The Monster Lies Ch4: Canine Connections

Story by Cheetahs on SoFurry

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#4 of The Monster Lies Novel

Two friendly wolves turn Skanita's perception upside down when they agree to help her unravel the mysteries of the affliction that burns beneath her fur.

*In this chapter... * Two friendly wolves turn Skanita's perception upside down when they agree to help her unravel the mysteries of the affliction that burns beneath her fur.

This novel has been written for Skan Drake who owns all the puma protagonists of this story

****The Monster Lies Ch4: Canine Connections*** *

"Why can't you slam your muzzle shut for just a moment? I told you, someone's coming!" a male said, clearly apprehensive about something.

"Cumming? Someone's doing that indeed. Quite vigorously, if I might add. The way you throb inside me almost feels like I have a second heart." A second voice answered the first. She was a female. Probably mated to the other.

A sharper whimper came from the overgrowth ahead.

"Ite, ever the fearless," the male said. "Your senseless humor will put us both in danger. Keep ears sharp for- wait. Did you smell that?

A brief pause followed before Ite answered. "There's nothing but our scents permeating this entire forest. Now stop worrying like a pup who just crawled his way out of your mother's den. I shall have you inside me a while longer before fear shrivels your cock."

Skanita's stomach churned with excitement. Her nostrils flared up, twitching insistently as she voraciously swallowed the fresh smells of mating.

"There's a female. Up ahead, hiding in the trees!"

A growl rippled from Ite's throat. "Knot deep inside me, pouring seed with every throb, yet your mind is on another female? I will see you properly rewarded when this tie breaks, my mate!"

"She's there! I swear she's going to prey on us!"

Hunt them? That was an exciting thought, though not more fun than gazing upon her quarry. Skanita knew what manner of creatures she dealt with from scent alone, though it pleased her to see the fuzzy ears of the wolves flatten against their heads when she came into the light.

"I told you!" The gray male bowed onto his forelegs, as if ready to bolt at a moment's notice. "Now we're going to meet our end in the most ridiculous way ever conceived."

"Shut up you simple fool." Ite snapped at the wolf she was tied to. The male had his back to her, his tail shivering nervously. Crackling whimpers poured out of his trembling jaws. Whether of pleasure or fear, Skanita did not know.

"Calm yourself, Tate. The cougar would have remained well concealed if she wished to hunt us. Smell her. The scent gives her true intentions away."

"What do you know of my scent?" Skanita paced towards the black female, curious about the two wolves, yet even more so about the possible knowledge she could gain from a female in the midst of mating.

Ite wasn't afraid of her. Ears erect, tail straight, she stared into Skanita's eyes with utmost confidence. The awkward position of the wolves was explained in part by the copious smell of their sex, a sweet miasma that burned its way through Skanita's nostrils with every breath she inhaled. She had no quarrel with these wolves. Quite the opposite. She felt powerful. Enthralled to catch them in such a compromising position.

"Speak, wolf. And know I will not have either of you harmed unless you give me reason to," Skanita said.

The black female -Ite- dipped her head. She retained her pride with dignity, while her silly mate poured out undying gratitude from loose prattling tongue. "Thank you, oh thank you fair, selfless cougar. We are but blessed to have a feline of note grace us with her esteemed presence."

"Words spoke absent thought," Ite apologized to Skanita. "Tate strikes as a fool at first glance, but he has his qualities. I would not have chosen other as my mate even if fate would have my life ended with his cock inside me."

"Is that so?" Skanita cocked her head. "He must be quite good at what he's doing if you'd give your life for him."

"He is."

Skanita brushed the ground with her tail as the two wolves turned upon each other to share a few licks. The soft whines that escaped their mouths felt as soft as their fur, far different than the spiky coats and dreadful eyes portrayed in her father's tales. To see them share honest affection with each other filled Skanita with bitter hope, for she knew that Skan would probably never offer her what Tate did for his mate. Skanita tried to gaze upon their union, but the thick fluff coupled with the weird position offered her nothing apart from scents. Though no visible drops trickled onto the ground beneath their paws, the smells of the wolves hinted strongly at what happened beneath their upraised tails. Seed, coursing from the male's shaft, straight into the female's eager tunnel.

