Housewarming in Heat, Chapter 3

Story by Oridian on SoFurry

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#3 of Housewarming in Heat

Reylin and Knaster take some steps to relieve temptation

(8,582 words)

Companionship was not to be found in the kitchen, but had gone back to her bedroom.

When Reylin nudged open her bedroom door, she found that Knaster had been busy. The wardrobe was open and Reylin could see her flight harness had been untangled, folded up, and stored neatly within. She stepped into her room and used her tail to push the door gently shut behind her, before pulling the locking latch across.

Reylin moved forward and pushed the wardrobe doors shut too, which let her look over the rest of the place. The bedlinen had been done up with bedsheet spread out, pillow cased, and blanket folded neatly onto her bed. Knaster had also partially unpacked her harness pouches onto the table and the shelf. Reylin had been half joking when she'd earlier said that this small bedroom was cosy, but now it seemed genuinely more cosy and liveable with everything neat, clean, and welcoming.

As for Knaster himself, the young, grey-scaled drake was reared up on his hindlegs and was holding a feather duster in his jaws, which he was using to clean the furniture. He glanced back over his shoulder on hearing the door. "Mh." Knaster grinned when he saw her, and with a flick of his head he dropped the feather duster onto the table. "You're back! I decided to tidy up the place. I unpacked some of the things and got them arranged."

"Hnnnggrrr!" A delighted, rumbly sound made its way up Reylin's throat, and her neck frill perked up happily. She nodded, which made her frill bob up and down. "Oh, thanks! Thank you so much. You didn't have to bother yourself!"

"It's no trouble. I just wanted something to do while you were busy showering."

"Where did you even find a duster?"

"It was in one of the cupboards in the kitchen," Knaster explained. He turned towards the table and gestured. "I just... did a little bit of unpacking here, and you can reorganize things however you prefer. The latest semester's notes are over here on the shelf, while all the previous semesters are still stored in the pouches over here, which I'm thinking could just go in the wardrobe for storage--and... oh, you're hugging me now."

"Hnnnggrrr..." Reylin repeated, as she grabbed Knaster from behind and hugged him tight. Her bath towel had been wrapped around her shoulders like a cape, but now it slid off onto the floor as she clutched Knaster. "Knaster!! I love you...!" she murmured softly. It wasn't the first time she'd said it, but every time she uttered the words it felt like she was reaffirming a massive commitment and hoping that Knaster would reciprocate. He always did.

"Hehe." Knaster let out a chuckle. He curled his head back to nuzzle against Reylin's snout as she rested her head over his shoulder, hugging him from behind. "And I love you too. Now what was I saying? Oh, yes. I also dusted the whole place and swept the floor." Knaster made a flick of his tail, miming the action of sweeping out dust with it. Even while still hugging him, Reylin moved her own tail and entwined it with Knaster's so that the appendages were coiled together. "I'm all dusty! You shouldn't be hugging me or you'll get all dirty again," warned the young drake.

Reylin just hugged him tighter. "I don't mind being dirty as long as it's with you."

"But you just showered." Knaster leaned back slightly against Reylin's hug, enough to press his back and wings against her but not enough to push her away. "Did you even dry yourself off? Your scales are all still wet."

"Scales aren't the only thing that's wet," Reylin muttered, though she said it softly enough that Knaster wouldn't hear. In the shower a few minutes ago her thoughts had been all about lust and sex. Yet now that she had Knaster with her again, much of her emotional state had transmuted into endearment and deep affection. But not all of it--there was still a significant part of her with a deep sexual need that only he could fulfil.

"What did you say?" Knaster asked, glancing at her with an unknowing, innocent look.

"Thanks for your help. You're the best," Reylin said louder.

Knaster smiled and nodded. "You're welcome. Now maybe I should go take a shower, and then we can go fly around the neighbourhood and see what places there are to get dinner."

"That sounds good... but later." Reylin wrapped her wings around herself and Knaster, and she closed her eyes and rested her chin against his shoulder. There was something so wonderfully peaceful and calm about feeling the warmth of his scales against hers, and the steady thump of his heartbeat. She could just slump down against him, and he would hold her up. "I just want to... to relax for a moment."

"Tired out from moving in? It's been a long, big day for you, hasn't it?" Knaster reached up with his paw and started gently patting Reylin's head, but then abruptly she felt his whole body tense up, and he made an uncertain noise. "Uhhh... Reylin?"

"Hmm?" Reylin blinked her eyes open to see that Knaster suddenly was giving her an awkward look. "What? What's the problem?"

Knaster sounded cautious. "It's not... not really a problem. It's just... that... I can_smell_ it on you."

Reylin was confused for a moment, then realization set in. "Huh? Smell what--oh!!"

"Um..." Knaster remained still and didn't make any move to push her away, but Reylin released her hug and leapt backwards. She hesitantly backed away all the way to the other side of her apartment bedroom until she was next to the door. Still, she wasn't very far from Knaster because the room was just too small to put much space between them.

