The Planetarium Visit [Gift] for Spihanor

Story by Starlight Nova on SoFurry

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#1 of Gifts

Hello everyone. It's been quite some time since I posted a story here hasn't it, besides the short transformation story I did for skiesofsilver's contest. Well, here is another that has taken me a long time to finish. I believe on my nineteenth birthday I wrote a journal...or better yet, here is that journal I posted: On my twentieth birthday, I posted a journal with an opportunity for one of you to get a short story from me, and while I picked two people, it's taken me a long time just to do one of them because of college and getting distracted with various video games, so I apologize WhiteWolfMoonHowl, I most likely won't be writing your idea. But, this doesn't mean I won't be doing this again with a different idea sometime in the future. I just have to make sure I can do it in a reasonable amount of time.

Now with that out of the way, here is the completed story of Spihanor's idea, taken from some choices on my story on Father's Request: Donation for science please. He wanted me to write about two brother's, Spihanor and Koori who visit a Planetarium, a sanctuary for dragons where they get transformed into dragons by someone with malicious intent, wanting to breed more dragons. The only problem is they are both male, so he has to change the gender of one of them to suit his plan before they can mate, and while it is a success, the two brother's aren't very enthusiastic about being transformed against their will into dragons...even if they have admired them for most of their life. In the end, it all works out, and it seems the man behind it is looking for more people to transform for his needs. To find out just what happens, go ahead and read on. Don't forget to like if you enjoyed it, watch me if you want to see more lusty feral dragon on dragon action, and comment with your thoughts on the story.

The two brothers that were walking towards the large, imposing building at the edge of town were very excited to finally get to see what was inside. They had been unable to go as their parents had always been busy and they had been too young to go alone, but that did very little to dash their hopes that one day they would be able to look upon one of the creatures that they have longed to meet since they were small. Now that the wait was over, they were mere feet from entering the planetarium, having gotten their parents permission after the elder brother promised to look after his younger sibling and keep him safe from harm and mischief despite the fact he was old enough to be considered a young adult at the age of eighteen. Being twenty years old, they felt he was capable enough to start acting like a young adult himself, and so allowed the two to venture out into the town on their own with paid passes to see the creatures they had kept close to their hearts for so long.

At a glance, one could tell they were inseparable despite being two years apart while their birthdays were fairly close together, and although they were not in the same school all the time, they spent the rest of it at home either playing or working on homework together. The elder, Spihanor, liked to tease his brother on occasion, though none of it was malicious in nature while Koori, the youngest, took it in stride, knowing he would never hurt him. They both had discovered their fascination for a certain species of reptile when they were young and their parents had given them toy figurines of dragons for Christmas. Every day since, they have read about the amazing beasts, learning everything they could about them, wishing they could meet one face to face, and perhaps, touch one as well. At this time the planetarium was under construction and wouldn't open until five years later when the boys were much older, about 15 and 13 respectively. They asked their parents if they could go on opening day, but they replied that it would be packed and they didn't want to lose them in the crowd, as it would be easy for them to get separated. The two brothers knew the real reason for the excuse however, that their parents had to work, their father at night and their mother in the morning, so they were left with a sitter for a good part of the day until they were older, but they didn't let that get them down.

The dragon planetarium had been built for the sole purpose of raising, breeding, and keeping the endangered dragon population safe from poachers and extinction after the local committee held a meeting discussing the potential loss and change in the ecosystem if they were to become extinct. They were essential to the food chain, as they did not allow groups of animals to grow too big and start to wonder into the town to cause panic. One didn't have to know about them to tell that they were dangerous in the wild, but with the kind of weapons humanity has nowadays, they don't stand a chance with scales that can be easily penetrated. As their numbers declined over the years after a couple found and killed a dragon in the forest as it was hunting, news about its death soon flooded the papers and hunters from other towns and cities began searching for the big scaly beasts, as their horns were highly valued for decoration. Knowing if they did nothing and the dragons vanished from earth, other creatures could take their place and start to wreck havoc on the townsfolk, thus a plan to bring in however many dragons they could find before the hunters got to them and build a sanctuary so they could watch over them while letting them live happily without fear of being hunted was started.

With the two brothers in front of the entrance, they each placed a hand on the glass door and opened it together, only to gaze in awe at the size of the interior and the number of people walking around, exploring the complex and looking at the exhibits where the dragons resided. They had only made it a few steps into the building before they stopped with gaping mouths and wide eyes, looking this way and that at the sights and sounds as someone on a loudspeaker casually talked about the creation and history of the building, the kind of dragons they have, their behavior and their schedule over the day as well as many other things. What they had expected to see and what they were looking at were two different things, yet the brothers couldn't have been happier to join the other people and see the assortment of dragons that the planetarium had to show. The most prominent feature after walking through the doors was the large, golden statue of a winged drake in the center of the room that stood on a pedestal. It was poised regally with his head held high and two horns rising out of its skull while its wings were mantled as if bathing in a sea of glory from the countless onlookers. The look of awe on the brothers faces quickly faded however when the younger one pointed at the far back, where a group of people were watching two wingless drakes playing with each other inside a secure enclosure, hopping around and trying to see who could come out on top.

"Oh, look at that!" Koori shouted to Spihanor, who tore his gaze away from the woman at the counter to look where his brother was pointing to see the two drakes wrestling. "Can we go see them?! Please?" He begged, grabbing onto his brothers wrist, as his blue eyes were wide with enthusiasm at finally being able to look at a dragon up close and personal.

Spihanor looked down at his brother and lifted his arm out of his grasp to place it on top of his head, ruffling his black hair playfully before responding while he cringed and attempted to dislodge the hand in turn. "Sure, but we have to check in first with the passes our parents gave us remember? This certainly isn't free." He replied as Koori shook his head and pouted, but he could hear the anticipation in his brother's voice at how much he wanted to see the dragons as well.

"Then what are we waiting for?" Koori asked, quickly regaining his eagerness before they both headed to the front counter where the woman Spihanor had been looking at earlier was waiting for them expectedly.

"Welcome to the dragon planetarium where our goal is to keep the dragons out of the reach from hunters and ensure there is a future for them." She said merrily as the two approached, nodding her head in greeting as she held out her left hand. "Do you have passes?" She then asked before Spihanor reached into a pocket in his faded blue denim jacket and pulled out two, yellow and green tickets with their names on them. Handing them over, the woman promptly took them and reached under the desk to retrieve two visitors passes attached to lanyards, handing them over to the brothers while wishing them a nice day.

Spihanor thanked the woman while Koori nodded his head before the two walked off, putting the passes around their necks as they made their way over to the area where the two drakes were fighting. Just the sight of them running around made Koori's heart beat wildly and with each step they took, he began walking faster, impatient to see them up close. Spihanor had to increase his pace to keep up with his brother, but he wanted to see them as well and soon, both of them were leaning against the enclosed area to see there was not only two dragons, but a third as well, though that one was currently sleeping away from its siblings under a rocky overhang.

"Spihanor, do you see that one, it's sleeping." Koori said to his brother, shuffling closer to him as the person to his right turned and left with another. He became conscious of how he was acting, and though he was excited to be able to see dragons up close, he was still shy around other people, but he hoped that wouldn't dampen his mood.

"Yes, I do. Its simply amazing to watch them like this instead of on T.V." Spihanor replied, resting his hands on the sturdy railing, looking over the artificially created rocks and terrain where the two played. The drakes were young and set to entertain the people as they came in and passed by or when they were leaving. There was a metal plaque close by that told them what species of dragon they were and how old they were as well as a summary of how they came to the planetarium. As more people left they scooted over to read what it said, finding out that the three 'hatchlings' were only four months old and were brought here when they were found with their mother killed. No one had found out how or who had killed her, but nevertheless, they were transported here and raised under the care of a few chosen supervisors. It also said that they would be moved to their own, larger enclosure once they reached a certain age and grew too big to be contained here, where another pair of hatchlings would take their place.

"Aaaawww." Koori whined after having read how they came to be here, feeling sad that their mother had been killed even as his eyes darted back and forth between them, taking in the color of their scales and the size of their wings with a distinct yearning in his eyes.

"That really sucks," Spihanor added, tilting his head down as they watched the two drakes break apart and leap at one another again, forming a mass of scales and a flurry of claws and teeth. "But it looks like they are doing just fine now." He said while smiling, putting a hand on his brother's shoulder who looked up and nodded before a voice from behind them spoke, startling the brothers.

"They sure are." A deep voice said as they turned around to see who it was, coming face to face with a man in his late forties with a grey shirt, blue tie, and black pants. He had graying hair that was dark brown and had square glasses on his face that made him look like a scientific nerd, but as he spoke again the two listened. "We had quite some trouble getting those three here safe and sound, as you can imagine they were rather frightened of us, but with some food as encouragement, it was only a matter of time before they became hungry." The man said with his arms behind his back as he walked closer to them, peering over the side to watch one of the drakes pin the other on the ground, gripping his neck in his maw as they struggled for dominance.

Koori moved behind his brother as the man approached, hiding behind him while Spihanor turned to observe him, eyeing him cautiously. "Who are you?" He asked, placing a hand on the rail as he faced the man with his brother to the left and slightly behind him. The man raised an eyebrow before turning to look at them while extending his right arm in greeting.

"Oh, where are my manners, I'm sorry. My name is Eric; I am one of the coordinators of this facility. I overlook operations and make sure that the dragons are nice and healthy and cared for." He said with a short bow. "And what would your names be if I may ask?" He inquired as Spihanor tilted his head, regarding the man with some suspicion.

"My name is Spihanor, and this is my little brother Koori. We are here to look at the dragons." He answered with a soft huff coming from beside him, wrapping an arm behind his brother's back, bringing him out from behind him. Koori wanted to struggle but his brother's grip was too strong, so he reluctantly came forward and nodded his head in greeting to the man along with a hesitant wave of the arm.