"Apologies for the wait," Ite turned back to Skanita. "My mate is still rattled by this experience. It doesn't happen often that a wolf crosses path with a cougar and lives. Not in these parts of the forest."

"So you are well aware of your trespassing. What reason brings you into my territory, wolf? Surely you could have found a much safer place to mate."

The black female once again bowed her head. "We set after the tail of a cougar; a male that had proven himself...troublesome to our pack. He marked the trees closest to our home, filling our young ones with unnecessary worry. Tate and I were to track him down until...more pressing matters needed to be attended."

Skanita was tempted to press the subject, yet the fate of the lone cougar hung in the balance now that Ite confirmed Han's suspicions. "Where did this troublesome male go?"

"To the far north. We lost his track here, hence the reason for our improper coupling. Shouldn't be long before Tate spills his last, then I would address the female that spared us in a more proper way."

The whole notion of bloodying her claws turned Skanita's stomach when the wolves showed no signs of aggression towards her.

"You two are not what I expected."

"How so?" Ite inquired.

"The tales I've been told paint a different image than what my eyes see. I would not harm you unprovoked. Not in the midst of your coupling. I've only known of your kin from the tales of my parents, which do poor justice to the predators that stand before me. May I approach? I would like to inspect you from a closer distance."

The two wolves allowed her. Slowly, Skanita approached the female. Her black, humid nose twitched as it took in her scent. Ite inched towards her muzzle, seeking the reassurance the cougar spoke of. Skanita closed her eyes, then met the wolf's cold nose with her own. A shudder crept along her spine, along with a false sense of danger. She was very close to a potential rival, but nothing about the warm gusts of air that fell through her whiskers proved perilous. In a short moment, the female's tongue came out, slathering her lips with warm, sticky saliva.

"This is my first time too...getting so close to a cougar I mean," Ite's hushed breath felt just as calm as her tongue. "I've often dreamed of such touch. Hardly expected the whiskers of a feline to feel so...resilient. Is your fur bearing the same roughness?"

"Why don't you check that out for yourself?" Skanita pushed her head above the female's. She allowed the wolf to nuzzle into her thick chest fur, even exposing her neck to potential danger. Not that Ite offered any. The thrill of exploring a predator she feared kept the female occupied for quite a while, allowing her mate to give voice.

"Her fur...does it feel as nice as it looks?"

"Why don't you find out?" Skanita purred.

The male immediately bowed his head in submission. "N-no, I wouldn't dare to-"

"You shall never be offered such opportunity." Ite said. "Be grateful of this female's kindness or you shall have your choices made for you."

"Skanita. Or Nita for short. I already got your names."

The wolfess licked her nose. "Well, Skanita...why don't you show my mate how misplaced his fears are?"

The way Ite gazed at her gave Skanita the courage to approach the black female's mate. She rubbed herself along Ite's thick coat on the way to Tate, her onyx fur flowing along her tawny coat like the rapids of Zuzeca river. Skanita thought on the best way to approach Tate. She didn't want to appear too desperate or betray the trust Ite placed in her.

She focused on her goal, yet when her instincts pulled her nose towards the scent-soaked genitals of the two mates, Skanita all but lost herself in the thrill of lustful discovery. There, beneath their fluffy tails, happened exactly the thing she dreamed of on so many hot, lonely nights. Tate's cock was intimately sheltered within Ite's clammy folds, pumping spurt after spurt of warm, fertile seed at a steady pace. Skanita was weak before the fresh smells of copulation that assailed her receptive senses. Eyes closed, she prodded at the union of the two wolves, touching oozing flesh and feeling their orgasmic contractions bridge their bodies together in a way she could never imagine on her own. Her muzzle quickly moistening with a film of seed and heat that dribbled from both ends, a honey sweeter than anything to her heat-addled senses. Skanita's eyes fluttered. She tried to rip herself away from the object of her desires, entire body tensing with the dreaded familiarity of a spontaneous orgasm. Skanita clamped her nether lips as hard as she could...

