Syngeneia Kathairein part 0 (intro prologue)

Story by Dark_Warchief on SoFurry

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#1 of Syngeneia Kathairein

You like dark fantasy, dragons, adventure and a bit of romance?

You want to see the work of a professional video game writer?

You find AI's interesting?

This story of mine has all of that! Syngeneia Kathairein puts you in the shoes of Entropion, a purple dragon tasked to ''make the world right again''. (although he is a jackass in this prequel intro!) The view is set in first person view from Entropion's POV. This story is inspired by warcraft, forgotten realms, spyro the dragon and dragon age, among other things. AIdungeon's makeup is a bit messy, but > arrows denote saying or doing something. Part of the story is AI generated, please keep that in mind.

DECADES PRIOR. HEKSENHOED ISLAND, BLACK DRAGON DOMAIN. You wake up on a bed, jolting awake as somebody woke you up by shaking you, before you you see two young black dragons, whelps. you notice you are your child self again too. Seems like this is a flashback of some kind. One is Endaklion, but the other? ah, yes, Witheria. she screams in your ear ''Enty wake up! we gunne be late for school and you know how grumpy mister Traumatian is!'' Endaklion rolls his eyes and nods. You look around and notice you are in a bedroom of some sort, with two beds. Yours, and one next to it, empty. This is the village you have been orphaned to after the ''accident'' with your parents. you were too young to remember how Malediction had your parents slaughtered to take you for his nefarious intent. Looks plain enough, typical human village. very neighborly, the typically boring but well-established spot to start an adventure story. The name comes back to you, too: Eikdorp! or Oakville, but that was in use already. You, Witheria and Endaklion got a private tutor. fancy! less fancy is how creepy this motherfucker is. Traumatian honors his name well, you bet he could give PTSD to the most stern of students with how he seems to have constantly a broom handle stuck up his ass, is immune to smiling and has an air of arrogance about it. all that misses is a uniform with skulls and lightning bolts! He is an adult black dragon, sure, but you don't know how old. Certainly not a behemoth as your ''savior'' Malediction. Today you remember you have combat training.

Language and the more theoretical stuff is not relevant to Fridays, the choice this is done near the weekend is so your bodies can rest after strenuous exercise. the first exercise is training your breath attack. Traumatian explains ''Endaklion, you discipline is well... Entropion, your natural affinity is well. Witheria however? do not dare to disappoint me again.'' Witheria whimpers. ''y-yes master'' oh yeah, that is why black dragon education is awful, too. the egomaniacs demand you to address them as ''master'' and failure to get a good grade is often met with pain. It works for the undead, sure, but we dragons and humanoids are so much more. Traumatian continues ''work on your breathing and midriff exercises. we will begin live fire shortly. when the lazy humans get me my delivery for that...'' > You practice your breathing, using your midriff for more forceful, and uncomfortable, bursts of air. The first exercises are easy enough. Breathing exercises, you remember them from your childhood. The second one is more strenuous, stretching and flexing the midriff. ''you will be performing the second action to strain the gland on these targets, now.'' some human farmers roll a heavy rack-like construction into your immediate eyesight which contains 3 humans fastened with ropes, fully naked. Traumatian smiles with sadistic glee. ''please no... oh god...'' says one, the other says ''not corrossives! anything else is fine!'' Witheria gasps, but manages to hide it quick enough before Traumatian notices. It is your goal to test your breath attack on these people! > You do as you are taught and told and ready yourself to breathe corrosive gas, chlorine trifluoride to be precise. You take a deep breath, then another. A third, and the air is filled with the scent of chlorine. You hold it in, and wait. Your midriff begins to burn, and soon your lungs join in. You feel as if you are about to vomit. The pain is excruciating, but you hold on. The first one burns and corrodes at the same time! blood, ash and goop lie where the man once stood. the other two people scream in panic. Endaklion does the same, but you know him well enough to know his facial expression is one of despair and disgust. his target just corrodes. Witheria whimpers and has tears in her eyes. Her empathy always was what made her weak in the eyes of a younger me and nearly all black dragons. she asks what these people did wrong. Traumatian snaps ''not relevant you failure! they are nothing but assets. Now do as you are TOLD!'' Witheria panics, she has no intention of killing that last person, a middle aged farmwoman. she looks at you, and you look away. she is weak, unable to turn off her emotions like you. For you are special, purple dragon and all that jazz. Witheria holds her breath, then breathes out. but instead of the feared acidic goop, a thick black smoke emanates from her nostrils. The woman passes out immediately, and Witheria looks ashamed. She looks up as if to apologize to Traumatian. He berates her as you, for fun, take another pot shot and corrosive-burn the woman. you feel so alive when hurting someone. so... strong. you walk over to the corpses and lower your head, the metallic, sour like odor of blood fills your nostrils.

