Consortium 1-1: TD14 Chapter 6

With the fleet positioned as it is the ring will be fine. it'll just be our fleet that will be fucked. no offense," the nod slightly at toreselia.

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Halo: First Contact, Chapter 3: The Universe Is A Big Place

"the fleet is ready to fire, but ours are at ninety percent and the supers are at seventy." "damn, have the fleet wait to fire on my command; we need to have a full charge." "admiral, enemy fleet is sending fighters, there are hundreds of them!"

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Wind of Change: Chapter 28

"there is a lot to explain, both to you and the aquran fleet..." "aquran fleet? the one in front of us is an aquran fleet?

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Ablaze Ch.5: Battle of Senchen (2)

Explosions blossom on the sides of a few ships, creating deafening crashes that resonate through the entire fleet. just ten minutes later, the wasp-1s reach the fleet.

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Spiral Nebula - Chapter 28

The image of the fleets and defenses burning in orbit gave the kit a sense of déjà vu. reopening his eyes, yukiomaru watched the remainder of the fleet struggle against the infected capital ships.

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Crusader Part 11

The fleets emerge from jump space, the site of a massive fleet getting their full attention, the smallest frigate to mighty battle cruisers marked with the curved seven and many other symbols, converted civilian ships also line the fleet, most notably mining

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And the comms operator voiced that a majority of the fleet had elected to follow the admiral's plan. mathias smiled softly and nodded. it looked like his faith in his fleet had been vindicated. "very well, the choice has been made."

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Honor Above All Else chapter 3

"attacking fleet this is fleet colonel kitt alistair, you are here by ordered to cease your assault and stand down." there was no response.

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Tales Of Redstreak Chapter 20: Mirror Invasion Part 2

Next to the behemoth was the pride of the fleet. the f.s.s. pegasus herself with her new design style that's slowly making it's way in the fleet.

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Of Wolves and Foxes, Chapter 20

"wait one," he said, opening the fleet-wide network. "fleet call, fleet call. this is captain reginald palsy. i have relieved admirals philips and royce of their duties and have assumed command of the second fleet.

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