Then ripped herself from the haze of mating scents to breathe in the crisp air of the forest once again. It took her but a moment to recover, and neither wolf seemed to have paid attention to her little curiosities. With her heat satisfied for the time being, Skanita approached the submissive gray who still kept his eyes firmly on the ground.

Skanita didn't say anything to him. Instead, she propped up his chin with her muzzle so she could stare in those foreign, beautiful eyes. Though he whined like a pup and shied away the same from her touch, Skanita didn't think him a coward. She found him cute, innocent. Two traits that never matched Han's views of wolves.

"Why do you cower from me, wolf? Has my kin caused you harm in the past?"

Tate licked his muzzle to gather courage. "I never...imagined I would stand before a cougar unscathed. My pack...we had a few encounters with your kin before, not all of them pleasant. The male you search...he-"

"Let's not tarnish the present with dark thoughts," Skanita brushed her cheek along his lengthy muzzle and nuzzled his ear. "You know...I never imagined I'd smell the scent of wolf straight from your fur either, but here we are, standing next to each other. Able to smell..." her tongue drew a long whimper from the wolf's throat as it slid over his flaccid ears. "To touch..." the male shivered as the barbed tongue moved between his eyes. "To feel the truth of the false words bestowed upon us by our parents. Why should we be the monsters everyone wants us to be, when together, we can uncover pleasures that have yet to be discovered?"

The wolf all but shivered at her words. Skanita drew her head back to look into his eyes once again, but her words moved the male past what she expected of him. His tongue assailed her from everywhere at the same time, licking her eyes, her nose, even rushing inside her maw when she tried to voice her surprise through a short growl. Before she knew what was happening, half of Tate's weight fell upon her, his forepaws fastening tightly around her neck. The wolf reared on his hinds, and the licks he launched at her ears and nape awoke something inside Skanita. Something primal that made her limbs shiver and her pussy contort with the overwhelming contractions she tried to subdue.

Eyes snapping open, Skanita collapsed on the ground along with the wolf, her pussy leaking out the heat unearthed by the wolf's excited licks. Tate thought she was playing, nipping at her ears and licking her wrinkled lips, when in truth, Skanita struggled with the whole might of her being to retain awareness against the waves of overwhelming bliss that poured out of her oversensitive cunt.

When her senses returned, a black wolf stood above her.

"Ite?" Skanita mumbled as the blur started to fade. "My limbs...they feel-"

"Tight?" the female wolf poked Skanita's flanks right where they hurt, obtaining a quick nod from the cougar. "My mate made you squirt, just as I expected," her muzzle went between Skanita's legs next.

"N-no. Please...not there..."

"With the scents of mating permeating this part of the forest, it is no wonder your instincts fell on the verge of unraveling. Worry not. There is but a simple cure to your condition, and it requires the slightest of efforts."

"What...what are you..." Skanita tried to speak under the throes of yet another wave of surging pleasure. She reached with her front paws towards Ite's head, but she could do little to stop the wolf's velvet tongue from falling straight upon the most sensitive part of her body.

"Mrrroooowwrrrr!" Skanita roared to the skies as her flushed folds spread in invitation to encourage a deeper penetration. Ite slurped the warm fluids of her heat with a few licks, then pulled back, her lips not exhibiting a single sign of the weakness that often plagued Skanita when she sampled the same intense scents herself.

" don't feel dizzy? Or weak? H-how?"

