The breath of life Chapter 04: Premeditated discovery.

Story by Spooncer on SoFurry

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This story is licensed under the

[Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike License](%5C)

By: Spooncer

The breath of life

[Chapter 01: Firsts Steps](%5C)

[Chapter 02: The beginning of a journey](%5C)

[Chapter 03: Captured!](%5C)

[Chapter 04: Premeditated discovery](%5C)

Chapter 04: Premeditated discovery

It has been three days, Dan was a recluse in the cell waiting for the healer. He was sound asleep when he hears a noise so strong metal reverberate throughout the cell, sleepy, it opens some eyes and turns his head toward the sound, everything was a little blurry, but he can see what could be, simply, a Tigaero guard had opened the grid cell. He rubs his eyes and when was sitting in bed, listen the guard say almost shouting:

"We are going Feral! The healer awaits you in the infirmary! "

After a quiet sigh, Dan gets up and walking a little crooked, out of the cell, so the guard starts to walk down the aisle, he followed him slowly due to his ribs, making it slow down the steps.

After a while walking along the corridor to reach large grid that kept all the cells that existed there, it opens the guard and then pass, get to a crossroads of corridors, there were three: one that went on, another right and another the left, the three were spacious and with nothing so showy, or some detail so amazing, simply, to block corridors made of gray stone and illuminated by lamps.

The guard at the tab on the left, walking see other eight grades similar to that held the cells where he was being guarded by a Tigaero wearing a standard machine, supposedly, the uniform, a pair of brown skin and a metal breastplate.

Dan looked at all curious to absorb as much as possible when the Tigaero stops and talks to a guard:

"How's your shed?"

"Normalizing. The Humans are quieter after the punishment in public. "

"Humans!? It means that there are people behind all those bars!?"

"Right... Have a nice day. "

"You too."

They tend to walk and soon reach the end of the corridor.

The prison was a labyrinth full of corridors that led to others, some of them there were doors that led to rooms, and one of them is that they enter the ward.

Passing through the door that gave access to the site, faces the reception, there was something so beautiful, but something basic in a prison. There were a small number of seats in size some human and Tigaero organized in three rows of two shelves crammed with books, among them, a human-sized table with small stacks of books, in addition, two large doors, one at the bottom where the chairs were pointing and another near the table.

The two walk to the table, getting there see a man with short hair red writing on a scroll, so the tiger says:

"Scribe, tell your master that the prisoner awaited has arrived."

"Yes, sir!"

The man gets up and walks away quickly rushed to the door near knocks table after opening a small door-sized robot built, comes, the only thing that Dan got to see him after his passing was the light blue clothing. Some seconds later the same man after getting back and forth to Tigaero says:

"The Master asked that you forward to your presence along with the prisoner in one of the beds."

"Unfortunately, I cannot wait. You can take it Scribe?"

"I don´t know sir. And if the prisoner trying to do something. "

"I do something!?"

Dan soon moves his head, seeing that the Tigaero says: "He won't."

"Yes, sir. I'll take it. "

The Tiger and then settled out, the Scribe goes to the table takes three scrolls, ink and a pen and just start walking toward the back door, Dan accompanies quietly, it opens a small door inset and go, Dan will then.

The room had several beds in human size lined with a white cloth, several windows, some lamps and the bottom four large shelves filled with bottles.

The man closes the door and says, "You can go to one of the beds. The Master will visit him soon. "

Dan nods and obeys them, he lies down on a bed that, contrary to the cells, was soft, Dan is suddenly, totally relaxed reaching low moan, he looks around and sees the man sitting on the floor writing in the scrolls. He stares at the ceiling for a while, gives one looks for the man in one of these, he asks, "What is your name?" the man responds, resumes do, but get the same result, until sitting on the bed changes question:

"Why don´t you answer."

"I cannot speak with prisoners without the permission of the master."

"But what could cause?"

"I cannot disobey the master."


Dan returns to bed. Shortly after the door opens and a Tiger comes out of light blue coat wearing a beige give in, he goes to Dan and bluntly puts his hands on his chest with Dan, after seconds in this action the Tiger says,

"Strange ... I can feel a trace of magic in your body ... Some of us made any attempt emergency in your body?"

Dan immediately comes to mind and Hurley says no, surprised the Tigers cut their hands and looking say:

"No!? And how do you explain that? "

Dan is scared of the will of Tigaero and think: "I cannot say anything about Hurley." So he says:

"I don´t know ... I fainted."

"So, a beginner may have tried. Only this answers the low level of magic." Said the Tigaero returning to lay his hands on your body.

The Tiger remains that way until it says loudly: "Three broken ribs and a crack in another ... I'll make it quick, but need a rest day to be completely regenerated ... Ready to start human?" Dan would nod, but when you remember the bad experience of pain he felt when Hurley says:

"Will it hurt?"

"No pain. But it will be cold. "

"Cold!?" Dan hesitated with a grimace.

"Properly." Nodded the Tiger.


"It's complex to human knowledge ... So come on!"

The Tigaero press a little with both hands on the body of Dan that would soon open his mouth to complain of pain, but to see that nothing felt, be quiet. As stated by the Tigre, Dan began to feel a chill go over his body, at first, something bearable only causing chills, however, was becoming stronger at the location of the ribs. He was shaking and panting a lot, arrives to chatter so much cold, looking for a way so as to relieve the stress he suffered, grab the water heavily, when you hear something moving inside it causing a crack in fear, he cries:

"What was that!?"