"Wonderful!" Eric said while clapping his hands together with a large smile on his face, making the brothers jump slightly at the unexpected sound. "Excellent names, I do hope you enjoy your stay here, but let us not waste any more time, come." Eric said with a mysterious undertone, beckoning the two to follow him as he turned and headed down a wide hall with more exhibits and dragons. Spihanor and Koori looked at each other in confusion as they frowned before the elder brother spoke up.

"What for?" He asked before Eric could get too far away, causing him to turn around at the question and raise an eyebrow before he walked back to them.

"What for?" Eric repeated. "Why, to give you a tour of course!" He said exuberantly while raising his hands, gesturing to the building around them, confusing the boys even more as to why this man suddenly appeared and wanted to give them a tour. "I can tell you don't quite trust me, but I can understand that. Why don't you two come with me and I can show you around while answering any questions I know you have?" Eric said as he studied their expression, waiting for a response from the brothers with one hand behind his back and the other on his chin. Spihanor and Koori looked at each other again, trying to decide if they should follow him or not. Their parents had told them to not go with strangers, even if they were planetarium staff. How bad could taking a tour be? He would just be taking them around the building to show them the other dragons? I mean, what harm could that do?

"I...I guess so." Spihanor replied after a while, turning to face Eric again with his brother by his side, looking nervously at him.

"Great!" Eric exclaimed as he clasped his hands together and shook them up and down before turning around and walking back to the hall with the brothers following behind him while he raised his right hand into the air and placed his left arm behind his back as if to give a lecture. "You won't be disappointed at all. We have many species of dragons to get to before we close so lets get started. Now, do you have any questions you would like to ask?" Eric said as he lowered his right arm and placed it behind his back as well while they continued to walk down the hall, passing by other people who were looking at other dragons, wyverns, winged dragons, and more wingless drakes.

"How many dragons do you have?" Koori asked tentatively, causing Eric to look back in surprise when he heard someone other than the older brother speak.

"Excellent question Koori." Eric said while looking ahead with a smirk. "We currently have one hundred and twenty seven dragons in this compound, all of them of varying species of course." He said, looking to the right as they passed a large room that was decorated aesthetically to look like you were in the forest, which contained a large dragon with long horns but short wings colored a muddy brown basking underneath the artificial light. "Though, we do have the more, 'dangerous' ones kept in a separate building, for public safety." He added as an afterthought with a flick of his wrist.

"Why is that?" Spihanor asked, tilting his head as they made a right turn and continued down the hall, passing by more large rooms with the same decorations as before, with the only change being the climate area the dragon came from.

"Because not all of the dragons we have here are tame. You got to remember that before we came they were wild, ferocious beasts that would not hesitate to charge down a human if we got too close or threatened them." Eric replied, slowing down so that the brothers didn't have to work so hard to keep up. "Even though the dragons you see here are rather docile, it took awhile for them to become like this when they realized we could provide them with easy access to food and shelter. We aren't trying to remove their natural instincts, we are just trying to keep them safe from poachers." Eric explained before stopping to turn around and face his entourage, making them stop as well. "We are striving to repopulate the race, in hopes that one day we can release them without fear that they will be hunted down, but until that problem is solved, all we can do is save those we can and bring them here so they can live their lives without having to constantly be on the lookout." He said before turning back around to head down the hallway again. "Now, any more questions." He asked while moving towards a specific exhibit.

From then on Eric gave the two brothers a tour of the planetarium, answering any questions they might have while showing them a select few of the more exotic dragons they had, only letting them glance at the passing exhibits as they surely had a lot of ground to cover. He said they had about seventeen wingless drakes, twenty-three striker jackets, thirteen frilled water dragons, and five forest drakes within the building, with the rest of them residing outside in secure enclosures. He told them there were dozens of more species out there in the wilderness that they could not help because they would not be able to transport them all here or to other buildings. It was a matter of how much food, water, and care dragons required that limited them to how many they could save even with their large staff and ample funding. The brothers were baffled at just how massive the building was, let alone what the rest of it might look like, and it had to be to contain some of the much larger dragons that towered over humans but were surprisingly gentle when Eric let the brothers stroke them. The way they purred felt like the ground was rumbling from an earthquake as they were definitely enjoying themselves. Koori gradually became relaxed around Eric as he showed them around though he didn't talk very much, but Spihanor still had his eyes on him from the way he acted. Something wasn't exactly right but Spihanor didn't know what, yet he went along so he could see more of the dragons they had.

Eric soon told them why there was a large golden dragon statue out front; the reason being that it was a tribute to the first dragon that had been killed by humans, to honor his legacy and the start of the idea to save them from harm. Before the accident, humans and dragons did not bother each other, even when one trespassed on another's land, they had mutual respect, you don't bother me, I wont bother you. Yet over the years as humanity evolved and our technology advanced, we began encroaching on their territory, and while they did not retaliate, we could tell they were pissed whenever someone went missing when they went hiking in dragon territory. Only after the first dragon was killed by the couple that was out to avenge the death of their son did tensions begin to rise rapidly. It was only through the dedicated work and sacrifice of the committee that they were able to move some dragons to secure locations to prevent the poachers from killing them. While they didn't resent us for doing this, it was far better than being hunted down and killed for your scales and horns or being tortured alive by those that wanted to get back at them. Even as Eric continued to lead them around and show them dragon after dragon, Spihanor started to feel sympathetic to them and the three hatchlings out front who lost their mother.

By the time they stopped to take a break for some refreshments in a nearby cafeteria, it was almost one O'clock and their mother was going to be home soon. They hadn't realized how long they had been here as they walked through the maze of halls and endless corridors that Eric had brought them through, but the brothers were having too much fun to care that much. Spihanor knew they had to leave soon, but Koori didn't want to go until he saw a particular dragon that he read about in a book, the Knightwing. It was said to be the most armored dragon species in the entire world, even though its scales didn't help it that much against bullets that could pierce through steel. When they asked Eric if they could see it, he unfortunately said that they did not have one and that they were pretty hard to find as instead of going to us for help, they have seemingly vanished to the most desolate parts of the world to get away from us. The two were sad that they would not be able to see one, especially Koori, but Eric suggested he could take them to see a cousin of the Knightwing that was smaller and not as well armored but much more complacent around humans and not as violent. He told them that, although they were comfortable around humans, they could only meet a few of them in a special room away from the other exhibits. Spihanor did not think much about of it at that time as the temptation to see a close relative of the Knightwing was too great to pass up, but they would both soon come to regret the decision.

After they had lunch and entered into the numerous twisting halls again lined with countless rooms filled with many species of dragons, Eric led the brothers in a different direction from before, and Spihanor could only believe that he knew where they were going. At first it did not seem like anything was off as they passed by some more people taking pictures or feeding dragons with special meat supplied by the planetarium, but after fifteen minutes went by without stopping, Spihanor began to question where he was taking them. Koori seemed rather nervous as well, having not been away this long or in this kind of situation without their parents before, but Spihanor tried to calm him as best he could until they got to their destination. When nearly half an hour passed without any sign of stopping as well as no other people around, Spihanor wondered if he was just leading them in circles, or if he was actually taking them to see the dragons he promised to show them. Either way, he was starting to get annoyed the further they walked so he decided to say something about it.

"Wait." Spihanor said firmly as he stopped along with Koori who had the same idea, but was more timid about displaying his irritation. The word made Eric halt and pivot around, a frown on his face with a hint of shock, contemplating if they had found out what he was really doing, but made sure to continue as if they were close to their destination.

"Is something wrong?" Eric replied, raising an eyebrow as he turned all the way to face the two brothers.

"Where are you taking us? It has been nearly forty-five minutes now and there are no other visitors around." Spihanor replied, raising his voice with each passing second while lifting his arms to gesture around, similar to what Eric did when he said he was taking them on a tour. Koori nodded his head as he moved behind his brother, somewhat scared of how he would respond from Spihanor's outburst.

"I'm taking you to see the cousin of the Knightwing, like I said. It's not much further, just around the corner actually." He said while throwing his thumb over his shoulder to point to an intersection that was less than a minute walk from where they were.

"Oh." Spihanor replied, looking greatly relieved even as he started to grow suspicious of him again. "Then let us go." He said to Eric, who nodded his head and resumed walking down the hall, heading to the right where he supposedly said the room was where they were going to meet the dragons. Koori lightly tugged on Spihanor's jacket as they began walking again, causing him to look back and see his brother's concerned face staring at him. Knowing he had promised their parents that nothing would happen to him, he smiled and placed a warming arm over his back. "Don't worry Koori, I'm here for you. I told mother and father that I would look out for you didn't I?" He whispered to him, trying to assure his brother that everything was going to be all right even though he had his doubts that this wasn't going to end well. If that happened, he would distract Eric so that Koori could get away, but that was to say they were not already lost inside the planetarium with how positively big it was. Certainly there were security guards around here somewhere, as they hadn't seen any so far. Maybe they had cameras to monitor the flow of activity in a room somewhere else.

Shaking those thoughts from his mind, the brothers followed Eric down the hall before they turned right down another hallway, arriving shortly at a heavily reinforced titanium steel door that required a passcode and a hand print signature. As the brothers stopped beside Eric, gazing in wonder at the door and thinking about the reasons why they had one this strong, their guide input the passcode and let the terminal scan his hand before the heavy door opened with a rush of air, sliding to the left. When they looked inside, all they could see were pristine white walls with a lone bench in the middle of the room of the same bland color, long enough to occupy three, perhaps four occupants. Not knowing if Eric had mistaken this room for another, as they did not see any decorations or climate scenes where the cousin of the Knightwing resided, they looked at him in confusion, awaiting an explanation or an invitation to enter the room. Eric only gestured with his left hand that they could enter with a smile on his face and his right hand on the wall. The brothers glanced at each other for a moment before walking forward, but before they could take a step into the room, Eric stopped them when he spotted their passes.