"I had time to get used to many things. But you are still young and in the midst of your heat, dear cougar. Same as me. Or should I say, worse off, the first one can be tough. My own mother befriended a local group of cougars and obtained important knowledge on their behavior, as well as their habits. From the looks of it, you haven't been draining your heat as often as you should have."

"Please...please're making me..." Skanita pleaded as the wolf resumed her feasting. Her pussy tightened rapidly against Ite's poking tongue, the lewd slurps of her muzzle making everything even more arousing. "I can't hold it back for long, Ite. Please...I'm going to...Ite, I c-can't-"

"I understand. Oh, I know how it feels to be overflowing with the restlessness that had been accumulating ever since your body went into heat," the black female licked her lips off the copious amounts of juices that leaked out of Skanita's trembling pussy. "I will drain it in a moment."

"N-no. Don't!" Skanita shivered wildly when the black wolfess placed her forepaws on either her flanks. Part of her wanted this. She wanted nothing more than to experience the fulfilling release Ite was talking about. Slowly, surely, Ite gently pried her legs apart to bare her soaked pussy to the cold air more than it had ever been before. Behind her, Tate stared over his shoulder. He licked his muzzle expectantly, curious to see how a cougar behaved during climax.

"Turn your head around and spill your seed in silence unless you know more about heat than I do, Tate."

"No. Let him look," Skanita added.

"You would have his eyes linger?"

Skanita gave a firm nod of her head.

"Very well then. Do not think I am cruel to my mate, but I prefer to have no distraction when talking to a female untouched by cock."

Skanita's eyes widened. "How do you know about-"

"Your scent tells many things. It speaks of your health, your well as your ability to produce cubs, but we shall get to that later." Ite placed her chin on top of Skanita's drenched pussy. "Tell me, cougar. Why have you not sought out a partner to copulate with?"

"There are none," Skanita admitted with a moan of sad desire.

"None? Impossible. My territory rang with the growls of cougars for many years."

Skanita bowed her head, unable to look Ite in the eyes while Han's snarling face appeared in her mind. "My father banished everything that posed a danger to our family. Cougars, wolves...they're gone. All of them...they're just... gone."

Ite sighed. "An unfortunate necessity, should you find yourself surrounded by opportunists. Our pack suffered betrayal twice before it knew stability. But let us not burden our heads with such heavy talk. How many times have you provoked your own release release? Twice, thrice per day? More?"

"Two times." Skanita said.

"At morning and night?"

"Two since this...heat started," Skanita admitted much to the black wolf's surprise. "My family...I didn't want them to think there was something wrong with me."

Ite's lips contorted briefly. "They haven't told you of heat? Of what your body requires when thrown in such a state? How can they be so thick as to leave their offspring suffering through such intense needs?"

"I don't something about this itch that's crawling through my...aawwrrrrggghhh."

Ite wasted not a moment, and Skanita threw her head back, purring from the depths of her throat as the wolfess once again started eating away at her soggy pussy. Her broad tongue had no barbs on it, making every lick feel like an ocean of pleasure along her sensitive lips. The wolfess licked, slurped, feasted on Skanita's little gape, and Skanita couldn't help but hold her head down with her forepaws as her pussy contorted quicker and harder than ever.

"Mroooowwrrrr!" Climax hit her like a hurricane. She threw her flushed, red, heat-filled pussy into Ite's face, then humped her muzzle like an enraged male as squirt after squirt of translucent honey wet the wolf's splattering tongue. Ite slurped everything thrown at her until not a single drop remained on Skanita's trembling folds.

"Thank you..." the cougar released a sigh of utter fulfillment. "Aaarrrrhhh that felt so wonder they call it release. I feel so much lighter now..."

Ite gave a toothy, messy grin. "Pay closer attention to the demands of your body. It is foolish of you to deny your instincts a touch sorely needed." Ite stood up to clean her messy muzzle with broad strokes of her canine tongue. "You have reached the pinnacle of fertility, young cougar, and as such, your womb craves for a male's seed deep within your belly. The heat can be tamed with touch in the absence of a male, but I am afraid only the other gender is able to provide a permanent answer to your problems."

