It begins

Which made it possible for us to nearly instantly jump into a battle formation right after a jump. jump drives were nothing new, but transporting an entire fleet on the back of a capital cruiser was.

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The Birth of the White Death

The elf yelled in pain, but the creature was merciless and jumped to a tree before jumping back at him, and knocking him down.

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A TIME OF INJUSTICE Part 1 A RolePlay/Story

A giant octopus jumped at puppy puppy jumped over the arm and morphed into a cheetah and ran up the octopus's arm and struck the octopus's large head with extended claws.


Tail's of The Crimson Claw- Chapter 1

Just then the 2 enemies dropped in right on top of the claw, there weapons locking the instant there jump vortex's cleared. "jump" the captain yelled, she could only hope the last few could be saved before the jump drive engaged.

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Noble six- chapter 3- I'll see you in hell

Buck yells as he jumps on the end of the beam and starts running. romeo jumps up on the beam and i run after him. it's a little weird.

The Protector chapter 3: A New World and Back Again

She jumped at garis and cut him down the middle. "garis!!!" kie screamed. although jihero cut him down the middle, the rest of his body disappeared. "what, an illusion?" garis jumped at her from behind, but she had jumped.

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Let's Greece It Up

He jumps into the water and starts swimming. "looks like i'm up." joe says. "me too." kiki says. "shall we cannonball?" "oh yeah!" the two jump into the pool together. "got the flags!" zander says. "c'mon, kitty!"

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She jumped out throwing the device asami jumped back as the device exploded knocking hiro back. the kitsune growls in agitation.

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Kyurex (Pokemon): Part 25 - Memory Game

He kept jumping from platform to platform which somehow conveniently were laid out before him. it was hard to maintain balance on them due to the pace kyurex jumped at. "woah!"

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Believe – Chapter 15: Fighting

She knew this from the previous evening and nearly directly did the perfect crouch, ready to jump at any time. red trained with her for hours. he had her evade his bites with a jump to the side and then directly change direction and jump for his ears.

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Merlin's Revenge Chapter 21

After a moment's more consideration robert jumped. it took a while but he managed to collect a set of four five gallon buckets left behind in a looted home depot, a jump to a local river to fill them and a jump back was just the start.


Visit from Ideality.

Liontari jumped on the rabbit, causing the rabbit to jump over liontari. i tried to jump on the rabbit, but he noticed me and jumped really high. my movement continued, though, and i feel with my muzzle right on liontari's butt.

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