"Hehaha. I forgot about this part." Reylin laughed awkwardly, unsure if she ought to be embarrassed. This was the part of heat that she had been most cautioned about by older, more experienced drakka, but which she had imagined would only be a minor inconvenience--her smell. Female dragons who went into heat had their scent change, with a special type of pheromone coming especially from their genital slit. Reylin had been told that it was impossible for her to smell her own scent, and even other drakka wouldn't be able to smell it on her, but any drakes who came too close would easily pick up on her scent and know that she was in heat. It was nature's attempt to broadcast her fertility and get any nearby drakes aroused, which was just inappropriate in civilized, modern drakken society.

"I am so, so sorry." Reylin unfurled her wings to wrap them around herself, as if that might do something to alleviate her own scent. But there was no way she was making an airtight seal around her underbelly, and Reylin could just imagine her own smell emanating out and filling the enclosed space of her room. She glanced away embarrassedly.

"No, you don't have to apologize. You shouldn't be apologizing for something natural that you had no control about. It's not your fault," Knaster immediately replied. He also looked embarrassed.

"But it is my fault! This is fully preventable. There's this smell-blocking special deodorant ointment cream that I'm supposed to use to cover my smell," Reylin replied. She made a rubbing gesture over her underbelly, mimicking the motions of applying the cream, though with her wings still wrapped around her body Knaster probably couldn't see. "This didn't happen when I was in preheat. Yesterday at the sheltered home, right after I did the test kit that confirmed I was really in heat for the first time, I immediately went back to my locker and got the deodorant cream, then right back to the washroom to put it on. I was so proud of myself for remembering that. Then I'm supposed to reapply it every few hours, as well as every time I shower. I remembered yesterday, then this morning when I woke up, but then I forgot after I showered just now..."

Both young dragons were silent for a moment, awkwardly standing at opposite sides of the bedroom. Neither of them had any experience in dealing with this sort of situation.

Eventually they finally made eye contact and simultaneously both laughed, which defused much of the awkwardness in the room. Reylin spoke up. "Hahaha. Well this is a new experience!"

"Very new indeed!" Knaster agreed, grinning at her.

"Can you... is it? What's the range on this? Can you still smell me from all the way over there?" Reylin queried.

Knaster shook his head. "No, I don't... wait." He took a deep breath, then he nodded. "I can. It's faint, but I definitely can. I noticed the smell immediately when you hugged me, but at first I didn't think too much about it until it started to affect me."

"Affect you? How did it affect you?" Curiosity helped Reylin forget her embarrassment. They were close friends and lovers after all, even if heat was a deeper taboo beyond any of the intimacy they had shared before. "What does my heat even smell like?"

"The scent is... it's similar to that one time we tried messing around with a perfume that mimics the scent of heat. I don't know how to describe that part of the scent, but it just goes right past my nose and straight to my brain. But then there's also the normal scent of your scales, along with the added smell that happens when you're aroused. That part makes the smell feel so much more_real_, and it..." Knaster took a deeper breath, and Reylin saw his nostrils flare slightly as he sniffed the air. He shook his head. "Sorry."

"Why are you apologizing?" Reylin asked.

"Because I shouldn't be smelling you why you're in heat. But it just smells so, so_good_." Knaster glanced at her, and then both shared a laugh. "Haha. Uh... Yeah. It's very, very arousing. I'm holding it back right now, but that smell is getting me really turned on."

Reylin's neck frill perked up at the thought of Knaster being aroused, which just made her aroused too. Knaster was sitting down on the floor cushion next to the table, and he shifted his forelegs in a restless manner which drew Reylin's gaze down to his underbelly, but he wasn't erect--yet. "That's normal, right? I'm a drakka and you're a drake, and that's how nature is supposed to work."

Knaster nodded at her. His own neck frill was perked up, and Reylin could see he was taking quicker breaths through his nose to get more of her scent, though probably not intentionally. "It's fine. We're not animals. We have self-control."

"Mm hhm," Reylin hummed in agreement. "Ok, hold your breath! I'm going to come over."

Knaster obediently did just that, taking in a deep breath and then holding it. He even lowered his head to tuck his snout under his wing, which made Reylin burst out into giggles at that sight, then making Knaster laugh too. "Hehehe..."

"Hahah! Hey! Don't laugh or I'll laugh too!" Knaster said. The young drake flipped his wing closed before steeling himself and taking another deep breath.

Reylin leapt across the room and opened up the wardrobe to begin rummaging through her flight harness pouches. Yet her quick search yielded nothing, so instead she turned away from the wardrobe and nudged the doors shut with her wing. While still holding his breath, Knaster backed away until he was right next to the window so that Reylin could start looking through her belongings that were on the table and the shelf.

"Looking for something?" Knaster asked her.

"Yes. I have a little jar of scent-blocker ointment. Which pouch did I pack it into?" Reylin muttered. She briefly halted her search to wave her wing at Knaster. "Aren't you supposed to be holding your breath?"

Knaster nodded. "I can exhale. Can't inhale!" he hissed. This reply made Reylin chuckle again, which made Knaster's eyes bulge as he nearly laughed too.

"Hehehe. Sorry," Reylin murmured. She resumed her search, but there was no sign of what she was looking for. Her immediate hunch was that if that her scent blocker wasn't in the same pouch where she'd kept her soap and scale conditioner, then she probably had forgotten to bring it. In moving out from the clanless sheltered home and into this Taslin residential hall, Reylin had cleared out her locker and left quite a few things behind as she would no longer need them--things like her old, hatchling-sized flight harness which was too small to fit her any more, as well as junk like an old ink pot which had been left uncapped and had gone completely dry. In the chaos of packing and planning for the move, it seemed that the small jar of scent blocking cream had been left behind somewhere. It wasn't a big loss. That sort of thing was easily and cheaply purchasable from any general store in any of the many market squares in the City of Wings.

