Dragoness Dreams

Story by Cheetahs on SoFurry

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IMPORTANT! I'm doing a fundraiser for my sister who lost her baby at birth. If you want to lend a paw and help this kitty out (and also get rewarded for your kindness) please visit this link.

Story Description: This is a story I have written for two absolutely wonderful dragons as a tribute to the wonderful relationship they share. If cute, cuddly first times are your thing, then I am positive you will enjoy this story a great deal ^^

Minerea belongs to: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/pinkdragonlove/

Videri belongs to: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/videri

Story is written by me, Cheetahs

Dragoness Dreams (Commission done for Videri: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/videri)

Am I worthy of her?

Videri mulled over that thought while he cradled the young female in his embrace. She was such a petite, lithe beauty, giving off an air of vulnerability that needed to be both treasured and safeguarded.

The male grinned at that as he buried his face into the luxurious white feathers of her mane. Although his protective instinct surfaced every now and then, Videri understood that, as a mature dragoness, Minerea could very effectively fend for herself. For one, her flame breath was capable of inflict substantial damage on the unfortunate target of her wrath, in the rare occasion where the situation demanded such aggression. Most often than not, Minerea preferred to outrace and outsmart her opponents, her slender constitution built for increased agility that obviously surpassed Videri's. Today's sky race proved to him that much, an embarrassing defeat that even Mina teased him about.

Lesson learned. Never try to race her through a narrow canyon.

The bruises on his flanks and haunches agreed with a dull throb, making Videri groan, more in frustration than discomfort. His gallant side still agonized over his stinging defeat; after all, what sort of male lost the first challenge issued by his mate on the very day when they decided to link their lives together? It was downright emasculating!

And yet, his emotional half exulted in this particular outcome, as it dragged Minerea straight into his embrace, her dainty muzzle rested atop one of his forepaws, hind legs tucked between his, her gender dangerously close to his sheathe, and to the teal glans peeking out of it. Her feminine fragrance might have brought the haze of arousal upon his mind, but it was her delicate features, together with her pleasant coloring, that truly mesmerized Videri.

Red, crescent shaped markings added color to the black scales of Minerea's cheeks, right under her eyes, with an added dash opposite to it for an extra, exotic tint. Suave curves outlined her jaws and slightly pointy muzzle, soft and graceful, embellished by short, stubby white horns that reddened towards their sharp tips. A pair of similarly colored spikes protruded from the lower portion of her jaws, adding a shade of fierceness to her otherwise jovial features.

Crimson plates stretched along her throat, running all the way down her chest and continuing to the bladed tip of her tail. The only distortion caused in that otherwise uniform surface was her femininity, a shallow crevice surrounded by slightly puffy, vertical plates that broke the symmetry, as if to attract attention upon themselves.

They certainly captured Videri's interest, along with the smooth flesh nestled between them. Videri swallowed back the lump in his throat, taking in deep, calculated breaths to delay the inevitability of his impending erection.

It didn't work. His meat spilled forth from his taut sheath, urged on by soft, almost dull throbs. Videri barely bit back his gasp of surprise as his tip accidentally kissed Minerea's slick lips. The waves of electrifying pleasure brought by the gentle rub against her smooth flesh paralyzed him, while the faint shudders slithering along Minerea's walls stole his wits away, locking them behind a wall of impenetrable lust.

With his tip already inside his first mate and female, all Videri could do was scrunch his eyes in both panic and pleasure, unable--unwilling--to see how Minerea would react to such appalling act of blatant debauchery.

"Mrrrrhhhh," Minerea half moaned, half growled. Her foreclaws bit into Videri's shoulders, further adding to his confusion. Was she enraged with his extreme disrespect for her privacy, or...goading him on?

