Syngeneia Kathairein part 41

Story by Dark_Warchief on SoFurry

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#42 of Syngeneia Kathairein

> You and Pyranna circle the building to look for him. You and Pyranna circle the building. you hear rustling inside. ''cool, he is alive'' you say to Pyranna. Dakkadakkabum steps out of the shed. Dakkadakkabum seems to be a goblin? human? hard to tell. he is hunched over and small but has a beard so long it drags over the ground. Judging by the smell he hasn't bathed in ages and the rag he uses to cover himself up is stained with all sort of stinging smelling chemicals. a ragged turban adorns his head. ''city finally decided to kick me out proper ey?'' he jokes. > You say "no, no... that's not it. they actually need you help with a certain factory we found. it's the cause the water is gone." Dakkadakkabum stops in his tracks. ''are ya fuckin serious? you think I'm going in there? you think I'm going in that place? hell no!'' he says. ''we need you to destroy it. we don't have time to worry about it...'' ''okay...'' he says cautiously. Switching to irritation ''they told me I'm crazy, that it's the angry water spirits denying us sustenance! It was Nanabad all along!''

> You say "okay, so, uh, there obviously is a story here. we got time, fill us in. " ''well, I was just a wee lad that messed with gunpowder from a young age, I tried different mixes and even blown the market hall. heheheh... soon my passions got me banished up to here. I warned the suckers to watch out for Nanabad's imperialism but nooooo! then all the water is GONE and instead looking to do anything about it, they think it's the WATER SPIRITS! idiots been praying for months now...'' he shakes his head and grumbles. > You say "you will get the last laugh, for sure. so, can you set us up with explosives?" Dakkadakkabum says "how do I know you are not SPIES?! wouldn't surprise me these shitheads wanted to dispose of good ol' Dakka by sending Nanabad to me...''

> You give Pyranna a look and smirk. as if to say ''yeah, it's time'' and both of you drop the yellow dragon disguises to reveal your purple dragon selves! Dakkadakkabum gapes at the "ghosts" and starts screaming. he charges at Pyranna with his shovel! Pyranna backs up and Dakkadakkabum swings his shovel. it catches Pyranna on the back leg! > You say "fucking fool! we are purple dragons, two of em! you know? protectors of this planet." Dakkadakkabum drops his shovel/ ''what the fak... welp, it can't get any better, or I truly went insane. Follow me into my temple of boom'' he walks off, and gestures you to follow, so you do. the old, dilapidated stone building is lit by fire crystals kept under glass domes. bombs of all sizes and shapes are stacked here. dynamite, the ball shaped fuse things, barrels, grenades... this town could level a small city with ease! Pyranna states how it would be a smart idea to watch your fire, you nod...

> You say "ey, Dakkadakkabum? Pyranna here can breathe combustible oil and I breathe corrosive gas, want to do some tests with that stuff? Maybe it'll help." Dakkadakkabum shrugs ''good idea, I don't see how that would be a problem'' he nods and pulls out a metallic barrel. ''holding her pyrogel won't be hard, it's the corrosive gas I need in this vat'' > You gently breathe your Chlorine Trifluoride gas into the metal container. Dakkadakkabum shakes his head. ''oh no, that is some pretty foul stuff. even for a hell beast like you. ha! I thought I smelt sulfur...'' he pulls out a bomb shaped object from his pocket and waves it in front of him. the container starts to burn! after putting the lid on the fire fizzles out and the inside of the container gets covered in a very thin layer of Fluorite mineral due your breath attack. It is now impervious to your gas and you fill it up to the max. Meanwhile Pyranna filled a a container with her gel. Baddaboom smirks creepily ''ehehehehehehe.... I need some time to experiment with this stuff. You are purple dragons. Go help the people out with some magic or something, be back tomorrow'' you nod, as you and Pyranna leave. In the distance you hear explosions and screams.