Standing beside her, Knaster couldn't hold his breath any longer. He let it all out in a slightly dramatic huff, before panting a few times. "Huuhh! Whew. I need air. Huhh. Oh, ugggh, I can smell you. That is the best smell I have ever smelled."

Reylin sniggered, and she threw a glance at Knaster. "Hehe. Breathe through your mouth, not your nose."

Knaster opened his jaws wide and tried doing that, but he shook his head. "I can still smell it... It's... it's such a nice smell." He turned his head away, though Reylin doubted that did much to prevent him from smelling her. "Should I open the window? Ventilate the room?" he asked, gesturing towards the bedroom window, through which the orange evening beams of sunset were starting to filter through.

"No!" Any mild embarrassment Reylin had felt over Knaster smelling her in heat had quickly receded, but her embarrassment returned in force over the thought of any other dragons smelling her. It just wasn't_proper_ in society. "Don't let the smell out. How embarrassing!"

Knaster snorted softly. "It's not that strong a smell! We're on the upper floor. There's no way anyone down in the courtyard would pick up on your heat scent, and I don't even think anyone else in the neighbouring apartments could either. It would just dissipate on the wind. Plus, the residential hall is still sparsely occupied for now, so there probably aren't many other people here."

"I don't want to risk it. Besides, you're doing fine, right? The scent isn't... choking you or anything?" Reylin asked.

Knaster was alternating between staring at her with an intense look, then glancing away and trying to distract himself. "It's... it's such a lovely scent. It makes me want to just... do very inappropriate things." He flipped a wing forward and covered his underbelly, then a second later he stopped and returned his wing to his back. Much to Reylin's wicked disappointment, Knaster still wasn't erect, though his genital slit seemed more noticeable than normal as he kept his muscles clenched up to restrain his arousal. "It's so naughty for you to smell like heat, and for me to smell you! That's not allowed! Only pair bonded mates are supposed to do that. We're so_bad_. Heh."

They both laughed together. "Hahaha! I know!" Reylin exclaimed. "But it's fine. We're not some dumb fledglings who don't understand the consequences and just do silly things."

Knaster raised an eye ridge. "Aren't we? We don't have magic yet. By one definition, we still count as fledglings."

Reylin waved her paw dismissively. "We've finished intermediate school already, and we're starting advanced pre-vocational next month--that counts as adulthood. Also I'm in heat, which also counts as adulthood. Oh, and I also feel very mature and responsible and independent now that I live in my own apartment, and really that's the important metric. The way I see it is that you're definitely more mature and responsible than me, so if I feel grown up, you definitely are too."

Knaster laughed. "Hah. Ok, if you want to see it that way."

"Mmm hhmm!" Reylin hummed happily. "Anyway, I'm supposed to be using a scent blocker to cover my heat like a proper member of society, but I forgot to bring it over from the shelter."

"No problem. Should we go fly back and pick it up?" Knaster glanced out the window, which drew Reylin's attention there too. The two young dragons gazed through the glass, watching the spectacular palette of deep blues and light oranges that were starting to paint the evening sky in smears of sunset colour. Scattered white clouds were now skewing to amber, and at varying altitudes there were other dragons flapping their way across the busy, skyscraper-laden airspace of the City of Wings.

Reylin had never been the fondest of flying. She was a dragon and obviously did have aerial capability, but for her this was merely a useful means of getting around, whereas there were others (such as Knaster) who loved flight and even enjoyed it as a hobby. However, one thing Reylin knew was that she didn't mind the strain or tiredness of flying as long as Knaster was flying with her. In most other situations she would have loved to take an evening flight with Knaster--soaring across the city and feeling the warm air as they rode thermal columns created by the fading heat of day, watching the long shadows and the beautiful hues of sunset until the sky had gone dark and the stars were up. What fun it would be to fly with him, two young dragons cruising across the sky together--high up above the cityscape to avoid turbulence, yet also moving at a leisurely pace so that conversation could be held over the sound of oncoming air.

Of course, there were other considerations. "No need to go all the way back home--to my old home, that is. I can just buy more scent blocker at the closest general store. It's cheap. But... uh... I can't just go out smelling like heat!" Reylin decided. "Imagine if someone, other than you, smelled me like this. That would be so embarrassing!"

Knaster looked amused. "Why other than me? Isn't it still embarrassing if I smell you?"

Reylin shrugged. "Not really. You're special. We have something special together." Sudden desire made her hesitate once, then she scampered over towards Knaster. The young drake had been reared up on his hindlegs with his forepaws on the window sill, so Reylin grabbed him from behind in a tight hug, putting her forepaws around his waist and wrapping her wings around his upper half. She nuzzled against the base of Knaster's neck, then made her way upwards to lick at the side of his snout. "Oh, yes. Hey, kiss me. Please, please, please," Reylin murmured.

