MLP: Prelude pt 7

I know this may not have been the way you wanted to find out about us, nor your origins lunar but it is your heritage and your birthright. you are the son of gaia and azure sky as well as a member of the house of elidar."


Harpoon Fishing:1

My father doubled as mayor of the town, as was his birthright. as would someday be mine. unfortunately, leadership wasn't for me. i only wanted the simple life of a fisherman with one significant other with me.

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Half-Blood Chapter LVI

Grandpa wouldn't be able to stop one and if you lose you could not only lose your birthright you might even be banished from home and never allowed to return. you'd never be able to go home again and all of us could be banished as well."

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Negotiations (Chap12, book8)

Some of that shit belongs to me by birthright. it's up to me what i want to do with it." "i don't think you're getting the point," said conner. he gave the cane a spin, then a twirl.

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Half-Blood Chapter L

"ian doesn't care because he just wants to be himself, but i know he secretly worries about losing his birthright, but he has his parents' support and hopefully he'll be able to get support from isaac.

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Half-Blood Chapter XLIX

I need to have people take me more seriously, especially if i plan on fighting for my birthright. because let's face it, when people find out i'm gay i will be challenged.

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Half-Blood Chapter LII

I want you, but i also want my birthright and right now having both is impossible unless the laws are changed," he said, shaking his head in frustration.

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Snowlit Dawn - Book 2 Chapter 3

This is **our** roof dorrin, the farm is your birthright, or have you **forgotten**?"

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Outcast - Chapter 1

I had another name once, one that was my birthright as first-born son to my father. it was a name he gave to me, and when the time came i would give it to my first born son.

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Chapter 5: Special Delivery, or Do You Believe in Sandy Claws?

Not only have you given my daughter a new home and birthright, but you've made possible the transformation of the aggoni desert into a place of life and fertility. give night my regards, and visit my temple whenever you're around."

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Wolf and Fox: IR + CD?! (old)

I mean, ir had gained his abilities by drawing it in with his souls awkward wavelength, not by birthright and such. ...and she, she had gained them by--- "no!" she yelped. gah! she thought, clamping both hands over her mouth.

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Chapter 2: Reliquary of the Divine Dragon

"it is time for me to claim my birthright." as the hand touches the stone, a bright flash issues forth. blinding light fills the room as i hear shen cry out in triumph.

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