That alone fills you with a slightly euphoric sensation, you lap carefully at first, and then enthusiastically. The taste of blood is pure heroin to you, to any dragons. We are the children of Apocalion. Sadism is strength, to figuratively and literally drink the life force of the suffering. You understand that each time you do what your demonic nature compels you to. you are a dragon, and choice or identity is for the doubting non-believers. soon you get to the flesh. Yes, flesh.... especially human flesh. Delicious. Your muzzle and face is dirty as you enjoy the bloodfeast and Endaklion is holding a crying Witheria. You look over for a moment as Endaklion narrows his eyes and shakes his head. He never understood, and probably never will! Traumatian pats you on the head ''atleast one of you acts to their destiny. you will be getting Witheria's rations again.'' Witheria is skinnier than she should be. don't care, you feel good. all that matters in a ruthless world. somewhat later, Traumatian feeds you 2 your rations. leaving Witheria out. again. Endaklion shares his and comes over to ask you to share, too, as you got double and both of them have half now. > You say "No, Witheria is a crybaby, why doesn't she just do the exercise and avoid all this trouble?" ''You are playing right into what these dicks want'' Endaklion tells you. You snarl and bare your teeth at them. Witheria cries out "why am- am I so... weak?!" You feel sick inside. you don't know why you feel this way, but you feel like you're not supposed to act this way. This is all you know, though. Your emotions falter once again. Wish you could just remove them... > You say "turn your frustration into hatred. Harness it, hatred is the most powerful of all emotions, Witheria. " Witheria looks at you, a look of surprise on her face. "Hate...." she says. "I... can get stronger." You nod at her. "Yes. You can, Witheria. turn your anger into hatred, and let it drive you to power." Witheria's eyes fill with tears once again, but this time they are tears of joy. ''no more useless Witheria!'' she exclaims. after your lunch break is over, it's time for flying lessons! Traumatian takes you 3 up the roof of the Eikdorp temple. a building dedicated to blood worship, that.... incorrect feeling, is at it again. you feel as if this village is.... wrong? This lesson would be a continuation of what you have done before for flying, you mostly get to hone your abilities. You are the fastest but least agile flier, Witheria the slowest but most agile, and Endaklion perfectly in between, boring and regular. as he is. Traumatian explains ''today is particulary windy, complete your route as usual, you will get a healthy 10 second bonus'' you know you need atleast a minute with these conditions. welp. Better give it your all. you three take off, and begin flying. it's a route from the Eikdorp temple, then a large circle around the village, then back to the temple. Traumatian begins timing as you take off, as usual you take the lead but lose alot of time during turns, in which Witheria catches up and Endaklion stays at the same distance throughout. damn...... this is taking too much energy to keep up your impressive speed. think, Entropion... > You lower speed and fly very close behind Endaklion to avoid the wind resistance, conserving energy. You decide to humble yourself and fly slower. You fly so close behind Endaklion that your wings are touching, and you notice that you aren't being affected by the wind as much. Witheria does the same. she pipes up ''great idea, teamwork!'' that is not what you have in mind, but you bide.... it isn't time yet.