Not that Videri could do something about it. His body acted out of its own accord, instinct taking over when his conscience trailed behind, driving him further into the blissful confines of his lovely mate. Though he had fantasized multiple times about what mating felt like, being inside a female felt vastly different. His body felt aflame with new, too foreign stimuli, and his head threatened to explode from the battle waged between instinct and logic. It felt completely wrong to penetrate his mate without her explicit consent, but at the same time, she was the one who bound him in place. Her forepaws seized his shoulders, claws hooked between his scales to restrain his movement. Her tail wove around his, and her left hind leg rose to point towards the sky, leaving her sex to Videri's mercy.

For all he knew, Minerea merely pretended to be asleep; it wouldn't be the first time the dragoness lured him into one of her elaborate ploys. If past experience was any indication for these sort of trials, then Videri had to forsake logic in favor of instinct; to relinquish worries and surrender to the alluring tug of pleasure that guided him deeper and deeper into his one true love.

Videri only made up to his knot inside of her when a surge of unbridled euphoria overrode his senses. His muscles seized up, wings unfurling out of their own accord, his toes clenching as if guided by invisible threads, his neck arching back so that he could squeak out his breathless yelp of awe. Never had Videri felt so weak, so vulnerable before such an intense feeling of utter release. It made his head spin, his balls to shudder and clench, and his cock to lurch within Mina's velvety depths, knot fully inflated with molten pleasure that he could scarcely contain.

Powerless to stop it, Videri poured himself into Minerea, shedding his overwhelming burden spurt by throbbing spurt. His facial muscles contorted through several expressions, starting with disbelief that led into panic which faded into snarling bliss soon to taper off into a satisfying numbness.

Utterly spent after his first orgasm, Videri blinked back the fog from his wide yet unfocused eyes. Minerea stared back at him, greeting him with a wide, smug grin.

"That didn't take you long."

Videri tried to gulp down the terror stemming from being discovered, but his tongue was all tangled, his throat utterly parched. "I....I..."

Mina's forepaws cupped his cheeks, and her tongue slowly but surely began to melt away the crippling shyness fettering his senses.

"You only did what your body demanded of you, of which I am very proud of. It takes immense courage to embrace your needs, and even more so to trust your mate to accept them."

Videri was at a loss. He didn't even consider this line of thinking! What happened began with a simple accident that spiraled out of control, and yet, Minerea beamed from the outcome of it. A tornado of questions whirled through Videri's mind, each more ridiculous than the other. Weren't females supposed to be disappointed by a male's premature ejaculation? Was Mina truly asleep? Had she planned for this all along? Was she seeking to comfort him for losing that stupid race?

"Hrrrf," Minerea growled, snorting a puff of white smoke in his face, shoving a forepaw in his snout to gently push him away. "No, I wasn't asleep. Yes, I may have gotten perilously close to your malehood. And just to make it clear, I find your premature burst of passion utterly adorable. It's part of why I chose you, rrrr?"

The dragoness trudged closer to him, rubbing her sinuous neck against his thicker, slightly longer one, their scales rustling against each other faintly, soothingly.

"I...didn't know what I was doing," Videri admitted, settling a paw between her wings to massage the base of her neck.

"Neither did I. It felt so...strange when you ejaculated inside me. Every scale on my body itched and tingled, and every subsequent spurt fanned the flames threatening to consume my being. I felt my wits slipping, my heart swelling, my breath wither. It scared me, and it fascinated me in equal measure."

Videri could easily sympathize with her, though in his case, the build-up and the climax mingled into one another. Try as he might to recall that cryptic moment, the young male failed to discern the two. It all happened so fast, and so suddenly!

Minerea bumped her snout against his to grab his attention, her eyes twinkling with mischievous intent. "Would you like to try it again?"

Videri's heart shrunk to the size of a pebble. So soon?! Any sensible male in his position would have found a simple reason to decline, but instead, he nodded slowly, uncertainly, much to Minerea's crooning delight.

The dragoness was simply overjoyed with his response, prancing around him like a restless hatchling, growling and dashing her tongue along his neck.

