Second Chances - Chapter 22

In the dingy yellow glow of the lightbulb, in the humid summer night heat, i canceled all of my classes for the upcoming semester, and began searching for any cheap schools still taking applications.

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Teaching the Rabbit - Le Rongeur Masque

The back rooms of the establishment are dark and dingy, and they betray more of the seedy look that cream was initially anticipating.

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Pronghorns Forever

When she got to her dingy apartment, she would find an envelope waiting for her just under the door.

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Teddy Bear

The dingy light coming in through the front door and windows illuminated what appeared to be a toy store. theo picked up his tag, tucked it under the leather sash, and stood up, pushing a ty lion over the edge of the carousel.

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His shiny blue scales were damp and dingy with sweat and dirt. flamedramon had discarded his armor, his own body drenched with sweat as he fell onto his back in the grass.

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House of Pleasure ver 1

He was taken into the small dingy offices and given a piece of paper to sign. he did so without thinking and was startled when the two jackal's chuckled and slapped each other on the back.

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Twisted Tales: Peter Rabbit

He clapped to himself as he picked up a dingie little plastic baggie filled about half way with a muddy brown powder. his cousin had warned him once, about cats, but in that bag was all the money he had, and he had to make it last.

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average day in the life of an obese fox

He reached gingerly around the ball of blubber and caught the end of the dingy lace with a claw.

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Fuck Me Ragged - "Perv."

Meanwhile, the dingy avatar on the screen was getting slaughtered. "careful." the bunny's character hastily cleared the room of bad guys, squatted at a nearby fireplace and saved. the game exited out to the menu.

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The Forbidden Fruit's Sweetest

Reed lay on a dingy twin mattress that he'd slept on as long as he could recall. they'd fought again, as they'd been more recently. reed was becoming a man, too old for his playful sister.

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Much Ado About Bluebottles

Obviously not big on preening, their owner had let them fade into a mish-mash of dingy hues. tr'lia identified reds, browns and purples through the grime. "hello," she said. "and a good morning to you, my dear!"

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The Creation of a Soul

However, you can always wash away that dingy coating, and try again to repaint yourself with the color of your own positivity and success. dirtying, cleansing, and redoing; these are all part of your journey, whatever you make it to be."

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