"Hold on a second. You will have to give me those passes until you are done seeing the dragons, as they like to play with loose things." Eric answered at the sight of their perplexed looks of being held back any more from spending time alone with some dragons. "Don't want them to get tangled in them, so I will hold onto them for now." He said while Spihanor and Koori both reached for their lanyards to take them off and give them to Eric.

"What is with the door and the room?" Spihanor asked as he handed his pass to Eric with Koori following shortly after, curious to know why they would need such drastic measures for dragons and why the room was not filled with the same ambiance as the others they had passed or visited along their way.

"Oh, the door is to make sure they don't escape and run wild through the halls. I'm sure the guests wouldn't want them walking free among them, as seeing such daunting beasts up close would certainly make them nervous and might even make them panic." Eric replied, but as seeing how they were not quite satisfied with his answer, he decided to elaborate. "It's also because its always good to overdue something than have them break down a door by accident. You can't underestimate the strength and power of them or you may find yourself dead. Even though hatchlings may look cute, they can still rip apart a meal if they put themselves to the task." Eric said, receiving nods from the two brothers as they entered the room, looking around to see how big it is. The size of the room was moderate to say the least, bigger than a bedroom but smaller than a classroom, able to hold about five to seven large dog sized drakes with enough room for them to move around without making it overcrowded. Every wall was painted white as they checked to make sure, looking at the bench with the idea that was where they could sit while interacting with the dragons.

"And the room?" Spihanor said to remind Eric of his other question as he turned back to face him while he was about to close the door as Koori ventured further in. Eric looked up in surprise but quickly relaxed when he heard what the brother wanted to know.

"Ah, yes, the room. It's painted white so as not to distract the dragons when they come in. They can be a little jittery when they see foliage around them and can't tell whether something is hiding behind it, ready to pounce on them." Eric replied, typing in the passcode as Spihanor asked another question.

"Where are the dragons anyway? I don't see any in here. You did say we were going here to meet them didn't you?" He said with some scorn, looking back inside the room to double check that he hadn't missed spotting anything that was moving, had wings and was a different color than white while his brother sat down on the bench and looked back at him.

"Oh, yes, yes absolutely, you are right." Eric said hastily, seeming a bit nervous from all the questions but he held in mind that it wouldn't matter anymore soon enough. "I am having some of my associates bring them in shortly, so you don't have to wait long, I promise." He replied, nodding his head while pressing his hand onto the pad to scan before the door closed with another rush of air. He let out a deep sigh as he tilted his head down in relief, considering if the brothers had figured out they wouldn't really be seeing any dragons at all. "Soon, you two will become dragons yourselves." Eric said under his breath, thankful that the brothers couldn't hear him behind the door. "And you will spend the rest of your life here, so there is no need to be wanting to see any more dragons." He said with a smirk while pushing his glasses back, looking up before walking away from the room to head to the control center where he was to administer the special serum to the two brothers.

Koori's eyes widened when he saw the faint sinister smile on Eric's face before the door closed shut and Spihanor looked back to see they were trapped in the room until someone came to free them or his associates brought the dragons they were supposed to meet, as he didn't see any handle so they could get out on their own. With a dejected sigh he looked back at his little brother who had his head down with his hands on either side of his legs. As he started to walk towards him he spoke up, saying something that made his breath catch in his throat.

"Do you believe he is telling the truth?" Koori asked his brother as he neared him, looking up with an expression mixed with fear and longing to go home.

"Telling the truth? What do you mean? Do you think he has something else in mind than what he promised?" Spihanor replied with a question of his own, sitting down next to him before putting a hand on his shoulder while Koori looked down at the floor again.

"I mean, don't you think it was suspicious when he asked us to follow him and said he was giving us a tour while we didn't know we were getting one before hand?" Koori responded, tilting his head back down without looking up at his brother again. "I won't say I didn't have fun seeing all the dragons, but, there is something off about him that unnerves me." He whispered, tightening his grip on the bench while his brother looked at him before responding.

"I have had my suspicions about him too from the moment we saw him, but that doesn't mean his intentions aren't true. We honestly don't know what they do around here or how things work when someone wants to see a particular dragon, but at least we are seeing one, right? Aren't you excited about that Koori?" Spihanor said to his little brother as he shook his shoulder for emphasis while he looked up at him with a gleam in his eyes and a firm nod of his head as he swallowed, feeling like he was going to cry but he held it in.

"I do, but I don't think I want to anymore." He said with a shake of his head, causing Spihanor to lean back in shock at hearing this from his brother. He knew he would never voluntarily back down from the opportunity to get to see or even meet a dragon this close, but he could guess that Eric was part of the problem of why he wanted to go.

"Are you sure about that?" Spihanor replied, raising an eyebrow while grinning as his green eyes twinkled with mischief. "What do you think our friends will say when they hear that you backed out moments from being able to meet a dragon close up, to touch and play with them?" He teased, causing Koori to snap open his eyes and nearly jump up in denial.

"NO!" He shouted vehemently back at him, blue eyes alight with determination to fulfill their dreams of being able to play with dragons, to feel their scales and interact with them. It wasn't as if they hadn't already done some of that while Eric gave them a tour, but being able to be alone with one or more dragons that are the cousin of the Knightwing was too good of a chance to pass up, yet he was still a little hesitate about it all. "I do want to meet them, we, both want to meet them, but I am not so sure right now. Eric scares me. As I said, I have a feeling he is not being truthful with us." Koori said while his brother laughed at his reaction, letting his hand fall from his shoulder as he placed it on his stomach, griping the bench with his right hand so he wouldn't fall.

"Tell you what Kor," Spihanor said, using a nickname he came up with for him, which earned him a scowl and an audible huff. "If no one comes in ten minutes, then I will call mom to pick us up." Spihanor said after recovering from his laughter, knowing she would not have let them go if he had not taken his cell phone with him in case they had to call her.

"But how will she find us? This place is massive! I don't even know where we are anymore?" Koori replied, raising his hands before letting them fall into his lap while looking down at the ground around his shoes.

"I am sure she can talk to one of the staff and find out where we are. You know she cares about us, and if we tell her we did not meet any dragons like they said we would, then they will be in for a mouthful when she is done with them." Spihanor said with a chuckle as Koori joined in. "Just hang tight little bud, we both know this is the moment we have been waiting for." He said with a smile to comfort him, not knowing how true that statement was for Eric.

So the two brothers proceeded to wait for the arrival of the associates that would bring with them the dragons that they had waited to see for so long while looking around the room for any sign of something else to do. To their disappointment, nothing else stood out from the white washed walls except for some claw marks on the lower half where it seemed dragons had made their mark while playing. To them it was a relief to see that this room was used for when people wanted to meet other dragons, but for them, it held a different purpose, as within one of the corners of the room there was a small camera recording their every move. Inside a control room somewhere within the planetarium sat Eric in front of a large array of monitors as he watched the brothers from afar, operating certain controls as he got ready to give them the serum that would change them into dragons for his breeding program. They would be the first of many to help restore the dragon population to what it rightfully should be while he struggled to find a way to deal with the continued hunting of wild dragons. What he had said to the boys was true, that they couldn't release the dragons they had before this problem was solved, but he had the beginnings of a plan to remedy that, and hopefully it wouldn't take as long as it did than it had to build and establish the planetarium.

It didn't take more than a few minutes before a soft hiss could be heard within the room as panels inside the ceiling retracted to reveal two robotic arms with yellow and black vials attached to the ends. They gradually descended upon their unsuspecting targets, dripping the solution that would change them permanently into dragons where they would then be bred for eggs with the rest of their lives spent as progenitors for the dragon race. The problem that could be seen at hand was that the brothers were both male, and so one of them would have to be changed to a female to fix the problem. That had been no easy task for Eric, but with perseverance and patience, it would all pay off within the next few seconds. As the robotic arms were lowered behind them, all it would take for the brothers to see what was happening was for them to either look up or behind them, but seeing as how Koori had his eyes closed in thought and Spihanor was looking ahead, thinking of what they would do after they got out of this, it was time for them to strike. The elder brother was the first to feel the painful sting of the needle pierce his flesh and enter his neck above his right shoulder, making him wince and grunt from the sudden action before the arm deposited the serum inside his bloodstream and withdrew into the ceiling as quickly as it had came.

"FUCK!" He shouted while placing his right hand over the injection site, bending over in pain as Koori quickly looked up at hearing his brother swear, seeing him hold his neck while grimacing. "What the shit was that!" He yelled, placing his left hand on his right shoulder as he felt his arm grow stiff and sore from whatever had been injected into his body.

"Are you alright?!" Koori said in alarm, scuttling over to his side to see what was ailing him. "What happened?" He asked his brother, placing a hand on his shoulder while looking around to see what he was holding beneath his hand.

"Does it look like I am alright?" He yelled back at Koori as he bared his teeth and closed his eyes, feeling his heart beat wildly as if it was trying to jump out of his chest. "I just felt something stab me in my neck, and it hurts like hell!" He said angrily while his breathing increased and the serum spread rapidly through his body, travelling to his chest and abdomen, moving faster the more he moved and the quicker his heart raced as adrenaline was released to combat the pain. "Damn it! It feels like my arm is going to fall off!"

Koori jerked back at the snappy remark with a look of shock on his face while lifting his hand from his shoulder and moving it closer to his chest, but he was still worried about his brother and what might be causing him pain. They had seen nothing in the room that could be the source of his affliction, yet he could clearly see that his brother was leaning over with his arm clutched over his neck. Something or someone surely had to have come into the room to do such a thing, but he knew not who or what. "Are you sure you didn't hear anyth-" He started to say, but before he could finish his brother cut him off.