"I'm placing the ribs in place, human."

The explanation wasn't so reassuring, however, the same crack is repeated three more times! Dan couldn't believe that Tiger was doing inside, the sound echoed through his head until the Tigaero says: "Don´t worry man. I reposition them!" Dan sighs a little more relieved. The cold becomes stronger in the ribs until the Tigaero removes his hands and says: "We're finished! His ribs were repositioned and stitched together. "

Dan is speechless, even with the effect of cold and a curiosity to see if it was cured, and touches the ribs, as opposed to feeling nothing, feeling the pain again, Tiger laughs and says:

"His ribs are very human, but the stress of the pain that your brain has not been removed, he still thinks he is the same. Could withdraw it, but didn't. Take the time to what will soon ... Anything else? "

"Co-Cold ..." Dan said trembling.

"This is the effect of my magic regenerating the nervous system that is near your ribs. Must remain a day. So be here until tomorrow afternoon. "

Dan nods and Tigaero turns to the man and says:


"Yes, master."

"Take the Algora potion."

"Yes, master."

The man stands up and hastily goes to the shelves, picks up a bottle around and when would deliver to his master heard the same saying:

"You should give a little of the potion to the sick. There will be three times that afternoon, evening and morning is rushed to the effect of magic and relief from the cold, in addition, the human will over their care at this time. Any questions? "

"No, master."

The Tiger begins to caress her hair of the man who strangely, the sight of Dan, liked, thus the Tigaero says, "Great ... I'll Warn cook to bring food... I have to visit the director. "

"All right, master."

The Tigaero slowly leaves the room leaving them alone, Dan was shaking a lot when a Scribe brings blanket quickly, Dan covers the entire body and thanks, but the man says nothing.

They spend a long time in silence until it is time to drink a little of the potion. It poured a little liquid in a bowl of mud and Dan offered to the handle, it was yellow, Dan drinks a bit and suddenly feel a strong bitter taste, cough in repulsion, but soon the man is holding the canister over her mouth and force yourself to drink, Dan closes his eyes and drink all your content, in haste, wanting it to end and can.

The man removes the bowl, Dan falls into a cough fast, the man put the bowl next to bottle and back to writing on parchment.

After a time there looking at the ceiling feels a strong sleepiness that cannot resist and fall asleep. This is repeated twice more when she took the potion, the third time the cold was almost gone.

It was late the next day when Dan awakened the effect of the potion, he turns his head and the man still had a scroll.

Dan sits on the bed, the ribs no longer hurt more, it opens a happy smile when he hears the man speak:

"Feeling better?"

"You said he couldn't talk?"

"Yes, but my Master left you on my care and it mentions that I can make it okay." Said the man writing on parchment.

"So ... Yes."

"Okay then. Will be served a snack before being taken to jail. "

Dan settled back and lie down.

Time later, someone knocks on the door, but don´t go, the man goes there, and open back with a tray of several sandwiches, he put the tray on the bed and back to the scrolls, Dan takes a bite and it was meat, when finished eating it, turns to the man and asks:

"It won't eat?"

"I ate."

Dan eats another sandwich and returns to ask:

"Could you, please, tell me your name?"

The man remains silent, Dan gives up after a sigh, however, hear the man speak some time later:

"Scribe ..."

"Scribe!? Not its function, but its name. "

"Our name is not assigned the same weight here, but our job ..."


"Slaves don´t have names here."

"Right ... How did it get here?"

"It's been about five years, lived in a town away from the kingdom of Asmaghorn when we attacked the city was completely devastated much of the population was captured, I was among these people. We were taken to an assembly center like this. From there, stayed a while until I sold the master that I have today. "

"Asmaghorn is a kingdom!?" Hesitated Dan.

"It's rather strange question ..." said the Scribe scratching his head confused. "Of course! You should know that all here are Asmaghorn. Not?

"I'm stunned by all means yet." Said Dan biting another sandwich.

"It was the same way with me. But improved when the Master bought me. "Said the Scribe with a cheerful voice.

Dan is confused and says:

"Are you enjoying being a slave to such a creature?"

The Scribe is silent, Dan still looked confused, see the man close his fist heavily while lifting up screaming echoing throughout the room:

"Don´t call this! The Master shouldn't be treated that way! Furthermore, it has always been very good to me! Never forced me to anything! All I do is for love of the master! "

The shock is large enough to sweat it and says:

"Sorry ... But love!?"

"Yes! I love him! "

The Scribe violently panting through clenched teeth showing a rising fury in his eyes, Dan moved back to bed when the door is open. Both look the same when Dan sees the same Tiger that led to cell loaded walk him down the bed when it's near Tigaero people say, "Let's go." He is not opposed and then travels to the cell.

Once there you notice that all the cells were empty, but it doesn't matter as much, lying in the uncomfortable stone bed, the only thing that comes to mind is the behavior of the Scribe in relation to Tigaero, the words that echoed in your head until it says loudly thoughtful getting the rest of the day:

"What happens to a person who is removed from its environment is taken to a completely different and still has affection for it?"

The next day, he was quite well when it is taken to sunbathing.

The site was a large open courtyard was a large block where he saw men fighting each other, stands a stone and several clusters of tables, however, the most prevalent was large empty spaces around the courtyard.

Dan goes in the stands, and is collected in the corner sat looking at the number of people, he didn't believe how many people were there and getting to rub your eyes thinking it was a piece of your mind, but it wasn't. He lowers his head and whispers in the wind:

"This cannot be true."