Knaster did. He turned his head to the side to meet her mouth in a kiss, but only for a moment which was far, far too short. Then he stopped and said, "So... since you can't go out, I can go to the store and buy that heat scent blocker cream for you?"

Reylin nodded her head happily. Knaster was just so helpful and ready to provide as much support as he possibly could. Not that she couldn't survive without him, but life would be so much lesser in so many ways. "Yes please. That would be very helpful. But first I need your help with something else..." She pulled Knaster close again so she could keep hugging him tight. A deep desire was running through her whole body, and it had to be sated. Obeying that lustful need, she bucked her hips to press her underbelly against the back of Knaster's tail base.

Knaster's neck frill perked up, and he let and a short, melodic bark of laughter. "Hah. Are you_humping_me?"

Reylin froze, but only briefly. "Uh... yes. If I don't hump you, then who else could I hump? There's no one else. It's got to be you." She started thrusting her hips again, and each motion sent a small tingle of pleasure through her underbelly which echoed out through her whole body. Her paws had been around Knaster's waist, and now Reylin shifted her position so that she could more easily reach for Knaster's underbelly. It barely took more than a touch to get his tense slit muscles to relax, and for her to coax out his erection.

They were still by the window, but it was half length which meant Knaster's lower half was also obscured by the wall. Reaching around, Reylin used her paw to grab Knaster's erection as it rapidly engorged and enlarged, that unscaled length of masculine flesh quickly pushing out of his slit and stiffening up under her touch as she encouraged it with gentle rubs and squeezes.

Reylin had left her eyes drift close and her chin was resting against Knaster's neck as she acted on instinct, but then she felt him gently bump his snout against hers, not in a kiss but in a deliberate manner. Reylin blinked her eyes open to find that Knaster was staring at her with a wide-eyed, amused expression.

"Reylin, I... thought we said we weren't going to be doing any sexual things today?" he asked casually.

"Uhh, we can do sexual things, as long as we don't actually have sex." Reylin's gaze shifted downwards, and she stared at Knaster's erection, which she was still loosely holding. Seeing and feeling his arousal made her feel very aroused too, and in a way it also made her feel special. No other dragon touched him in this manner--only her. Despite his voiced hesitancy, his body was clearly just as turned on as she was and willing to proceed. "The important thing here is that we must not make an egg, but we would need to have sex for that to happen," Reylin pointed out. "If it's just some touching and no proper mating, that should be fine, right?"

"I suppose so," Knaster agreed. "I'm not complaining..." Reylin could see the look he was giving her--he looked_hungry_, as if he wanted her but was holding himself back, and that thought energized her.

Knaster moved his head to kiss her again, and Reylin responded with a soft, needy moan. "Mhhmm..." She hugged him tightly from behind, then shifted slightly to the side so she could wrap her paw around his erection and slowly stroke it. His penis had reached full length and stiffness, rigidly jutting out from his underbelly at a slight angle upwards. Droplets of slick, clear lubricating fluid started to leak from the tip of that tapering length as well as near the base where it anchored into his genital slit, and with familiar movements Reylin spread that natural liquid to ease her steady strokes and make them slippery. A similar, equivalent bodily fluid was wetting her own slit and Reylin could feel some of it even dripping down towards her tail. It was an effect of sexual arousal, as both their bodies got their genitals prepared for the motions of intercourse, even if that wouldn't be happening today.

Knaster's erection was a tapering shape, sleek and aerodynamic just like the rest of the drake it was attached to. Right near the base there was a slight bulge, and Knaster let out a barely restrained groan as Reylin wrapped her paw around his still uninflated knot. "Ohhh..." Squeezing down on that part of his anatomy made a shiver run through Knaster's whole body, and then when Reylin began gently pulling and rubbing right on his knot, he began making small thrusts of his hips against her grip. She didn't hold back--from past experience Reylin knew what got Knaster worked up quickly, and she felt no need to take things slow. "Reylin...!" he hissed, muttering her name through clenched teeth. "Really? Right in... in front of the window?" Knaster asked, with his tone sounding overwhelmed by pleasure.

Reylin responded by squeezing her grip tighter around Knaster's knot, squishing the spongy flesh there in a way that made Knaster's forepaws clutch onto the window sill. "Your bottom half is blocked by the wall," she replied.

"Yes, but my upper half isn't. And neither are you." Knaster moved his head around and he looked through the windowpane at various angles to estimate what would be visible from outside. "The opposite apartment block is taller than this one. If anyone there happened to be looking down towards us, they might just be able to see some movement..."

"Haha." Reylin laughed, and then she ducked her head behind Knaster's back and furled-up wings, so that the only part of her in front of him was her forelimb, reaching around to keep stroking his erection. "The windows are reflective, so there won't be much of a view to the inside. Plus, most of the other residents haven't moved in yet."

A soft growl rolled from Knaster's throat. "Rrrr... You're naughty, you know that?" He reached out with a forepaw and grabbed the curtain to start pulling it across the window. Reylin let him pull the curtain about halfway across, then she starting frantically stroking his erection as quickly and firmly as she could, just to see him react. Knaster wavered, and his hips bucked against her movements as the strong stimulation briefly overwhelmed him. "Nggghhh!"