"Yes I am sure!" Spihanor shouted, opening his eyes to look at his brother that could see the green in them was moving ever so slightly as his irises began to reshape into slits. Even as his own eyes widened in surprise by the changes that were happening to him, he was more concerned with what was wrong with his brother. "You and I both know that no one has come in here since we were locked inside by..." Spihanor started to say before he paused, staring at Koori with glazed eyes at the thought that Eric might be behind this, but before he could make any definitive conclusion he heard Koori cry out in pain as the robotic arm injected him with the same serum as his brother before retreating up into the ceiling. Seeing Koori clutch the left side of his neck before falling to the ground with a thud while tucking his knees to his chest breaks him out of his trance in time to glance at the robotic arm vanishing into the ceiling with an empty vial. His thoughts immediately go to Eric and how he had lied to them, but he could not focus on that for long as his brother cried with a shaky voice.

"Owwww! Spi-Spihanor, i-it hurts. Please, do something!" Koori wailed as he began to cry, feeling his left arm grow stiff and sore as the serum inside himself had nearly circulated throughout his entire body while it had only just begun for his brother.

"Koori!" Spihanor shouted in response, attempting to stand at the sight of him in pain, but he didn't manage more than a flimsy step before he fell on the ground with his entire body refusing to move. "Nnngh!" He grunted with clenched teeth, sensing how his skin felt tight and constricting as his eyes burned and his vision grew blurry, yet even through the shroud of pain, he was worried about his brother just like how Koori was worried about him when he cursed. He could do nothing but watch through blurry eyes as Koori writhed on the ground, thrashing around in pain, causing the serum to accelerate through his body and paralyze him further. If only he had trusted himself that something was wrong and that they had left while they still had the chance, but he couldn't deny his brother when he had wanted to meet the Knightwing dragon. Even when Eric said they didn't have them, they still followed him at the promise of being able to play with the cousin of the Knightwing. He could only blame himself at how he failed to protect his little brother, let alone himself from whatever was happening to them. They had no hope of escaping as they could hardly move, and even if they could, they had no chance of breaking the titanium steel door down no matter how hard they tried.

It didn't take long with the initial dose of the serum to begin its work in earnest as Spihanor felt himself curl up into a ball as his muscles contracted, forcing him to close his eyes and clench his fists while things shifted and changed inside his body. The first thing he sensed was that he was growing heavier as more sinew and muscle grew and became compacted while his bones lengthened and his joints cracked. The pain he had been feeling was now replaced by an overwhelming sensation of discomfort and aching, as he grew larger to accommodate the rapid changes. He slowly tried to stand up by sliding his arms beneath him to push himself up, but when his spine cracked he fell back down with a hoarse cry as he felt his mouth become dry and swollen while his clothes began to feel tight around his body, preventing him from growing further. Spihanor had no idea what was happening to him or his brother whose changes were following shortly after, yet he knew it would only get worse from here with no clear end in sight.

Meanwhile, Eric was watching as the brothers squirmed on the ground with the serum rearranging their vital organs and bone structure while adding more muscle to their frame so they could support themselves once the transformation was done. He could see that their clothes would become a hindrance and slow down their progress, but it wouldn't be long before they were full-fledged dragons, ready to breed and create countless eggs to repopulate the dragon race. He didn't care right now if they found out he had lied to them, as they had no control over what he did to them anymore. Their lives were his to command so they could fulfill their role. It had certainly been a long journey to get to this point of seeing his creation at work, and he knew that there would be some bumps in the road but he would overcome them whatever the cost. Just being able to see his serum change the two boys into dragons made him giddy, almost so that he was growing aroused, and he knew they would soon from the side effects.

Once Spihanor felt his thumb begin to fuse with his forefinger and his middle finger with his ring finger on both hands while his fingernails grew thicker and longer, he had started to gather what could be happening to them. It wasn't exactly clear yet as his mind was in shambles from the sensations and feelings he was receiving, the main one being how he was growing erect from the hormones racing through his body to help the transformation. As he felt the pleasure flow through his mind, he couldn't help but thrust his hips forward against the floor and moan softly as his shaft throbbed painfully, yearning for more substantial contact. The only warning he had that the changes were speeding up was when his jacket tore down the back and his pants began to rip while his shoes burst and his feet grew and shifted to a quadruped stance, following the same changes as his hands. He groaned in discomfort as he contorted his body to try and remove his shoes but he soon found something else of interest when he looked at his hands to see his skin growing thicker and becoming smooth like that of a snake's scales while changing to a golden yellow color. He stared in shock while growling unconsciously, flexing his muscles as he felt himself grow unwieldy and disoriented while he developed a headache from his improved vision.

Spihanor knew he wouldn't be able to remove his shoes with his hands like this or the rest of his clothes as he continued to grow and hear the threading snap and unravel. He decided to see how his brother was faring as he opened his parched mouth to breath heavily, raising his head to look across the room to find Koori with his back towards him almost perfectly still. He wondered if he was dead, but before he turned away in anger at the man who did this to them he heard him groan and tremble as he arched his back and his spine stretched his skin, ripping holes in his shirt so that he could see the beginning of scales developing. Spihanor wondered how his brother was dealing with all this, as he knew this must be the work of Eric when he sees Koori move his hand that had four fingers instead of his three. It was obvious he was changing them into dragons, as this was a dragon planetarium, but the question remained. Why was he doing it? Unless it benefited him, he did not see any way it could work out for him except as more attractions, but to sacrifice two boys to be able to do that? How mad was he? Nevertheless, he was sure to face his wrath when he was done changing, as he knew he had more than enough strength and weight to tear down the walls of this room and find him, but even as he thinks about doing that, he is reminded of his transformation when his chest starts to hurt and it gets hard to breath.

Its at this moment that he can feel his neck cracking and the bones in his face reconfiguring themselves as they elongate into a muzzle with his tongue stretching out past his maw to hang down past his chin while all his hair falls out as well. His teeth fall out of his mouth and onto the floor with specks of blood to be replaced by larger and sharper canines meant for tearing and ripping into flesh and meat and for breaking bones. Spihanor tilts his head back and closes his eyes as his cranium is rearranged while his nostrils shrink to become slits on his new muzzle. He growls and scraps the ground with his claws as his chest expands, tearing his jacket while allowing him to breathe a little easier as his skin continues to thicken over his body. The transformation pauses for a few moments, allowing him to open his maw and eyes and try and orientate himself. What he experiences overwhelms his mind as a broad new array of sights and smells bombard his senses, causing him to close his eyes and tilt his head down when he starts to feel dizzy. He shakes his head, attempting to stand up again on his hind paws, but he struggles to get his balance with all the added muscle and different bone configurations before the transformation picks up once again.

The next few changes that Spihanor becomes aware of is a building pressure just above his rectum that pushes against the skin, trying to break out while more muscle is added to his arms and legs, mainly his shoulders, chest and thighs, tearing his pants and jacket further to where they could be easily removed. All he is capable of doing as this is going on is squirm and shake on the floor while moaning as his shaft presses tightly against his pants as it throbs with increasing intensity and it feels like he is going to climax any moment. While the pressure above his rectum dramatically grows, showing the start of a tail, his chest barrels out, causing him to lift his head and roar as his lungs increase in size and his heart grows and becomes stronger to accommodate his larger body while being able to pump blood to where it needs to go. As Spihanor's tail sprouts from behind him to be impeded by his pants, his neck continues to lengthen and stretch while his skin thickens and begins to itch as dozens of spikes grow on the back of his neck while his ears change and flatten, moving towards the back of his head beneath his horns.

It soon becomes apparent to him that the increasing pressure from both his emerging tail and his trapped phallus were not going away, so he twists his unwieldy body to reach down and try to remove his pants, clawing at them with his forepaws. All he does is score more holes in them, tearing and ripping yet he is not able to remove them. Spihanor clenches his teeth and growls, becoming irritated about his situation as the pressure continues to grow more uncomfortable in his already discomforting state, and to add to that; his hips begin to bulge with substantial amounts of muscle as his bones crack and change, forcing him into a quadruped stance. This increases the strain on his throbbing shaft and diminutive tail still yet trapped beneath the fabric, making him grunt and groan from the pleasure and discomfort of the changes happening to him, and he knew he still had quite a ways to go. Opening his eyes after panting from the added muscle and different posture, he shakes his head and raises his right forearm, bringing it down on his pants with the intent to remove them once and for all, not caring if anyone were to come into the room and see him naked, or if Eric might be watching them from somewhere in the planetarium. It didn't look like his dignity mattered anymore with what was happening to him, as dragons were naked and didn't wear clothes. The only thing he wanted to be sure of is that his brother was going to be all right. Sure, they were going to become dragons and they had read about them in books, and while they have had fantasies of becoming or acting like dragons, they had never imagined it would come true, not like this.

As his claws ripped through the fabric of his pants, tearing them off to reveal his pulsing shaft that was significantly bigger than what it normally was and his small thrashing tail, he began to feel another pressure behind both of his shoulders, similar to his tail as it continued to grow and lengthen now that it was free, and he could only surmise that they were going to be wings. Other than try to contort his body to observe what was happening, Spihanor stared at his hind leg where he had struck with his claws, thinking he would have injured himself with how much force he had used to get rid of the last shreds of his pants as they hung from one of his claws. What meets his gaze is undamaged hide, now thickened to protect himself from other dragons and predators. While he did feel the sensation of claws gliding over his toughened hide, it left nothing more than faint red marks, sure to disappear over time. He blinks his eyes, flicking his wrist to finally get rid of his pants as he lowers his forearm to the ground to look at his claws in a daze even at his shaft throbs for attention, leaking pre onto the floor as small stumps appear behind his shoulders, heralding the arrival of his wings. Spihanor snorts and curls his neck to look at his tattered, outstretched shirt and then his claws again before removing that article of clothing as well, rendering him nude inside a room close to his brother who was also undergoing similar changes.

