Furry Tales from Liberty City Chapter 2: Seductive Complications

Story by Jeremiah_Nightwolf on SoFurry

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#2 of Grand Theft Auto: Furry Tales From Liberty City

Chapter 2 of the adventures of poor Alex the wolf who was pulled into the world of crime in Vice City, and again in Liberty City. Just after destroying the Fishmarket and killing hundreds he is called by someone who knows more than they should, and will no doubt have something for him to do...

Disclaimer: I don't own anything in this story that is related to Grand Theft Auto or Rockstar Games. I am not responsible for your cubs seeing bad things if you leave your computer on. This story not only contains mild adult language and violence, but it also contains drug abuse and sexual acts with someone under the influence. If this bothers you... well.... I say good day... I SAID GOOD DAY!

Cover Art Provided by the lovely Hazukiangel, biggest fan and biggest supporter since 2004 :3

I stood up from the couch and pulled out the cell phone from my jeans pocket. I was receiving a call from an unknown number. I looked at Debra and her confused look mirrored the feelings I held inside perfectly. With a bit of hesitation I finally hit the call button and answered.


The voice that responded was male but definitely not Anthony's and I can't even begin to explain how relieved I was. From the sound of him he had to be an older man, possibly in his mid fifties. He had a slight Alderney accent and spoke with a semi-cheerful tone.

"Hey kid, this is a friend of a friend. I hear that you may or may not have had a hand in a recent... work place accident down near the Fishmarket. I'd really like to discuss your... feelings about it. Come meet me for a sit down at a delicatessen in Alderney City. I'll text ya the address."

"Hey, wait a sec, I don't..." I said before I heard the click of a receiver being hung up. I sighed loudly as I placed the phone back into my pocket. If there was one thing I hated more than a pushy prick it was being hung up on. I stroked the whiskers on my chin with my paw while I considered what I had just heard. For one thing it was clear that this had a lot to do with my dear friend Anthony. It now made sense why the bastard had given me a free phone.

"Who was it dog boy?" My bunny friend asked as she sat up more in her seat on the couch. I saw her wince from the pain in her arm and neck and it made me hate Anthony and his Russian lap dogs even more.

"I have no clue, but it seems I will soon be making a new friend over in Alderney City." I replied before I paced over to her window over looking the sun lit street below. By then it was about 2pm so I could just barely hear the sirens of another high speed chase happening somewhere else in Bohan.

"Be careful Alex, these people are all trouble. I know you have to go, so take my car, but you better not get it all fucked up or I will beat you with my good arm." She said with a small grin. She was once again trying her best to make a terrible situation seem at least a tiny bit better, and for that I was glad, but nothing was going to improve my life at this point.

After saying our goodbyes I left her apartment and took her car for a nice drive over to Alderney City. I watched life around me as the car swerved and dashed down streets obeying my every command. If only my life were so easy to control. Once across the Northwood Heights Bridge I got a glimpse of the ghettos of northern Algonquin. As I drove on, projects going up into the sky with playgrounds full of gangsters and drug dealers passed by the windows. I turned south and made my way to the Hickey Bridge and crossed over into Alderney. It was like a different world.

The buildings were smaller. The people were louder and ruder. The drivers were even more reckless. The police were even more watchful. Even the street venders seemed less hospitable over there. I took no time looking for the delicatessen using the address I received in a text message. I found it located on a street full of older looking businesses and shops. To the left of the delicatessen was an old pastry shop that looked abandoned, and to the right was a wide alley full of garbage cans and boxes of paper trash. I parked the car by the curb and then entered the delicatessen to find it pretty empty save for an elderly human woman sitting to the side enjoying a corned beef sandwich. I gave her a friendly wave and received one in return before I walked to the counter and rang a small silver bell to summon anyone who was working the shop.

It took only a few moments before a tall brown haired human male walked out of a back room behind a swinging door. His gaze fell on me and right away he spoke with a friendly, welcoming tone that screamed "I am the best salesperson you will ever meet."

"Hello there sir, fine day, isn't it? What can I get you? We have a special on spicy sausages and if you buy more than a pound we will give you a half pound of potato salad free."

"Um... I just came because I got this weird call from someone..." I replied as I stuttered a bit. I hadn't expected to be faced with such an aggressive sales pitch right away like that.

"Oh, I see, you are that wolf I was told to expect. Head on back through the kitchen, you will find an office, knock twice. If you get no reply then you better wait until someone opens the door and asks you to come in. Understand?"

I nodded to the man and I quickly made my way through the door into the kitchen. A few things were brewing here and there and the strong scent of meat clung to the air. I maneuvered my way between stove tops and counters until I was at a single wooden door with a window on the upper half. The word "Manager" was printed on the window in very bold lettering. Remembering the instructions given to me by the young man, I knocked twice on the wood of the door. I got no answer and stood to the side patiently, ready to wait.

