Ch22. Lesson Sixteen. Mixing Herds

The next day, suffice it to say, was a bit of a trial physically. I was tired. I'd gotten only a few hours sleep, and it was all I could do to concentrate on my work. Yes, Bruce showed up for class. He was much more subdued that before. I wasn't happy...

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Might Makes Right

Makes Right Chapter 1 Derek opened his eyes. His head hurt horribly. He was strapped down to a metal medical table of some kind. A bright fluorescent light shone down on him, and flickered intermittently. An IV ran from his wrist to some type of a...

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Might Makes Right Chaper 1.5 - Interlude

Franklin looked up at the clock on the mantle within his living room. The whine of a European siren, probably an ambulance, wailed up from the street bellow. Two o'clock. The letter said to meet his contact at four thirty. He had plenty of time. The...

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Reaching Within

"Mr. Stevens is on line two Mr. Taylor." The receptionist called over the intercom. "Indeed, thanks Sarah, I'll take it." The tall stallion dressed in a smart navy business suit picked up the phone. "Shaun here.." he intoned as he sat back in his plush...

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Robery and Revenge

Jessie coughed a little as the cattle dog counted out the rows of bills in the till in front of him. It was getting really hot out in the Arizona Territory sun. Dust settled over everything. Every time the door opened another blast from the desert...

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Coming to Terms: Farewell

Brandon looked out of the car window as Donny drove him down the tree lined street. He sighed a little at his current thoughts. Donny, his now lion lover, looked over at him several times. "It'll be ok Bran, really." Brandon sighed, his breath fogging...

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Coming to Terms: New Firsts

Brandon breathed out as the last of his load dumped into the tight ass of the lion beneath him. Donny snarled ferally, his blond mane and golden pelt drenched in sweat, and suddenly in his milky white cum as his thick lion meat erupted. He equine...

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Ch.9. Outside Members

Dex grinned to himself as he watched the shark twins walk past him without acknowledging him. It had been a few days since the fight, and the two sharks seemed to be doing everything in their power to avoid him. He finished eating the sandwich and...

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Ch.8. Swim Team Intoductions

"Sharks? Identical Twin Sharks?" Aden raised his eyebrows as Dex explained the swim team situation to him. A smile formed on his lips. He'd always wanted twins. Females, or males, and his mate seemed to be the one with all the luck, catching the eye of...

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Ch7. Orientation Pt.2

Aden sighed as the speaker continued. "All the wonderful opportunities that await you here at state...blah blah blah." He felt his control over his old self slip a little, but let it. Sometimes he couldn't help it. The brash young pony came back, and...

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Coming to Terms: Final First

Brandon walked up to the oaken door of Ben's modest house, glancing down the tree lined street and taking in the scents of late summer. He'd been coming here for quite a few months. At first he'd been very timid and shy, over time he'd grown...

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Coming to Terms: Another First

Brandon strode up to the huge oak door of Ben's bungalow as the sun finally slipped slowly behind the horizon. The older part of the city was ripe with trees, and was much cooler than the outter concrete parts. Ben's house resided in the well off...

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