Videri settled onto his haunches, still uncertain about his decision and more than self-conscious with his previous performance. Everything about their first mating surrounded him. Mina wore his white gift upon her lower belly, its musky fragrance weaving its way to his nostrils, mixed with a trace of her delightful sweetness. With every breath, Videri drew in more of her delightfully receptive fragrance, slowly starting to understand the reason for Minerea's excitement. She was young, healthy, strong, a dragoness in her prime who has just discovered the joy of mating.

"Aren't you all stiff and proper?" Mina playfully headbutted his side, throwing the growling male onto his side. "I recall you being the talkative one out of the two of us."

"I still am!" Videri defended his pride, pawing at Mina's tail with his hinds, trying to grab hold of it between the predictable wagging motions. Mina almost let him win in a couple of instances, but she quickly withdrew her tail mind numbingly fast as if to remind him of how slow he was. "It's just that my energy levels plummet during the night."

"Curious..." Mina trailed off as she began circling him, a predator eying her prey. "From what I recall, none of us actually slept. That's how infatuated we were with each other."

The dragoness stopped in her tracks, hissing in surprise as an ivory snake began to slither down the inner portion of her haunch. Videri paled, she squeaked in panic, and they both stared at each other questioningly.

"Maybe you should bathe," Videri suggested, lifting a tentative forepaw.

Minerea cocked her head, eyes narrow in puzzlement. "In the middle of the night?"

"I'll keep you warm!"

"Hrmpf, I'm still a fire dragoness. Besides, it's just a small trickle of seed. Given how quickly you have ejaculated, a couple of tongue strokes should solve our little predicament."

Videri sucked in a deep breath, his cheeks gaining a purple hue from the fiery embarrassment welling within them. He considered turning his head away and give Minerea privacy when the dragoness flopped onto her side, but a perverse curiosity prevented him from doing that. He...wanted to watch her. He wished--no, needed--to know if she found his seed agreeable or repulsive.

Minerea's initial snarl, along with a muffled growl, froze the blood in his veins. She eyed her messy slit warily, her tail swishing along the grass nervously, nostrils twitching to sniff at his essence as her muzzle inched closer to her sex. Videri held his breath when her tongue poked past her fangs, brought his forepaws to his muzzle as she scooped a tendril of ivory goo, and whimpered in distress during that painfully drawn-out swallow.

"Does it...taste bad?"

Minerea favored him a sly smile. "Not to me, darling."

Videri couldn't keep his eyes away once her melodious moans rippled through the air, coaxed by the tongue that she whirled inside of her to clean every trace of his liquid lust. He turned his snout upon her exposed flesh, watching, sniffing, wishing he could add his own tongue to that perfect blend of crimson plates and lubricated flesh. It seemed unfit to interrupt her now, when Minerea was enjoying herself so intensely. Her muscular tongue sunk all the way in, lips suckling the trickles of translucent beads that pooled upon her lips, a product of her own ministrations.

Her golden eyes turned to him.

Videri gulped, then drew his head under a wing, pretending to groom his hind paw.

"You're peeking."

"I was grooming!" he growled indignantly. "Mind your own needs."

"What about yours?" Minerea approached her snout, unleashing a gust of heated air between his legs.

"Do you need me to clean your paws?"

"That would be such a waste of a good tongue," she trilled in that playful, teasing way of hers.

Such words painted a very vivid image in Videri' mind. With her smell washing any other scents away, he had no option but to satisfy his deepest cravings. Videri shuffled on his fours, licking and rubbing heads with his mate before descending along her red belly. Her plates were beautiful, yet not as enticing as the warm nest of flesh hiding between her legs.

"Lay on your back," Videri said, encouraging her to shift her position by nuzzling the small scales surrounding her crevice. They were soft and sensitive. Minerea trembled slightly before her elegant body splayed on the ground, wings stretched along the grass. Her front paws were tightly placed against her chest, giving her a rather cute appearance.