With a firm motion Knaster straightened up and fully pulled the curtain across the window, obscuring everything within their apartment from external view. With privacy now fully assured, both young dragons relaxed slightly. Reylin slowed her strokes, then she let go of Knaster's erection and returned to just hugging him from behind. Her paw was still wet from his pre-ejaculate, and without fully thinking about what she was doing, she sniffed at it. It was impossible to not smell Knaster just from how close they were, but the smell of his arousal was clear and distinct on her paw, and it made Reylin shudder.

Knaster had his head turned to the side, and he was watching her. "Did you just...?" he asked.

"I did." Darting out her tongue, Reylin licked at that clear liquid wetting her paw--the taste was mild with only the faintest hint of salt--it was the knowledge of what she was doing which made the motion so arousing for her. With a playful grin, Reylin shifted her paw towards Knaster's snout, which made him laugh and turn his head away, though he didn't pull out of her hug. "What's the matter? Don't like the smell of your own arousal? Because I like it," Reylin murmured.

Knaster moved his head back and nuzzled under Reylin's chin. "I think I much prefer how_you_smell--especially the smell when _you're_aroused, and double especially the smell of you in heat." The young drake blinked, and shook his head slightly. "It's so, so bad of me. I shouldn't be enjoying your heat scent."

With a slow, subtle motion Reylin shifted her other forepaw down towards her underbelly so she could touch herself. Because she was behind Knaster he probably couldn't see her limb moving, though he might have seen the way her gaze went distant as even a gentle rub of her genital slit sent pleasure coursing through her form. Reylin moved her paw about, sticking her digits briefly inside herself just to get them all coated with that wet, slick, mucus-like fluid dripping from her insides, then she raised her paw and put it right over Knaster's snout.

He recoiled lightly, but then Reylin saw his nostrils flare as he breathed in, and then he was leaning forward to sniff at her paw. Knaster took a couple of heavy breaths and he even stuck his tongue out to lick at her paw pads, but then he suddenly stopped. Reaching upwards he casually grabbed her forelimb and pulled it away, holding it a short distance from his snout while he gave her that confident, faintly amused smile of his. "You're really acting_naughty_ today. Your heat is making you amorous, isn't it?"

Reylin flicked her neck frill uncertainly. "Uh..."

"Or maybe not, because on regular days you can be very naughty too. It's dangerously contagious." Knaster was still holding Reylin's paw by her wrist, and once again he stuck out his tongue to gently lick at the arousal fluid that was coating her paw, sliding his tongue over her paw pads and even weaving it between her digits. The sensation was somewhat ticklish, but the thought of Knaster applying his tongue elsewhere was deeply arousing.

Reylin responded by shifting her other paw downwards to slowly stroke Knaster's erection, keeping it fully erect with light stimulation. "Can I share something with you? Something personal?"

"You know that you can tell me anything. I trust you and you trust me," Knaster replied. He was still sensually licking at Reylin's arousal coated paw, but then he stopped and turned his head to glance over his shoulder at her. "Should I stop? Because I suspect that licking at your paw is incompatible with a deep, serious, heart-to-heart conversation..."

"Hehehehe!" Reylin broke out into sniggers of laughter, and she shook her head. "No, no. Keep going. It's nothing serious." Knaster obligingly resumed licking, hungrily cleaning any trace of her arousal which clung to her paw. Reylin continued. "It's just that... I can't finish."

"Can't finish what?" Knaster asked.

"Can't finish myself! As in, climax. Orgasm. I can't get one, and it's been very frustrating."

Knaster stopped mid lick, and he raised an eye ridge at her. "What? Wait, what? You mean that all these months we've been together, all the times we--"

Reylin laughed again and shook her head. "No, not then! Obviously not. You've_seen_ that I've been satisfied before. It's only today and yesterday I've had this problem. I think it's something to do with my heat, because since yesterday, every time I've tried to touch myself I've been unable to climax no matter what I do. It just stops feeling good enough at a certain point."

"Really? How curious. So you can't... can't finish when you're touching yourself? That's weird." Knaster let go of Reylin's paw, and his brow furrowed in thought.

Reylin grinned. She loved that look Knaster got when he was thinking. One of the great things she loved about Knaster was that they were intellectual equivalents--he was smart, but so was she, and together they had so many long, complex conversations. Knaster had such intelligence behind him, yet he never talked down to her, and for all their similarities they also had many differing views to exchange. There always seemed to be so much for them to discuss about themselves, each other, and everyone and everything in the wider world around them.

Not that this specific topic was particularly rich for discussion. It was something that needed to be solved by action. "I haven't heard that was a thing, but then I'm certainly not an expert on heat," Knaster said to her. "Why would being in heat mean you can't get an orgasm? That sounds frustrating."

Reylin shrugged her wings. "It's very frustrating. I suspect it's just a psychological limit. Similar to how you can't tickle yourself, maybe I can't masturbate while in heat." Leaning into Knaster and hugging him from behind again, Reylin extended a single claw and gently tapped his chest. "That makes sense, right? Heat makes me aroused, but then it doesn't let me satisfy that arousal by myself, so it necessitates I find some lovely, handsome, delicious drake like you who can actually help me."

"That does make sense. The biological purpose of heat is reproduction, after all, and you can't reproduce alone," Knaster replied.