You will win AND get the time limit! Only that way you can prove you deserve to be liked. By being better. > You use a blast of air to knock Endaklion down and out of the way, then picking up speed to the maximum and burn energy extremely quickly. this is the last straight section back to the finish! there is an letter I in victory! You quickly decide to blast Endaklion with a burst of wind, knocking him out of your way. You then pick up speed, going as fast as you can, and feel the air resistance burn through your energy. You are so close to the end, you can see it. You focus on the last stretch, and... WIN! everything burns.... your lungs, your ligaments... you collapse with a thud. > You say "trau-.... traumatian? did I.... meet the time goal? " You see Traumatians face, he looks disappointed. he sighs, and mutters something you don't understand. Then he says loudly and clearly "YOU did amazing, you should be proud of yourself! no dragon has ever made it this far in so little time! you have done well" You feel a rush of pride and accomplishment. You lie down to bask in your success, but then realise that you have to share this pride with your fellow dragons. You somehow doubt they will be that understanding. Witheria comes on, than Endaklion. whom looks pissed. witheria avoids confrontation as she does usual but Endaklion has words to trade with you. ''ENTROPION, WHAT THE FUCK BRO?!'' Traumatian steps towards Endaklion. ''Entropion here shown us the true winner mentality, of a leader. to do anything to reach what Malediction or, even Apocalion, may desire of us. Remember he is your future master, with Witheria.... dead last, lucky to even be allowed to tend to his.... primal needs'' as child you had no idea what that meant, but you do now. disgusting freak. You are lead to the winners lounge, a large and open area with many trees and plants, a large pond with a cascading waterfall and pond, many grassy knolls perfect for sunbathing, and many other things. you see another dragon in there, he looks much older than you and Endaklion. he is larger too, probably almost twice as large. he must be one of the oldest dragons here. he is green though, that's new. > You approach the green dragon with curiosity. you only saw black dragons in your life so far. You slowly approach the green dragon, and see that he has a large chest wound, and is missing his left wing. you are unsure if he is alive, but you see his chest rising and falling so he must be alive. you call out to him "Greetings, sir. I am Entropion, what is your name?" The green dragon looks at you, his one working eye barely open. "I am Zamani." he replies in a raspy voice, he slowly continues to what he was doing, seems to be writing of some kind? who does that, writing as a hobby? boomers... he continues ''Chronicler. the black dragons have kept me locked in this.... garden... to entertain little ''winner'' brats like yourself. ''purple dragon'' talented for sure, but good hearted? pfah!'' you want to prove him wrong, no way this half-corpse get to talk to you like this. You could euthanize him, easily, but you got the idea he simply is uncaring about his demise. It will come soon anyway... > You say "I only do what Traumatian, Malediction and Apocalion want from me, maybe you were just a really evil dragon if you got locked up.

" Zamani looks at you with a cold stare, "I was no evil dragon, not at all. I was actually the best damn chronicler in this continent." he says this with such confidence, it seems that he has convinced himself of his claim. He begins to cough up blood and phlegm. > You say "well then, prove it. start by telling me why you are green. how many dragon colors are there? " "Let's see.... there is black, the dominant race here. White, blue, red, orange, yellow, violet, and yes... Green. > You say "violet? you mean like me? purple? or is this some different species?" "Ah, yes. I was getting to that. No one knows what they are called, so we just call them violets. no one has seen one in centuries, the last one died long before my time. They were all supposedly space dragons. they ca-" you interrupt him with wild laughter. ''space dragons?! you serious?! gramps, better take your medicine because if this is found out you will be relieved from your duty instantly.'' Zamani shakes his head slowly. ''I expected such.... brat you are, but do me one favor will you? take this with you, at least give another perspective than the one you are fed a chance.'' he hands you a book, red dragon creation it seem. Contraband. looks way better than the minimalist, utilitarian shit they make you read. from the outside at least. You accept this drivel and inspect it. written by Kishijoten the Red Queen. Great, one of our greatest enemies. the baby-eating barbarian of the far East. Traumatian taught you to stay out the way of Kishijoten. Once back home Witheria and Endaklion notice the book, Witheria tilts her head curiously ''Enty, what is that? gift form winner's lounge?'' you frown. > You say "yeah, red dragon drivel. I'm going to use it as tinder I guess" She nods understandingly. Endaklion looks on the book and takes it from you. ''sorry brother, but I'm kind of curious what happens outside this island and archipelago. I know that asswipe will kick our ass so I am hiding it carefully.'' Endaklion is stronger when it comes to muscles, so you snort some smoke and accept this. You can always rat him out if he starts preaching to you. a few years pass, you grow up into teens and are in the last year of basic training and ''parenting'' from Traumatian. Endaklion read that damn book a few times from back to back now, and he indeed talks about it more than you like: which is zero. however, doubt sets in your beliefs.... you manage to push it down but ignoring Endaklion gets difficult. Then, that faithful day happened. Koriza's worst nightmare. you and Endaklion race towards a spot just off the village where you hear Witheria screaming as Traumatian uses excessive physical punishment on her. the book by her side. ''always useless and stupid! OVEREMOTIONAL GARBAGE! where you got this from?!'' Endaklion says it's from him, and Traumatian turns to you. ''well my most precious student, WHO THE HELL POISONED OUR WELL WITH THIS BOOK?!'' as he holds up the torn red dragon chronicles. you sigh and nod ''yes, Endaklion.'' Endaklion gives you the ''bro wtf'' look, he expected to share the blame with you but you don't see why. damage mitigation is a smart move. You take the battered Witheria with you, off to a small creek you often found her when something happened and she needs to mill over her emotions.

