New Experiences: Rebirth

While veemon was turned away stitch charged in. veemon put his hand back and caught stitch with a straight palm. once again stitch fell to the floor. veemon said, "you're an ignorant weakling.

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stitch stood up, "i can't do this. i can't keep doing this with you." kiff asked, "why not?" stitch said, "angel..." kiff said, "angel chose to be with veemon. i saw her pretty much ask for him to sex." stitch asked, "what?"

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Getting Ripped

The magic thread crawled up over the otter's cheeks and stitched into his lips, pulling his lips closed and stitching a perpetual smile on his face.

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Deadlist Assassin

The faster i do this the quicker i'll be able to see stitch." veemon gasped, "stitch? wait, stop, seriously, i know of stitch." angel backed down and asked, "what are you talking about?"

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Tricking the Masters

stitch got off and looked at spike. spike said, "thanks so much, i rather appreciate..." stitch just leaned in and kissed spike. as stitch came back spike was pretty much left motionless again for about a minute before he went back and kissed stitch.

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The Nightmare Begins

Lilo giggled as she saw stitch helping her up with his lower arms while using his upper arms to hold the sandwiches and hold him onto the roof. "thanks stitch!"

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Hell Week p. 1-35

"damn it, stitch, don't you start with me." they called him stitch. his real name was anastacio, but stitch obviously suggested itself. they couldn't very well call him ana, they already had one of those. stubbornly. still.

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He noticed some movement to either side as gut and stitch joined in the fun. already naked, stitch's arms wrapped around him as his legs rooted themselves underneath them. with jesse there to hold him up.

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Maios story

In a flash she had finished with the changes the tigress feeling every stitch pulled and every bit of stuffing rearranged not in pain just an odd feeling right up to when malisa pulled the final stitch tight.

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Todd's Senior Prom (Part 4)

'fuck this,' stitch said. 'i'm outta here.' 'no you're not,' jack said, standing up and blocking stitch's exist. 'you know why? because you aint stopping me getting paid.' 'this isn't about money,' stitch said. 'get out of my way.'

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Sharp Shooter-Chapter 6-Second Chance

My tail had a long stitch going down nearly three quarters of it's length and i had stitches on my chest as well as having had my ears patched. my mangled arm was covered in medical warp with two metal splints on it,covered in more warping.

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