Day 4 of Hypnovember: Master/Pet

#4 of hypnovember 2022 let's continue day 4 with the prompt "master/pet", because sometimes control is just that... control. listen and obey your master as the good pet you are. and who's better to give you orders than your old man?

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Master's Pet - Prologue: The Storyteller Appears

#2 of master's pet this is the prologue for my book master's pet.

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Hypnovember - Day 8: Master/Pet

Day 8 - master/pet "just the two of us" by patrick d. lambert commissioned by hon the day went by as always, and both the tiger and the bear met outside the train station to walk the rest of the way back home together.

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TwoKinds: Master's Pet Part 1

To him she is just the "master's pet". but kathrin is willing to show them that she just isn't the pet of the vaughan family. (twokinds, kathrin, mike, and evals and art are all in ownership of tom fischbach.

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[Patreon] Fur to Scale

Content warning: The following story contains depictions of consentual species-based superiority play. One of the first things they warn you about when you achieve a level of cross-galactic fame is that there will be porn of you. Sure, most...

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Made to Order

**Made to Order by Quixerotic** William waited in Lydia's office attempting to suppress his impatience. He didn't think Mr. Vasquez would be irritated if Lydia kept him occupied with something necessary, but sitting around waiting didn't seem...

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A New Master

- - A New Master - - John Davis was an average man who had a strange fascination. You see, John was a man just like you and me. Young, in his early 20's, brown hair, and just a little on the chubby side, John was a college student on his way to being...

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Changing Christy - Dog Days

(The following is a work of fiction, based off of multiple events and role-plays. While it does not contain sex at this time, it does contain transformation and such.) The air was cool, taking on the chill of the fall that would soon turn to...

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Jamais Dans Ma Vie

Jamais Dans Ma Vie Chapter 1 by Nikora Angeli * * * DISCLAIMER: I don't know french. I used a dictionary, so if it is messed up, THAT'S WHY! And my writing's been crap lately. Apologies for that. This is theoretically part of a series, but...

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A Master's Love

This is very short. And was written because it was something I needed to write. Enjoy. The small cat shuddered as she entered the well-lit apartment. Wearing a baggy shirt, pants and gloves, she covered herself, her head hanging in shame. ...

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Welcome to yet another of my stories but...well to be frank this one is a bit darker and weirder than my last one. I figured I might as well branch into everything and see what I'm good at. Hope you enjoy! P.S. If you mention that this is cliche...

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