> You say "that guy's weird, but I'm excited to blow some stuff up. how about you?" Pyranna chuckles ''yeah, mad props to Dakkadakkabum for coming up with that stuff'' > You say "he did blow up a building as a kid thou" Pyranna shrugs ''yeah so did I?'' you shake your head and move on. You are the literal king of Korizan, so money ain't the problem. You keep yourself hydrated and the next day, back at Dakkadakkabum... you wonder what he is up to. ''ah yes! the purple dragons!'' well, you got your disguises back up but it still makes you want to shush him... ''You, male one! your breath attack is the most powerful oxidizer I've ever seen! you need a fuel and an oxidizer to make something go boom.... okay, the gel... it needs some heat to get going but is it full of energy! The resulting bombs I made are 3 times as powerful as good old Dynamite but I only got a few! Use 'em wisely!''

The weird goblin? human? is truly giddy about what he cooked up in his temple of boom. He even made bandoleers for you two, how quaint! Pyranna smirks and tries it on, 5 metallic cased bombs and dozens of dynamite rods guarded in metal rods that can be flicked open. You guess these rods are backup. You do the same. ''good, you should be able to do some decent damage now!'' and with that, he gets back to work. > You give Pyranna an evil smirk ''you heard the man...'' Pyranna nods, and she gets a mischievous look as you point towards the general direction of the factory. Soon your are off towards your goal!

> You say "we're about to start a massive conflict, I doubt bombing the factory will be the only step, I am teleporting us back to Yagood the moment we damaged that steel abomination. Fair?" Pyranna smirks ''fair! Let's start mayhem!'' the factory comes into view, you in you yellow dragon forms. After a while you reach your target and land nearby to scout out the factory. this factory blocks all the water from the river and produces mutagenic goop as waste, you and Pyranna squint to scout out the structure itself. The factory itself is a fully enclosed steel building with a heck ton of machinery. The roof is a mess of pipes and ducts, it is heavily guarded with humanoid soldiers.

> You say "you see the chemical waste output? unguarded, and for good reason. " Pyranna nods ''yes, that... must get stopped. What happens when that water touches the river is something I don't want to think about.'' she squints at the city in the distance ''also, that factory is quite large. We might be better off dividing our efforts. I will go destroy the generator downstream. You destroy the waste. > You say "I got no antimagic stored, Warchief's whim remember? I mean that we go in via the toxic outlet! a light magic bubble shield should keep us safe. In theory..." Pyranna agrees to your extremely dangerous plan. you both fly towards your designated target and land at a safe distance from the outlet. > You say "well, it's dark enough for us to go unnoticed. we better act fast once I put the LIGHT shield up. Hold my hand, we need to stay close for this to work."

> You inhale, exhale..... focus on empathy... thinking of Yagood's trouble, you channel light magic to form an impervious bubble shield. The shield repels the liquid chemical that is still pumping out and it dwindles as the shield repels the goop. > You march into the waste pump with Pyranna, no idea where that'll end up. You and Pyranna are careful to stay within the shield and you walk towards the outlet. The liquid chemical is still flowing out, luckily this is a large, slow flowing tube. > You press on to end up inside the factory. You and Pyranna walk out of the tube and end up inside the factory. The pump is still working but is sputtering out as the magic bubble shields repels the chemical back inward. Once you stick your heads out, you seem to be in a giant glass dome containing the mutagenic fluid. The factory is dimly lit but orcish and humanoid workers wearing full clad brass and leather suits with burlap sack gas masks point and scream. Fuck, spotted!

> You say "Pyranna? it's time! Pyrogel, dynamite! open this sphere up NOW! " Pyranna nods and blows up a whole lot of dynamite and pyrogel with her fire magic around you as you bust open the glass dome. The factory shakes for a moment and the mutagenic fluid starts to seep out, flooding this floor! Everything seems calm for a second, but more-so because this liquid death has silenced the workers... forever. Protective gear seems quite useless when glass shrapnel shredded it! Soon the workers get back up, they look like spent candles. Molten monstrosities, moaning and grasping at you and Pyranna... moments later sirens start blaring! > You say "I never heard such a thing but that can't be good! Pyranna! door's closing! quick, into the breach! " Pyranna nods and fires an inferno blast into the factory. Debris flies everywhere as you and Pyranna fly through the closing bulk door and landed in the guts of the factory. > You say "I got an idea, probably really stupid. You know my breath weapon is the most powerful oxdie- oxidare- oxidizer! there is right? troops will be here soon with those alerts so I can burn a hole and let the mutants out! " Pyranna nods and you burn a grossly misshapen hole in the door. The mutants all shriek in joy as the house crumbles down behind them and they rush towards you. You doubt they will be thankful after what you did to them though...