Videri looked her over, pride blooming within his chest. She was such a beautiful dragoness and, starting with today, she was his to worship and idolize as he pleased. He licked at her lithe hind toes for a bit to stir her desire, then crouched low to the ground. His erection posed certain issues, yet a bit of discomfort was a fitting price to see his mate's jewel from up-close. Minerea's gender was the most beautiful thing he ever laid eyes upon. Its shape was exquisite, from the soft plates that receded into the puffy folds to the glistening sheen that covered the surface of the sensitive flesh.

And that was only the outer layer. Inside of her hid a whole cave of unexplored wonders.

Videri placed a forepaw on the inside of each haunch, slowly and teasingly pushing them to the sides. Minerea trembled with eagerness. She knew what was coming. They both knew.

Videri took in her scent with a deep, satisfying breath, head swimming from the concoction of fertile scents dripping through her canal. He wanted her. Needed her more than ever.

He poked his tongue out, then slid it across the length of her shuddering lips. They parted slightly for him to share a glimpse of the heat residing within their embrace. Videri didn't bite the bait just yet, sliding above their surface, unwilling to sample her finest honey just yet.

"Mrawrrr!" Minerea tensed up, kicking her hind paws, impatient to get to the good parts of this foreplay. Videri smirked, washing his tongue over her folds again and again, greatly enjoying the way the dragoness kicked at the air like a restless hatchling.

He nuzzled her lips, then kissed them with short pokes of his tongue. More fluid sneaked past his teeth, filling his maw with fertile sweetness. He swallowed it all, throbbing all the harder from it. Just like Minerea's walls, he, too, was tight down there. Hard and aching, his cock begged for the chance to once again dip into that sea of pleasure, to sink beneath its waves in search for that too pleasurable and addictive relief.

This time around, Videri chose to overrule his instincts in order to savor his mate first. He circled her flower, dabbing his tongue at her dainty opening, straying away from her shuddering flesh whenever her sweet voice filled the air. When that happened, Videri switched to her slim, agile haunches, licking the scales lining them, all the way up to the pink, cushy pads of her hind paws.

Minerea huffed, her paws persistently pushing his head towards her sex, but Videri expertly wove his head between her haunches, teasing her vulnerable pads to a series of infuriating nibbles. Left with no way to continue this fight, Mina chuckled, her hind paws clasping his horns so that she could give him a grave glare.

"Don't take too long, love. Moods are a fickle thing, and it would be a shame to start our first night together on the wrong foot."

As much as Videri wished to play around with her some more if only to stoke her lust, he chose the safe route to reach the same destination by plunging his muscular tongue into her depths. Her lips parted swiftly to allow the increasingly thicker tongue full access into the female's depths. To Videri's great surprise, Minerea was truly soaked there. Gushes of pleasantly scented honey spurted weakly through her tunnel under the calm shudders of her muscles. They weren't tight just yet, allowing Videri easy passage into her depths. She was silky, warm, an excellent nest that could engulf his cock into the most wonderful embrace. As he kept his tongue inside, breathing vapors of heat, swallowing dribbles of her honey, Videri wished nothing more than to be inside her, tied in the most meaningful and erotic of ways thanks to his knot. His wings trembled, claws curled, cock throbbed hard under the ripples of heated pleasure. That was how much he desired her.

Slowly, Videri drew his tongue back. Rippling shudders traversed Minerea's lips. She tightened hard, squirting her heat into his half opened maw. Videri sucked it with a sharp slurp, then pulled his tongue back, snarling with desire.

It was time to feast. With such an appetizing meal before him, Videri did not need to be gentle. He descended upon her with a tense tongue and snarly lips, invading her silky tunnel with everything he had.

Minerea growled. Her legs flexed with the urge to kick, but Videri pressed his forepaws into her inner haunches, holding her still while his tongue invaded her out without mercy. Like last time, he went all the way in, but he wasn't planning to stand still. He wriggled in her embrace, and when her shudders turned into righteous spasms, he pulled out to clean her lips and graze upon her naked flesh before penetrating her once more.

