Party Crasher

Story by frozenthrone on SoFurry

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A piece that was written by the wonderful Mech

A college kid goes out for a night on the town

Another Friday, another trip to the bar to spent a bit of money in getting wasted. Sure, his folks would probably disown him if they ever found out that he was dropping a sizable part of his food money on this, but college wasn't college unless you tried new things. Val leaned against the bar with a throaty purr. The dragon scanning the crowd as he sipped his beer.

Seemed that he was either too early or too late. Only a handful of folks around here right now, most burying themselves in their drinks or chatting with friends. Looks like he'd missed some sort or memo about where to be tonight or something. There were a couple hopefuls for sure. Cute guy, couple cute girls, ones he'd readily hit up if they weren't deep in conversation with someone else. Not a lot though. From what he'd seen looking around most of the patrons were coyotes. He'd fuck'em after he'd had enough to drink but then in the morning, well either he'd be headed out before then or be trying to chew his own arm off to get away if he saw them when he sobered up.

There was a cute girl, a rabbit, but she was with several other friends and they seemed to be hitting it pretty hard. Val let a grumble roll around his throat as he sipped his beer and looked over the bar again.

Wasn't long before his eyes were on that rabbit again. He just could not help it. Maybe it was that smile she had and the way she laughed as the cat said something to her. Could be the way she was dressed, with a top hat only just contained her breasts and shorts that left almost nothing to imagination. There was always the way that she leaned a little too hard against the squirrel practically kissing her friend when she turned to say something. Hell, if he was honest there were too many things that made his gaze linger on her. Tongue rolling over his lips as the red dragon mentally undressed her.

Beer made him bold, but not bold enough to waltz over there and flirt with her in front of her friends. It would in time, but not just yet. So he turned back to the bar and kept an eye on her in the mirror.

He was well into his second bottle when the rabbit hopped up and bounded over to the bar to order another round for her group. Despite having all the room in the world, she got close enough that he could almost feel her fur brush against his arm. "Three more shots!" she practically shouted into his ear, the bartender nodding and going to get the bottle they'd been drinking from earlier. The rabbit leaned against the counter and spoke just loud enough for him to hear, "Gonna sit there and eye-fuck me all night, or are you going to buy me a drink or something?"

Val glanced over and the rabbit was leaning against the bar top at just the right angle to let him see down her top. And judging from the smile she gave him, she knew exactly what she was doing too. "Well," he rumbled, trying to sound as smooth as he could. "Figured I'd at least finish this beer, then come over and see if you wanted to fuck." He cast a glance in the mirror where her friends were still chatting away, "Maybe invite at least one of them along if it worked out."

She snorted, "As if Pru or Harriet would ever take you up on that, one only likes girls and the other prefers her toys to men. Boring bitches don't know how to throw a good party." The rabbit sighed and brushed her hair out of her face as the drinks were sat down in front of her. "Tell ya what though. Meet me out back in twenty and we'll see where it goes from there."

And then she was gone. Drinks swept up and back to her table before he could fully process what just happened. Huh, so twenty minutes? He checked his phone and set up a timer before ordering something a bit stronger.

High school hadn't been so far off that he'd forgotten what it was like staring at the clock as it counted down. Back then time had seemed to freeze, or worse, go in reverse the harder he watched that clock. That was amateur hour compared to this. Each second seemed to pass by with all the dedicated speed of an arthritic snail. Did give him time to think about why she wanted him to wait that long. Maybe she needed a chance to make an excuse to get away from her friends? Or was she waiting on him to come over and make a move before she deemed him worthy? Panic began to well within his core as he thought about that. If he didn't make a move would she just deem him unworthy? Dread started to build within his core as he sat there, nursing a whiskey. He'd gotten that because he was suddenly feeling like a man. Way he felt now he should be drinking an appletini.

Time crept past as he flip-flopped on what to do about the entire thing. One heat-death of the universe later, he spotted movement in the mirror. The rabbit's friends were getting up and stumbling to the bathroom. While he was curious about why they always traveled in pairs and packs, it did mean that she was alone.

He watched them shuffle down the hall and towards the restrooms. Glancing back at the rabbit, their eyes locked and she smiled at him. She gave a deliberate wink and fished out some bills, strolling to the door. His eyes dropped to her rear, watching how her hips swayed and that cotton tail of hers wiggled towards him. The puff seeming to flag him down, begging him to follow even as she strolled smoothly out the door.

Val fumbled out some bills and dropped them on the counter. Not caring that he overpaid, the bartender was going to love him tonight, as he hurried to follow his new friend. She'd gone out the front door, which was a little surprising. He hurried outside fast enough that he almost ran over her as she swung the door open.

She breathed out an alcohol scented laugh as she pushed open the door, "That eager, Tiger?" The rabbit stepped outside and swung around the front of the building, making her way towards the parking lot around side.

He was right on her tail, almost running over her again as he rounded the corner. Hands brushed over his chest as she looked up at him with a soft churr. Muzzle curled into a smirk as she leaned in to sniff at his neck, breathing in his scent. "I could say the same about you." Booze gave him confidence that he normally didn't have. Both hands clapped down on her ass, kneading that tight denim as he practically shoved her against the wall. The hands on his chest tightened as she let out a breathy gasp, body arching towards him as she threw a leg around his side. Ankle hooking against his thigh and pressing her groin to his.

Muzzle dipped as hers lifted. It was impossible to tell if she started the kiss or if he did. All he knew was that one moment their lips were very nearly touching and the next instant his tongue was snaking past hers and trying to stuff itself down her throat. Now normally, he wouldn't even think of getting his tongue that deep, his last girlfriend complained if he even tried, but this girl only pushed against him harder. Her moan shaking into his maw as she grabbed at his biceps and squeezed oh so tight.

She suckled on his tongue, body arching towards his as she began to pant harder. Warm crotch pressing to his and making his body respond. Blood rushing to his cock so fast it almost left him light headed. Good thing he hadn't had more whiskey, would be beyond embarrassing to get with this hot piece of ass and end up not able to perform.