"So you're saying...I need to mate?" Skanita picked herself up to stare at the wolfess. "You know much about this...heat. Is there no other way to tame it?"

The wolfess whined. "Not for you. For wolves, heat lasts but a fleeting moment, but cougars are robbed of such luxury. Until you know the touch of a male's cock, I am afraid this arousal will persist. Touch yourself with either tongue or paw at least five times each day to muffle the effects of your heat, and try to find a mate. It is the only way."

Skanita felt more disappointed than relieved to be cursed with such a burden. Why couldn't she be a male like Skan? Why couldn't she be a wolf? They had large packs, with many brothers and sisters to distract from errant needs.

The more she pondered on her inevitable fate, the more she hated this heat and everything it brought. Shortly after, the two wolves broke apart to celebrate their successful coupling through games of affection. Skanita remained far removed from their presence, even when invited. She preferred to remain by her own to avoid tainting their happiness with her misery even if she could hardly keep her eyes off Tate's cock. The moment it came out of Ite's pussy, all red and engorged with blood, Skanita's heart all but leaped in her chest. The thing was huge! A thick spire that kept dangling beneath the male's belly long after it parted from his mate's seed-flooded cunt. Oh, she had so many questions to ask about the bizarre bulge at the base, but her courage faltered every time she opened her mouth to voice such lustful thoughts.

"I've caught you looking."

Skanita shuddered. She almost didn't see Ite dropping beside her. The wolfess lifted a hind leg to lick at her moist pussy a few times. The smell of seed was fresh on her folds, mixed with rich female arousal.


"Don't say otherwise. Cougar or not, you are still a female plunged into the depths of her first heat. Do you wish to touch him?" Ite looked towards her mate, who was equally busy cleaning himself. "Tate wouldn't mind satisfying your curiosities as long as I ask him to."

Skanita wanted to say no, but her flushed pussy, her heated blood, the scent of mating that still burned fresh in her nostrils...all of them said yes.

"But only a brief touch," Skanita stammered. "To...calm my heat like you said."

Ite licked her muzzle warmly and summoned her mate, who splayed himself on his belly for her viewing pleasure. Skanita thanked him for the opportunity with a sloppy lick on his chin. His paws first caught her attention, and she nuzzled one to feel the texture of his pads. They were slightly rougher than hers, but warm nonetheless, exuding a familiar earthly scent. His blunt claws felt rather ungainly for a feline like her, but she kept her thoughts to herself as she moved past his paws, over his fluffy chest, approaching a place that heated her blood. The wolf's sheath was a long, fuzzy thing, with a small opening that glistened under the falling sun.

"You can touch," the male said. "But please try to avoid placing barbs anywhere near know, anything sensitive."

Skanita mumbled her approval as she hovered with her nose above his sheath which oozed a delightful concoction of mating smells. Skanita inhaled the aroma of fertile male through her trembling nostrils, then descended upon the male's opening to taste him after both wolves nodded encouragingly. With a simple flick of her tongue, the fresh, salty tint of his seed mixed with her saliva, heating her blood in an instant. Her purr flared. Her toes fanned out, claws digging deep into the ground. To her heat-addled mind, the taste of the wolf's scent felt like the sweetest honey, urging her to dig deeper and deeper to uncover the source of such divine substance. With short, measured licks, Skanita rolled her tongue around the wolf's opening, and when her head became light with arousal she traveled along his fuzzy sheath to meet his cold, squishy balls. The pouch was slightly smaller than her brother's and lacked the fuzzy feel of a cougar, but it didn't deter her in the least, knowing the kind of treasure that hid within.

Skanita nuzzled them fondly, then returned to the male's cock. She licked his sheath faster, every gentle lick aimed to expose more and more of the male's fleshy cock to the touch of her trembling lips.