As the minutes passed by I watched as the kitchen staff, which must have been on break, entered the kitchen from a door leading to the back alley. There were two men and a woman. The first man, a relatively short and squat pig furry, stood by a stove top closest to the door leading to the shop out front. As far as I could tell he was wearing a simple white shirt and matching trousers with black shoes. I could hear him give soft grunts as he sniffed at the pot he was watching simmer. The second man, a neko with olive colored skin and an orca tail swaying gently behind him, stood almost a full head taller than the pig. He wore a similar white shirt, but his pants were black and seemed to have been pressed nicely. His shoes shone brightly as well which led me to believe he was either a very clean man or obsessed with his image. I admired his smooth tail for a few moments afterward and I was surprised when I saw him douse it with a cup of water that he had mixed a tablespoon of salt into. Later on I planned to look up more information on orcas and their humanoid cousins.

After the two men lost my interest I found my eyes drawn to the third kitchen worker, the female. She was one of the prettiest young fox furs I had ever seen. Her fur was so red it appeared to be on fire. Her slender figure was very visible underneath the tight low cut white top she wore. The white fur starting at her lower jaw reminded me of powdered snow and I couldn't help following it down to her neck. From her neck it led down to her double D breasts that threatened to split her top down the middle. It was then that I noticed a small beauty mark in her chest fur just above her left breast, barely visible because of the top nearly covering it. I was so fascinated by that mark that I was much shaken when I noticed her coal black right paw cover up the mark. I looked up and our eyes met. The round eyes were a very gorgeous orange like citrine, and the way they were outline by the black of her eye lids turned them into pools of pure, breath taking beauty.

She gave a small smile and then giggled ever so softly. I felt my cheeks burn in embarrassment and I looked away just in time to see the face of another fox. This was quite obviously a male from the prominent cheek bones just visible under his facial fur. The black of his snout was very deep and added to the respectable strength one could see in his features. Whereas the female I was admiring had a strong red to her fur, this male was now graying all over but oddly this did nothing to diminish how handsome he was. I could tell that if I were to be in a competition with this man in terms of lady killing, I was sure to fail miserably. He wore a very expensive looking business shirt and trousers along with brown wing tip shoes. A pair of suspenders held the pants up in a very older looking, but still respectable fashion. When he spoke it was with a voice that expressed experience and authority, with underlying tones of exhaustion. I realized it was the voice from the phone earlier, but this time he didn't sound cheery at all.

"You must be the kid Anthony told me about. Step into my office, and stop ogling my niece before I have to stab you in the eyes with a pair of salad spoons."

I stepped around the elder fox quickly, watching to make sure my gaze didn't fall on the female again. Once inside his office I looked around while he reentered and locked up behind us. It was what you could call a simple 20's movie style office. The floor was a nice dark hard wood floor with a good shine to it. The walls half way up were a very fine wood paneling, and from the middle of the walls to the ceiling was a simple white wall paper, possibly eggshell white. A few plaques were on display by the door at equal lengths on either side of the wooden frame. To the right of the room were two medium sized windows, one open with a cactus plant standing in the minimal sun that the window facing the alley gets that time of day. Standing opposite the door was his desk which was laden with many piles of papers. From what I could tell he was elbow deep in bills, collection papers, and unmarked receipts that, as far as I could make out, were for substantial sums of money. This man was clearly a high roller.

"Don't just stand there like a mook, sit down." The elder fox ordered.

I quickly found a seat in one of a set of two very comfortable arm chairs. They were made of thick leather that moaned in protest as I sat down and stretched it with my weight. The fox sat down behind his cluttered desk and heaved a sigh. He reached a paw up to his forehead and dragged his claws through his head fluff which looked rough from hardened gel or spray. I watched that same paw reach back down to the desk and before I knew it I was staring down the barrel of a handgun. My heart sank; I walked into my own execution without even giving it a cautionary thought. Moments passed by like minutes before he lowered the gun and placed it on the desk on top of a pile of miscellaneous papers. He then let out a cackle of strained laughter that I had a feeling resembled that of a mental patient, but having never heard a mental patient laugh I had no way of knowing for sure.

"You should have seen the look on your face boy! Dear God you need to relax a little." He said to me with a mocking tone. I merely laughed before he continued, "You are probably wondering who the hell I am?" It was more of a statement than a question. He knew I was clueless and he appeared to be enjoying it perhaps a little too much.

"I don't even know who you are sir, let alone why I am here. I was hoping to find out, unless you were planning on continuing your practical jokes." I had grown bold. Days ago I would never have spoken to an obviously dangerous person like him with such a tone.