Weeks and weeks passed, Dan became increasingly huddled the cell and sunbathing, when it was bath time, was the cause of attention, no one approached him, he tried to talk to other people, but most walked away, others spoke briefly anything that could help you. Once a small group of men sitting next to him and hear something about the anticipation of the sale of human, rather than three months, would be two, they showed to be well made with the situation, Dan found it strange, but when you hear that almost the entire group was more than a year in jail there, try to imagine the mood of them.

And it was now two months in prison, Dan wasn't the same person as before, was still reserved to himself, declined to talk with others and he spent all his time alone looking at everything with sad eyes. Defeated or powerless? You couldn't tell the definition, but he knew he could don ´thing. He dreamed that he woke up several times in his bed in Kleargs, swearing that everything that passed was a nightmare, however, was depressed when I woke up getting to be crying for hours.

Let us now after this time. Suffer he didn't suffer more, his eyes resembled that of other prisoners, along with the behavior. What could be happening? The only thing that would explain the response behavior of the Scribe. Simply, conformity to know that and that was the only way that could follow.

And plans to escape? To say that there would be a lie, but ... Where to go? If he didn't know how to get back. Maybe try, however, this attempt would be difficult due to strong guard that was made about them. Even thought of ending his life so that everything will stop, but couldn't succeed.

Now look again at the corner of inmate cell as if there were his false strength, the only place where the protecting of all! Home? Family? Friends? None of this more simply, the only thing that left numb to everything.


Come the day of the sale of slaves, Dan see group after group of humans being brought through the corridor. Enough to turn, he walks the halls with his head down until they stop in front of a large cedar door with a golden eagle saved by the same Tigaero had more contact there.

They were thirty in all, everyone with a physical size and high in many different shapes and size, half the group comes in, therefore the others, when he would accompany him to Tigaero impedes its passage and says, "The director asked for you to be the last man. "Dan and soon settled back to the wall.

You could hear a rumble behind the door, Dan showed no curiosity to know what happened there was more obvious that he knew what it was. Someone knocks on the door and then sends the Tigers in, however, as the preceding action:

"You should call any one of 'sir' and to those who buy it should call him master."


"There's nothing much to say only obey, human!" Purring loudly Tigre doing Dan, frightened, nod, therefore, walk slowly for a short hallway until the director is well ahead, he guides them toward the middle of the wall where it goes and stands up, there were still about six men lined up side by side in front of a group of Tigaeros of different sizes, shapes and colors watching them, Dan is not yet seen, they stayed to watch the men, saying the bids and would be paid for it.

"How can a person be treated as a commodity?"

Dan sheds a tear of sorrow after a while, until he is called by the Director for his part, Dan walks quickly up to him getting his head down and hear:

"We got the last fighter I have. His arrest is the initial fifty thousand suns. "

"Why this initial cost?" Said a serene voice.

"He was recently captured by the famous hunter Muron who said the man has a distinctive feature of combat."

"Mmm ... Anything else? "Said the voice.

"Show your human body." Said the Director with a smirk.

Dan nods and soon cut his coat, getting completely naked in front of all that Tigaeros to see your tattoo exudes an air of surprise, Dan raises his head and looks directly at all Tigaeros quickly seeing the expression on their faces until gives the Director sends a slow return, he meets and ends back to the serene voice say briefly:

"A hybrid Director Wimel?"


"Just you! What they see is a hybrid. "

"Hybrids What! What are you talking about!? "

After a controlled rumble is heard asking another Tigre:

"What is your human knowledge?"

"Philosophy, Me-Medicine, Politics, Music and Mathematics sir."

The director laughs and happy smile on his face says:

"See? It will be a great investment! So ... Who wants to be the first to offer? Recalling initially be fifty thousand suns. "

"Fifty thousand." Said a Tigaero velvety voice.

"We have fifty thousand offered by Warlord Huuk. Who offers more? "

"Fifty-four thousand!" Said another.

"Fifty-four thousand for the Merchant Carr."

"I cannot believe what I'm a commodity in their hands."

"Fifty-nine thousand suns." Said another Tiger ...

Bids were getting much higher reaching ninety thousand, the amount of Tigaeros the room wasn't the same, many were already gone, leaving only four of them.

"Ninety thousand suns to the Merchant Carr someone offers more?"

"One hundred and ten thousand for the human." Said the serene voice.

The Director smiles off of forgetting to ask your question briefly, the other Tigaeros keeps silence until it is broken when the Director returns to speak:

"One hundred and ten thousand at Warlord Buround. Someone offers more?"

Nothing is heard and Wimel calls for:

"What you see here is something you hard to find ... Someone offers more? "

"One hundred and fifteen thousand." Warlord Huuk said.

"One hundred and thirty thousand. Said Buround without waiting.

"One hundred and thirty thousand for the generous Warlord Buround! Someone offers more?"

Nothing is said on the contrary, the Tigaeros that remained out of the room leaving the three alone, Dan hears footsteps coming toward him, but he still looks the way it was since she entered the room, when the footsteps stopped and you hear director to speak again:

"It was a generous offer Buround Warlord."

"I also realized that Wimel Director."

Human, from now on, this is your master. Now belongs to him. "

The words burned his ear, he wanted to scream opposing it couldn't the only words out of his mouth were:

"Yes, sir."

"Do you want anything else Warlord?"

"How about accompanying me to the bus?"

"This is a pleasant Warlord."