"Careful with the teeth." The male whimpered. "You can pull back if your heat starts troubling you again."

Skanita couldn't even conceive such a thing. To feast on a male's cock in the same way Ite fed on her pussy was no longer a curiosity, but a need imposed by her burning instincts. To have better access to his privates, Skanita dropped on her belly and placed both forepaws on Tate's genitalia: one covering his balls, the other draped over his sheath. With every lick, she flexed her toes, then curled them back with a kneading motion that all but made Tate whine with desire.

"Warm..." the wolf muttered. "Your paws feel so, so soft..."

Skanita was too focused on his cock to mind his words. She slowly propped his tip with her tongue, then took it inside her mouth to smother it within her salivating jaws, the gentle throbs not enough to get him fully hard, but keeping the wolf trapped in a warm state of arousal until Skanita pushed deeper into his sheath. She unfurled her tongue and pressed it down, meeting a strange circular bulge.

"That's the knot. Allow me," Ite licked her forepaw a few times so she could expose her mate's entire tool beneath her soaked pads. "It swells during copulation to keep the seed inside, where it belongs. It also keeps us tied, unable to separate, so if you had any malicious intentions towards us, we wouldn't have been able to run, least defend ourselves."

"I wouldn't dream of harming either of you." Skanita licked Tate's taste off her shivering lips, fascinated by the beautiful member that spilled out of Tate's white sheath. "It looks so...big. Does it cause you pains, when he thrusts inside you?"

Ite approached the ruddy member with her nose. "Oh, it produces the most enticing kind of pains. You are no wolf, to know the tight embrace of a tie, to feel connected to your mate on the basest levels, but I would have you sample a brief taste of this most intense pleasure. Say the word, and I will share my mate with you before we part ways."

Skanita felt like an entire tree collapsed upon her body. She couldn't mean...

"I have tasted your needs upon my tongue," Ite's warm tongue interrupted her train of thought. "Saw how your eyes drank the sights of my mate. Would you deny such desires?"

"I...I'm not..." Skanita mumbled, weakened by the female's warm licks across her face. "I can't do what you ask of me."

"Even if you want it?" Ite got up and paced around like a serpent ready to sink its fangs into juicy prey. "Your mouth might form the words, but beneath your fur hides a crave that can only be quenched by a cock lodged deep inside your passage. Search your feelings and know this to be true. Nobody but us will know about this union. You can even choose to forget everything about the copulation once it fulfills its purpose."

"But it's not normal." She argued. Father's words given voice by her tongue. "He's a wolf, and I'm a...we are hardly a match!"

"Normal is what we make of it," Ite said. "Me and my mate are willing to provide you with needed support in your battle against this heat. Accept it. Struggle against this heat no further."

"It can't be that easy. It just can't...Can it?" Skanita slowly perked her gaze. This was probably the only chance in her life to feel a wolf inside her. Was she going to deny this opportunity? Ignore the kindness shown by this pair of selfless canines?

A wet lick smothered her ear. "Why don't you find out?" Ite whispered seductively.

Skanita gave a shaky nod of his head. "You're right. I don't want to run away from this heat any longer."

Ite eased the young cougar into the prelude of wolf reproduction. First came a short play fight, where the mates tested their skills against each other, followed by an arousing inspection of each other's genitals. Skanita licked the wolf's sheath with the same eagerness he lapped at her pussy, until both of them were ready to finally mate.

Skanita all but trembled with arousal when the male's forepaws locked around her waist. The powerful hips that carried her species through the forest with unmatched speed and made her an expert hunter now felt as unsteady as her eager pussy that clamped wetly in expectation of the soaked cock that would soon be upon them. Tate spent a bit of time to secure his grip, then whimpered approvingly to the black female that walked in front of Skanita.

"Try to breathe through your nose. You have yet to know the taste of cock inside your lips, and the first penetration might overwhelm you. Whatever happens, know that I here, willing to lend strength to your weary paws in any way I can."