Palm thumped against his chest as she pushed at him. Val breathed out a hungry growl and pushed tighter, mashing her against the unyielding brick as his cock surged inside his jeans. Her leg shook against his thigh as she ground against him with a muffled whimper.

Another push made him reluctantly pull away. Her mouth hanging open and eyes heavily lidded as she gasped for air once his tongue rolled away. She didn't let him pull too far away, grabbing hard at his shirt once he'd given her room to breathe. Looking up at him with hotly flushed cheeks, she moaned, "Holy fuck. You are so going to fuck my brains out tonight." Diving in, she nuzzled furiously at his neck and breathed in his scent with a moan.

A hand released from his chest as she groaned, hips rocking against his as she planted nibbles at his collarbone and neck. Tightening his grip on her rear, he pulled her against him with a growl, "Right here?" It could have been his imagination, but he'd swear he felt something damp against his groin as she pressed to him.

Teeth dug at her lips as she breathed out a husky whimper, "Part of me wants to say yes." She looked past him and checked her phone, "Got a cab coming, be here in five minutes." Looking up at him, she leaned in to nuzzle his lips, "If you can be done in five minutes, then I'm sure as hell not taking you home with me, big guy." Her eyes sparkled in the street lights as her hand dipped to tug at his belt, "So five minutes or all night?"

As if she had to ask.

Pressing back in with a growl, he drove his tongue back into her mouth and pulled her against him. Grinding against the eager rabbit as the clock ticked down.

By the time the cab was pulling up, he almost wished he'd just ripped her shorts down and just fucked her right there. His cock was aching within the prison of his jeans as her decidedly damp crotch ground against his bulge. She was panting against his lips and pressing her breast into his groping hand as lights swept over them and a horn beeped, making him jump against her.

Neither wanted to break the make out embrace so they just kind of fumbled and stumbled until they practically fell into the rear of the cab. He nearly forgot about the driver as she spilled over on top of him, shirt riding a bit higher. Janet, she'd panted the name to him, broke the kiss just long enough to rattle off her address to him as the door slammed shut. If the driver noticed, or cared, about the pair practically pawing over each other in his backseat, they didn't say a word as they started off and the lights turned out.

While he might normally be worried about putting on his seat belt as the car lurched down the road. This was far from normally. Especially as she unbuckled his jeans and fished his cock out. Breathing out a whispery moan against him as her hand ran over the underside of his cock. "Oh my," Janet gasped and rolled at him. Val's hand dropped to her rear with a smack, perking as he felt just how loose her pants were as she bent forward. Seemed that his pants weren't the only ones she was opening up. "I've gotta..." she rocked forward and planted a kiss on the head of his cock. Lips wrapping eagerly around his pointed head before slipping down with a muffled groan. His eyes nearly crossed as her cheeks caved in, tongue lashing over his aching flesh.

Dropping his hand to her rear, he found that she'd half squirmed out of her shorts already. Brows arched in surprised as he swept his hand over that pert rabbit ass and found that she already had two fingers furiously pumping away at her pussy. Head tilted as he took a deep whiff and groaned as her scent hit him full force.

As his fingers met hers, she rolled her head and peered up at him with a slight smirk. Eyes sparkling in the passing streetlights as she dropped her head down until her nose was buried against his groan. Swallowing around his cock hard enough to make him go cross eyed. Val's teeth ground as the dragon fought the urge to just slam into her maw and cum right then and there.

It seemed that fate knew what he wanted to do because the cab pulled up to a stop outside a building. They'd barely even settled back in the seat before Janet was up, wiggling her jeans back into place. She flashed him another coy smile and leaned forward to pay the cabbie as he quickly stuffed himself back into his jeans and limped from the backseat, holding the door open for her.

He couldn't help but let the growl bubble up his throat as he stomped along behind her into the building. To say that he was tempted to just grab and fuck her in the front hall was the understatement of the year. His eyes were locked onto her rear as she sashayed up to what looked like a freight elevator and pushed it open. The crimson dragon watched with curiosity since he hadn't seen one of those things outside of movies. Yet here he was, climbing in with a girl he'd just met at a bar a bit more than a half-hour ago.

The door rattled down and she'd only just touched the floor button before he was on her. Pinning her against the wall with a hungry growl as his muzzle dipped to plant a kiss to her neck.

Except she pushed up as he leaned in to kiss, jaws closing against her neck. The rabbit let out a breathy gasp and arched against him harder as his kiss turned into an accidental bite. Legs were thrown around his waist, heels hooking over his tail as she lifted herself up with a trembling moan.

Her hips mashed against his even as he shoved her to the wall, grinding her soft body against the raging length that was barely contained within his jeans. Val didn't even think about it as he swept his hands over her hips, feeling her grip on his neck tighten as his fingers hooked into her pockets and pulled them down.

While she'd gotten her pants back up to get out of the cab, she must not have fastened them again. Between his sweeping hand and her bucking hips, the shorts whispered right off her, leaving her privates bared to the dragon. Once again, he was enveloped in the scent of aroused rabbit as she ground against him with needy little whimpers. Pressing her bared muff right to his jeans and rubbing over his straining bulge.

Needy as she might have felt, he was doubly so. Even as such her grinding and prey whimpers sparked something in him. The dragon shoved his body against hers with enough force to make her gasp. His teeth grazed her shoulder then worked up to her neck in predatory bites as growls rolled against her. Val could feel her heart hammering away as his lips brushed her neck.

He still didn't know what made him pull away and growl at her, "You are mine, bitch, got that?" While he didn't know what prompted that, the look on her face as she nodded was more than enough to keep him going.

And he would have made a mess of her right then and there if the freight elevator hadn't jerked to a stop. Janet gasped and started a few times before huffing, "This is the floor." Prying a hand from around his neck, she groped about for the button. Both jumping as she slapped it, the door starting to open with a bang and rattle.