> You rush deeper inside the factory. You fly deeper into the factory, sure the sirens means it's the end of your freedom but damn it, you need to kill this beast before countless civilians fall to drought! You see the first personnel in suits closing in with security detail made up of riflemen holding black powder guns! > You say "Let us through! major spill! major spill! Mutants coming in! " The troops order you to stop but Pyranna lets loose an infernal roar as they cower. > You rush through with Pyranna, hoping the mutants will tear these guys to shreds! You and Pyranna fly through the security detail as the mutants chase after them, ripping them to shreds. screaming fills the air, a sound both of you are all too familiar with... > You take a wild guess as of where to go. You fly deeper inside a factory, now filled with smoke from the fire you just set. The mutants are right on your trail, only now you realize there are dozens of them! Pyranna charges ahead, her flames burning through the mutants.

> You say "where the hell do these come from?! we only mutated a few! " Pyranna says nothing as she swerves in the air, narrowly avoiding a mutant construct. > You say "well that explains it doesn't it?! they must've been experimenting on prisoners!" Pyranna says nothing as she unleashes another inferno blast that blasts a group of mutants in the face. > You let Pyranna take the lead, and let here decide where to go in the factory. Your goal is to cause irreversible damage to the structure itself. You let Pyranna choose her own path, one that serves no purpose but causing destruction and killing mutants. The mutants are right on your tail, destroying everything in sight! The security is decimated so it's just them! > You say "Pyranna! I'm going to split from you to take a look around!" Pyranna nods and soars off, charging up her next inferno blast. She fires the blast at those mutants too fast to get off her tail. > You look for heavy machinery one floor up from this one.

You fly up to a floor above this one and burn open security doors. This area is full of machines, perhaps it's this factory's power source? You spot some heavy looking machinery with large valves. You fly down towards the heavy machines, a massive machine centers the rooms. Obviously on, but it's buzzing noise is overshadowed by those sirens. A lot of wires connect to this towering device and you recognize it as a magical generator. It has power crystals, lots, stuck it into it too. You got one goal in mind and that is to destroy this demented urchin of a contraption! > You grab one of the special bombs Dakkadakkabum made and use it on the generator. You activate the special bomb and rush towards the generator. The bomb explodes on impact and you watch as the generator explodes in a massive fireball. The generator's explosion causes the entire factory to shake! You book it out of there and the room collapses behind you! Then, silence and darkness. This joint has no power anymore. The behemoth of steel is dead. > You look for Pyranna to regroup with her. Nothing, where the hell did she run off too? You spot a mutant construct in the distance, running towards you! You fly towards the spot you last saw her, but she doesn't respond. Perhaps she's lost in those flames? You take a look around, Pyranna isn't anywhere!

You groan in irritation, good riddance there is a final trick up your sleeve. > You focus on Pyranna to send her a telepathic message to aid in finding her. You focus your mind on Pyranna, on the telepathic bond you share. You try and transmit a message to her, something that will help you both reunite. You close your eyes and focus intently on finding Pyranna. > You tell her where to meet you, and start rushing towards that point in hopes to find her. You transmit the message to her in your mind, then start rushing towards that giant generator. You need to find her, get back together, and you need to start work on another plan! A few turns later, you and Pyranna are reunited. Now, it's time to have a plan.

> You say "yeah, the factory going black is my work, I propose we get out of this building and look for the river blockade so we can use our remaining explosives on it!" Pyranna nods then flies off to investigate. You follow behind. The roaring and moaning of the mutants creating a cacophony of terror in these wretched hallways... You decide to focus on your task at hand. > You say "any idea how to get out of here? I can just burn holes in the walls until we get out? " Pyranna says nothing before turning around and firing an inferno blast at a wall. Magical fire consumes the wall and she floats through the newly opened hole. You follow in her wake. > You assist her by melting more walls with your noxious breath attacks. You breathe fire on these walls, melting them. Pyranna flies over and through melted walls, then fires off another inferno blast. She creates a giant hole in the wall and you fly through the hole, then fly over some more walls. Pyranna continues this for a while, melting away walls as you fly through.