Now that he had dealt with that, Spihanor turns his attention to the main problem at hand, his arousal. It's not as if he hasn't seen his own cock countless times before when he was in the bathroom or in the shower, and it wasn't until he was nearly nineteen years old that he found out that stroking himself produced very satisfying results, but he could not think about that right now. Even if he wanted to relieve himself, it was virtually impossibly with his hands that were now paws, as he would run the risk of injuring himself rather than fixing the problem. He couldn't think of any other way to pleasure himself than to rub his shaft against the floor as it twitched and throbbed, spurting more pre as the pressure inside his loins grew more insistent along with the feeling of his tail growing behind him. His mind was a mess with too many sensations to know where to begin or which to follow as his chest continued to expand and his shoulders cracked, limiting him to how much he could move his forearms while two long thin spikes similar to those on his neck formed at the back of his wrists, one shorter than the other. Spihanor growled in annoyance as he bared his teeth, shuffling his hind legs to move onto his stomach before he began to thrust, groaning and hissing at the rough contact with the cold floor. Sure, it was a crude way to go about doing it as he had no other choice, but at least it helped him keep his mind off his other changes and how much his body ached from the many things happening to him.

It didn't take long before the transformation began affecting his shaft as well; causing it to swell and take on a crimson red color while his balls receded into his body for better protection. Spihanor didn't know what was happening until the pleasure he was feeling seemed to vanish, making him grunt and scrap his claws against the ground in anger before he rolled onto his left flank and lifted a hind leg to find his shaft retreating into a slit that looked very much like a woman's vagina as his tail steadily grew. He knew, however, from reading a few books after he discovered self-pleasure and became curious about dragon autonomy what it was and that it was changing along with his body. Spihanor didn't quite know how to react to this change, whether he was supposed to be happy or sad that he was losing his humanity, not like he could do anything to stop it anyway, so he chose to embrace it. Lowering his hind leg, he went on to curl his neck to look at his back to see that the skeletal structure of his wings was finished and the next thing to appear were...feathers? He tilted his head at that, growling inquisitively even though he had no control over the action or even that he knew he was doing it, wondering why feathers were growing from his wing joints instead of webbing, like most dragons had. It took him awhile but he did remember reading about some species of dragons that had feathers like that of a bird instead of membranes to fly through the air. He also knew it would be harder to clean and maintain, but before he got too into it, the pressure above his rectum increased as well as in his loins.

Spihanor grunted, baring his teeth as he felt the need to push but he didn't want to, though his body told him otherwise as he tilted his head down and heaved, hearing the crack of his tail thump on the floor while his new shaft strained against his slit, wanting to come out. He opened his maw to pant from the exertion, shifting his body to try and stand but the sensation came again without warning, forcing him to push with another few cracks of his tail while more feathers sprouted on his wings. This time he knew to hurry and scrabbled on the ground to stand up, flaring his wings in the process as he wobbled on all fours, attempting to get used to his new stance before it came once again. Spihanor groaned and stretched, his hind legs sliding backwards on the smooth floor as his tail inched forward, pushing out of his rectum while his claws dug into the floor while he closed his eyes and clenched his teeth with a growl. When it was over he was left breathing heavily, yet he could sense he was not done as his tail flicked from side to side without conscious thought from him. He hoped it was over soon, as his body ached all over and he felt like he could sleep for days from the strain of this transformation, but as he brought his hind legs closer to himself, he felt the need to push again, only this time it was overwhelming and he did it instantaneously without having taken a deep breath first. As all four of his claws scrapped against the floor while he closed his eyes tight and bared his teeth and growled, the last few inches of his tail sprung forth, pressing against his prostate which caused his shaft to jerk inside his slit, pushing out until the head and a few ridges were visible before pleasure rushed through his body.

His shaft pulsed once before hardening painfully, spraying white-hot seed onto the floor as he raised his head and spread his wings, roaring out loud while thrusting his hips, feeling the pleasure course through his body and mind, rendering him catatonic. Thankfully, no one else except Eric and Koori heard him roar, as the walls were insulated for just this reason. Nobody else would be able to hear him, not the staff nor the visitors as they continued looking at the dragons the planetarium had to offer. For Spihanor however, he was lost in a world of his own as his wings bloomed, the rest of his feathers sprouting from his wing joints to churn the air while his tail slammed onto the ground, cracking it slightly, nearly hitting the bench they had sat on as his shaft twitched and continued to expel his seed. When he ran out of breath he lowered his head and groaned, breathing hard as his body trembled from the pleasure he was feeling while his brother was still going through his transformation, but was experiencing different problems then what he was having. Spihanor did not know how long his climax lasted for, but he knew it was the best one he ever had in his life, as nothing else compared to the pleasure that was flowing through his body, making his heart race and his tail flick back and forth rapidly.

Yet, as all good things have to come to an end, so did his orgasm, leaving him panting and tired from both the sudden rush of adrenaline and the discomfort from his transformation. Spihanor felt his wings droop as he lowered himself carefully to the ground while the rest of his length had emerged while he was climaxing. He laid his head on his forepaws as he panted, his lungs allowing him to intake more air than when he had been human, otherwise he would have been struggling to breath. As he unconsciously curled his tail to the right and rested his wings on his back, he began to think about what happened to him and his brother, whether they would be able to escape or of they would be kept here to be put on display. He knew not to trust Eric anymore, and he still couldn't comprehend why he had changed them into dragons. Spihanor wondered if this would be a better life than what they already had, but what they had didn't matter anymore unless they could reverse this process and become human again. It seemed to him they were stuck here, bound to the whims of a madman who apparently wanted more dragons in his planetarium instead of going out to get more from the wild, but he began to think if there were any more dragons out there, or if this was all that was left of the majestic creatures. If so, then what was the purpose of turning two brothers into dragons just to put them on display for others to see? It didn't make much sense to him, as he was still having trouble coming to terms with his new body, but at least he was finished and the changes were done, or, so he thought as his shaft still had yet to recede inside his slit.

Spihanor hissed when he feels his shaft rub against the floor, which had become very sensitive after his climax. He grunts and rolls onto his left flank, raising his hind leg to inspect if anything was wrong with his member. When he curls his neck to look between his legs, he sees his shaft throbbing and leaking pre while dripping cum yet there is no apparent harm or injury. He tilts his head in confusion, wondering why it has not gone back inside where he had read it would. Deciding to figure this out, he raises his right forearm and gently prods his shaft with his paw, making him grunt and pull away from the spike of pleasure as it throbs and spurts more pre onto the ground, with his seed coating his chest when he had settled onto the ground. He huffs and shakes his head, leaning back while watching it twitch and pulse before looking at the base to see his knot was swollen and engorged, too big to go back inside. Noticing that, he reasons it will take him longer to grow soft than normal, but there was still one thing nagging him and he soon remembers what it was. Spihanor lowers his hind leg, grunting when his shaft rubs against his skin while he raises his head and looks to his left to see his brother Koori with his back still facing him but now a full dragon like him. It fills him with relief that his brother was all right, though he becomes worried when he does not move to come towards him like he usually would when he was frightened or scared.

Thoughts of the transformation being too much for him enter his mind, but he quickly shakes his head and growls, dismissing them just as easily, knowing he was alive when he saw him move earlier, now it was only a matter of getting to him to see if he was all right. Spihanor leans to the right, groaning when his shaft comes in contact with the cold floor again but he quickly moves to stand up, wobbling on all fours before finding his balance as his tail swishes back and forth to steady himself. He had some knowledge and control of his tail and what it was for, but he let his body do what it needed to do to ensure he could reach his brother, having faith in himself that he would not fall. Lifting his head, he could feel he was built powerfully with a lot of muscle as he starts to walk forward, taking one step at a time while folding his wings onto his back. He was bulky, which caused him to be heavy, yet he was sure that would not limit him to how fast he could move or how quick he could dodge. Compared to him, his brother was sleek and curvy with gray/black scales covering his body while the underside of his wing membranes were a tan gray, and he could only assume the underside of his neck, chest and tail were the same. Koori was built for agility while he was built for strength and endurance. As Spihanor continued to inspect his brother, he could see a pair of short horns that curve slightly down with a pair of long and narrow ears behind them with a row of spikes going down his neck and back to end at the tip of his tail. His wings were made of skin instead of feathers, which he was somewhat jealous of, but he erased that from his mind, more concerned with the welfare of his brother than wishing he had leather wings rather than feathers.

Slowing down with his shaft still throbbing beneath him undeterred, he hesitated as to if he should call out to him or not, wondering if Koori would recognize him or if he would lash out, as he knew he must be terrified by what has happened. The only way to find out was if he took the risk and spoke his name.

"Koori?" He tried to say, but all that came out of his maw were growls and grunts. As he pulled his head back, surprised he could not speak, Koori raised an ear, hearing his brother try and communicate with him, but he heard him nonetheless, as they could talk a different way now. "Damnit!" Spihanor cursed, shaking his head while growling, scrapping his claws against the floor as Koori raised his head and looked back to see his brother standing there. "How am I going to speak to him now!?"

"You just did." Koori replied with a soft chuckle, causing Spihanor to look up in shock to see his brother smiling, a little disturbed as he wondered who he had heard speak in his mind. It had sounded like his brothers for sure, but it was a much deeper tone with a bit of a rumble at the end. He didn't know if it was coming from someone else or the dragon that was his brother in front of him. All he could do is stare with his maw open slightly as his heart beat loudly in his chest while his shaft dangled between his legs, already noticed by Koori when he curled his neck to see his brother. He did blush and look down to the right when he saw Spihanor's shaft, but it was not like he hadn't seen his own, yet it did fascinate him to see a dragons cock, though it made him nervous when seeing it was his brother's. He decided to speak again to snap him out of it as well as assure him that he was ok. "It's me brother, Koori." He said, raising his head to look at Spihanor while flicking his ears, still getting used to the fact he was a dragon himself. _"And you're not hearing things, I am talking to you with my mind, with telepathy."_Koori explained with some growls and trills of his own as Spihanor shook his head and growled, looking at his brother to be sure he wasn't hallucinating.

