Peter's Transformation: Chapter 4
Now that agumon was prepared, all he had to do was let the pheremones in his musk accumulate in the nose of the stunned digimon and let them do the work of mind-washing the poor creature into doing his bidding.
The ATC Chapter 4
Thisss is a modified bottle of pheremones that i created jussst for this test.
Floral attraction
It moved its pheremone flower down to cover the foxes face before flowing more of its pheremones into the foxes face changing them to relax the fox and slightly sedate his movements as it restrained him to the bed.
Healthy Snacks (Twincest MF)
Akko pushed his muzzle against her tailhole harder, breathing her pheremones and parting her with his tongue, to lick inside. he gasped, a off-white substance dribbled onto his tongue, it's primal scent overwhelming.
She's Such A Tease - Damsel In Distress Pt. 8
He smelled the sweet pheremones seeping from under the chastity belt... and something else... 'raspberries?' her pheremones gave him an immediate half-chub. the light glinted off the tag as he flipped it over. "foxxxie?... you're... his pet?!"
Werewolf on the Roof: 3
The entire basement, full of pheremones and the smell of semen. "anthony? think you can help my get ready for tonight?
The ATC chapter 5.txt
This caused derek to breath even more, causing more pheremones to go to the creature and the creature to hump faster and harder.
The ATC Chapter 6
Then they smelled derek, and his over-powering stench of pheremones and sexual readiness.
Chapter 3: Life get's really complicated
I blinked and thought _"oh great, my body starts exuding a pheremone to drive females into estrus when i have three girls after me."_ tam grinned and said "by the way, the pheremone only gets stronger as they age.
Last Act (part 1)
She did not open the tent flaps just yet but moved in front of the mesh and curled her wasp-like abdomen so that the end of it pointed into the tent and opened her cloaca to release a spray of her breeding pheremones.
Short Circuit
Your pheremones are distracting enough. i know what the electricity's doing to you, but can you keep it under control?"
The ATC Chapter 2
He looked around the isle and at one end found a bottle simply labelled "pheremones". he spread some on his face, hands and ass after taking off all his clothes.