Well, Endaklion can stand the beatings better than Witheria anyway. You do want to look out for the ones you care about, finding a way to make this compatible with with what you have been taught, manipulation and brutality to control those for their own good... must be possible. you think. You sit down next to Witheria. She is scared, she always was the emotional one of the group and as such was targeted by Traumatian. you almost smile, this one time you saw Witheria actually killed a large spider that was attacking her, she screamed so loud yet kept on fighting it with all her might. A true inspiration for all of us, even though you had to keep secret that you were cheering her on when she did it. > You say "you aren't wrong or bad for how you are... the thing is, Witheria, your emotional know-how should be used to manipulate the weaker and lead them into good paths. " You realize these words do not reach her, but you try to give a convincing argument anyway. Witheria sighs and says: "Well, I know, but it is so hard to contain my feelings at times. I wish I could be more like you, with your dry and cold demeanor. It is almost impossible to provoke any emotional reaction from you." You are about to answer her but she continues: "I know, I know, that is not what is important right now. I was just trying to say that I understand why you did it, even though I would never have done such a thing. How can we ever thank you for what you did for us?" You smile and say; ''I don't know if I hate traumatian more, or love you guys more. especially you'' > You say "Not going to lie, I don't like being called ''cold and dry'' I just hide what i feel.... would a cold and dry soul take you to your happy place to kiss you? I'm gonna~" You didn't expect her to kiss you on the lips. Witheria looks into your eyes and says: "I'm sure there are other ways you hide your feelings, but you can show them to me" You laugh and say: "I guess you got a point there" > You grab the young black dragoness tight and kiss her, open mouth. that smooch was in no way enough. You are still shocked when Witheria returns the kiss with passion, her hand sliding onto your crown-like horns while her other arm wraps around your neck. You didn't expect that from her either, but it's clear she isn't thinking about anything other than you right now. You wrap your arms around her and deepen the kiss, your tongue exploring her mouth in an attempt to taste and feel her fully for the first time. You thought she would be the one, well, let teens relish in their naive notions of love before they are utterly.... decimated. Witheria was your first, and not just in kisses. long term male and female friends tend to do this. > You stop kissing her, knowing Traumatian will murder her for ''corrupting you with love'' or some shit if he finds out. You shove Witheria off of you, who whines in disappointment, but gets up off of you. You stand in front of her and face her. She looks hurt, but you try to comfort her. > You say "I'm sorry for the manhandling, but I realized what Traumatian will do if he finds us out and it just... scared me. I wish he would just die." Witheria isn't as quick to forgive as you. She looks at you for a few second with her eyes full of pain and anger. Witheria says ''to make it so, you are a purple dragon. your breath attack is exceptionally strong'' > You say "It's..... not that simple, he is some high ranking black dragon ex military isn't he? " Witheria smirks and says: "You're a smart one, but you could still be smarter"