"Th...thank you. Both of you." Skanita all but shivered with anticipation.

Once Ite disappeared from her sight, the mating began, and Tate's first thrust brought enough excitement with it to draw the breath out of her chest. Skanita moaned needily even as his cock rammed the wet fur surrounding her crevice, for the excitement of being penetrated for the first time was strong enough to get her on the verge of pleading to have her blazing heat quenched.

"Too fast? We can slow down if-"

Skanita answered by pushing her back against the male. His limbs skidded along the forest floor. Surprised by her tenacity, the wolf pushed back harder, getting a guttural moan out of her throat. Another miss. Then two more followed. With every failure, her excitement increased, as did her moans, until the slick presence she had been waiting all along glided past her flooded gate to sink inside her puffy, heat-filled pussy.

"N-no, wait. It's too soon. Too-"

But the wolf's cock already kissed her folds, even if it was only with the tip.

For better or worse, he was now inside her.

"Mrrrooooowwrrrrrrr! D'don't stop. Please...take me," Skanita's eyes bulged as her lips spread around the first cock that entered within her sanctuary since she was born into this beautiful world. She bowed on down on her forelegs, exposing her pussy fully to the male that lay claim to her seething flesh. And with his mark found, the wolf slammed his hard cock through her passage, forcing Skanita to squeeze her eyes shut and roar as her entire body convulsed with orgasmic bliss. Gushes of translucent fluid squirted from the depths of her cunt to splash down upon the wolf's cock, forming a small puddle underneath Skanita's twitching claws. Her jaws clacked, wracked by whimpers and moans of pleasure.

One thrust. That's all it took for her oversensitive pussy to spill its heated treasure, a warm bounty most enjoyed by the male upon her back.

"You feel so you want me to keep going?" he licked her neck eagerly.

"Yes. Please do," Skanita closed her eyes in bliss.

The wolf started to thrust harder and quicker, each jab at her trembling lips bathing his cock with new reserves of female arousal. He mated her like he would one of his own, with hot breath falling upon her nape in the same way his cock assailed her nethers: hot, flushed and excited, a treat that pushed her pleasure past any boundaries she previously knew. Her first orgasm didn't just end. It trickled back into the depths of her pussy in the form of persistent tingles; the same shudders she felt when she could think of nothing but cock to sate her never-ending heat. If anything, she felt even more in heat. Desperate for more.


Skanita gritted her jaws. Breath came in shallow hisses through her nostrils, her muscles now tenser than ever. She finally got to experience the thrill of a well needed mating. The wolf's hips slammed against her hind legs as he began pounding her, the blunt claws of his forepaws scraping through her fur to secure her body for the hearty jabs of his leaky cock. Drops of precum mixed into her heat to dribble as a single continuous line upon the ground. The result of their union given form. Skanita wished with all her might to throw her body into a single, definitive orgasm. The promised release Ite talked all along.

But what she felt right now was more akin to sexual torture. Her senses felt so alive, so inflamed by her first coupling that she knew no relief. No pause. No relaxation from the tense shudders that made her pussy draw in the delicious wolf cock that ventured so deep inside. Skanita threw her head back to see her partner huffing for breath, just as cute as when she first laid eyes upon him.

"Should I... ssstop?" The wolf's tongue lolled from his maw, and his eyes shined with the excitement of inseminating his partner. Oh, how warm the thought of his seed was. How much she wanted it to caress her pussy.

"Nnn-no, no," Skanita managed to croak out a reply. "More. Give me...more."

The male licked her forehead lovingly and resumed his thrusts. Throb. Throb. Throb. The wolf's cock beat within her soaked walls like a thrumming heart, each pulse of blood spreading her apart a bit further. He was growing so big...way bigger than any cougar. What if he lost control and plunged his knot inside her? Skanita all but shivered at the thought of that huge lump of flesh tying her to the wolf. Like Ite found herself when she was ambushed by Skanita.