"So, let's go! ... Slave dress. "

"Yes, m-master."

Dan dressed hurriedly and sees Buround Director and walk to another door, he followed along with Buround head down. After crossing the door nose up another runner, Dan hears Buround call another man who soon picks up the call and follow them. Creating courage Dan lifts his head and looks at his owner, he wore a gray robe, his hair seemed to be completely black color has grown to fifteen feet tall, muscular, his face couldn't see straight, because his position wasn't privileged, just turn your eyes forward.

The corridor, unlike any other you've seen, is quite rich in architectural details, moreover, strange accessories hanging on the wall.

Down the hall, after descending a ramp, reach a wooden door with two eagles in gold, the Director to open and then everyone leaves.

Followed by a stone floor surrounded by a garden of light reach the bus Buround. He was like a common carriage, but had a size significantly greater due to the size of their users, the model, which was further strengthened and square also was increased horsepower, it was six.

When it comes to the door the man is soon to open it, now that Dan can remember his life and see him, he wore a gray coat, thin, seemed to be between thirty to forty years and short hair.

Buround stops at the door and turned to hear the director say the same:

"Where will welcome your presence Buround Warlord."

"I know that Director Wimel ... His sun will be delivered tomorrow by one of my guards. So until another day. "

"Until Warlord."

Buround between, then the slave, Dan was still out there when he hears Buround say: "Come in, slave." Dan lowered his head and into the carriage.

Inside, there were two armchairs upholstered in a Buround it was comfortably seated at his feet the man before him a table, the bottom two shelves, two windows, however, closed at the time and the floor lined with a mat shaggy brown.

Dan was standing away from Buround when you hear it say, "Beside me slave."

"Yes, Master."

And so, Dan goes to the side of Buround kneeling on the carpet, it stays in place ordained in silence. Seconds later, Buround orders the bus ride and then the same moves.


They were a long time in silence, looking Buround its latest and most expensive slave curious if he had the same characteristics as said by Director Wimel, they decide to meet you more:


"Yes .." said Dan surprised and quickly added. "Ma-Master?"

"What was before being captured by the hunter?"

"Making a mission, Master." Said Dan soon.

"What kind?"

"W-Well ..." Dan sweeps his mind in search of a word and says: "Diplomacy, Master."

"Why think so much to say?"

"I didn't understand, master."

"Understood slave. If you say you were doing an activity that requires a high level of education automatically says that you have a remarkable knowledge. "Dan swallows dry words."So, why did you?"

"I cannot say anything about Kleargs!"

"Well?" Pressed Buround.

"I was performing a mission in search of an interaction with a type of creature that proved against my king ... My village, Master. "Dan said with some relief after nearly said the wrong word.

"A village that has that kind of people with this kind of knowledge that refers to say?" Said Buround with a ironic voice about what he heard.

"Yes .. Master. "Said Dan spilling a drop of sweat down his face.

"There is something wrong with what has to be said and slave." Dan chokes on time. "I have several slaves from different parts of Asmaghorn and no one owns the word game that has even the nobles, also cites a town like to say is somewhat ambiguous. So, tell me what you know. "

Dan sees standing on a wall, anything he could say could be serious for both sides, if he returned to say the same thing could cause something against him and talk about Kleargs the same. He had to choose, he or the kingdom, when he would say something, the carriage stops and then you hear the voice of the driver to say:

"Master, we come to your house."

Buround still waiting for an answer when Dan would try to speak again, you hear something knocking on the door, the blows were strong impossible to human Buround tells the slave to open, it follows, when the door was already open Buround out and then heard voice acclaim him: "Good afternoon Buround Warlord."

Dan came down and the slave at the time when they see another Tiger Buround to look so nice, it was almost the same way that it is slightly stronger and cream with black stripes wearing a robe the same color.

"Good afternoon Researcher Nierme! What do I have the great pleasure of your visit? "

"I came here out of his research on the Godjack Temple."

"I concluded some time... Want to find out about it, Researcher?"

"It would be appreciated on my part Warlord."

"I do."

Buround The house was great, the outside was a predominant color, a light brown, but there were some parts in white and had a front garden that stretched a little close to the street.

When they hit the door, unlike the coach, who opens the same is the very Buround allowing Researcher Nierme and the two humans coming in, close the door he turns to slavery and says:

"Feed them, dress it with the uniform of the house and show the house and especially the court."

"Yes, Master." Said the man.

"So, Researcher Nierme. Accompany me to the office. "


The two Tigers then walk toward a corner and there they disappear from sight, Dan admired throughout the lobby when the man saw in his vision and says, "Come." Dan nods and then moves the man to walk between aisles to the kitchen. She was great and had a considerable number of people until you hear the man call a person to approach, you hear him say:

"This is the cook."

"Hi" he said.

"Hello! I'm Dan Jones ... "

"Shhh!" Said the man interrupting Dan "Slaves don´t have names, but one word that defines its activity. He is the cook as I said, I'm the butler and you must be a new fighter who the master bought, right?"

"Yes .."

"So you, for now, called Fighter." Said the butler bringing the finger to the chin.

"Right ... But why 'for now'? "Said Dan with a curious voice.

"The fighters of the major arenas not make aliases to leave them an impression of the person?"

"Yes," said Dan nodding.

"It's the same way."


"What do you want?" Said the cook.

"The master said to feed him." Said the butler turning to cook

"Okay. I'll prepare something. "

Cook it fast and goes to the kitchen, minutes later he comes back with a bowl nearly filled with meat, vegetables and grains, Dan picks up the bowl and when he would stop eating, so ask the cook:


"Have flatware?" Cook laughs suddenly.

