Armored Impotence

Heiken snorted quietly and shook his head, feeling the armored neck plates and helmet shift just a little. those were secure, tight without constraining him. he wished the same could be said about the armored cod piece.

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Faltering Reality

Said the scott, the lead techie in the armor project and one of leviticos' closest friends. "it would be a real shame to lose one of our finest armor pilots." "so these are the new armor units scott?" said leviticos.

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Breeder City S2 Ep.5 (Final)

Nina threw her green armoured arms back, her tits bouncing as bright lights highlighted her crotch and nipples, the armoured materializing there.

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The Bureau: Chapter Four

From the look of it, it was an easily removable addition to the armor and likely part of the armor order.

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Holy revenge

The goblins snickered, "the armor that you found is a armor with goblin enchantments on it. only goblins can wear it, any non-goblin that wears it... well you see the effects now."

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Sweetwater and Bella (Otter/wolverine rape and vore)

Her armor covered the front of her legs, but not her back...and not where the thick fleshy tip slid now.

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chapter 1 Get Up!

Said luna as she walked over to me caring my armor on her back and sting it next to me. "thank you princes." i said getting ready to confront shining armor. "now just so you know shining armor no hard feeling when i kick you flank." i said with a smile.

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The Guard Tower

Getting a good grip of the twine wrapped around the set of armor he begins climbing. "ugh....this armor is heavier than usual, how can someone fight with all this extra weight?"

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Halo: RODST (Chapter One: Mission Complete)

The armor looks a lot like standard odst armor, but it was more armored, had the digital/multi-cam instead of the urban pattern, and acted like the mjolnir armor.

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Commission: Rise of the Serpent General Part 2

Man dressed in what had to be seen as some kind of mystic armor.

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Halo: Left Behind, Chapter 4: Why We Fight

The masculine armored figure stepped onto the bridge stridently, plated boots thudding steel-to-steel. his armor was pocketed with dents, scorch marks, and colorful splashes of odd dyed fluids.

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