But before that, he would probably cum. As exciting as that thought was, the ramming was a more pressing problem. Skanita forgot any thoughts of seed as she braced for the harder thrusts mounted by Tate, her body rocking alongside her canine mate as the male plunged himself in and out of her squirting walls, the veins on his cock becoming more prominent with each assault. The sheer size of his member felt almost daunting now. Just how bigger was it going to grow?

Skanita doubted she could withstand another throb, but she held her ground valiantly against the ramming assault of his cock and the terse slaps of the inflated knot that slapped against her puffy lips. The big bulge sent tremors of pleasure along her spine. With every blow, her back arched slightly further to cope with the intense spasms that surfaced from the depths of her heated walls. Her singular orgasm became an engulfing presence, shadowing her senses with a veil of overpowering pleasure, and suddenly, she felt tired. As if her body gave everything it had. Skanita closed her eyes...

Then trembled when a zap lanced her in the very source of her heat.

"Mraaaaaarrrrr!" she jumped back into the male, almost throwing the whimpering wolf off her back. In response, the male secured his grip further. Claws kissing her skin, he grabbed her tight, so he could spear her again with the same terse jet of extreme bliss.

His seed, pouring into her womb one trickle at a time. It took Skanita a few moments to realize the fluid that pushed against the endless waves of her climax, belonged to the wolf, and once the smell of his cum graced her nostrils, she all but howled her undying need, pressing herself against the canine's knot to secure his entire spire within the depths of her hungry pussy.

Whimpers rang in her ears. His tongue, restless as ever, draped over her ears and caressed her nape. Skanita tried to reciprocate the affection, but her body felt so stunned with pleasure she could barely form words, least perform any coherent action, so she basked in the river of seed and affection showered upon her by the wolf who mated with the same love and devotion he showed to his real mate. He enjoyed her. She felt it in the eagerness of his spurts. In the frenzy of his licks.

Then, when she felt the steady sting of his jaws grazing upon her neck, Skanita all but lost control of her wavering senses. Clamping harder than ever, her muscles unleashed all the fire they held, a flood of pleasure that knew neither limit nor end. Dancing sparks appeared before her eyes, and the thrums of her heart banged louder than clashing clouds threatening to unleash the severest of storms.

Skanita felt her limbs crumble under her. She collapsed on the ground in a frenzy of cries as loud and restless as her clamping pussy. Her body knew no difference between wolf or feline, sucking in the wolf's semen with the same eagerness as they would a cougar's, only that the squelching was overshadowed by the guttural cries of the two mates who adopted a new position, with Skanita on her back, clutching the wolf on top with the same affection she held her brother. Many licks were exchanged, and even more pleasure shared, but slowly, like every good thing, the river of bliss turned into feeble trickles.

Skanita insisted to clean off the male in return for the immense favor he bestowed upon her. She literally had no words to express what she truly felt during her first mating, but none were required with such benevolent wolves to care for her needs. It ached her heart to bid them farewell, yet with the night threatening to engulf the whole forest, Skanita's concerns turned to her brother. She couldn't appear before him smelling of wolf, or worse, with wolf seed dripping from her pussy.

With a heavy heart, Skanita returned home alone to bathe in the frigid waters of the Zuzeca river. The moon slowly rose in the sky, bright and round, reminding her of the two friends she made today. She knew that wolves howled at the moon. With wolves in mind, Skanita dried herself thoroughly, then started licking her pussy on the bank of the river. The water hadn't cleansed everything. Traces of Tate still remained within her folds, so she drowned the male's legacy with a flood of her own juices. After four consecutive orgasms, Skanita was all but spent, too tired to even make the short trip back to the cave. She curled under the gaze of the full moon, then slowly fell asleep to the thoughts of suave licks from her wolf friends.

*End of Chapter 4 *

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