First Day in Hell

It's really fifty-fifty." "why not heaven?" fifty-fifty? perhaps? a little more certainty with my eternity, please, she thought. the judge shrugged. "don't fret. it's just that i sent quite a few people to heaven, i want to be fair to hell.

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Tales of the Strange presents: You Are What You Eat

Mercedes stuck out her tongue and wrinkled her snout, but fifty bucks was fifty bucks. she was going in. what mercedes found inside was an overgrown candyscape.

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Lord of Anthroan Chapter 4

fifty men assembled in a semi-circle at the entrance to the base. fifty one took up positions of concealment. the wolves slowly marched into view. they held their weapons at the ready. twenty yards away they spread out and prepared to fire.

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Between Winters, Part XVI

Turning around, he discovered that he was no longer alone; fifty archers and knights stared back at him. he was caught on the wrong side of the blockade and facing the allied army.

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Through The Looking Glass Chapter 1-A

One hundred laps around the mountain was was usually began their day, with the first fifty being run by the bear and the second fifty being done by the breegull on a talon trot.

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Ch2 : Change of plans

The expression on his face was telling : "my fifty mate".

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Point 89

Hain shouted, panicked, his finger holding down on the triggers for the fifty-cals up top, when burst firing was proceedure. lunatic stepped on the gas and the tank lurched forward.


Nanowrimo: Flexible Survival 1/30

fifty thou, you take this guy out for a spin on this mission of yours. you like it, give me another fifty. you don't like it, give it back and i'll give you fourty back, and we'll chalk it up to a ten k rental."

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Nevermore (Chapter 1)

The rookie let the fifty-cal blaze. i watched through the rearview mirror and saw a fire start in the prop's motor. almost instantaneously the chopper went into a spin.

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Zootopia: More Than Partners, More Than Friends - Part 12

Finnick snatched the fifty from nick's paw, all the while looking disgusted. "fine, fifty it is!" "you'll get another fifty when those two are in custody," reassured nick. "deal," agreed finnick.

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The Mystic Sands | Chapter 1

"four hundred and fifty." the auctioneer nodded. "four-fifty to the grey-frocked raccoon in the front. four-fifty, four-fifty!"

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Would you like ahh...m...milkshake? (Part 1)

Shaking her head she remembered it was table fifty-six. "fifty-six. fifty-six." she kept chanting it in her head and under her breath as she made her way through the diner towards the back. her hands were shaking.

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