Val let out a low growl as it opened, understandably frustrated after all the teasing. His cock was throbbing within his jeans as she kept grinding against him. Instead, he stepped back and let her decide if she should keep clinging or simple fall back.

Her legs started to slip off from around his waist but he didn't release his hold on her shorts. Somehow, Janet managed to open the elevator door, keep herself upright, and give him the lustiest of looks all while hopping out of those soaked shorts. A growl rumbled up the dragon's throat as he held up his prize. "You're not going to need these fucking things again."

Teeth dug into bottom lip as she held back a whimper at his tone, thighs shaking with excitement, "Yes, Sir. This way, Sir." Turning, she kept her tail up as she strolled boldly down the hall with only her top on. Not that it would've hid much since her nipples were at full attention and tenting her top.

She led the way down the hall. It looked like someone had taken some old office building or something and converted it into apartments. Most of the doors sporting plaques that had been filled with room numbers rather than company names. Janet kept her eyes forward and strut proud right up until they approached a door at the end of the hall. "I need my keys." There must have been something in the way he looked that made her squirm, ears drooping back, "If that's alright with you, Sir."

This was a first for him, being treated like this all of the sudden. He did hesitate for just a moment and wondered if he should just fuck her right there for any passerby to see, or if they should retreat to the privacy of her place.

In the end it was that promise of privacy that won out. Val fishing into the shorts and pulling out a jingling set of keys. She took them from him with a quick smile and opened the door. Not that she wasn't eager either. The keys jingling as she fumbled with the lock for a moment before practically throwing the door open. Her eyes darting back to him as he unzipped his pants and brought his cock out with a low growl.

She reached for a switch, but he stopped her. Grabbing her wrists and spinning her around as he threw her against the wall. Janet barely had time to breath out a gasp before he was against her. Body shoving her legs apart before she could even dare lift them. They were just starting to kick up when the underside of his cock thumped heavily against her lips. He'd gotten the chance to touch her earlier, but that was beast of a different color. Feeling her warmth soak into the underside of his cock made his flesh surge forward, precum spilling against her belly fur.

There they were for only a breadth of time. Him pinning her wrists to the wall. Her staring up at him with open mouth as her legs swung up around him again. Door creaking shut, throwing them into deeper darkness.

Val lashed his tail against the door, thumping it shut as her heels hooked over his tail again. Even before her feet had started to slide over his tail, he was moving as well. Hips rocking back and slamming forward. With her lifting as he drove forward it was great fortune that his pointed tip whispered against her entrance before powering in.

He couldn't fathom slowing down once those lips touched his tip and began to slide over him. The dragon snarling out his lust, rabbit squealing in return as he stretched her tunnel in one hard thrust. Legs spasmed against his sides as she pressed herself against him eagerly. Head rolling to expose her neck to the drake. Snarl died into a growl as he took up the invitation, burying his nose against her neck. Hips driving hard with savage ruts. Balls smacking off her ass with each pound. Legs tightening their hold as she fought to keep him buried in her even as he ravaged her tight cunt.

Alas, he could only last so long after being teased so much. His body heaved against hers after only a handful of thrusts, snarl burying into her shoulder as his jaws clamped down on them.

Even though he'd only lasted a couple moments, he could feel her bucking against him with pleased whimpers as he pumped his cum into her unprotected pussy. Knot, engorged from the cab ride and make-out sessions, slapped against her bare petals with each shot and buck.

His climax only lasted a few seconds before he held tight against her with a throaty huff. Jaws slipped away from her neck as he panted, body humming with the excitement of having just filled a stranger to the brim with his cum. She was panting heavily, cheeks colored with a blush, as he pulled back and groped for the light. It snapped on with a click right as his cock slipped out, Janet's fingers sliding down to spread her pussy lips as his cum drooled from her pussy. "Look at the mess you made in my pussy?"

Tongue rolled over his lips slowly, "You mean my pussy." She looked at him in genuine surprise. Val leaned in and licked over his lips slowly as he growled, "You are my bitch. And my bitch is going to strip, get me a beer, and match her ass to the bedroom so I can fuck her all night long." Stepping back, he let her slide down the wall until she was standing. "Got it?"

She just stared at him for a moment and he felt worry began to gnaw at him. Had he gone too far, come this far only to insult her now. But then her lip curled against her teeth and a soft moan whispered through her throat. "Yes, sir..." She trailed off a moment as she played with the hem of her shirt, trying to keep from squirming. "Or should I call you..." Ears pinned back as they flushed, "Master?" Her eyes sparkled as she wiggled her hips back and forth with little breathy huffs.

"Sounds very good to me," he flashed her a smile and leaned in, biting at her neck again. She arched towards him and let out a louder moan. Only stepping away when he let her go.

Janet flashed him a smile and hurried to the kitchen, shedding her shirt and dropping it to the ground. He'd gotten a quick feel of her nipples earlier, but now he got to see the pink flesh in all their risen, pierced glory. Janet stood there for a moment so he could look over her before slipping past, hurrying to the kitchen as she shed the rest of her clothing. He followed suit as he followed her into the kitchen. Watching as she fished a beer and mug both from the fridge. "Got this from a friend that does micro-brew batches. Called this one Memorial Cookout." She handed the frosty mug to him and smiled as he took a draw and purred approvingly. "I'll just slip past you to the bedroom and get ready, Master."

Get ready? He arched a brow at her and took another sip. He'd be the first to admit that his palette wasn't refined enough to appreciate it, but it tasted good enough to him.

As Janet slipped past him, he let his belt hiss off his pants and swung it around, cracking off her backside. She jumped with a yelp, flashing him a look and a smile as she rubbed her rear slowly. "Please Sir, can I have some more." She flashed a grin and nearly hopped away as she rushed to the bedroom.