"Slaves didn't have these things. In addition, you have two hands for that."

Dan nods and then puts his hand in the bowl and starts eating it takes very little time to empty the bowl. It offered more he refuses, seeing it Smaller then says: "Finished?" Dan nods and listens again: "So come here, "and so, there will he a narrow corridor, down a ramp, thus a small ladder and after going through several doors come in human size to one that leads to the bathroom. The two enter.

It was a damp room, closed and little room with several barrel water.

After discovering one of the barrels and delivered a bowl of iron to Dan and a clay container with a liquid stranger says:

"You can take off their clothes and bathe here. The barrel is that you can get enough water for it is completely clean, this object of this clay soap is a blend of herbs that we do here, right? "Dan nods and then he continues. "Okay, I'll take your clothes and a towel. There is something else you need? "

"My desire and dream wine ..."

"Something?" Dan settled negatively.

"Okay then. I'll get clothes and towel. "

Butler out and let Dan alone in the bathroom, he put the two containers on a barrel capped and cut the clothes, picks up the iron pot and fill it with water playing over her body, "C-Cold!" Said Dan, shivering completely, after a time he was accustomed to pour the soap in your hands and smell, was very pleasant and smooth, it passes through the body making a light foam.

When he was finished, the butler came in carrying all the arms, he gives a quick look at the body of Dan and surprised by the black spots says:

"What is it?"

"That's ... Ahhh! I was born like that. "Dan said with a smile.

"It's weird, worse than his red eyes, but it doesn't matter to me ..." Butler said with a smile and handing the towel. "Dry to wear clothes." Dan meets and then returns the wet towel to Butler says: "We could go to four of the slaves from the kitchen to be able to wear clothes because it will water it a little, but would pro runner. "Dan nods and soon leaves the bathroom, Butler delivers clothing and Dan before putting on displays.

Unlike Butler and other employees who saw her robe was black and different fabric stronger and more flexible when wearing Butler says: "This machine is the only type that can be used as a way to identify it here! Furthermore, it is special for its exercise. "Dan nods and logo wear.

While walking down the hall Butler says: "I'll show you parts of the house where you may have some involvement." Dan nods and soon, back to the kitchen. Getting there: "Here, you know, is the kitchen can come here when the master is allowed to eat when he didn't call him to eat with him. "walking down a hallway, fold in another, you pass through a large door and reach a large lobby and well refined," This is the main hall that lead to these four suites occupied by two Masters and Buround Alexius and two additional visits, you should only enter them when you have permission from Masters or when they need your company. "They walk a little. "Here is the bedroom of you fighters, sign up! Is there anyone still ... Here is the beds, there is two closets, a laundry and another to clean, here is the bathroom, there is the bath has two taps: one with hot water is heated and one cold magically. In this closet for towels and soap in the other. Come ... "They leave the room, followed by the main lobby. "Here is the office, where the master of permission, the door is the library that also can be entered by permission. We ... " Walk again, see the staircase, but don´t fall, following up a door to human size, they see a ladder, descend and follow a corridor to reach another wide, followed by that pass through other doors until a large two crossed swords, "The court?" thought Dan, after going through it to see who was right, was empty, then hear about the butler: "Here is the court, where you can spend all your time training. Those two ports at the bottom there are two other rooms, the right one bathroom and the side where you can get the training equipment ... Feel free to share. Do not worry about not decorating, you can ask me whenever you want, now, I have to go back to my to do it. "Dan nods and after take a few steps toward the center of the court turns quickly, Butler was still in port when he says:

"There are many fighters here?"

"They were five, but three of them didn't support the last fight, only two remain, Retail and Snake."

"Why these names?"

"Just call the name of the word. Until next time. "Said the steward in a smile.

Butler let Dan alone walking to the center of the court, wide, had some blood stains and pieces cracked. "It's bigger than at the coliseum in Kleargs." By a party he was surprised by the construction, it will to both ports, try to open the bathroom, but was locked, go to the equipment, everything was ridiculously dark, Couldn't see your hand before your face, when it comes, strangely enough it all becomes clear, it takes a shock, for where it could come to light more didn't, "Magic?" he said quietly, however, your need to know is what was removed when he sees great variety of equipment.

Hammers, Spears, Axes, Different types of swords, tridents, others who had also never seen a supposedly grab a spear with a sharp circular blade at the tip, had shields, some masks, helmets. He seeks a sword like that before but didn't, he takes a sword and similar tests, didn't pay him six more tries with swords until they find one curved on one side and sharp waves with each other, missing only the sheath , but found nothing.

Dan comes out and goes back to court and get moving with the sword seeing his consistency, despite being thinner, was heavier and larger. He looked at the reflection of the sword and said aloud:

"That's what I plan to be for them?" Dan moves back the sword and pointing to his stomach continues. "You could end this now. Just be brave. ", He leans his sword at his stomach," Just a little ...", it forces a little sword and rips the clothes, when he hears a strange voice echoing around the court:

"Don´t have the courage to do that."


Dan looks wrapped for until he sees a Tigaero of Clothing and gray hair the same color by closing the front door quickly, he drops the sword and kneels getting his head down the steps firm approached him to stay until well next, Dan hears about Tiger:

"Think you could end up killing themselves with it?"

Dan nods and listens:

"Why don´t you answer?" Said the Tiger gently lifting the tone making Dan swallow dry.


