Timely rescue

* * * really wanted to do a story with time travel, next to magic its another of the great plot-hole fillers, although mine is a very different world of time travel than most.

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immortal 4

Kiff said, "maybe we shouldn't go around messing with time travel." monodramon said, "there is only one more thing i want to check out before we let it return." they traveled back in time once more.

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Namath Walker == Part One, Chapter One

Namath walker was a traveler of the earth and a traveler of the earth indeed for many, many days. for how many days, no one did not quite know, but if i were to make a guess, at least 20,000 years long, give or take more or less.

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Nujema: The First Stop

She says she has to go and that it was nice traveling with me.

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Into the Unknown-Chapter 1-The beginning of the voyage

INTO THE UNKNOWN Prologue- ~So how do you begin on where it all started at? Do you relate on how when originally the general idea of populating space on unknown with it being the first ships to be sent out? Or how everything was sent into chaos by...

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Solid Ground CHapter 1 (Draft)

#1 of the paradigm zephyr: tales of dusk two she kitties are traveling through nevada on the way across country. who they meet and who they trust will change their lives forever, if they're able to keep them that is.

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The Captain's Captive- Gateway to the Green East

Since neither of them had anything to eat since the start of their travel, the first thing kron and sheer did was head to a nearby restaurant.

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Arkansas (Wendell)

Todd and I agreed to switch places until we hit Oklahoma. In this state, according to the GPS will only take about four hours to drive through. Doesn't sound too bad right? Let's hope so. "Should we just go through Arkansas without stopping until we...

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Timler Chronor's Journal

His power, by the way, is time travel. he has the ability to freeze and rewind time for short periods, and he is unaffected. everyone else around him is slightly aware of it, but usually dismiss it as déjà vu.

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Galvroode Ekahshtan

He toyed with his ice cube in the glass before him, punching it against the walls of the glass and not trying to push it further into the drink. He stopped for a second and took it up and sipped from the glass. He put it back down in the same ring of...

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In From The Cold (Vore Story)

"traveller? we are here..." the rito said with a bit of nervousness in his voice. he had done this several times, but he always worried that his belly would have made his passenger into a thick gut sludge at this point.

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Nathanriel's Fate- Chapter 8

If anything, the odds of me finding the cure to my curse is far greater travelling with one of fate's children than if i were to travel by myself." "you're under a curse?" claden asks. "what kind of curse?" "oh, i'm actually a human.

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