With only a couple lights on in the place, it felt absolutely cavernous to the drake. A par of him wondered if he shouldn't be more curious about the apartment as a whole. Pictures of family, friends, furniture, did she have any dead bodies hanging from the rafters, the usual things to look out for. But the part of him doing the thinking for him, his still hard cock and aching balls, drew him towards the bedroom like a needle towards a magnet.

Stumbling around the looming shadows of unknown furniture, he found his way to the beacon of the waiting bedroom and lusty lapin.

Val stopped in a door and stared at the rabbit. She was sitting on the edge of a king sized bed, cream and brown body bared for him to admire. While she'd left her clothes by the front door, she'd picked up a few new articles for him. A leather collar with Doe on it. Matching, wide padded cuffs encircled her wrists and ankles. Sturdy looking carabiners dangling from each one. He could see more straps peeking out from under the bed and a cabinet near the bed stood open. The array of bondage and sex toys proudly on display.

He must have hesitated a bit too long because her ears pinned back ever so slightly, "Too much?" she squirmed as he stared at her. "Didn't mean to overwhelm you."

"Nah," he rumbled before she could work the straps off. "Just whelmed is all. Never done this in person." Val took a long draw off the beer and leaned in to kiss her. Inadvertently sharing some of the drink with her. The rabbit almost purred against him, lips locking against his as she savored the gifted drink. In return, she let her hands drift down to stroke his cock, bringing it back up.

She flashed a smile at him as he pulled away, licking her lips. "Just know that my safe word is Roast." Janet lifted her leg up, swinging it over his head as she rolled over. "If I say it, just stop and we'll talk about what was going bad." Pushing her rear up and back towards him, she stretched out on the bed and reached for a strap that was peeking out from under a pillow near the headboard. Now that she was fishing it out, he realized what the other ones that had been peeking out were. Each one had a pair of simpler Velcro cuffs, but also a heavy D-ring.

Pressing his body against her backside, he invited a moan from the doe as he reached over her. Drawing the strap over, he hooked the carabiners from her cuffs onto the ring. A soft moan whispered out of her lips as she glanced over her shoulder, "Want to try like this, or get a spreader bar?"

He followed her gaze to the iron bar hanging inside the cabinet then back to her rear. She was wiggling her hips against him, grinding his cock up and down between the crack of her pert rear.

Once again, his patience only took him so far. The dragon breathed out a growl as he reached down to line his cock up with her."Later tonight, gotta fuck my doe-bitch into her place." His tip nudged against her messy pussy before slipping up to playfully prod at her pink pucker.

Rather than squeak and squirm away, she lifted her rear and huffed, "Please, Master! Fuck your doe bitch, show her what it's like to be with a real man!"

How could he resist?

Shoving his cock back into her pussy, he snarled over her. Roughly grabbing her rear and pulling her back against him, making her arms stretch out against the bed as he hammered home. "Fucking gonna ruin your pussy, bitch!" A snarl broke free as he began to rail the rabbit. Drawing a squeal and a jump from her as her head dropped to her forearms. Hips lifted and drove back against him as she buried a moan into the bed. Val let out a low snarl and brought his hand down on her ass with a sharp crack. She screamed and shook under him as he claimed her, juices squirting around his cock when the doe hit her sudden peak around him.

"Yeah!" came the snarl as he fucked her through her bucking, shuddering orgasm. "That's my bitch. That's my whore!" Jerking his hips this way and that, he brought his hand down on her ass again, jerking her up hard enough to lift the rabbit off the bed. "How do you like that?" She moaned in response, cheeks flush and head rolling as her hips drove back as best they could. "Fuck yeah, who's your daddy?" he snarled as he swung his hand back for another ass slap.

"I am."

Val barely had time to register the new voice before a very large hand closed over his shoulder and jerked him back.

Caught off balance, since he was mid-thrust, Val stumbled and only just kept from falling flat on his ass. "Hey!" He snarled as cold air rushed around his sopping cock, "What's the big fucking idea?" He managed to stop himself before he slammed into the wall and glared at the intruder.

Guy was almost a head taller than Val, shirt clinging to muscles, hair cut close to the sides and tops of his head. He was an eastern dragon, red and gold scales almost blazing in the bedroom lights. Lips pulled back into a snarl, long whisker-like mustache twitching, "What's the fucking idea?" he let out a dangerous growl and squared up his shoulders, "Come home and find you fucking my girl!"

Jarhead lunged at him and lashed out, cracking a fist across Val's jaw. The dragon barely had time to stagger and call out before the guy was on top of him again. Blows raining down on Val, each one rocking him and quickly sobering him up. He tried to fight back, but best he could do was an awkward half-swing that the guy just shrugged off before practically lifting and hurling him back across the room. His ears were ringing as he crashed against the bed, distantly aware of Janet yelling something about Brad. It was hard to tell though with how much his head was hurting.

He was given just a moment of reprieve when he bounced off the bed, laying there and waiting for the world to settle as the guy stormed across the room to him. Hands wrapped around his neck as the larger male shoved him to the bed with a snarl. Janet squirmed and lashed out, thumping her foot against the guy's side. "Stop it, Brad! You're killing him!"

Yes, stop it Brad, you're killing me! Val grabbed at the eastern dragon's wrists and tried to pry them like he'd heard to do, but the guy only put more weight behind the pin. "Kill him?" game the breathy snarl, "I'm gonna fuck him up! Then I'm gonna fuck you back into your place!"

With her wrists bound there wasn't much Janet could do. Planting her feet, she hurled her body into the dragon's side, knocking him over. He wasn't about to let up his grip though, bringing Val with him as he rolled. It was enough to break his hold on Val though, the western dragon falling to the floor with a thud. Lights flashed in front of his eyes as he gasped for air, barely aware of them arguing over him. "Damn it, Janet! I love you, why the fuck did you do this shit for?" What he was aware of was the guy's hand reaching towards him.

That and one of the straps that hung from under the mattress.

