Terminology and Names

These are standard and very often mentioned levels of formations, and i don't know how i forgot to include them.

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Praetorian: Chapter 3

Criminal record checks were standard practice, but genetic screenings? health risk assessments? mental scans? that was beyond anything lucian had heard of.

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Experiment Log 11234.5478

Surface texture, aside from its white tint and glowing runes, resembles that of a standard great auk egg. after rune translation, suspected to have some kind of connection to [redacted].

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The Kovarudia

The "standard model" of the suits comes with one pair of arms, one pair of legs, a single head, and a single tail.

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Characteristics: kiessu is small for a snow leopard by nearly one third the standard size. he bears the scars of a brutal assault upon his person.

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$$ Writing Commissions Available $$

I do sfw and nsfw stories and have a high personal standard to make you the best possible story i can write.

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New species: Wynx

But it will not change its standard species. **brooding (average # of offspring):** 6 offspring average, cases of up to 12. offspring are rare and their mortality rate is incredibly high due to social standards and the nutrition they receive.

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The sights! The sights!

Fun hike, definitely wouldn't pass safety standards here, and boy was it a windy day!


Introduction to Manipulators: Linguistics and Phonetics

Sure, they can communicate silently using the enic (see "the brains, the computer, and the data stream"), but that doesn't communicate emotion or meaning near as well as their standard language.

13 (DSV Nautica)Destinies

196 standard years ago...the moon of new ayr was a hive of activity all hours of the day. they had a mission. a ship to build.

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Non-Traditional / Non-Binary / Same-Sex relationships in WtV

Old notes on sexuality in regards to non-standard situations non-traditional / non-binary / same-sex relationships in wtv this is still a wip, though its the two most relevant factions i am covering here.

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Chapter 3 - Getting Acquainted

It's a standard machine, with 6 spaces to place balls. jules grabs 3 of his pokeballs, places them in the slots, and activates the machine. glass spheres slide down over the pokeballs and the healing process begins.