You are confused by this response, but decide to hold your tongue. Witheria says to you: "What do you think of me?" You stare at her for a few minutes, trying to read her. She stares back with a serious look on her face. > You say "you are beautiful and strong enough to be my handmaiden, you will be the second most powerful dragon." Witheria does not answer, instead she looks at you with a bit of sadness and pity in her eyes. Witheria says to you: "You think too much with your head, and not enough with the other organ. The one you love to rip out off chests" You nod, but emotions only brought you pain, look at what it did to Witheria. You return home, Endaklion got quite the beating but nowhere what Witheria would've gotten, he refuses to acknowledge you and turns his back to you when you all rest on your respective beds. > You say "stop being a baby Endaklion, what would the point be of us both being beaten instead just you? " Endaklion does not answer, he just stares at the wall and goes to sleep. You lay on your bed and stare at the ceiling, thinking about what you should do, you think about the red dragon things... tomorrow it's ''self improvement day'' which is just a nice way to say free. at least Traumatian will be gone for ''business'' he seems to have left early today. you flip to the side and go to sleep, too. You got enough to worry about. that night, you are plagued by a nightmare. a red dragoness.... elegant, long bodied... similar to one of the daughters in that book... appears before you. you got taught about this, dreamscape. an avenue of psychological attack. are you? under siege? you think. you weren't. Korisana was crying out for your help as you are a purple dragon. the screams of her pain are... horrifying. you don't think too much of it, take a walk and go back to sleep. you got just the right idea for what to improve on this day... exactly what Witheria suggested. you wake up, feeling great. you have the willpower of a thousand dragons and the strength of ten! you can feel your muscles bulging under your skin, not that you're fat, but you look great, like a true warrior. The village is alive with people, wagons loaded with wares from other parts of the realm, soldiers patrolling here and there, ready to put down an uprising or just start one. you take a walk with Witheria as Endaklion still is sour. what a pussy. > You say "Witheria, let's whack off Traumatian. how about blowing him to kingdom come with dynamite when he is surveying the town in that STUPID rooftop turret of his? like, from below, so it crushes him!" "You're a genius!" Witheria says. "Let's do it right now, before I lose my nerve!" You and Witheria sneak into town, and head for the center square. You find a store that sells fireworks, and ''buy'' them all using your status of dragon over humanoid. You bring them back to your room in a bag, then let Witheria into your room. You then begin constructing the explosives. Rudimentary, you just put the stuff that is inside the fireworks into sacs. a fuse going from inside the building to the roof should do, just before that blood temple begins it's first sermon of the day.

Pity the demonic looking chapel made from bones and ash brick has to get damaged. You and witheria ''talk'' in the forest, in your bed, behind the inn, on the blood temple roof.... for the rest of the day. she was brainwashed, just like you, her ''mandatory role'' as ''female consort'' drilled into her from a young age. Seems like both of you enjoyed this meaningless milestone society is so obsessed with. it's just sex. at dusk Traumatian flies back into the town and yes, like clockwork... goes sit in that stupid structure to watch everything. You and Witheria get into position. it's a simple matter of waiting for the beginning of ending the last sermon, then light the fuse. you wait in the forest nearby.... Traumatian has no idea. the explosives go off! KABOOM! Traumatian's structure collapses in on him! it was made from brittle bone and ash brick, so it's easy to bring down! you smile at Witheria. she smiles back. "we did it!" you say. "let's go see the results!" you walk to the smoking ruins of the blood temple. sure enough, there inside is the crushed body of Traumatian, his body broken beyond repair. you both laugh, but then.... he is alive. Traumatian laughs with his last strength, looking as Witheria. YOU put him up to this? didn't you?! ahahahahaah.... the irony...'' Witheria raises an eyebrow in confusion. ''but, wait, what?'' ''don't you GET IT?! by doing this, by betraying me, you have shown ultimate conviction, Purple Dragon. you ravished my body, not unlike I did with that red dragon princess!'' before you could demand answers, he sighs his last. Dead. Very, very dead. you feel relieved, but, the darkness in you only grew. you feel strange... dizzy and lightheaded. ''Witheria? do you feel it too? raw magic. something's wrong. she nods, still confused. you embrace her as the energy fades out of the world, and reality begins to unravel. the pair of you are pulled into the void, into a deep sleep... as you wake up, you notice it's still old Eikdorp.... however, everything is ruined. The buildings, skeletons with skin everywhere... the gloom is real, it looks as if it been dead for 20 years! You were literally living in an illusion that traumatian maintained. > You say "uh, Witheria? you gotta see this..." You turn to find her, but she is gone. you walk outside the inn, and gasp! there she is, standing not too far away, in the middle of the road! you walk up to her, but she doesn't respond to your calls. you grab her arm, and find that she feels real. too real. you pull away in shock. ''i'm alive...? how?'' you ask. your question is answered when a shadowy figure appears behind you. ''Greetings, purple dragon. you've escaped the illusion so soon. I must congratulate you.'' you wonder what the hell is going on. Congratulate you? you stand still, listening to the dark presence behind you. ''Traumatian was but a pawn in your training, and you completed your final exam extremely quickly. Disarria speaks with envy of you.'' Witheria does nothing, Paralyzed by this whole situation. Your next step are the lands of the EFPL. The ''Equalist free people league'' gross. you, witheria and endaklion will travel there to oversee the infection of the land and it's citizens.