Minerea's growl went a pitch higher. In and out, through her velvet muscles and around her lips, Videri stimulated her through every means available to his maw. He squeezed his snout against her vent, rubbing her with circular motions while his tongue slurped and twisted inside of her to scoop as much of her delightful essence as possible off her clamping walls.

Minerea's juices filled his nose; they coated his snout, dribbled down his chin, caressed his throat with their smooth, rich tang. Every muscle in his body tightened with the urge to breed, to share himself with her once again and bestow her with the gift of life.

Videri held that desire back for a little bit, ignoring the pool of precum that gathered under his flaring head. Right now, he had a meal to enjoy, and he planned to feast on Minerea until her yowl turned into a proper roar.

She huffed, flapped, kicked and flailed, her tail even springing upwards and right against his sack. Thankfully, she restrained herself in the last second, evading his jewels by a hairsbreadth. With the threat posed by her tail subdued, Videri licked, again, then again, faster, harder, messier, suckling her lips, licking them, piercing them, delving deep into the very core of her being.

Minerea didn't roar. She exploded, thrusting her hips past his gripping claws to slam her wet need hard against his chin. A strong squirt splashed upon his neck. Then came another, even harder and richer than the last.

Videri pushed his snout into her tunnel just when she widened, catching her next spurt right into his maw. Viscous and sweet, it was better than anything he ever tasted. He swallowed hard, then slammed his muzzle tight against her vent to capture every squirt of her nectar into the waiting confines of his mouth.

Minerea thrust hard and quick, rubbing herself mercilessly upon the pebbly scales of his muzzle and the softness of his tongue alike. At the height of her peak, the dragoness wished to do everything in her power to fan the flames of passion for just a moment longer, to hover within the boundless ocean of pleasure, to surrender just a few more drops of molten lust to the caring touch of her mate.

Videri was there to lick and slurp everything she had to offer. He tamed her powerful squirts with his tongue, then let her sweetness pool in his maw to the point of overflowing before he swallowed all that delightful goodness. It was a feast for his instincts. His whole body trembled as liquid fertility trickled down his throat, along his belly before dispersing through his shaft in the form of powerful throbs.

Squirts of cloudy precum fed the earth in unison with the squirts of heat that fed his maw. Videri did not stop. He kept on feeding, licking, nuzzling until every last one of her squirts merged onto him.

Then, Minerea finally relaxed. Her limbs went slack, throat smoldering with a weakened growl. Videri swallowed her last reserves, then cleaned her lips with quick strokes. When Minerea looked at him, he saw not the fondness sparkling within her eyes, but the need sizzling upon her snarling muzzle.

She didn't wish to cuddle with him. She wanted to be claimed by her one true love, to feel his body mold with hers and wings to twine within each other.

Just as he rolled onto his fours, Mina did the same, tail tip swishing about his muzzle playfully, keeping the male in place while she lowered herself onto her belly, wings splayed over the ground to expose her back to him. She also raised her tail invitingly to offer him one last peek at her goods before her croon of need rippled forth, its ethereal tethers guiding Videri over her sleek body until his wan plates mated rustled against her dark scales.

Videri nuzzled the feathers of her nape and licked at a shoulder while his limbs fell into place, one forepaw on each side of her shoulders, just behind her wings. His own wings flared to maintain balance as he moved his hind legs into a proper position, ready to complete Minerea by filling her with himself. Videri arched his back, thrusting his hard aching cock towards her oozing heat. He poked only hard scales, and Minerea noticed that. Her rump raised just a bit higher, tail wriggling around his sack, coiling around his own to guide him into her embrace.

Videri arched his back, then pushed himself forth, sinking right through the same needy hole his tongue had explored earlier.

This time, it felt hotter and infinitely more rewarding. For a sensitive member that knew only the bitter embrace of cold air for the past minutes, the tight, rippling muscles of a female felt absolutely divine. Videri couldn't find the strength to growl. Breath stuck in his throat, the intense feelings proving too much for his rock hard cock to bear. A weak, trembling moan burst from his throat instead, oozing with the primal need to breed.