He took a step forward while Koori curled his neck back, which made him stop, but he still wanted to make sure it was his brother. "I...Is it really you Koori? Ar...Are you ok? Your not hurt are you?" Spihanor asked, taking another step forward as Koori clenched his forepaws, not wanting his brother to come closer to him.

"Y...yes, its me." He confirmed as Spihanor let out of sigh of relief, tilting his head down while letting his wings sag against his side as his tail flicked joyfully. "I am also fine, no need to be worried about me. I'm glad your ok too." Koori added while Spihanor lifted his head, walking towards his brother who mantled his wings threateningly, not knowing he was doing so but it was received by Spihanor rather well who stopped and partially spread his own wings in alarm when he sees his brother snarl at him. "Please, d...don't come any closer. I...its not sa...Your not safe around me." He struggled to say, turning his head away while he became sad that he was not allowing his brother to come near him. He did want to snuggle up close to Spihanor, to feel safe and secure within his grasp even though they were dragons, but he didn't trust himself to control his actions when he got near. It wasn't that he was ill or his mind was warped through the transformation, it was because something had happened between his hind legs that made him nervous, and even now he could feel the dull ache growing, urging him to submit to his brother so he could sate his need.

"Why is that Koori? Why can't I come near you?" Spihanor asked, taking another step forward, which earned him a fierce growl from Koori while his blue eyes seemed to shine brighter, making him curl his neck back in surprise but he did not retreat.

Koori relaxed shortly after but did not lower his wings, tilting his head down in remorse for what he was doing while they were in this sort of situation. They needed each other more than ever right now and it wasn't helping that he was pushing his brother away, he just didn't want him to find out about the change that made him embarrassed and afraid of what would happen if he were to find out and not be able to control himself. "I...I can't tell you. I'm sorry." Koori replied before looking away, placing his head on the floor near his forepaws while relaxing his ears as he gradually lowered his wings.

Spihanor tilted his head and growled in confusion, taking a few cautious steps forward as Koori did not react, but he did not want to press his luck. "What can't you tell me?" Spihanor asked his brother, waiting for an answer but none came. "What can't you tell me Kor. What scares you so that you can't tell your own brother what it is?"_Spihanor asked again, using his brother's nickname this time, yet it still didn't garner a reaction or an answer out of him, so he took another step towards him and raised his right foreleg while lowering his neck to inspect him closer, trying to see for himself if anything was wrong. Koori did not stir or attempt to stop him from moving closer, but he did shuffle his hind legs and curl his tail tighter around himself. Spihanor, having lifted his head and caught the motion at the edge of his vision, looked up and over to his brothers hind quarters, not seeing any erection like the one he had that had yet to go away. He wondered if he was in pain because he couldn't get it out, but doing so also presented the challenge of bringing the subject to light, and he didn't know how either of them would feel discussing that, but if it was bringing harm to his brother, then he was obligated by promise to his parents to take care of him. After raising his head and lowering his foreleg, Spihanor took one more step forward before asking Koori what was troubling him. _"Koori," Spihanor began, waiting for any kind of response or indication that he was listening. When none came he continued on. "Koori, is something troubling you?" He asked, waiting for a reply, but got none in return. "Please little brother, talk to me. I want to help you, I need to know if you're ok?"

As he said that, he heard a low growl come from Koori, and before he could react, his brother stood up and spun around, nearly hitting him with his tail while raising his wings and snarling at him with his ears pressed against his neck in fear and anger. "YOU can't help me!" Koori screamed, startling Spihanor so much that he nearly fell over in fright but he managed to steady himself while watching his brother shout at him "I never asked for this!" He yelled as he began to cry with tears streaming down the sides of his muzzle to splash on the ground. "I never asked to get turned into a dragon! All I wanted to do is look at them! Not become one of them!" Koori sobbed, his emotions carrying through his mental voice, but Spihanor was too stunned to do anything other than look on as he vented his anger. "I hate him!" Koori shouted while closing his eyes and baring his teeth, growling in misery as he cursed Erik who was chuckling to himself. He knew something must be going on from the situation, but he couldn't hear them, though he knew from the black dragons movement what was going to happen soon enough as the golden yellow one lost control. "We never should have come here!" He ranted, shaking his head as he began to tremble with rage, but still Spihanor did not move, too preoccupied with the scent he had gotten a whiff of when Koori had abruptly stood up, which made his shaft throb with renewed vigor.

Spihanor stood stock still with his maw open and his wings spread slightly, paralyzed in a trance as instincts he didn't know he had surfaced, telling him all he needed to know about what was wrong with his brother. If Koori hadn't moved he wouldn't have known what was troubling him unless he told him, but because he had stirred the air, it brought with him his scent, the pheromones of a dragoness, and one in heat to be precise. Even as his brother continued to ramble on, he was struggling to regain control, feeling himself in the murky depths of his mind battling against himself, against his instincts. It scared him to know that his brother was now a female, and his body was telling him to mate the dragoness in front of him despite his rational mind telling him that it was his brother and that he was male. It took all of his willpower to prevent himself from moving and taking advantage of his frightened brother, as he understood the reasons why he didn't want him to come closer to him and why he couldn't help him. Yet now that he had gotten a whiff of a female in heat, Spihanor didn't know how long he could hold out until he caved in, letting his instincts take control and pounce on his brother to drive his thick ridged shaft into his virgin sex, thrusting his hips until he smothered his egg chamber with copious amounts of seed, ensuring he became gravid with a clutch of eggs.

"Now we can never go home!" Koori said with Spihanor in a trance, still shouting as he lashed his tail while his wings sagged against his side and he scrapped his claws on the floor in desperation. "I doubt mother and father will recognize us! I don't think they will even want us anymore now that were dragons!" He wailed, breaking down from stress and the fact his sex was aching and his instincts were telling him to allow his brother to take him, to breed him until he swelled with eggs. Koori shook his head violently, denying what his body needed, what his instincts were telling him even when it made him uncomfortable and only stoked his desire. He could tell he wouldn't be able to win, not when his need only grew, becoming a raging fire that threatened to overwhelm him. If only my brother was here for me! He vaguely thought to himself, yet he knew it would be a bad idea for him to get close. "No, no, no, no, no, no!" Koori droned on, wanting this horrible nightmare to end while dipping his head towards the ground as he swayed slightly from side to side, his flanks heaving as his breathing became labored and fluids dripped down from his sex, making him shiver. Once he managed to stop crying and blink his eyes to clear the tears away, he felt that something was off, that his brother hadn't moved or made a sound since he had stood up. Raising his head, he looked over to find Spihanor staring at him with his maw open and wings spread slightly with his tail flicking back and forth. At first he thought he was going to pounce on him, but when he noticed his nostrils flaring wide to take in his scent with glazed eyes, he knew he must be having trouble against his own instincts as well. While he wanted to get close to him to see if his brother was all right, he didn't want him to snap out of his trance and lunge at him, pinning him to the ground before taking him roughly, so he lifted his ears and called his name in hopes of breaking him out of it. "Spihanor?"

The brother in question was still aware of everything Koori was doing while he was fighting his instincts, trying in vain to move away, but no matter how hard he tried he was rooted in place, his body being stubborn until it had its way with the dragoness in heat, claiming her as his own. It made Spihanor's heart break seeing his brother in such distress, crying that they weren't going to be able to go home, but he knew his parents loved them and would find a way to change them back, if it was possible. Yet, even as he saw Koori thrash around, he was beginning to lose ground and he started to think if it was such a bad thing to mate with him. While he knew it was unaccepted by human standards to be in a relationship with a blood relative, or even your brother (and he knew he wasn't gay), from the books he had read, that did not apply to dragons. There were numerous reports of males copulating together in the forest when there were no dragons of the opposite sex in the vicinity; the same went for females too. If he didn't come to terms with being a dragon right now, he would probably live the rest of his life in turmoil, constantly struggling against his instincts whenever he scented a female in heat, that is to say he ever got out of here. This was probably true for Koori too, but more so because of his change in gender, which must be causing havoc on his mind. When he heard his brother's concerned voice however, he made his choice to let go and embrace his instincts, and he would worry about whether Koori accepted him or not later after the act was done. Right now, he had a dragoness to satisfy.

Shaking his head with a soft growl while blinking his eyes a few moments later and closing his maw, he tilted his head to look at Koori as he backed away, hesitant on what he was going to do. Spihanor did not move just yet, allowing his brother to relax in his presence while he gazed at his body to admire his features, noting his muzzle was long and narrow with two prominent canines on his upper jaw, which he surmised could break bones easily and hold onto prey until they became exhausted. He huffed and settled his wings on his back, which made Koori jump and spread his wings, ready to flee if he tried to come at him, but all he did was tilt his head the other way, taking in the curves of his body and his predatory stance. His brother was surely a nice looking dragoness despite the atrocity of what Eric has done to them, and he could hardly contain himself from leaping forwards and taking him right now, but to do that he had lull him into a false sense of security, or until his instincts took control and made his decision for him. He let his gaze roam over Koori's body, looking at the way his muscles strained against his scales from his tense posture and the way his tail whipped back and forth, ready to slap him if he got too close. The thing that got his attention however was the small puddle of fluids on the ground from his sex, which caused his shaft to throb and leak pre while he inhaled deeply to take in his brother's scent, letting out a growling rumble at his heart raced and the pressure in his loins started to increase. Finally deciding to respond to his brother, he lifted his head and adjusted his stance, but what he said was different than what he had planned to say. "Let me help you."