> You say "we gotta get close to the outermost wall soon aye?! I want to get out of here already!" Pyranna says nothing, she just keeps making holes to freedom. You sign and help here, insisting to get out of her. Pipes and insulating material littering your path. > You break free from the factory wall to see the morning sun of the Bastarkian Desert! You and Pyranna have finally broken free of the nightmarish factory wall and you and Pyranna are greeted by the blinding light of the morning sun! You and Pyranna fly out of the husk of the factory, into the Bastarkian Desert... The sun is blinding and the heat is intense! > You say "oof! our eyes need a bit getting used to that! Let's get our bearings and see what's up with this thing...." Pyranna says nothing, she too is squinting from the light. Once your eyes adjusted you can see the factory is smoking at multiple sites, the rooftop guards gone. The thing is disabled but it's still blocking the river.... The two of you scout around to look for a dam, supports, anything that could block off the river... You spot the bridge, intact and operational, but the river is still blocked... A few forces are gathered on the other side of the bridge, keeping watch.

> You say "there! that bridge! Guards too! let's bomb it to kingdom come!" Pyranna nods and flies over there, you follow her. You see the bridge, guard groups across it. > You pull loose your bandoleer and activate all the bombs, before throwing it in the water as close to the bridge you can. Pyranna joins in, that's a lot of dynamite and special mixture going in the water. The water bubbles like it's boiling and steam erupts, but it doesn't seem to do anything. The bombs detonate as they hit the water, but there is no dam, just water. Well, do bridge or dam anymore! Good thing you air tackled Pyranna and used relay teleport to teleport back to the overlook. Even from here you can hear the groaning and warping of metal as the entire factory became unstable to soon join the river. a tidal wave of water rushing the riverbed! > You say "that.... that is beautiful, truly a piece of masterful, gorgeous destruction!" Pyranna stares at you then explodes into drunken laughter. She falls down, then rolls over on her back in the sand. You join her and soon the both of you are laughing hysterically!

> You say "ooohohohoho.... oof. we truly are crazy. Head back to Yagood? " Pyranna nods, smirking wide still, all her fangs on display. You'd be scared if this gal wasn't on your side! > You return to Yagood, the dry city should have water by now once more. When you arrive, water has blessed the city. Yagood appears to not have been affected by the tidal wave. You can almost hear the cheers of the townsfolk. > You land on a building overseeing the market, dropping your disguise to reveal you are not a yellow, but purple dragon. Your disguise drops. Pyranna joins in. You land on a ledge overlooking the marketplace. > You say "Yep! That's right Yagood! we are the PURPLE DRAGONS of myth and legend! Bringers of water!" You and Pyranna are greeted by the town folk, cheering as loud as they can. > You say "I doubt Nanabad is going to let this aggression fly, I, King of Korizan and Purple Dragon, hereby appoint Dakkadakkabum in charge of the Yagood armed forces! He knows well and surely can use the factory scraps to build weaponry! " Many cheers, many oohs and ahhs. Dakkadakkabum may be a total nut-job to some, your status as a mythical being overrides any doubts. You doubt this will be enough though...

> You say "We have business to attend to, and must return to our base. I'm afraid this is goodbye, people of Yagood." You and Pyranna say your goodbyes. You climb down, then swoop back up to the clouds. the population could give you a rough idea of where Nanabad is located, North. You have an arduous task at hand and use your old strategy. relax at days, flight at nights. You pass Savannah's, but it's mostly desert. flat, with dunes, with or without cacti... it is very boring and grates on the nerves eventually. Focus gets the both of you through this; the goal is Nanabad! You fly, mostly over sand, with a few rock formations cropping up here and there. eventually it comes into view, Nanabad itself! you approach and land on a large rock as vantage point. The city is a Persian style, heavily industrialized, in the middle of the desert and next to a giant lake full of mutagenic goop. There is a noxious plume of gas coming from the city itself and trash piling up outside the walls. Looks like a horrid place to be in, but, by Koriza's description, you notice the Royal palace and bits of the ancient walls (that are not covered in grime....). You are not exactly too pleased to go in there... > You say "well, we found Nanabad. looks quite terrible to be honest" Pyranna nods. "It's pretty awful..."