The male slammed himself deeper, and deeper, until his knot kissed his mate's lips in the most intimate of ways.

Minerea's eager tongue lapped at his chin. She, too, moaned lustfully, nibbling with her eager teeth and lapping at his snout with loving intent. She was ecstatic to have her mate so deep inside her. Videri knew that from the way she contracted around him. She needed his seed, and she begged for it in an obvious, desperate sort of way.

Squeezing his eyes shut, Videri slid out, rubbing his swollen glans along her dripping canal. Prickles of pleasure embraced his whole cock especially around the edges of his tip. Videri grunted, then thrust himself back in. His knot hardened like stone, and his sack grew tighter than usual. A trickle of smoldering heat surged through his tip. The male's legs trembled, trying to hold it in, but the upcoming throb shattered his resilience. The bead flowed into Minerea, mixing with her fluids. It wasn't seed. Just the lonely rain droplet heralding the coming of the storm.

Videri felt his body grow stiffer by the moment. His heart thundered in his chest, his claws sank into the ground, and his hips shivered with the urge to thrust deeper, faster, stronger. The male arched his back, then sank through the female's opening so hard Minerea's tail tugged and trembled. She squeezed him hard, begging him to remain inside.

But he couldn't. The need to thrust consumed him. With his back arched into the ideal thrusting position, Videri began mating her in the terse, wild pace of a male dragon overtaken by his need to breed. His shaft plunged in and out of her, battering her with lewd squelches and sending both of their fluids splattering upon their belly plates. Flesh met flesh in the lewdest of ways. Minerea raised her hips higher, tail curling and kneading around the male's to encourage his mounting spree while a rumbling moan blazed within her throat.

Eyes closed, tongue lashing along the female's snout, Videri bred his dragoness with wild, feral need, creating more friction, more stimulation, more liquid arousal to fuel the flames of their union. He entered her so easily right now. Videri just needed to lean his body forth, and Minerea's muscles did the rest. His cock slid into her out of its own accord, a perfect match for the snug tunnel that embraced him every time.

And it was tight. So tight, and so hot. The heat became more intense with each thrust, blazing into an inferno no dragon could control.

Minerea grabbed around his jaws, jaws trembling, teeth clattering on the hard scales for a few fickle moments. A shudder traversed along her stiffening wings, dispersing into her rapidly trembling slit.

She was going to cum.

Minerea's sharp teeth grabbed hard onto his lower jaw as the passion burst out of her, untamed and unyielding. She pushed hard against her mate's cock to make sure she took him all in, then bathed him in the sweetest and hottest of releases, shifting her trembling hind quarters as her vent spasmed with the finality of release.

Videri stiffened, overtaken by the intensity of her climax. Her juices entered inside his cock hole like a flaming spear, breaking through his wavering endurance. Then her muscles fell around him, squeezing tighter than ever. He thought he was going to cum, weakened member barraged from all sides by her lustful strokes, but her spasm was fickle as it was strong. Her vent relaxed, allowing her inner lust to wash along his cock and then explode upon his knot and balls.

Videri trembled. The need to cum together with his mate was great, but he wanted to hold onto it longer. If he resisted just a bit longer, he could give her a truly powerful orgasm. So he steadied his legs, flared his wings, then pushed through her spasming vent at the height of her pleasure.

Minerea roared louder, emptying herself upon a mate too stubborn to remain inside. With rapid thrusts, Videri sank through her muscles, pounding the heated female roughly and hurriedly, her outstretched walls so slick with her climax that she could easily fit his knot.

Minerea slammed her jaws shut, then burst with renewed vigor. She didn't stop releasing. Oh no. Her worn muscles just relaxed for a bit before descending into another spasming fit.

Videri had a hard time resisting. With such intense heat squeezing his cock from all sides, he felt weak, overpowered by her mate's eagerness. Slowly and surely, the pressure broke through his knot, climbing along the tensing surface of his cock.

