My Gun Is Cute

I thought maybe you'd gone to one of those clinics in sweden for an esti­mate." i pulled most of sandra maxfly's thou out of my purse and tossed it on his desk.

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Fresh Meat

"but hey, you told him if he wanted that girl in sweden to 'go for it'." snorting, the canine grinned to himself. "i still say it was probably a guy masquerading as a girl but oh long as a big doofus is happy."

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The Past is Another Country: Chapter One

Erik had travelled over from sweden and marcus found him to be the sort of fur who was amiable, but often kept himself to himself. erik grunted a greeting at both of them and walked off towards the hut.

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Karl's Day Off

"listen karl, i know that it's your day off today, but i've got a very high profile princess coming in today, and i need someone to watch her while i go conquer sweden, okay?" ulrich said.

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Revolution | Chapter XII: The Fox and the Hare

Everything felt like i was in some snowy place, maybe in northern sweden and in some warm forest like the one we were in right now.

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The Jam Jar

Before each of them, a company-branded, high-cost mug; under the mugs, custom coasters, and under them, an expensive, highly-polished, solid oak table; under each butt, an ergonomically-designed chair created by some sleek sable in sweden and costing what

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On the one hand he'd gone into the currently empty scandanavia to take norway and sweden rather than use the unit to move into livonia ready to attack or support somefur, but on the other hand, had ignored turkey, which technically he already had cornered.

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Alcatraz Ch. XXV-Ajisai

That trip to sweden... he half expected lynx to be here if he'd taken the trouble to come himself, but the rise in bounty hunters made far less sense. "i'm only going to be here for a few days. that's why i routed through the north...

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Alcatraz Ch. XXI-Kallisti Pt. I

The panther himself had been raised in what was then sweden, before the union formed. but only he was ragged on for not staying in his childhood home of korea. singh.

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(W.I.P) Dreaming days.

Perhaps he was back in the u.s, or maybe in one of the nicer european countries with the big hospitals, sweden perhaps, or maybe germany. wherever he was, he wished that he were back in the box with his family. but he knew that that was an unreality.

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Kauto and MW - Top Gear American Special Part 10

I like that period of music you know all the big bands like sabbath, i like wolf....the band from sweden they're my favourite.' (how convenient lol) 'haha i would never have guessed heh. mw likes them actually.'

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