"It could. But that is exactly what you want? "


"So why would you do?"

"I don´t accept. Sir. " Said Dan nodding.

"But this is a futile reason."

"Futile!?" Said Dan vaguely.

"Yes Futile! You must be thinking that your current situation is something weighty. But it is not. Not see each other? They find a different reason to live. "

"Serving crea ... You? "

"As it says seems to be something sinister, but it is not."

"No?" Dan hesitated with a voice more refreshed.

Stroking his head the Tigaero says:

"In everything we do in this life there are always two sides, one may be something undesirable, but the other can be comforting! You must learn how to harness this side. "

Dan nods and soon hears:

"Say you won't do it again." Said the Tiger stroking his face.

"I'll try sir."

"Now look at me."

"Sorry sir." Dan said looking up.

Tiger smiled as Dan made the motion and when the exchange first glance, Dan notes the Tigre get serious time to time came to remove his hand, Dan is still looking until it stops going up, then he shakes his head slightly and suddenly begins to speak:

"You were recently purchased right?"

"Yes, sir."

"It seems ever met my newest fighter is not the Lord Wind?

"What? Buround!? "Said the Tiger gray turning his head confusedly toward the voice.

"Yes, I'm." Said the Buround approaching with hands raised.

"Why call me Lord Wind if we're alone brother?"

"I like to see their reaction when caught off guard." Buround said with a smirk. "So, Alexius, met my newest fighter?"

"Yes .. But by demonstrating certain twinkle in his eyes when he said that? "

"He seems to have something special."

"Explain yourself." Alexius said looking at him.

Buround walks up to Dan who bows his head quickly, Crouching Tiger a little low and lifting the face of human remains in his direction as soon as:

"He is a hybrid."

"That word again ... I need to ask what it means. "

"How did you get one?" Said Alexius with a singular voice.

"I bought in the prison of Berum by 130 thousand suns."

"A kind of human being as rare by 130 thousand? He made a great deal. "

Dan creates courage and cough gaining attention two Tigaeros and says:

"Apologies for interrupting you talk master, but what you say when you call me a 'hybrid'?

Buround Alexius and they look slightly impressed and scratching his head says:

"You know what the word 'Hybrid'?"

"Something generated by different races."

"Now combine that information with us ..." Dan scratched his head looking for what he wanted until rolls her eyes frightened. "What got?"

"I cannot believe it!"

"Well?" Inducing Buround.

"I'm s-of-a descendant of a Tig-Tigaero!?" Said Dan kneeling down and getting his head down.

" Exactly. So the black spots and red eyes. "said Buround pointing.

"Due to the inheritance of the father." Alexius completed.

"Yeah! I know ... "said Buround with sarcasm. "Would not I tell that to the slave!?"

"Okay." Alexius said shrugging his shoulders.

"So slave ... Happy?

Everything around Dan seemed to disappear, leaving only him and his mind:

"I cannot believe it! I son of a Tigaero cannot be, but ... "

Before that Dan finished talking remembers what Kark said:

"Well .. It's that I realized that ... You have a smell ... Similar to the ... Tigaero.

Buround Alexius and watched the man collapsed, oddly, on the ground when confusingly Buround shrugs toward making the brother said:

"He's in conflict. Take the time to it."

"The impact of the response shocked?" hesitated Buround.

"Precisely." Nodded Alexius.

Dan shook his head violently saying that what he heard wasn't true, comes to press both hands against his head, he couldn't stand, his heart beat rapidly until it no longer supports and collapses suddenly falling to the ground.

The two Tigers hear the impact on the ground, when they see Dan on the floor, the two immediately approach him and check their status, to see who was fainting, Buround low growls and says:

"That's an exaggeration ... As a simple disclosure would cause all this ... I don´t believe I bought a poor slave! Leave it there! "

"No." said Alexius catching Dan in the arm.

"He is my property Alexius! I spent my suns in it!" Growled Buround.

"I'm your older brother!" Purring loudly Alexius. "I decide what can or cannot do!"

"You cannot!"

"I cannot?"

Buround try to approach Alexius when he hears a buzzing noise of wind in his ear, he rolls her eyes surprised and says:

"You don´t have the courage Alexius!"

"Sure? Then take another step towards me! "Growled Alexius.

Buround clenches his teeth and staring angrily brother, he lifts his foot, the wind becomes stronger, madly waving his clothes, repair his brother wasn't joking, however, this doesn't stop running the step. Seeing this Alexius said, shaking his head negatively, "You are foolish not to listen to his brother.", He raises a hand toward his brother and says, "Validus Espiritus!", The only reaction Buround was surprised to hear the words in Latin, once your body is struck by a strong wind, he leans his body trying to resist, can for a while, but after a while, suddenly begins to recede, Buround is going backwards until it hits the body, violently, against wall saw it, Alexius low hand and then his brother fell face down into the ground, walking off the court Alexius said, "Learn to obey what I say brother."

Alexius walks slowly through the long corridor until reaching the main staircase leading to see butler suites and says:

"Butler, I'll stay in my room all day, then, take dinner to my room."

"Yes, Master."

Alexius soon climbing the stairs, through the main lobby reaches his suite, he opens the door and enter. Inside, Dan takes to his bed and put it gently, therefore, lie also left arm wrapped in one of Dan trying to keep warm comfort the human as comfortable as possible.