He honestly wasn't sure what drove him to do it, but he grabbed that Velcro and slapped it around the reaching hand, fastening it down as tight as he could. "The fuck?" came the confused snarl from this Brad.

Val wasn't about to give up on the idea now that he had it in motion. Leaping up, he somehow managed to vault the bed, bouncing off Brad's back as he did. The dragon snarled at him and lashed out, Val catching the arm and hauling it with him. Brad realized what he was planning too late, trying to snatch back his arm right as the Velcro strap was wrapping around it.

He collapsed onto the floor wit a huff as the other dragon thrashed on the bed and cursed at him. didn't look like he'd be going anywhere anytime soon, not since the broad straps were secured to the bed frame itself.

Getting up slowly, he let out a low growl of his own, the noise making him wince and rub his throat. Brad continued to spew curses at him, but Janet was looking more than a little embarrassed, refusing to meet his gaze. Val let the other dragon fume and vent for a long moment before limping around the bed (when had he hurt his leg?) and grabbed a ball gag from the cabinet. Lashing out, he somehow managed to get the other guy in a headlock and stuff the gag into place, pulling the straps tight. "Would you shut the fuck up, Bro? And you!" he shot Janet a withering look before unhooking her. "The fuck is going on." He pulled tighter at the straps when Brad nearly spat the gag out. "And get this thing on here!"

She snapped to the orders without thinking, deftly securing the gag. "Um, you see... my friends wanted to have me a Bachelorette party, but I told them no strippers or anything so we went to the bar..."

He narrowed his eyes, "Which is where I cam in with all this." Val rolled his tongue against his teeth and tasted copper.

If her ears pinned back any further, they would have fallen off. "Please don't call the cops or anything. If he gets arrested, you know how the military treats them when they're in jail."

Oh joy of joys, it just kept getting better and better didn't it? Val rubbed his aching muzzle slowly, "Just... Just get me a beer." She grabbed the mug and shuffled towards the door, casting glances back at him. "Now!" Janet squeaked and darted for the kitchen, leaving Val with the other male. The male who was still staring daggers at him and grumbling despite the gag.

Their tumble and his frantic bondage job had left Brad chest down on the bed, feet braced on the floor and arms spread to either side. He was casting glares at Val, no doubt wishing certain doom upon the home wrecking dragon. As he was staring at the other drake he started to get little ideas. Sneaky, dirty little ideas that rang back from when he was being strangled by the male on the bed. Rubbing over his throat, he felt a smirk crawling across his muzzle at the ideas. Well, he'd gotten this far by trusting his instinct.

"What are you doing?" Janet stopped in the door, beer in hand and eyes wide with surprise.

Val smirked up at the rabbit, currently in the process of jerking Brad's pants down o his thighs. "What does it look like? Your boy said he was going to fuck me up, I'm just returning the favor. Now give me my beer." She looked dubious and more than a little surprised, but handed him the beer which he chugged as fast as he could. The cold helped numb the ache and no doubt the alcohol would help with what he had planned.

Lips smacked as he handed Janet the mug, "Now, get me some lube and get me hard, Bitch." Brad snarled something into the gag, inviting a slap across his bared ass. "Shut the fuck up unless you want me to skip the lube."

Janet snapped to it, getting a bottle from the cabinet and dropping to her knees in front of him. Her hands lifted obediently to his cock, stroking it and massaging his full balls. The rabbit squirmed where she knelt, "Are you really going to fuck him?" she asked, her voice dripping with uncertainty. She'd been caught by her fiancee having sex with another guy, and now that other guy was about to fuck him as well. As she waited for her answer, she peered up at him through long lashes and leaned in, running her tongue around his tip before lowering her head.

Val clapped a hand on the back of her head and pushed down, thrusting his hardening cock into her muzzle. "Damn straight I'm going to fuck your boy. And I bet you're going to love every second of it, because you know you're next, bitch." She didn't answer, couldn't really answer with his cock being driven into her mouth with the same vigor he'd been fucking her pussy. Hands clenched against his legs but she didn't push him off. Instead she only steadied herself as her moan shook over his cock, eyes rolling back in her head.

Much as he wanted to blow a fat load down her throat, he had other plans. Pulling out, he held her head as the rabbit doe gasped and stared at him. "Good bitch. Now you're going to get on the bed and watch me fuck your fiancee." Her expression started to shift to surprised, so he cut any protest off. "Either you get up there, or I'll tie your ass up and you can watch."

Janet bit her bottom lip and squirmed before doing as she was told. Sliding onto the bed and watching as he spread lube over his fingers. Val gripped the other dragon's tail in a death grip and forced it up with his shoulder, drawing a hiss from the bound male. He was about to push those lubed fingers up against the pucker before the male kicked at him and screamed a series of curse at him through the gag.

Val just managed to dodge the kick, hissing as he slapped the male's ass in return. "Bitch! Get something to keep him from kicking!"

It took Janet a second to realize he was talking to her, but the rabbit began to move quickly enough. Getting a metal bar and pair of sturdy looking cuffs from the cabinet. She was so quick at darting in and catching Brad's ankles it made him wonder if this was the first time she'd done this to someone unwilling before. In a matter of seconds, Janet had both of the dragon's ankles restrained and the bar adjusted somehow to spread his legs out. She turned to look up at him and licked over the underside of his cock, "Is that good, Master?"

Oh it was better than he could have ever dreamed, "It is, now back on the bed and watch me."

"Yes sir."

He didn't bother waiting for her to hop back into position before he moved in. Lubed fingers pressing against the eastern dragon's backside. Muscles clenched down as the male hissed, but they couldn't stop the press of his slick digits. The tail tried to thrash out of his grip, but he wasn't going to have any of that now. Not that he had the jar head bitch right where he wanted.

Shoving those fingers in, he began to pump them and let the lube spread. Unexpectedly, the dragon let out what sounded like a moan and his slit began to bulge. Val's lips curled into an evil smile as he pumped his fingers harder now, rolling them against the muscle. It wasn't the first time he'd played with another male's backside. He was in college and his roommate tended to make him look tame. Naturally, he'd played with his own rump before, but after a few beers his roomie had talked him into playing around too. Which lead to this and where he was now.