It's obvious to you now in hindsight while seeing this flashback, that was a shade Malediction used to further play you as his weapon, his military toy. You arrive at Punt Gestaakt Hart, a ravaged EFPL roadside village used as travel stop. Now all it houses is sorrow and the undead. You are put in a leader position of this place with the soulless Husk undead under your command. Endaklion and Witheria are under your command as Lieutenants. You are in charge of what comes next.... You find a small piece of parchment laying on the ground. You pick it up and read it. It appears to be a love letter written by an EFPL soldier to his wife. You're not sure why you read it, but as you do, you feel an odd connection to it. It's as if you've experienced what the writer has. The pain of separation from a loved one... Endaklion read it with you over your shoulder. ''See Entropion? we need to get the fuck out of here.'' you growl softly. ''I will make the best out of it, we'll see okay?'' you say, putting the letter away. You wonder where Witheria might be, then you remember she went to go scout the next village. You sigh, and begin to walk around the village, making sure everything is in check. Creepy buildings like the old blood-temple are mixed with ruined human buildings. dark, foreboding and almost otherworldly monstrosities. the undead are at work maintaining everything, they have no souls and work like tireless robots. > You say "we can't grow naturally, undead cannot breed. ripper ghouls, yes, you bunch, come with me. we must harvest .... infect! Life is about suffering and sorrow, we will be showing them the serenity of death. " You park the undead outside the village and begin to call them in, paralyzing them with a thought. It's like herding cats, but the undead are dumb and you're smart, so you manage to get them all inside without too much hassle. You take a headcount and realize Witheria and one of your lieutenants are missing. You wonder where they might be, when you see a small red dot on the ground. It's Witheria's location!First farmhouse in the fields on this temperate regio, HIT! You see four people in the corner, a family. The father is a burly man, tall and strong. His wife is pretty, but looks terrified. Their children are a little boy of about five years old and a little girl of about three. > You say "I am Entropion of Apocalion. I will be bestowing the gift upon undeath onto you and your wife, accept this favor to be liberated from the torture of life...the doubts, the emotional anguish.... if not, I will force you! " The burly man's face goes pale, and he starts shaking. His wife goes into hysterics, and their children begin to scream. You raise your carborundum claw and swing it down with your might! It bites into the man's neck, and you put more power into the swing, nearly separating his head from his body. The woman begins screaming even louder, and you stifle her screams with your hand. > You say "undead! Infect them with the plague, NOW!" Your undead begin to do as you command. They rip the man's head off, and his wife's head, too. The children's pleas for mercy are ignored. You grab the little boy, and hold him up in the air by his hair. He begins to scream, and two of your undead grab him. They pull off his skin, and you let out a satisfied laugh. blackening begings to surround the wound in sharp edged, spreading tendrils as they pass away. the undead carry the corpses away.