Alexius had dinner and Dan agree to anything, I was sleepy, your eyelids weigh tons, he closed and opened her eyes trying not to sleep, even when it would hear Dan say, "Where am I?" Alexius raises up a little and says while positioned to see the human: "You are in ... What? "He suddenly stops to see the human eyes closed, he hears the same question again, the part is confusing, but just be quiet looking at the man talking in his sleep:

"Where am I?" Dan repeated the third time looking wrapped.

Note that woke in the middle of a forest, he touches and says: "What I remember was on the court ... A dream!?"Dan roamed the forest until strange noise you hear something approaching," What is it? "Said Dan turned his face toward the sound, he hides behind a bush waiting to see what would the sound will become more intense until he sees a beautiful woman running frantically, he looks vaguely to the woman suddenly in front of him, "A woman!?" Dan hesitated looking at it for a long time.

Note that typically wore a peasant and was panting a lot, he brings a little of it and says, "Hey," she doesn't look, he screams and nothing, "Strange ..." he said approaching her.

Dan runs to the woman and when he was so close says: "Why not resp ... What? ", He hears a loud sound of something approaching rhythmic and intense. Dan takes a few steps in the direction and says, "What can that be!?" When the sound was so strong, you hear a woman say in a certain despair: "He's coming!", "Who?" Said Dan turning on toward the woman when he sees the same run again, "Wait!" cried he, however, when he would chase her hear the sound behind him, he slowly turns his face when he sees something to jump in front of "A Tigaero!" cried he was surprised he was immense largest of which have already seen, however, what was most striking was their color, "Red?" he said, looking over the Tigers in front, until the fires Tigaero runs in the direction where the woman was soon Dan runs in the same direction saying, "What's going on here ?"...

"The only thing that can be is that is having the vision to its previous generation." Alexius said moving the chin and continued. "But ... It's strange to get it this way ... I mean that was a precursor Tigaero Roan ...".

"... Dan ran as fast as possible, he saw the Tigers ran away from it just until it disappears from the degree of their vision, yet continues to run. Dan heard a female scream in the distance, it forces even more the speed of the race until the Tigaero found lying on the lying on the floor, "What is that?" Said Dan walking around to see what could be until he notices the woman lying on the floor under the hands of the Tiger, she struggled and fought, Dan stood watching until you hear the Tiger say

"You will have the greatest experience of your life."

"Let me go!" Cried the woman desperately.

"I won't. I'm here to have my fun and you cannot stop! "

The points Tigaero a claw on the woman's clothes and tears easily, leaving her naked.

"Stop!" She cried.


Dan looked all shocked but didn'thing just looked up observing Tigaero lick all the woman's body, he becomes enraged, the woman can hold her hand and attacks the face of Tigaero with a slap that away a little face says:

"If I were you I would not do it again if I don´t want to burn your beautiful body."

The woman settled and Tigre continues: "So be a good Feral and enjoy my company."

"No, no go." Dan said gritting his teeth as he runs into a run against Tigaero when it is so close, jump over the body of the Tiger, however, when his body would strike the tiger, he goes and falls in floor, "What?" he said, rolling her eyes toward the Tigaero.

He tries again and the same thing happens, Dan stands up and slowly approached the two, he puts his hand over the body of Tigaero and the same goes through your body, "An illusion!?" He said looking at his hand when he sees Tigaero up the woman and, after sitting, place completely naked close to your body.

Stroking the body of the woman Tigaero says, "I should be grateful to be chosen." The woman says nothing, the Tigre arches her legs wrapped her waist and seconds you hear a woman screaming, "Stop it! ! Let her go! "Shouted Dan trying to with the situation, however, could don ´thing.

Dan falls to his knees as he was helpless woman screams as between the Tigaero abused her. "Stop ... Stop ... Stop! "Repeated and repeated Dan clenching his fists strongly ..."

"He is right." Alexius nodded. "You'd better see what is going on in your mind."

Alexius close your hand from the forehead of Dan not to repeat the same sentence and when he would touch, feel strong warming around the room, "Strange ..." he said, bringing his hand when he touches the hand, you see Dan was with a high temperature, it didn't prevent him from performing his magic. A wind circulates around the two, Alexius's vision became blurry, various waves appeared until everything starts to take shape, a tree right there, a bush on the other and afterwards, was inside a forest.

"So this is what happens in your mind." Alexius said looking at everything. "Where is he?"

"Stop!" Shouted Dan

Alexius walk towards the sound and finds the man kneeling before the Red Tigaero abusing woman and decides to stay behind Dan looking at everything. After a while looking at the scene he approaches Dan had begun to cry.

It was agonizing to see that Dan, as for Alexius what happened was something natural.

There comes a time when the woman began to moan low, Dan raises his head and look after it note that it began to assess the situation showing a smile, shocked, he is speechless and the only thing that makes rock and his head not believing what he saw.

The Tigaero penetrated down while moaning rhythmically, the woman returned almost the same tone in response to the Tigre with a little gasp: "Did you know ... Would enjoy ... Human. "She nods and with a grin he continues." You are about to feel my pleasure. ".

Dan was still frightened by the woman's reaction primarily laugh in your face, "I cannot believe it!" He said, shaking his head, Alexius laughs and continues to enjoy the view.