> You say "well, you remember what Koriza expected? Only I will be going in. Tell me when you are ready so I can relay teleport us back to the floating palace." Pyranna nods. "Yeah. I'm ready when you are." > You teleport Pyranna and yourself back to the floating palace. Pyranna blinks, then looks around. "Okay... you are on your own, as much as I hate it'' she gives you a wink and walks off... You decide it's in your best interest to check back with Koriza to debrief what you saw and did. > You look for Koriza. "Koriza?" You call her name. "Koriza? It's me, your king consort!" You call out again. She must be beyond and nearby. You hear a voice coming from deep within the floating palace. "Found it so soon? get to the meeting room!'' well, you do, you see your wife there. Swamped in work and stressed, documents all over the bureau, but she unrolls a map in front of her ''sit down Enty, no time for pleasantries. Not that either of us is interested in that nonsense...'' she sighs, shaking her head. ''anyway, tell me what happened and where you've been. we all want this to go smoothly and I'm still your commander.'' You blush, you love it when she is dominant like that.

> You say "well, let me tell you about Yagood and what happened there...." thus Koriza is told by you about the factory, DakkaDakkabum and how you blown the factory to ruins with Pyranna's help. She nods, smiling mirthlessly. She gets up from her chair and gives you a hug, then gives you a neck lap. ''that's the Entropion I fell I love with, standing up for the underdog... Your methods are so... you.. but I love you regardless~'' > You say "Pyranna is really good at what she does, but I don't think 2 wildcards in one team is a good idea. Pair her with someone else next time?" ''That's just her nature. She is rash, headstrong, stubborn and relentless, but her heart is also in the right place. And she proved herself today. Besides, it was her idea.'' Koriza gives you another neck lap, this time you return the favor. ''so, are you prepared for tomorrow's mission? > You say "I guess I can't decline, but what you had in mind?" ''It's a stretch, but you have to go to a location inside Nanabad and control the underground. The intel I've gathered meanwhile confirms that city, and the nation, is mostly still rotten.''

> You say "well, I've eaten junk for far too long. Today I'll feast and tomorrow I'll zap to Nanabad. Fair enough?" ''Exactly. Now, go and let me do my work. And for god's sake, try to be good.'' You do as she says and head back to your chambers, for some food and some shut eye. Tomorrow, you fight for freedom. > You prepare the next morning, for your mission. health draining some leftover food and plants to get your magic power to level. These teleportation still drain you badly...

> You walk downstairs, to check on your friends, Pyranna and Koriza. You look at the map, at the locations. ''just like you did before, that village? what was it's name again? anyway! you are best prepared for this.'' Koriza winks at you. ''as for Pyranna and Disarria, I got work for you too...'' you walk off as they discuss that stuff. > You teleport to Nanabad outskirts. The land is green and fertile over here. The outskirts are big and green, with plenty of grass. Multiple farms stretch out from the city walls.

> You take a look around, but are focused on one thing: the city walls and how to breach them! You search and scout this area, looking for a spot. While you do so, you spot a patrol nearby. They seem far away, but you hear the rustle of grass as the approach. You hide yourself and watch them pass by, thankfully not noticing you. No taking risks within an angry, enemy city! You would stand out like a petite French girl in a biker steak house with your behavior. > You look around carefully, as your instructions called for a marked building to find your resistance contact. After a short while, you see one! You see a tall, old, ruined building. It's by the edge and make a good hiding place, makes sense the resistance uses it... > You go in, but a trap triggers and snatches you up! You pull your claws out, but these steel like wires have your little paws locked in. Your claws dig hard, but the wire is too thick and you can't move your muzzle to fire gas...