"Exactly. Now we definitely are not going to be making an egg, but I have a strong suspicion that the only way I'll be able to orgasm is if you're involved." Reylin giggled. "Hehe. We can experimentally test that."

"Hmm, that sounds like a fun experiment." Knaster finally turned around so that he was facing Reylin instead of having her hug him from behind. This brought his underbelly into direct view, including his erection, which was still fully rigid and protruding out from his genital slit. Reylin didn't hesitate at the sight--stepping backwards, she swiftly dropped down to all fours and then used a forepaw to grab Knaster's penis and guide it into her mouth.

"As long as we don't--muunngguh..." Knaster had been in the middle of saying something, but all his words smeared into an incoherent but clearly pleasured moan as Reylin suckled at his erection. The smell of his arousal was far more noticeable with her snout right at his groin, but that musky, masculine scent just made Reylin more aroused. Opening her jaws, she slathered his penis with her tongue, mixing her saliva with the pre-ejaculate that already wet his length.

Trying to pleasure Knaster with her mouth wasn't something Reylin did very commonly--yet not because she disliked the act, but just because she remained very unsure that she was any good at it. It seemed like something that required a specific technique, and she lacked experience or knowledge in this field. Knaster had at multiple times insisted she was good, but then he also hadn't ever stuck his erection into someone else's mouth other than her, so he couldn't provide an objective comparison.

The few times Reylin had tried orally pleasuring Knaster had been when he had specifically asked for it, or when she was feeling particularly adventurous and in the mood for learning new ways to pleasure her partner. The latter was the case now, as Reylin bobbed her head to suck and lick at Knaster's erection, which made all sorts of indecent, slurping noises that filled the room. With repeated motions she did her best to stimulate Knaster--and by the sounds he made, she was wildly successful.

Knaster shifted about on his hindlegs, almost losing his balance as the pleasure threatened to overwhelm him. "Reylin... ooooh! You're...! Woah. Uh. Uhhhh... Reylin that's... so... Ahh..." He gasped and panted, but the only coherent thing he said was her name--through clenched teeth, or in a desperate moan. It was so_sexy_ to hear Knaster voice out his pleasure, and that just made Reylin even more enthusiastic with her motions.

Pulling her snout back with a sloppy noise, she switched from holding Knaster's erection by the base to instead having her paw grip him by the tip. Rather than trying to take his erection fully into her mouth head-on, she stuck out her tongue to lick his length from various angles. The smooth, unscaled skin slid smoothly underneath her caresses, and Reylin had to swallow as she tasted the film of pre-ejaculate that coated Knaster's erection all over, now mixed up with her saliva. Then she tried flicking her tongue against his knot, before simply coiling her tongue entirely around that sensitive bulb of spongy flesh to stimulate it from all around.

Knaster groaned and hunched forward, bending half over. His whole body trembled, then he tried to straighten up but only ended up slumping backwards to lean against the wall as the intense sensations running through him made him lose his balance. Reylin didn't let up for a second. She slid forward and kept licking at Knaster's length, for now ignoring that building_itch_ in her own underbelly as she focused on her partner's pleasure.

"Oh. Ugggh. Reylin..." Knaster rubbed his paw against the side of Reylin's jaw, then he tried to pat her on the head before simply resting his paw on her. Reylin was normally modestly satisfied with her own physical appearance, which she thought was acceptably average (although Knaster frequently liked to cheerfully and spontaneously remind her that she was beautiful, and he always sounded like he genuinely believed it, strangely but wonderfully enough). However, in that moment Reylin found herself wishing that she was one of those dragons that had_horns_. Her neck frill was good for being expressive, but if she had horns then Knaster could have grabbed them to use as a hold so he could thrust into her mouth.

Ironically, he did the exact opposite. Knaster didn't force her to take his erection, but in fact with his paw holding her head he tried slowing down her movements so she didn't overwhelm him. "Reylin! Wait, you are really... I'm... I'm getting... kind of close here..." he moaned.

If anything, that made Reylin want to keep going and speed up. Instead of licking Knaster's erection all over she focused the caress of her tongue right against his knot, which made his penis twitch and stiffen even further. If she kept her tongue wrapped around his knot she could actually feel that bulb of flesh starting to bloat up, inflating with every rapid heartbeat as Knaster's body approached orgasm at speed. She could see his hindpaws clenching against the floor, and his tail flicked from side to side.

The young drake let out a gasp, and he gently but firmly pushed Reylin's head away from his groin. Reylin stuck out her tongue further to keep trying to lick him, then she relented under Knaster's clear intent. "Ahhh! Ok, enough! Enough... I can't... I'm at my limit. I don't want to... to make a mess all over your new apartment!"

Just visualizing Knaster _blasting_his seed all over her and her bedroom floor in a tremendous mess made a shiver run down Reylin's spine. That would certainly be quite the way to celebrate moving into her new apartment. The young drakka let out barely restrained chuckle, and with a wide grin she glanced up to make eye contact with Knaster. "Hehehe... Ok, if you don't want to make a mess of the floor, then how about a mess in my mouth?" Knaster's frill perked up and his eyes widened, but before he could say anything or properly react, Reylin shook her head out from his paw and opened her jaws to get her whole snout around his length. She suckled hard as if she could physically pull his seed out from his genital slit--which wasn't at all how it worked, though it would surely work anyway.