Which he couldn't wait any longer to make this fucker squeal like a bitch. Bracing his shoulder harder against the tail, he leaned forward to hiss, "Better hope she got my cock slick enough, boi. Cause if she didn't..." He chuckled and glanced at Janet, who was looking everywhere but at Brad's glaring face.

Cock head replaced his fingers against the backdoor. Muscles clenching down once again as he began to probe with quick little presses of his hips. The dragon breathed out a hiss around the gag, teeth digging into the hardened rubber as he thrashed. The bonds were good and strong though, he made the bed shake and not much else as Val teased him. Val tightened his grip on the tail as he leaned forward, probing with regular rhythm. "Calm down, I'll fuck your bitch ass soon enough." He planted a hand on Brad's neck and leaned in to lick at the male, "Your girl can tell you how good I am at that."

He could feel the male relax just a second as he took a breath to snarl something into the gag. Val grinned to himself, Gotcha, he thought as he drove in.

Brad thrashed under him and hissed in surprise, but there was no denying him now. Keeping his hand on the male's back and the other on the hips, he drove in until his body crashed off that muscular ass. The muscles clenched around him again, but it was too late since he was balls deep within the waiting rear.

A low moan rolled up his throat, "That's a tight bitch there." Gritting his teeth, he pulled back and waited only a half second before slamming in again. Brad's tail lashed ineffectively against his side as Val leaned over the male and picked a nice pace. Hard, quick thrusts that was barely moving him within that clenching rear. Each time getting a little harder than the last as his body crashed off Brad's rear.

Glancing up at Janet, he couldn't help but purr since the rabbit was staring at him with glazed eyes, both hands between her legs and fingers pumping at her pussy. He slowed down for a beat and watched as she slowed as well, picking up as his body began to hammer her fiancee's. So, not only was she getting off on it, she was matching him?

He leaned forward, practically laying on top of Brad now as he hissed, "See that? See what your girl is doing?" Toes curled and tail flicked as he leaned forward with a low snarl. Just railing the male with shallow slams as that rear clenched around him and hips squirmed. "She's not much watching you get fucked, she's gonna get off on it." He growled and let his teeth graze over the neck, "You girl? Nah, she's my bitch." Lashing out, he slapped the ass with every bit of strength he had as his knot began to pull at the squeezing muscles.

Thrusts came harder now, popping his knot in and out of the rear. Brad jerked under him with each pop and slam, squeals sounding from behind the gag. "Just... like... YOU!" Hammering home, he let out a throaty roar as he began to cum, painting the jarhead's insides with his cum.

Muscles clamped hard around his knot, squeezing as he rocked his hips with a huff. "There we go, one for each of you so far." He caught the quick look from Brad, "Oh yeah, already gave my doe one." Grabbing the male's head, he hissed, "Why don't you come over here and let him smell it?" Janet bit her lip and squirmed for a second before sliding in, spreading her pussy lips to let the dragon see the cum that still stained her walls. "She was squirming and panting, screaming for more as she came around my cock..."

He trailed off as a scent hit his nose. Curious, he leaned back and craned his head, muzzle splitting into a wide grin. Brad's cock was still hard, throbbing as it fire out the last couple shots of his own cum, staining the bed and carpet. It was still jumping as Val rolled his hips, his own knot still throbbing away as he kept painting the big bitch's insides.

Leaning in, Val growl-whispered into the guy's ears, "Now, we both know what you just did. If I take the gag out are you going to be a good bitch?" Head rolled to glare at him, "Or am I gonna have to take some pictures, then fuck your girl in front of you?" Val rolled his hips slowly, grinding his knot against the male's prostate and making him shudder against the bonds. "Behave and I won't even tell her you came everywhere as I fucked your ass."

That glare stayed, but Brad gave the barest of nods. "Good, you don't have to like it so long as you behave." Planting both hands on the dragon's ass, he pulled back slowly. Tight as the rump might have been, and fat as his knot was, an ass wasn't designed to hold onto the length the same way a proper pussy was. All it took was a little pull and some squirming to pop it out.

Janet perked up as he pulled away from Brad's rear, "Do you want me to clean you up, Master?" Her eyes were nearly sparkling as she looked at him eagerly.

He flashed her a smile and cast a sidelong look at Brad. "As good as that sounds, I think my boi might be more interested in that, isn't he?" Oh that glare that Brad shot him was absolutely withering, but he nodded slowly and rolled teeth against the gag. The rabbit blinked curiously, but moved to lay on her side, watching as Val slipped onto the bed and started to undo the gag.

Brad's growl slipped out as soon as it could, but he didn't say a word as the cock was brought towards his muzzle. "Now, be a good boy and start licking it nice and clean. No biting."

Lips curled back to show off his teeth, but Brad was good to his word. Leaning in, he brought his still engorged cock down on the waiting muzzle with a messy thump. Eyes narrowed at him but it didn't stop the male from muzzling the cock slowly with a soft huff. A bit more crimson creeping along those cheeks as he let his tongue out to play over the waiting cock.

It was just little licks at first. Quick laps of the tongue that started to turn into more before long. Working against his still pulsing knot then tracing up over the flesh before encountering a bit of cum that trickled down the flesh. The tongue hesitated for a second, eyes locked on that trickling rivulet of cream that was creeping towards it. A growl of protest slid against his length before the tongue swept over the dripping cum and sweeping it away.

Brad made a face as he sampled the cum before sliding in again. "It's an acquired taste," Janet offered almost shyly, ears folding back when Val shot her a little look. He rumbled out a purr and ran his hand through Brad's hair, "There we go, not so bad is it?" Licking his own lips, he watched as the male angled his head to lower his muzzle down. Tongue curling around the cock slowly to give it a good barber pole.

