Downstream Portland

Previously on the Amazing Race, our teams saw the desert up close in Arizona. Josee & Ryan fought; a lot. Everyone got a free skydiving lesson and tips on how to NOT eat pizza blindfolded. With a little encouragement from Zack, a new alliance was...

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Which Way Is The Guatemalan Way?

Josee & ryan sit slightly apart, facing away from each other as they travel. each time they turn to glare or growl at each other, they quickly turn back.

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"The Gift", Richard's (SF) Introduction, Part 1

It caused me to quicken my pace until i was almost jogging, which, thanks to constantly slipping on wet stones and tripping over fallen limbs did little to actually speed up my travel.

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Which Rio Bird Is Which?

Team must travel together by hand glider, jump off the mountain to the checkpoint waiting below. last original pair to get there could be cut from the race. "let's do this!" kitty says. "i'm not sure if this is safe." joey says. "of course it is."

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Bullseye in London

On the last leg of the Amazing Race, 18 new teams began a race around the world. Their first task, run up the steps of the peace tower or bungee jump off the observation deck. Currently, the teams are on a plane dead set on London. Today, one of those...

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Sea Poem

Here I am far out to sea Missing you as you miss me A day doesn't go by Without thoughts of you on wings fly Shed not a tear for me There is too much salt already in the sea Though this ocean be vast and blue I'll soon be coming home to...

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Guardian of Time: Chapter II

It is your ability to time travel, to use the elements, and to fight. so, we will begin with the easy part: fighting.

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Book I: The Humble Beginning

The problem is, people proved time travel impossible long before i met you," pike said. "well, you want to come see it?" sabre asked. "yes, very much so," pike said, standing up. "let's get moving."

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Top Secret

#2 of tales of a time traveler time traveling horse, away!!! well, that's actually at the end. damnit. spoilers. all well, he has to get out of his current predicament, but can he? we shall see.

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New Dawn: The Way East

The day had finally come, the day when my dad and i would be traveling over the country and over the pacific ocean to reach japan.

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Handicapping (Pundamentals 1)

Handicapping She was nervous as a... well, she was nervous, anyway. Her long full tail twitched almost as much as her long whiskers, as she waited for the line to move forward. As a rule, she was patient - most cats, especially those who still hunted...

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Is That Who I Think It Is?

I think we time traveled!" i say a little too loud. "how?!" "the nuclear waste. it didn't give you transportation abilities." "oh." he pins his ear down.

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