Unfortunately before she could get more than half of his shaft into her mouth, Knaster used his paw to pull her off his length. "Reylin!" he hissed. "Nooo, stop! Fnggghhag... Don't waste it..."

"Aww," Reylin muttered, though her own neck frill was fully perked up and she was grinning widely. It was so fun and special to be intimate with Knaster, in a way which nothing else was.

Knaster was not grinning. His snout was scrunched up with teeth clenched and bared in an expression of intense emotion that someone unfamiliar might have thought was anguished pain, but which Reylin recognized as exquisite pleasure. That too was special--no one else got to see him make that face, and certainly no one except her caused it. "Ngggh..." Knaster's knot was almost fully inflated and he made a few desperate thrusts of his hips, bucking his stiff erection against empty air before he calmed down a few seconds later.

Both young dragons panted softly, catching their breath. Reylin straightened up out of her crouch and grinned as she made eye contact with Knaster, then she frowned slightly as something occurred to her--just a moment ago while lost in the thralls of pleasure, Knaster had said he didn't want to release his seed in her mouth because that would be a waste, but then if that was the case where could it go which wouldn't be a waste? If not the floor because that would make a mess, and not in her mouth because that was a waste, then really there was one main location for it to go. Her tail swished about behind her as she contemplated that most forbidden of thoughts, and a tingle ran through her underbelly.

Knaster saw her grinning again, and he moved his head forward to bump his snout against hers. "That was... wow. That was amazing."

"That was fun." Rearing up on her hindlimbs, Reylin shifted forward to hug Knaster again, pushing him back against the wall beside the window as she pressed her chest against his. Instead of keeping his wings fully furled Knaster let them partially splay out on the wall behind him, and Reylin covered his wings with hers. He was still very erect, and Reylin could feel his erection as a spot of warmth pressing demandingly against the scales of her underbelly--offset from where it needed to be, but enticing from such proximity. Yet much as she was tempted to try and get him lined up with her genital slit, that just wouldn't be allowed.

There were other things to be done, however. In a sudden motion Reylin stepped back and fell back onto her bed, throwing her wings open against the mattress. She shimmied into a comfortable position lying lengthwise on her bed, and then spread her hindlegs and exposed her underbelly further--not that this was even necessary, because Knaster had already been looking there. Reylin flicked her tail around, then she brushed the tip against the slightly puffy mound of her genital slit, which got her tail tip wet with droplets of her vaginal fluid. For a moment all her confidence faltered, and Reylin felt embarrassed about how very visibly, obviously aroused she was. But then she glanced up and saw the way Knaster was looking at her, and her arousal easily overtook her awkwardness.

It was starting to get late in the evening, and scant beams of yellow sunlight were coming in through gaps between the curtain and the window edge, casting Knaster in dim beams of warm illumination. He was watching her with a hungry, eager look. The young drake was standing on three limbs with his last paw raised, half crouched as if he was about to lunge forward at some poor, vulnerable prey animal--or rather at her, because there was no reason to be so fabulously erect unless the prey you were hunting was a very, very aroused young drakka. And Reylin wanted him, more than she had wanted any other thing she'd ever wanted. Handsome and elegant, clever and kind, Knaster was a whole other living person with all his many unique thoughts, opinions, and desires--yet somehow he had been convinced that they could be partners and lovers, building a relationship that Reylin hadn't even known she'd wanted or needed until she had met him. Through mutual trust, care, support, and certainly lust, their paths had become entwined. So Reylin wanted him. She wanted him to pounce on her and pin her down with the solidity of his presence, and she wanted him to hug and kiss her in an intimate embrace, and most of all she wanted him inside her, mating with her. "Knaster! Please...?" she murmured.

From the look in his eyes, Reylin knew that Knaster wanted the exact same things. "Rrr..." With a soft growl and a graceful, easy motion, he darted forward and climbed over her, pressing her down against the bed before pressing his snout against hers in a kiss. Kissing was always fun, but they'd already done plenty of that, and Reylin wanted more. Knaster lifted himself off her and moved his paw down towards their underbellies, but then instead of lining up his erection to push inside her, he let his paw brush against her genital slit. Reylin was so desperately needy that even that simple contact made her jolt. With both forepaws she clutched at Knaster's wrist, loosely holding his forelimb. The warm, dextrous touch of Knaster's paw made her shiver, and Reylin stared at her lover, silently imploring him for more.

Instead of immediately giving her what she so obviously wanted, Knaster grinned and licked his snout as he watched her. He kept his paw despicably, teasingly still. "I can really smell the heat on you. It is... what a smell." He glanced down to the space between them and both their genitals. "So you haven't been able to orgasm on your own ever since you went into heat?"

"Yes. It's so unsatisfying. You have to do something about it!" Reylin tried pulling on Knaster's paw, but his limb didn't move, so instead she desperately humped up at him, trying to buck her underbelly against his touch. "Please, please, plea--aaaahhhaha..."

Reylin's words trailed off into sound that was half pleasured sigh, half relieved laugh as Knaster finally gave her what she wanted--he started moving his paw, sliding his touch up and down to gently rub against her genital slit in a simple, steady motion that somehow felt even better than anything Reylin had tried to do to herself in the last couple of days. "It's only fair, after what you did to me just now..." he said.