"I see you have some bite to you. That's good. Anthony led me to believe you might be a bit of a pussy. It's only because I have need of capable men that I considered giving you this opportunity. My name is Carl Capoletti, but all my men call me CC. As of right now my family runs Alderney City. No mook in this area can wipe his ass without my say so and my approval of his toilet paper selection, get me? Keep that snout of yours' clean while you drive my streets and we will be the best of friends."

"It's nice to meet you, Mr. Capoletti. My name is Alex-..." I began to say before he cut me off.

"I know who you are kid, and what you done down in the Fishmarket. I've got to hand it to you. Sneaking that much firepower into a sit down in Algonquin isn't only hard, it's nigh impossible, and ballsy to boot. Offing that many bosses at once opened many doors in Algonquin, but at the same time those doors are rapidly closing. This is where you come in."

"I don't follow you. I was led to believe that my role in Algonquin was to eliminate the leaders of the major Liberty City families. I did that, got paid, and my friend is safe. Now you are telling me that I have more work to do? I am not involved in all this criminal shit and I would prefer to be left out of it." I told him as I leaned forward in my seat.

CC gave me a very peculiar look. At first I thought maybe he would be angry and storm around his office. I believed he would threaten me or my friend with pain or death. Then it occurred to me that perhaps he was considering letting me leave without any hassle. He was a business man after all; perhaps he would accept my declination of his offer with grace and move on. Of course that was bullocks. A crime boss would know better than to allow someone go who knew too much. So there I sat, waiting for him to speak on. I could feel my throat growing dry as I swallowed every drop of spit in my maw out of nervousness. When he finally broke the silence I was shocked to hear no anger or heightened voice.

"I'll pay you very well."

Was that really an offer of payment? Did this high rolling head of family fox really just offer me a job? And what kind of job was he offering? My interest was peaked.

"Pay me... for what exactly? I am no cook, and I am no salesman." I replied after a moment's consideration of the words he had spoken.

"I need someone capable, someone loyal... someone without a face." He told me while he placed his arms on the desk to lean on them. The papers crumpled and let our grinding noises as the pressure was placed on them. I looked into his eyes and I knew what type of work he was thinking. Every fiber of my being was telling me not to allow myself to become a tool of destruction again. But my mind was made up before I even parked my car.

"What can I do for you... boss?"

"I knew you would be interested..." He stood up and walked around to me from behind the desk. He then sat on the edge of his desk so that he was higher up and I had to lean back a bit to keep my eyes on his.

"Unlike my dear friend Anthony I am much more subtle with my actions because I have eyes on me at all times. Even now I know there is an undercover state trooper stationed outside this shop waiting for me to leave. He will follow me back home, watch me bang my girl friend, listen to her bitch about her jewelry not being shiny enough, watch me go outside to drink my after dinner coffee, and finally he will monitor my sleep in case I allow information to slip out talking in my sleep. So I need someone like you to go out and take care of some of my business affairs. Like I said, I pay very well, and I provide as much protection as I can to good earners. Are you a good earner?"

I leaned back in my chair more out of relaxation than keeping eye contact. I folded my arms and thought for a moment. Whatever this work was it had to be risky, or he would do it himself. He was, as far as he told me. already heavily monitored by the police so the odds of the police coming after me rose dramatically. But I would be earning a month's pay times 3 if he was telling the truth. And maybe if I earned this man's trust and respect he would do me a favor some day.

"I can be sir, but let's discuss my first assignment before it gets too late in the day."

"Good idea. My job for you would be very easy if we get you out there today. I need you to see to it that a certain man doesn't wake up tomorrow, or the next day, or so on..." He pulled out his cell phone and hit a few keys before I received a text on my own phone. Once I pulled it out I noticed the message had a picture attached of a human male with dark brown hair that was slicked back with more gel than any one man needs.

"That's the target. His name is Vincent Vercetti."

I was amazed to see that face on my phone. After all the time I had been away from Vice City, there he was. He was my friend who had me deliver a package of coke to a vicious psychopath. My look must have betrayed my feelings because CC was giving me a look of concern.

"Do you know this guy, boy?" He asked as his curiosity had peaked much like mine had moments ago.

"Yes, he was a... friend of mine back in Vice City. Stabbed me in the back and got me involved with Anthony and his drug crime. You can trust me to put this dirt bag in the ground for you."

"Excellent... the Vercetti family down in Vice City has been in Liberty for a long time, ever since their family made it big down there. The son's of bitches, no offense, make their money off selling their 'flour' in the night clubs in Star Junction, Westminster, and Purgatory. If we can get him out of the picture their family here will have no leadership left, and I can move it to help settle them down. It's a small step compared to the rest of Algonquin's families, but a step is still a step in this business, and I take whatever I can get."