Sometimes they twitch and have spasms. they are slowly reanimating. you lick your lips in a perverse joy at the sight. you somewhere doubt that this is.... right. However, such doubts are the enemy. You deserve to rule this world. Malediction will eventually need to make place for you. Apocalion can give you great things. This fantastic run of events kept going for a year or two, your tiny undead hamlet grown into a true Necropolis. you are their puppetmaster, no grave was left unspoiled. No person left alive. However, the EFPL was at a critical decision; do something about Gestaakt Hart now or lose to an undead invasion anyway. A tumor must be cut out before metastasis... You were the tumor. You had to be cut out. Your undead horde was massive, and they would outnumber the EFPL, but you couldn't stop laughing. It was all so funny. You were in charge of a undead horde about to sweep away the EFPL and bring down the hammer of the gods on unbelievers. The thought was hilarious, and you giggled uncontrollably. This was your darkest psyche, your lowest low... at least everything is uphill from here. well, that day it all came crashing down as you, and your reluctant but obedient Lieutenants were to be dealt a lot of resistance from the EFPL. saboteurs with invisibility magic, probably in the form of potions, came in. At first they were a mere nuisance but their threat grew and grew. disrupting your daily operations to your great frustration and dismay. Sometimes you won, and caught them, just to burn them alive in cages. However, most of the time they won. you were stalwart and held your own for many months against these cretinous invaders. One day, you wake up in the middle of a night to a loud explosion. EFPL sabotage! You ran out of your tent in a nightgown, only to see fire everywhere. the screams of the furious dead were everywhere. A gaunt man with sunken eyes and wearing rags runs up to you. "We did it! we're free! we're free at last!" he shouts over and over. You look around, all you see is chaos. Your horde is rushing about trying to fight the fire and end the threat. > You flee into the night with Witheria and Endaklion. You, Witheria and Endaklion flee into the night. The fires burn all around you, the screams of the fallen dead fill the air. The EFPL are everywhere, snuffing out the undead. You run through the woods, until you come to a small grove. written in red is a message saying "END IT?" on a nearby tree. You turn to your companions, and they nod at you. It's time for you to make a choice. Endaklion argues his point. ''no way the EFPL is worse than the syndicate, surrender seems plausible as a way to get out of this circle of mayhem'' Witheria kinda wants out, too, but, she proposes an alternative. ''Just do what the blacks want us to, deserting is a one way street we can never come back from'' > You say "I.... I don't know.... I want revenge! they must SUFFER! flay them all and MAKE THEM FEEL PAIN BEYOND IMAGINATION! "

You scream your rage at the sky and burn the message into nothingness. Your two companions stare at you, shocked. "What? Endaklion asks, You don't seriously want to surrender?" You snarl. He backs off, shaking his head nervously. "I'll do it.... but I'm not going to like it. Witheria, help me out here." The two of them begin to walk away, leaving you behind in the woods. Your skills of manipulation were exquisite. you knew they were yet too cowardly to act against you. Witheria even looked back at you with longing. love is for the weak, feel the force of hatred! let it turn you into a warrior of the damned. an agape shell that cannot be hurt any longer. You fled, and your two Lieutenants reluctantly served, just to have your base destroyed by the other dragons or the EFPL. you got the endurance, but everything is faltering. One day armies are coming from all sides. Undead, EFPL.... and you are in the middle of it. flying won't do you any good now as there are black dragons. a massive battle will break out and you are in the middle of it. You fall into despair. > You say "well, it was fun for how long it lasted. any last words, guys?" after that..... it is all a blur. You remember a colossal force of darkness.... did something. gave you unimaginable power! The force of hatred.... COMPELS YOU! You were but a spectator in your own body as your dark form, the form of a primal dragon. an Envy Demon, easily overwhelmed and extinquished all life on the island. you felt the icy cold... a spectator in your own body. as if you were watching a movie unfold. witheria? endaklion? fled. months of rampage.... a dream, a blur... then... you woke up in your cave. Here the story begins. END OF EPISODE 0, prologue. (go to part 1 now)