
It was just her, me, and my grandad for most of the time." "same small family for me." she quietly spoke with a little grin. "do you have same eyes as your mom's?" her pale blue ones peered at his soft brown ones.

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The Road to Our Recovery

"d'ye mind when grandad and dad were talkin' aboot turnin' the family's lands between here and the distillery intae public park, as a kindae tax write-off?" alastair's ears swiveled to face her fully and he squinted, replying, "aye..."

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And Escape His Nightmare 3 - From a Tale of Two Cities

"nah i gotta be home, it's eid coming up the fifth and my grandad's gonna be there!" "hi, you want a free sample?


Midnight Rain

"my grandad worked on it." "he's right." steele replied, calling up a map. ".. and looks like one of the tunnels is very close to the utility hatch. it's possible they're connected?" "we'll meet you there." reaper replied. "roger."

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Sparks of an Ancient Light Part II

Shelton nickered, "you make a pretty good grandad, you know."herald touched his wing to shelton's chest, "you have a good heart, my little pony.""thanks, herald.""now go to bed!"

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The Sparks of an Ancient Light

Shelton nickered, "you make a pretty good grandad, you know."herald touched his wing to shelton's chest. "you have a good heart, my little pony.""thanks, herald.""now go to bed!"from the kitchen, gabriel heard his son's tromping feet ascend the stairs.

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The Sparks of an Ancient Light

Shelton nickered, "you make a pretty good grandad, you know." herald touched his wing to shelton's chest, "you have a good heart, my little pony." "thanks, herald." "now go to bed!"

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The Sparks of an Ancient Light

Shelton nickered, "you make a pretty good grandad, you know." herald touched his wing to shelton's chest, "you have a good heart, my little pony." "thanks, herald." "now go to bed!"

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