"Awwwrrrhh..." Videri moaned as he slammed her harder, faster, stronger. Ripples washed along their underbelly plates, and beads of combined arousal exploded onto the surrounding grass. Heat engulfed his scales, together with their joint, rising cries of raw ecstasy.

Videri thrust again, then again, squeezing through her as quick as he could before his cock hardened beyond any comprehensible means. Heavy pressure traversed his bloating tube, pressing into him with unfettered might. Videri tried to hold it in, yet his trembling sack proved to be a very unreliable line of defense. The fluids advanced upon his swelling cock...

Then exploded as Minerea's walls collapsed around the male's throbbing shaft.

"Rawwwwrrrr!" Videri's roar crumbled, just like his strength. He fit his maw around the back of her neck, biting and licking as his shivering, useless hind legs pressed his cock into the deepest reaches of the female's milking canal. All that delightful heat he built through his thrusts surged back through his knot, unlocking the full might of his release. In untamed waves it surged forth, his spurts loaded with thick, scalding love, filling Minerea to the brim with the passion he harbored for her.

"Harrrrwwwr...raaaarrh!" Videri slid out mid climax to pound at her squeezing flesh with a series of quick thrusts. "Rawrrr mrruuurrh...uuurrrhh..."

"Nrrrhhh graaaahhh..." Minerea's growled with lust as she took as much of his load as her muscles could carry. She loved to be filled. Her flesh no longer shuddered recklessly, but trembled with a pleasing rhythm, allowing Videri to push in and out as he liked. He still bred her even as he came, numb with lust for the being he loved the most in this world. Heavy splashes of ivory goo squirted from Minerea's slit every few thrusts to coat his knot and balls with the product of his intense lust. There was nothing better than to feel his own seed around his length, to enjoy the throbbing warmth of his mate as she carried the life giving fluid into herself. Videri continued thrusting a few more times, then rammed himself hard and deep, plugging the leaking seed with his messy knot.

Caught in the throes of his pleasure, Videri bit, nibbled and licked his beloved dragoness while he filled her with his precious seed. She, too, licked at his chin, crying with short, satisfied moans as her tight squeezes drew the seed towards her unfertilized eggs. Videri emptied his balls with all his might, spurting all of his remaining vigor until the throbs became too weak to flush out the depleting remains of his essence.

He took a deep breath. With his heart steadying inside his chest, Videri realized how hard he ached. His whole body, from neck to tail, felt stiff and unresponsive. He fluttered his wings for a bit, then tried to move his legs, growling as discomfort rushed along his aching shaft. A vivid pain bloomed where pleasure reigned moments ago. He spent his seed too rough, too quickly. It was going to pass soon though.

Videri waited for Minerea's tail to disentangle from him before pulling his member out of her, knot included. Though he yearned to tie her to himself and truly make her his, Minerea's dainty body made him reconsider. She appeared so delicate to him all of a sudden, unfit to bear his knot during their first mating. What if she panicked, or worse, hurt her in the process? There was so much he didn't know about her--so much he still needed to learn about her.

The heavy splash of seed following the retreat of his member brought Videri's mind back to the present. Minerea contracted, her muscles pushing forth a second, then a third wave of excess seed before she rolled onto her back to expose her flooded slit before Videri's tired eyes. He sniffed at the product of their union, scaled hide tingling with genuine fulfillment from how well he managed to fill her. There was no doubt that a sizable part of his essence soaked into her egg chamber. He might very well be a fathersoon...but Videri still desired to mate her a couple more times, just to be sure.

"Cuddle with me," Minerea growled playfully, pawing at him with a weary hind leg.

Videri walked to her side, but that was not what the female really wanted. She guided him until he stood on top of her, then grabbed around his shoulders, pulling him down until their bellies met.

"Raarrr..." Minerea swished her tail as his half erect member dances across her lips, hers wet and sticky, his member swollen and hot. "Push yourself inside me. That is what the knot is for, isn't it?"