She melted. Reylin slumped back against the bed, all her muscles going loose as wonderful pleasure flowed deep through her. It felt so good to have Knaster finally touch her, and he knew just the right places and just the right ways to make her_tingle_. That feeling of relaxation lasted only briefly, then the sheer intensity of sensation made her increasingly tense instead. Reylin clutched at Knaster's wrist, humping her hips in time with the steady movements of his paw as he gently brushed against her slit and her clitoris--she panted softly, letting out a gasp when he slipped a few digits to rub about inside her.

Reylin felt like she was a spring being wound up, with all the pleasure building up within her until it couldn't be restrained. And after all the teasing and anticipation she'd already had, it took barely any time or effort at all. Earlier, on her own, there had been a limit where the pleasure trailed off, yet now she blasted past that maximum just from Knaster's simple, almost casual touch. There was a sudden instant where all that sexual tension became too much--a jolt of warm, wonderful pleasure went through her whole body and it felt too good for Reylin to even comprehend. She could feel it in her underbelly, and in her mind, and in her scales and her tail and all throughout her entire form. "Fnnnghhh!" An overwhelmed, entirely incoherent groan found its way out of her throat, and she grabbed Knaster's paw and held it still as the extreme pleasure reached ecstatic intensity almost verging on pain. Everything blanked out and she could hardly even breathe.

After all this time, it was so good. And yet for all its intensity and pleasure, the sensations of orgasm receded away quickly, leaving behind little satisfaction or relief. "Woah. Ughhh... wooh..." Reylin blinked her eyes open and she made eye contact with Knaster. Her drake looked amused, but still_hungry_--he wasn't sated, and neither was she.

Knaster shifted his paw, which made Reylin realize she was still clutching him tight against her underbelly. She let go, and Knaster opened and closed his paw a few times, feeling her natural lubrication which now coated his paw. "That... was quick."

For some reason that made comment made Reylin laugh. "Hahahaha. It's... it's just been a while. Maybe it's the heat?"

"Maybe. Heat or not, I will never get tired of doing this. The way you look when you climax is just... It's so_sexy._" Knaster glanced down at his paw, then he casually lifted it to his snout and sniffed. A shiver ran down his back, and Reylin saw his erection twitch. "Ooh! What a smell ..."

Knaster suddenly slid downwards so that his hindlimbs were resting on the ground, which let him bring his snout directly to Reylin's underbelly. He took a deep sniff, and then he was licking her like he was mad. Reylin gasped at the sensation. "Yeess!"

Knaster slid his tongue up and down against her slit, with each movement bringing more stimulation and more pleasure. Reylin put a paw on top of Knaster's head--this time she found herself wishing that_he_ had horns so that she could grab them to steer his licks.

"Firmer... Go harder," Reylin murmured. Her eyes glazed over and went half lidded as the pleasure flowed. She hadn't had any time to calm down after her last climax, and her body felt primed to hit another peak with far less build up this time. "Don't... don't speed up, just keep... right like that... ooohh, yes..."

Knaster flicked his neck frill to acknowledge her orders, but he didn't say anything. His mouth was otherwise busy at the moment, as he licked and slurped at her slit. Reylin's other paw grasped against the bedsheets as the tension inside her grew. Wet, naturally lubricating fluid coated her insides then started to drip out of her, only to be smeared against her slit and licked up by Knaster's enthusiastic actions. His paw returned, moving from simply resting against her thigh to sliding a few digits into her depths--with claws fully retracted, Knaster rubbed her from the inside even as his tongue kept going.

Reylin felt the tingly tension surging again, and she couldn't and didn't want to hold it back. "Aahhh--" An overwhelmed moan came out of her, before she stifled it by clamping a paw around her own mouth. Knaster kept going, steady and determined to grant her sexual pleasure, and he got his success again.

"Mmmhhh!" Reylin's moan was muffled by her own paw, but her hindpaws clenched up repeatedly and her tail coiled itself up as she shivered over the edge of another orgasm. Her other paw trembled as it rested on top of Knaster's head, and he kept licking her even throughout it all. It seemed to last longer than before, yet not long enough at the same time.

"Knaster. Knaster...! Oh yes..." Reylin shuddered, and she finally dropped her paw, letting go of Knaster's head as the fading waves of orgasm rolled out her. Again it had felt extremely pleasurable, yet she was still left wanting more.

Knaster finally withdrew his head from between her hindlegs. He still had that hungry expression, and now a wet splatter of her sexual fluids was wetting his snout, which made him look all the more intense. "That_was_ fun," he said, repeating what she had said earlier.

"There's far more fun to be had," Reylin promised. She could see Knaster's penis was still fully out from his genital slit, rigid and slick from pre-ejaculate, but deprived of attention over the last few moments. She could fix that. Shifting her tail, she coiled the tip of that nimble appendage around her lover's erection. Knaster glanced down and watched as Reylin used her tail to squeeze him, then he looked back up and they made eye contact--something about sharing a gaze felt so intimate and comfortable that Reylin suddenly felt another surge of desire.

"Hey. I have a... a bad idea. A very bad idea," Reylin suggested.