Chapter 15 The ship was torn to pieces in the storm. What was left of it now floated in pieces along the quiet surface of the sea, and what was left of the crew floated...
Adept Paws Interlude: Oathbound
Ears pricking forward, the maned wolf stood silent a tense moment before answering. her silver armor shone in the faint starlight. no moon would be seen this night. "having second thoughts, are we?" "i am oath-bound to follow you, my lady."
Chapter 7: Butt-rape and Bubbles
Chapter 7: Butt-rape and Bubbles John came back around five o' clock, and it was obvious to the rest of the Harris household that he was drunk. Though John could hold his liquor, there was a glassiness to his blue eyes, a sarcastic...
Chapter 42: I Love You, Worthless Male
Chapter 42: I Love You, Worthless Male Keeno knew Zalia would be home when he returned. Because he knew her. He knew how much she hated it, each time he left the village. He knew that she sat up at night, scared out of her pretty mind...