Videri eased himself into her, still avoiding the touch of his swollen knot against her entrance, trembling with a lukewarm shiver as his sensitive head was kneaded and caressed by the gentle touch of her shuddering lips.

Minerea hissed softly. "If only you were so gentle before spilling..."

"You seemed to favor my roughness," Videri trailed his tongue around her lower jaw, letting her warm breath fall upon his closed eyelids. Minerea still panted, warm with the aftermath of the mating, and he loved the taste of her lips. Without waiting for an answer, Videri climbed along one of her fangs, surrounding it with his fleshy tongue before Minerea struck with her own, tickling the roof of his mouth.

"That's unfair," he slapped her with a single toe between her nostrils, forcing another hiss out of her.

"And making me sneeze isn't?"

"You almost seem fierce when you do that."

"Do you want me to get fierce with you, my dearest?"

Videri was just about to say yes when the tips of her claws dug between his scales. Her slit pressed hard against his member, grabbing around his spaded head with pumping motions that kept him just hard enough to remain inside her. Videri liked her warmth, but this time her tongue felt better than her insides, playing around his head like a whip soaked in trailing heat.

"Maybe next time I will be the one doing the work."

"But...you're a female..." Videri said weakly.

"Should I just roll on my back for you? Present myself whenever you desire? No, my dear, silly male. You are mine as much as I am yours. This time you took me. Next time...we'll see what happens."

Videri was amused by her lack of ideas. "Maybe you need a few lessons in domination."

"You seem to be a good teacher."

"Oh, I don't mind," Videri licked between her parted jaws, sliding around her tongue, tasting her warm saliva as their nostrils met, rubbed, and shuddered. "I can love you in many more ways than mating."

"Show me," Minerea closed her eyes. "I give myself to you."

Videri bathed her head first, then descended along her chest. He treated each of her limbs, all the way to her sharp claws with his finest tongue strokes, stopping at her toes, which he began to suckl much to Minerea's growling delight. Her hind legs were even more receptive to his touch, easily tickled by his heated breath. After he cleaned them too, Videri dashed a quick stroke along her lips to sample the sweet, sticky taste of their union. Minerea's sweetness overpowered the strong flavor of his seed. He tried to push deeper, to taste more of his life giving essence, but the female kicked and growled to protect her legacy. Videri settled for her tailhole instead. That wasn't a place he explored properly until now. He gave a few circling licks, then pushed his tongue through her relaxed muscles.

Minerea looked at him with a blank expression. She didn't seem enticed by his touch.

Videri pulled his tongue out. Her musk was strong there, and he had to rub his snout into the grass to clear the pungent scents.

"Why did you lick there?"

"I thought you would like it."

"Dear dragon, that hole is not meant for that kind of attention."

"I dare to disagree."

Minerea slapped him with a wing. "You're being silly."

"I'm being honest." Videri settled next to her, cradling the dragoness to his generous belly, enveloping her under the broad span of his wings. "How else are males supposed to do it with each other."

Mina trailed an enticing finger down his brow, stopping on top of a nostril. "Leave the males do it with each other however they like, for you now have a mate to be concerned about."

Videri brushed her away with his muscular tongue, sliding it over her petite muzzle, forcing the dragoness to scrunch her eyes to protect herself from his drool. "Ack, you slavering mutt!"

"Who's the one who is concerned now?" Videri teased, assaulting the squirming dragoness with his tongue, laughing at how hard she tried to preserve her dignity. "I'm a slavering mutt, so now I'm forced to preserve my reputation!"

He kept at it until Mina's face lied completely soaked in his affection, shielded against the warm pads of her forepaws. "Ick," she groaned as she wiped herself off. "And to think you are the father of my hatchlings..."

Videri beamed at that prospect. "Hatchlings are immature, and so am I. We'll get along wonderful!"

"Good. I wouldn't trust you to hunt for me even if my life depended on it."

The young male trilled with glee, rubbing her cheek against hers. "See? We're a great match!"

***THE END***

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