The Tigaero increases the intensity of her moan until stops penetrate giving a groan strong, she closes her eyes and returns in lust until the intensity is lowered so that both in breathless silence. However, women don´t bear more faint and fall in the body of the Tiger and laughing maliciously taking it from his waist and putting her on the floor, licking his face and says, "Now I will leave it free to follow his path." Accordingly, stands up and walks toward where Dan was. Dan and Alexius looked he pass until it looks in the direction of Dan, the two take a fright and ask the same question: "Can you see?" scare that becomes more when Tigaero of a gesture of total design. Alexius retreats steps saying, "This cannot be possible." To see that the Tigaero would disappear into the jungle Dan tries to stop him calling him, but in vain Tigaero and disappears into the forest.

Dan goes to the woman, she was totally naked, sweaty and slightly strange smell of pine. He looked at her with a sadness in his eyes when, seconds later, hear the sound of something approaching, the two rolled their eyes toward a sound when a man wearing a brown robe what appears to be his age, an inch lower, strong, short hair He eyes looking for something until you see the woman on the floor, rushed to her, seeing the man in front of you looked familiar, gesture, gaze, physical characteristics, however, Couldn't tell who it was until the man takes the woman in the arm and says a single sentence:

"I'll take care of you."

Dan freezes, Alexius see the reaction that becomes more remarkable when it falls back, shocked, saying: "Father?", "Father?" Alexius hesitated.

Was himself! Jacobs himself, however, younger! Seeing this, confusingly, he says pointing to him: "If it's you, then ... She is my ... My mother!? "Dan is a little quiet until you come back to talk after shrinking the floor:" No way! You cannot! Cannot !..."

His mind didn't accept what he saw, Alexius remained silent until the whole forest begins to be distorted, looking at everything with fear repair hundred flames sprout from the ground, so everything was on fire, he gets scared, however, says, "No there is to worry! It is only the vision of human! "He saw Dan again and repeat the same word, the fire became more intense, Alexius begins to feel the temperature rising," Strange ...", soon began to sweat, Alexius goes to the fire and a little closer at hand, he could feel the flame temperature, however, he said nodding, "That cannot be real!".

He puts his hand on fire and unlike anything a groan of pain to say was, "Argh!", Your hand is burned! Looking at her he backs feeling the throbbing pain saying, "What is happening here?".

The fire is approaching him until he couldn't stand the heat and worse, lack the air, turning to look at Dan he said: "He's not feeling it?" Alexius approaches Dan and when it would touch his hand across the body, "I hate Astral projection!" he shouted back to look at the fire and continued. "My only option is to break the spell."

Alexius closes his eyes and within seconds back to open them, however, Couldn't see because his vision was blurred more he could hear very well, so well that repeated and desperate cries arise behind it:

"Master! Fire! Master!

He doesn't give full attention to the repeated cries, but he turns in the direction and not see anything yet, but noticed the smell of smoke and the temperature of the room. Little time for his vision once again becomes perfect and the cries were still observed until the whole room on fire, the slaves, desperate, playing buckets and more buckets of water on the fire and nothing to delete. Confused, Alexius calls the attention of the butler and says

"What is happening here?"

"I don´t know Master!" Said the Butler throwing a bucket of water on a flame. "He passed through the lobby when I noticed smoke coming out of his suite, called the other slaves and entered the room. Everything was on fire and you walk in, call the more you didn't answer! "

Alexius ground and then turns to Dan who was still in bed to repeat the same words, he lies in bed and hugs Dan and says softly in his ear:

"I want to concentrate on my voice, heard?"

Dan listens to everything your subconscious was still short because of the dream, however, can nod soon Alexius says in a tone light and calm:

"Feel the breeze is shock to your body, to feel through your skin all ... A refreshing breeze and quiet, now, let it lead to heaven. Float in the air like a cloud wandering in the wilderness ... Take a deep breath and let the air come into your lungs, you see the peace that is imposed on them. Try to join her. "

Every word spoken by Alexius a wind comes around the two getting to the point that it becomes constant. The words echoed in his head in the mind of Dan suddenly stops talking.

"Dan heard that calm voice and percolate around him, he stops what he does and stands for where it comes from not think more, only the fire burning in his lap he didn't care and obey what is said by the voice . He feels the breeze touching your skin, it is creepy, shortly after he comes to crave that feeling calm ... "

The breath is transmitted by the subconscious of Dan to the body that was lying, and soon realizes Alexius hear about the butler:

"Master! The fire is fading!"

Alexius continues to repeat the same sentence ...

"Dan lay on the floor that was so relaxed and realize its vision darken involuntarily, what makes you yawn and prosecute you to a sleep growing up sleeping ..."

Alexius see Dan snuggle up in his arm in a calm on his face and Butler back to say:

"Master, the fire burned out!"

Alexius look at your room, almost completely burned, smoke signals, and of course, objects and furniture burned. He sees humans of the house surprised at all that happened there, however, were quieter for the extinction of the flames, Alexius turned to the steward and says

"Butler, prepare a guest room."

"Yes, Master."

The man takes off sprinting, Alexius looking Dan remains until a time later the man returns saying

"Master, the room is already done!"

Soon, Alexius gets Dan into his arms and carries down the hall to the suite of access, entering, is soon to put Dan on the bed to accompany him, you notice that the butler was still there and says, "Butler, leave me alone."

"Yes, master."

After seeing that there were only he and the human, Alexius looked Dan with doubt of what's happened until you come back to feel her hand burned from dream to throb in pain, looks and observes that it was the same way the dream thus again, so, see Dan with different eyes until it nestles in, softly, on his chest with a sigh of peace, words didn't come in your mind, however, his only reaction to everything that happened with the human being is malicious smile while caresses Dan.