On the Job: Dominating

The way the soft, fragility of it contrasted the coarse rope looped around the girl's wrists. or of course, it could have been the way she moaned and squealed - twitching and wriggling where she hung.

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Snuffing Muffet

Pulling both with a sharp tug, you rip the fragile arms from their sockets, sending muffet into spasms.

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I shift my gaze, forcefully, to the small, fragile boy that i had curled up with to protect against the demon of the black hearts. his once shining fur was mattered and bloodied and his face contorted in pain.

Story Fragment - Once again, ramblings from a fractured mind...

The foot was long and slender, it seemed almost fragile, and his mind swirleed, before he realised whose foot he was staring at, and shly lifted his head up to look at the kangaroo who stood there, gazing down at him, his paws balled on his hips as

City of Love and Hope

Futures and love are fragile, they are vulnerable, breakable. we can try to pass by, but if we deniy our hope for who we love, why do we bother living?

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Accursed Dragon: Guardians of the Four Seasons(TEASER)

In order to fight despond, he'll need the help of three other dragons...both in battle and to support his now fragile mental state... i own noting this is just an idea i had... the winter dragon, bound by shadows. hopelessness around.

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The Fox of the Frozen North

He wandered quietly across the snow-covered fields, where the vast, frosty ground lays bare and ice never yields; with every soft step, the fox moved freely without a care, leaving nothing but fragile paw prints that lead to nowhere.

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These times are hard, yes they are the sun seems to set so far for such a close bright star never has a day been so bizarre for my fragile heart i go into my car to find my broken parts and try find a new start some nights are cold, as i was once told

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Jus so U know...

More than an answer unsure, we share in an unclear ambition to have a future never written in stone one made from appreciation, for understanding, mutual company, & simply realizing in this, one another is never truly alone it's made of the most fragile

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Dragonheart Spirits (Re Uploaded)

Situation sadly she's come to desperation and when she cries you can only realize the insanity she holds deep inside her that your words of hate and sorrow are in her head the soul you see, screaming for freedom as she digs the shiv into her fragile

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My palms were raw and bleeding, but still, i held the pieces; fragile and oh so frail... unable to repair the damage that was done, i kissed the tears from his cheeks and swallowed every shard he'd given to me...

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Hello again...more than a friend...

One in the same a loving thought beyond expression, forgetting we had each a name blindly showing all faults as if in a flawed game it's hard to look back, the pains come more in thought than motion priceless was our life, so we took for granite the fragile

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