A groan rolled up his throat as he stroked the dragon's head. Narrowing his eyes with a pleased growl as he began to roll his hips towards the waiting maw. Throaty huffs began to roll and shake up his throat as he ruffled Brad's hair. "That's a good drake bitch isn't it?" A little growl shook around his cock, but it didn't stop Brad from driving down on his length with a soft gulp. Lips pursing around his member as that tongue writhed over his length. Head bobbed down slowly until the eastern dragon was kissing the western's knot. Brad hesitated a moment, just swallowing around the length before pulling back.

Val figured he was going to pull off and spit some sort of curse at him, maybe even try to nip. Instead, he closed his lips tightly around his head and began to suckle. Tongue dancing around his crown and polishing it quickly. Quick little laps that would swirl across his tip and down to flick over his crown, drawing huffs from the dragon. It took all he had to keep from bucking as the drake teased him like that. Brad's eyes were downcast as he lowered his head slowly. Keeping his lips nice and tight as they slipped down over the cock. Tongue slithering around and back and forth as the maw was pushed lower and lower. Rocking back on his heels, he let the male go as far down as he wished. Which Brad took full advantage of, working right down to his knot with a soft huff.

Val's jaws dropped as the muzzle wrapped around his knot and began to play with it. Not just licking the knot, but full on popping his lips right to the very fucking base of his cock! He'd never imagined that the dude who had been trying to kick his ass would be getting into it this hard. His knot was already starting to throb again, swelling against the inside of that maw as it slurped him.

Gripping the muzzle, he squeezed the jaws a bit, helping simulate another tie. He breathed out a low growl of his own and rocked his hips. "That's a good bitch isn't it?" A groan rolled up his throat as he licked his lips, "Fuck girl, I think he's better at this than you are." Lips pulled back into a low growl as his hips rocked harder, bouncing his groin off the male's snout with a deeper growl. Instead of pulling back, Brad just drove his muzzle forward harder with a hungry sounding noise.

It was that noise that set him off. A roar breaking free of Val's throat and blasting into the room right as his cock erupted into the waiting maw.

He'd nearly forgotten about Janet until a pair of soft hands wrapped around his balls and began to play with them. A huff came from the dragon as he arched, tail lifting and legs shuffling apart enough to let the rabbit squirm her way in. Her tongue bathing his jumping sac, as her fiancee gulped down one shot after another. Rocking back on his heels, Val let his hand drop down to slap Janet's pussy lips, making her gasp against him as his fingers dove into her. She huffed around his balls as she and her boyfriend savored the moment together.

Val pulled away before the pair sucked him dry. Cock still pulsing and balls starting to ache a bit as he licked over his lips with a deeper growl. "Damn, you two are going to suck me dry at this rate." He ruffled Brad's hair while doing the same to Janet's pussy. Twinned pants were blasted against his privates from both ends as he shifted and glanced between the two. Janet was looking up at him with adoration and Brad was trying to look anywhere but directly at him. A low huff coming from the dragon as he started to come down.

Licking over his lips, he glanced down at Janet, "Why don't you go get us something to eat and drink before we continue?"

She bit her bottom lip, glancing quickly between Val and Brad, before nodding and hopping off the bed to scurry off. Both listened for a moment before the sounds of food prep began to ring through the open door. Brad turned his head and huffed, "Alright, you've had your fun. Let me up and I swear you'll leave here in one piece."

Val slunk back to lean against the headboard with a smirk. "Leave? But the night's just getting started, bro, and I'm wide awake. Tell you what though." He stretched out with a low groan, "You keep behaving and do what I say, and nothing that happened here will ever leave this apartment. Come morning time I'll head out and you'll never have to see me again after that." He scratched his belly slowly and breathed out a purr, "Sound good to you? Just gotta behave a few more hours and you'll be good. Deal?"

The eastern dragon grumbled and growled and gritted his teeth for a long moment. Long enough that Val was afraid he'd explode into another set of curses. Instead Brad just let out a breathy sigh and laid flat on the bed, "Fine."

He couldn't hold back his own purr, "Alright, I'm going to untie you then." Brad kept growling, but didn't try anything as his wrists were freed from the straps. Although he didn't go for the leg brace yet. Instead, he breathed out a hum and rubbed his muzzle in thought. "Think you can scoot back a bit, maybe get your bitch ass on the floor?"

A growl rolled up but the male didn't lash out again, "Only if you want me to look like a fucking plastic army man."

"That's fine by me, Sweet cheeks. Now more your ass." Brad shot him a look, but did as he was told Shuffling away from the bed and moving around to the wider spot along one side. Each step limited by the spreader bar that was still perched between his ankles. In a way, it was kinda cute, how his tail swayed back and forth with each waddling step. He followed his new bitch, staying right on Brad's heels as they rounded the bed. "Right here looks good. Down on your knees, wanna do something I've always wanted to try."

Brad continued to growl and complain, but he did as he was told. Sliding down onto his knees, then bending forward. Little tugs and pushes put his shoulders to the bedside rug, hand stretching back behind him. All it took was a quick visit to Janet's toy box to turn up more of those thick cuffs. He expected the dragon to bolt or kick or something as he swapped the bar from the ankles up to the thighs. Nothing except for some heavier breathing from his new toy. There was barely even those grumbles when he put cuffs on the wrists again and drew Brad down until his chest was on the ground. Pulling those arms back, he hooked each of the cuff's carabiners to a ring on the bar. A glance over the male's backside had him wishing that he had another strap or something to wrap around the tail and hike it higher. He didn't know much about the art of bondage or half the things tucked away inside that cabinet of wonders.

Brad squirmed and rolled his shoulders back and forth, "So what, gonna fuck my ass again?" He rolled his head and tried to look over his shoulder.

Val was already hard again, the few minutes of waiting and working having given him enough time to recover. Or at least recover enough that a quick bit of work lubing up his cock got him ready to rumble. "Something like that," he purred as he pushed the tail up. Of course he saw Brad's pucker, clenching a bit as it was exposed to the air. But that wasn't his target.