When Koori heard his brother speak, it was not something he was expecting him to say, quite the opposite in fact. It startled him to know he had found out about his gender. How? He didn't quite know, but knowing he was to be taken by Spihanor, by his own brother whether he consented or not made him shake in fear as his eyes widened and he mantled his wings threateningly even as his instincts told him to submit. He backed away from the larger male, further into the corner of the room, limiting himself to options of escape if he did take this chance to approach him. _"Please, no, don't come near me!"_Koori shrieked, brandishing his tail as a formidable weapon, hoping the spiked tip could break his brother out of his lustful trance while he snarled to try and deter him, yet every move he made sent shivers down his spine when his internal walls rubbed against each other, sending spikes of foreign pleasure through his body, ever so slowly wearing away at his resolve. Yet it didn't matter what he did as his brother began to walk towards him, intent on mounting him, violating him, rutting him until he was sore and stretched, too weak to move or retaliate. He didn't want to give in, he didn't want to be bred by his brother, but his instincts were relentless as his body, his new gender did not see any problem with the action as it yearned for the touch of a male to quench the growing ache in his loins.

Spihanor appreciated his brother's attempts to resist what was coming, but he knew it was futile to do so even as he backed away, adopting a threatening pose, yet he would not be deterred that easily. He casually swished his tail back and forth as he observed his brother's stance while making his way towards him slowly, seeing how his muscles twitched in readiness to defend himself, how he raised and lowered his wings and snarled at him, all in an effort to ward him off. His words made him falter but his instincts kept him moving as there was no going back now, especially when the room was filling up with pheromones of a dragoness in heat which was driving his mind crazy while his shaft leaked pre and throbbed painfully in desire. He might have been able to struggle against his instincts longer had he known what was going to happen before they had gotten into this mess, but neither of them had ever experienced what is was like to be an animal with primal desires. Of course, that wasn't possible because they were human, or had been human before this, but now that they were feral dragons and were feeling the effects of something that they couldn't control, it was only a matter of time before nature took its course, otherwise someone else would do it for them.

Koori was beginning to tremble as his brother made his way towards him even as he tried to make himself look bigger than he was, though he hadn't made a move to mount him or force him onto his back yet. While he was grateful for this, it wouldn't be long before he was taken, and he was scared about what was going to happen and how it would feel. His brother had been taller than him when they were human, and the height difference between them definitely showed now. Both of them towered over humans, with the head of someone an average of 5 foot six reaching Koori's elbow, while he only reached Spihanor's shoulders. Because his brother was bigger than him and was much heavier, he knew it would be very hard to escape should he get trapped beneath him. He doubted he could even move right now from the pleasure flowing through his body, making it harder to fight his instincts as he slapped his tail against the wall without any response or even a flinch from Spihanor. Koori was growing desperate to get out of this situation, so he tried one last thing that usually got his brother to stop when they would play or when he would tease him and he felt like it was going to far.

"Please, brother, stop! I don't want to do this! Please...remember your promise, remember what you said to our parents." Koori whimpered, lowering his wings as he curled his tail and tilted his head down to look submissive, unaware that he was doing so while Spihanor paused, eyes widening at hearing his brother speak to him in that tone that he would use when he wanted him to stop teasing him or didn't like it anymore. He felt remorse for what he was going to do even as his instincts urged him on, ignorant of his conflicting emotions. He looked at his brother and how afraid he was, knowing he had not wished for this to happen, and neither had he, but they couldn't change what has already happened. They either had to accept it or live their lives fighting themselves for what felt normal for other animals and reptiles. This certainly wouldn't be going away anytime soon, and the best way to deal with it was to give in, like he had decided before. Spihanor knew he had made a promise to their parents to protect Koori and make sure he was safe, and by doing this act he was essentially going against that, but he could still keep it if he protected him from Eric, to be the brother, or mate he was suppose to be.

Spihanor's brief moment of indecision didn't last long as he began to move towards Koori again as he whimpered and inched backwards while pressing his ears against his neck in fear, knowing he was cornered and had nowhere to go. Since coming to terms with his instincts for the most part, they felt natural to him and his mind wasn't at constant war with what to do, but Koori was still fighting it as the ache in his loins grew and became more insistent the closer his brother, and soon to be mate got. Koori whined, trembling in fear as the distance between them was disappearing along with his chances at getting through to his brother as he lowered his head while pleading with his brother to stop. Seeing his opportunity, Spihanor tensed and flared his wings, leaping at his brother who yelped in surprise as they crashed to the ground with flailing limbs and snapping teeth. The room shook as two dragons became entangled with one another, one hoping to flee, the other hoping to breed. Koori vainly attempted to get Spihanor off of him, pulling his hind legs close to his body while Spihanor struggled to pin his brother down and make him submit, but it was useless. Spihanor knew he had the upper hand as he had more leverage while his brother tried to push him off, yet neither wanted to injure the other as their claws left small scratches against each others hide or scales.

Neither dragon seemed to relent as Spihanor's shaft swayed to and fro, leaking pre while Koori grew tired, yet he didn't want to admit defeat, as to give in meant he would be bred by his brother, who he secretly harbored emotions for. Even while fighting him off, he could feel the fire in his loins mounting while his instincts urged him to surrender, to submit to his brother. He desperately wanted to run, to get away, but he knew he was losing as he felt his brother's shaft bump against his haunches, looking for a warm hole to thrust into. Meanwhile they growled and snarled at each other as they tussled for position as Koori twisted his body, lightly buffeting Spihanor with his wings, attempting to wriggle out of his brothers gasp, but he was persistent, finally managing to bite down on his neck, triggering Koori's body to freeze, going limp in his grasp. Spihanor growled, tightening his grip as Koori whimpered, relaxing his body even as he yelled at his instincts to fight, yet his body refused to listen to him, caught in a vulnerable position. His instincts knew not to struggle so as not to provoke the male above as his brother held him by his neck. Trapped beneath him, there was nothing he could do as Spihanor adjusted his stance, lowering his hind legs to position his throbbing shaft above his swollen sex as it leaked fluids.

Koori whined as he felt his brother's shaft rub against his slit, making him shiver in disgust as to what was about to happen. His folds were wet and slick, inviting Spihanor's shaft to slip inside him, yet he was anything but willing to comply. Being a female dragoness was something he didn't want to be, a male, perhaps he could have handled that transition better, but a female was not something he wished he was at the moment, not while he was in heat with his body begging his brother to fuck him and impregnate him with a clutch of eggs. The pleasure was nice, but the feeling of not having a cock was what scared him, and the fact his brother was taking advantage of him in the terrified state he was in. He attempted to talk to him, tried to reason with what he was doing, but it seemed he couldn't even speak to his brother as his instincts had taken control, making him relax beneath his brother's hold as he readied himself to breed the dragoness below him. All he could do was wait as Spihanor lowed himself onto him, poking his sex with his throbbing shaft as he heard his brother grunt and growl in pleasure. It seemed like he had become an animal led by desire, and in fact that was true, but Spihanor knew what he was doing. He knew he was about to mate with his brother and that it was futile to fight against his instincts, so he had chosen to embrace them, even if it meant he would be hurting his brother in the process. He would apologize later and think of how he could get back at Eric for doing this to them.

It didn't take much longer for Spihanor to move again, loosening his grip on Koori's neck. It looked like his brother was letting him go as he tilted his head, ready to move out from under him, but instead he soon found out he was just raising his hips to thrust into him. Spihanor did not miss his mark, penetrating Koori's sex, making him roar out in pain as he thrashed against his brother, throwing his head back as his shaft invaded his passageway, stretching his walls while ripping past his hymen to come to a rest at his cervix. Spihanor bite back down against his neck while growling, clenching his eyes as he shook from the overwhelming pleasure going through his body while Koori was in agony as blood dripped past his shaft to dribble down his haunches to stain the floor red. Spihanor kept still, getting adjusted to the immense warmth and mind numbing sensations of his brother's vent squeezing down on his throbbing shaft. For Spihanor, it was heaven, but for Koori, it was anything but. Waves of pain racked his body as he clenched down on his brothers invading shaft, trying to push it out, but he couldn't, it only brought him more pain and discomfort from having something that big inside him. His brother was too strong and he already had tightened his grip on his neck, forcing him to relax even as he writhed beneath him, raising his forelegs to grasp at his bulky forelegs and dig his claws into his brother's hide.

Spihanor began to pull out as Koori gasped for breath, whining as his brother's ridges stimulated his walls, sending pleasure to overtake the pain before thrusting back in. Koori whimpered as Spihanor growled in pleasure, closing his eyes as he started to gain momentum, working in and out of his brother with earnest. He had long since embraced his instincts, basking in the pleasure and feel of his brother's vent rippling around his throbbing shaft, gripping it firmly as he thrust in and out, bottoming out against his cervix every time. He could feel the seed within his balls churn, getting ready to serve their purpose as he sped up, plunging into Koori who was helpless to stop him. Spihanor's body felt alight with energy and power as he continued to plow into his brother's sex, his breathing getting heavy as he panted against Koori's neck while raising his wings to shield them from anyone who could be watching them, slightly irritating Eric who was enjoying the show. He was careful not to penetrate his brother's scales and draw blood, just putting enough pressure so he wouldn't struggle. Even as he was thrusting into him, relishing in the pleasure and sensations of his brother's vent contracting around his shaft, he wondered what Koori was thinking, whether he had given in, or if he was still fighting.