No, his target lay further down. Scaled slit lips bulging slightly from the other male's arousal. A bit of precum and drying cum still glistening on those privates. Licking over his lips slowly he moved in and rubbed his tip around the pucker slowly. Just enough to tease the dragon before guiding his tip down.

There was a distinct pause as he rubbed his tip against the folds of Brad's male slit. A curious hiss rolled up the male's throat before breaking free in a "What the fuck?!" as Val pushed in.

He ground his teeth as he pushed forward, hissing as the male's slit walls grabbed around him, squeezing his hard length against the eastern dragon's cock. Planting both hands on the hips, he knelt behind the male and hissed as he pushed deeper. Hips rocking as he sank in a fraction of an inch at a time as he groaned low in his throat. Brad was gritting his teeth a as Brad drove deeper with each thrust, precum from both males adding to the lube. Within a few thrusts, the wet sound of cock pounding a willing slot began to fill the bedroom with the noises of lust.

"What's going on?" Janet peered in from the door, "Oh my God," she whispered in shock, nearly dropping the tray of food and drink she had.

Brad could only groan in response, but Val stepped forward, rising up off his knees, "I'm fucking him like a bitch." He swung a leg up over Brad's hip, planting it alongside the male's head, "And you're next, Doe-whore." A low growl rolled up his throat as he picked up the pace, pounding against the lifted backside. He breathed out a groan at the odd feeling of how it felt to have that hardening cock grinding against his with each pound. He cast a glance back at Janet, "Drinks?"

She was staring at the pair with glassy eyes, bottom lip tucked firmly behind her teeth as juices trickled down her thigh. At the call for drinks, she blinked, jerked, and nearly dropped the tray. "Yes, Master. Sorry, Master." Hurrying in, she set the tray down on a dresser and walked over with a fresh, frosty mug. Holding it up to Val's lips, she let him take a long draft, angling the mug until he was done and it was empty. Val let out a pleased huff followed by a belch. "Just what I needed." He grinned and gave Janet's ass a resounding smack. Getting a few thrusts in before deciding that Brad must be feeling left out, planting a slap across that crimson ass.

Putting the finished drink aside, Janet got another glass, this one of water it looked like, and knelt to give it to Brad. He had a harder time getting it down, what with his head pressed to the rug and being constantly shaken by the hard rutting he was taking.

A low noise, bordering somewhere between a growl and a moan, rolled up his throat as Val's knot began to throb, pressing against the male's inner walls. Brad's cock wasn't far off either, pulsing against his shaft as the pair huffed and moaned together. Janet stepped away to get something else from the tray, leaving Val free to move. He stepped in and forward, pressing even deeper and shoving that knot in as deep as it could go. Brad was just voicing a very feminine moan when Val's foot came down on his cheek, pressing the male further against the rug and cementing just where he was in the hierarchy of things.

Val locked eyes with Janet, wide grin spreading across his muzzle at her look. He let out a throaty growl as he pounded even harder. Brad's hips jerked and shook towards him before a muffled cry thrashed around in his tightly clenched jaws. Cock leaping against Val's as the male came again.

It was that sudden rush of thick heat that set him off again. Pounding in once more before adding his own roar. The noise filling the bedroom and beyond. Letting anyone who heard it know that this was his territory, that these were his bitches, and that they knew their place. Hips rocked sharply against the lifted rear as he huffed. He was starting to ache now, body reminding him that it had its limited. He'd have to take more than a few minutes if he wanted to put the rabbit in her place right alongside his boi. At this rate, he might very well tie them up side by side and have his fun with them. Muzzle splitting in a wider grin as he rolled his throbbing length against Brad's trapped cock.

"So," came the deep rumble, "How about that food?" He stretched his leg, toes flexing against Brad's cheeks as he breathed out a deeper huff.

Marco stifled a yawn as he shuffled back towards the apartment he split with Val. Finals had been even rougher than he'd imagined they could have been. He was glad that they were over, but holy fuck he was beaten down to a thread. The cat let out a groan as he stared at the apartment door, longing for his bed. It called for him, that siren song that promised relief from it all.

He was beyond thankful that they'd gotten their hands on an apartment, getting some actual room, rather than the dorms. Really didn't want to think about getting rest crammed into a room with just beds and desks, having to share common areas and a bathroom during all that.

Dropping a shoulder against the door frame, he fished out his keys and just stared at them for a moment. Car keys, keys to his parent's house, gym locker, storage, they all were a jumble that he had to sort through before he fished out the one that looked like the apartment. "Hey, Val," he called through the door as he tried the keys. "I think I've got enough money for some takeout or a pizza if you want to pitch in." Pizza, Chinese, sandwiches it didn't matter what it was so long as he got sleep and food.

The key fit and the door popped open. "Can order if you want, but got some food cooking right now." While Marco was wary of Val's cooking, the apartment was smelling good.

"Smells good what... the fuck?"

He pulled up short as he practically fell into the apartment. Val was buck-ass-naked on the couch, controller resting in his hands. There was a largish eastern dragon perched between his legs, wrists cuffed behind his back. The stranger didn't look away from his roomie as his tongue bathed over the cock slowly. Muzzle nuzzling the length with soft whimpering noises. Just inhaling the scent and savoring the taste of it. Ears twitched at the sound from the kitchen. Peering over there revealed an equally naked rabbit girl with pierced nipples. It took him a few seconds to register that both the eastern dragon and the rabbit wore matching collars, her adorned with Doe and his with Bitch, and they also wore matching rings.

Val looked up at Marco and huffed, "Gonna try air conditioning the hall, Bro?"

"Right, Sorry." He shut the door and glance between the two strangers in his shared apartment. "So..." he cleared his throat and reached to adjust his pants, "What's for dinner?" Val's lips curled into a wide grin as his rumble rolled into the room.