From the time Spihanor had begun to move, Koori's mind had been a mess of emotions and sensations. When his brother first plunged into him, he had felt pain like never before as he thought he was going to pass out. It was as if he had been torn apart when his brother had drove his rigid, throbbing length into him, yet it seemed his passage was just big enough to allow him to enter effortlessly without causing him too much pain. The girth of his brother's shaft added to his discomfort as his walls were stretched taught around his length while he cried out in pain, but his brother kept going, ignoring his cries of distress. It felt like the Spihanor he knew was gone, replaced with a wild animal that only cared about his needs, and in this case that was breeding him only to release his essence inside of him. It was bewildering why he was doing this, but he couldn't struggle forever as his body broke down under the constant assault of pleasure. Even now he could feel it washing over his body, enveloping his mind as his walls caressed his brother's shaft, stroking and pulling him further in while his muscles were twitching. It worried him a lot when he felt his shaft bottom out inside him, momentarily pushing against something firm and unyielding that send a brief spike of pain through his body before he pulled back to do it again. He hoped his brother wouldn't try and go past that, as he knew it would put him in agony again.

While his brother continued to thrust into him with gradually increasing speed and vocal grunt and growls, his resolve had been fading, vanishing under waves of pleasure like a puddle under the sun. He had been scared when he found out he was transforming into a dragon, but the fact he had lost his cock and had become a female instead terrified him. He hadn't wanted his brother to find out, but he had anyway. He would have never known this was going to happen to them before today, but he couldn't deny that it was also his biggest dream of being close to his brother, closer than just talking and having fun like siblings do, but actually getting to explore his body, to feel his skin against his own as we pleasured and explored each others bodies. That was when they had been humans, yet he would never admit it to him. He was too shy to express his feelings for his brother, but having been transformed into dragons, with him becoming a dragoness, it allowed him the chance to do just that. He didn't want to do so when he found out he was in heat, because if Spihanor impregnated him, he would become gravid with a clutch of eggs, and the idea of being laden with eggs petrified him, but how else would he be able to get into this position, right beneath his brother as he fucks him to the ground, gripping his neck dominantly? No, even if he doesn't realize it by accepting his instincts, he now has the chance to get to know him more, to embrace him despite our new bodies.

Koori had wasted too much time fighting against his instincts, fearing what would happen while his brother had already accepted it. He had been surprised to find he had become a dragoness and his brother had stayed a male, but somehow, that was ok with him now. Spihanor had always been with him, cheering him up when he felt sad, entertaining him when he was bored and helping him on his homework when he didn't understand a problem, and through it all he had developed secret feelings for him. He knew he couldn't act on them in fear of how his brother or parents would act, but in this situation, he felt he could let go and embrace the change like his brother had. At first he had been scared when he had taken him, causing him unimaginable amounts of pain, but as he continued thrusting into him, gaining momentum, he gave into the pleasure, pressing up against his brother as he tilted his head and joined him in his vocalizations, growling and snarling while thrusting back against him. Spihanor on the other hand had been growing nervous when Koori had gone stiff when he had initially thrust into him. He knew he was in pain when he had broken his hymen, but he thought that would fade as he picked up the pace, yet over time he had felt his brother relax beneath him, even so far as to groan and roll his hips into his thrusts, spreading his hind legs eagerly with a lilting purr. Even with his instincts controlling his motions, he was glad his brother was accepting it as he began thrusting into him with earnest, releasing his neck to lick his scales sensually, making Koori twist beneath him and curl his tail around his.

Both were breathing heavily as Spihanor planted his legs firmly on the ground, now attempting to force his knot inside of his brother who yelped at the added girth, but he showed no signs of wanting him to stop. Spihanor was starting to tire as the pressure in his loins grew and his shaft throbbed and became painfully stiff while squirting pre into Koori's passage, lubricating his vent so that he could move faster and deeper inside him. Koori hissed as Spihanor rocked against him, feeling him slap his knot against his folds, wanting to tie with him to ensure none of his seed escaped. Even as there pleasure grew to new heights now that both of them were into the rhythm, Spihanor closed his eyes and lowered his head against Koori's while grunting, slamming his knot into his vent as it popped in before pulling it out. Koori growled as he was stretched further, yet the pleasure overwhelmed the pain and discomfort as his vent squeezed and sucked on his brother's shaft, feeling his orgasm coming on fast. Spihanor began roughly pounding into his brother who was squirming beneath him, ramming his shaft into him with urgency as his breathing quickened and his balls started to rise with the tell tail pressure in his abdomen. He clenched his teeth before biting down on Koori's neck once again, making him yowl as he thrust into him one last time, locking himself inside his brother as his knot swelled before he roared in climax.

Koori knew his brother was close as well from how rough he was going at it, slamming his shaft into his vent before feeling him hit his cervix with increasing pressure. He yelped as Spihanor thrust into him one more time and bite his neck, forcing himself past his cervix as he cried at the intense pain while his brother knotted him before he felt his shaft throb and swell before releasing his seed. Koori was but a second behind him as he tilted his head back and roared, joining his brother in orgasm as his vent clenched down around his brother's cock, causing his ridges to dig into his walls, making him buck his hips and flap his wings, sending fresh waves of pleasure through both of them. The sensations that surged through their bodies was greater than what they would ever feel as humans as Koori thrashed and writhed beneath his brother, feeling his virile seed enter his egg chamber while Spihanor trembled from the pleasure rushing through his mind. Spihanor's tail lashed from side to side, bringing Koori's with it as he pressed his body tighter against his younger brother's, sealing the gap between them while flapping his wings to cool them down.

Both were in a state of ecstasy as their orgasms rolled on for minutes, robbing them of their strength and ability to move as Spihanor collapsed on top of his brother, panting hard. His shaft was still throbbing vigorously inside Koori's vent, sending short bursts of pleasure through their bodies while squirting his seed at slowly decreasing intervals. The worst, or perhaps best of it was over now as he struggled to breath, having experienced the best orgasm of his life, even better than when he climaxed on the floor with only the assistance of his blooming tail. Koori meanwhile was in a similar state to his brother, as he simply lay limp on his back, basking in the afterglow as he felt his brother's shaft pulse inside him, having gotten used to the girth and size of his length. Having an orgasm as a female was a very different sensation from having one as a male, but it was very satisfying nonetheless, and the desperate ache in his loins had faded from his brother's climax. He knew without a doubt that he would be gravid with a clutch of eggs in time, but he hoped his brother would be there to care for him. Even if they were trapped here for the rest of their lives, given their parents couldn't find them because of their new appearances, as long as he had Spihanor, he knew everything would be ok with his brother looking out for him.

Eric meanwhile was sitting in the control room, having taken his pants off the moment the elder brother had begun to ravage his younger brother. He had enjoyed watching them transform with the elder brother, Spihanor, climaxing from his emerging tail, but that wasn't the best part yet. It amused him how Koori, the younger brother had acted at finding out he wasn't a male anymore, and he was delighted to know there had been no trouble in the process either. Both brothers' had completed their transformations, yet he had been worried about the younger brother when he didn't move. It was only when Spihanor went to inspect him that he sighed in relief. He knew that Koori was the better choice to become the female, as Spihanor would be more dominant while caring once he... or she became gravid. And when it came time to watch them mate, he couldn't help but join them, taking off his pants to stroke himself as Spihanor took his younger brother without remorse, or perhaps he did have remorse, but his instincts forced him to breed the dragoness, to impregnate her. He loved how the younger brother still tried to resist the sensations, the feeling of being dominated by his brother, but it all worked out as he eventually gave in. He had increased his pace the faster the dragons went, huffing and moaning as he watched them mate. He knew he couldn't last as long as them, climaxing when Spihanor had begun licking his younger brother's neck, spilling his seed onto his chest and arms.

It perked his curiosity as to what kind of dragons they had become, the elder brother being bulky and larger than his younger brother, having feathered wings with tough yellow hide instead of scales. The younger brother however was more comparable to the dragons he had in the Planetarium, with horns and scales as well as leather wings, and his coloring looked remarkable. The two made a great pair, as they were already brothers. He didn't have to force two dragons to mate and potentially lose one or both of them if they chose to fight. With this solution however, he could easily pair friends and family, transforming them into dragons before making them breed each other to help him with his plan of repopulating the dragon species. Now that the two brothers had finished, maybe he could do the same to their parents should they come looking for them. He looked forward to the day he was praised as the man who saved the dragons and ended their nightmare, allowing them to go back into the wild without being confined here and gawked at by humans all year round. Perhaps, when all is said and done, he could see what it was like to be a dragon as well, to experience the pleasure of mating, to dominate a dragoness as he impregnated her.

"Hehehehehehe." Eric chuckled softly, peering at the monitor that showed the two brothers were still going at it while he stroked his flaccid cock as he leaned back in his char. He envied their stamina, wishing he could go as long as they could, but as long as it brought him results, it didn't matter very much. He knew they would be at it for quite some time until they were spent. He only had to think of how he was going to transport the two to their enclosure, as they surely would have figured out who did this to them. They would be hostile towards him when he approached, but he would have guards with him to subdue them. He had been the only one with them. No other staff member had given them a tour. It had been him specifically. Very few people knew about his plans, but the ones who did know told him about the two brothers when their parents had bought the tickets for them.


It had been quite some time since the two brother's had been forcedly changed into dragons, trapped inside the room by Eric, with the younger brother changing gender as well to become a female. Both of them had been alarmed by the sudden onslaught of changes, but it was the elder brother, Spihanor, who decided to embrace his instincts first and pursue his brother and mate with him. Now, after having climaxed, the brothers are resting, with Spihanor behind Koori, protecting him with his wings as he licks his neck to comfort him from their horrific experience. Koori, being next to his big brother, feels safe in his care, but is still nervous and scared for what is going to happen to them. No one has come to let them out of the room since Eric took them here to see the cousin of the Knightwing. They have only had the company of each other as Spihanor apologizes to Koori, who relishes in the close intimate contact with his brother. Being a dragoness didn't seem so bad when he had his brother beside him to protect him from Eric, and besides, they were dragons. Even if this wasn't the best situation to be transformed into dragons, they could at least explore their bodies further, to see what they had marveled at for so long. Perhaps they could have some more fun before they had to confront Eric.