"Alright, how do I take care of this trash for you?" I asked. I felt good about this particular assignment. There wasn't going to be a huge explosion from the sound of it, for that I was glad. But I was worried about how I was going to eliminate a Vercetti royal.

"Funny you should mention trash..." He hopped lightly off his desk and stood before me for a moment before he moved off to the side. After a few seconds of rummaging around the papers on his desk he presented to the room a set of two keys. I right away recognized the key to a Trashmaster on the ring, "You my dear boy are going to be using your uniform at least one last time tonight."

I understood where he was going with this. One of the perks to trash collection in Liberty City was the fact that trash collectors went almost completely ignored. We could slip in almost anywhere so long as we acted natural. I remembered once using my uniform to sneak into the back of the Russian Store in Hove Beach to steal a few new pairs of jeans.

"Where will I be sneaking into? And how am I going to kill him once I am in?" I asked.

"Tonight around 11pm Vercetti will be going to his nightly hangout: Masonette 9. He uses a back door to sneak a young lady out around 12:30. I want you to kill him and the girl; I don't give a damn who she is. I don't want some fucking cunt running to the cops about this. If you go down, I go down, and all this is for nothing. Get me results; I need this to look like a mugging. Don't fuck this up." He concluded and threw the keys to me. I caught them and held them tight in my grip. He then set a blade down on the desk in front of me. I took the blade and tucked it away safe in my pocket.

After a few last minute questions to see if I had the information in my head perfectly, I was dismissed from his office. I stowed all of my belongings and the new keys into my pockets before I sighed in mental exhaustion. Here I was again, faced with the dilemma of holding lives in my paws. This time not so many, but two were enough, and two lives were about to end so I could pay my rent. He had given me a simple combat knife to use as a sort of hit and run weapon. I could easily slit a throat or stab a heart with the blade in my pocket, so that was my last decision: how to end their lives.

I found a lone Trashmaster parked around the back of the shop in a drive way meant for delivery trucks to drop off goods at the shops on the street. I heard a horn sound from the street in front of the shop and I looked down the alley to see the orca neko from the kitchen earlier. He was seated behind the wheel of my friend's Blista Compact. I nearly fell over in surprise and I searched my pockets frantically, but the keys were missing.

"No worries my friend! I will return this car to your place for you so it is safe!" He yelled to me. I recognized his voice as foreign and very pleasant. That didn't fool me for a second however; he had snuck the keys right out of my pocket at some point during my stay in the kitchen. But I had to trust that the aquatic mammal half breed would do as he had said. I assumed that his boss knew my address only because Anthony was some kind of omnipresence in Liberty City.

After bidding farewell to the young whale-man I hopped into the driver's seat of the Trashmaster I had been charged with. The cockpit smelled of onions and old newspapers. The seat beside the driver's seat was covered in a number of odd bits and baubles. A lone hula girl stood gracefully on the dashboard and when the engine roared to life she seemed to go into a fit of seizures. Whoever the unlucky driver was that drove this old truck obviously had never given maintenance a second thought. The poor truck roared like an angry bear when it kicked over.

I spent the next few hours driving along my old route. It was a pity knowing someone else would be responsible for taking care of these streets. Now all I was doing on these streets was spilling blood and leaving destruction in my wake. Listen to me... bitching about being a killer when I have only just become one. I was such a freaking wimp.

When night fell I changed directions and headed towards the heart of night life in Algonquin: Star Junction. It wasn't hard to tell when you had entered Star Junction. The normal city lights were replaced by intense, blinding neon signs that advertised everything from new movies, to Burger Shot restaurants. Compared to the strip in Las Venturas, Star Junction was a candle in the wind, but when driving across the Algonquin Bridge it is an incredible sight. When I reached Star Junction I made my way over to Galveston Ave. A few narrow turns later and I was parked in a back alley behind the warehouse that acts as an above ground portion of the actual club that is located in the basement. With the engine off I hopped out of the truck and snuck around the back to find a fence barring my path. I cursed; the usual guy would have been given a key to access the rear of the club. It then dawned on me that the key ring of the Trashmaster had a second and third key attached. I took the keys out of my pocket and immediately recognized the small key that would be the match for a padlock.

I had barely finished closing the gate behind me once I made it through when I heard a door slam open behind me. I ducked behind a nearby lamp post and out of the shining light of its alien like lamp. They always reminded me of that old War of the Worlds movie. Anyway, there was my target: Vincent. The human had to weigh about 10 pounds soaking wet. His lithe figure only made him look feminine, a fact that did not evade his own perception. Since his first steps into manhood, Vincent made ladies and making it with them his top priorities. In all honesty it was one of the best things about hanging out with him. Chances were you would be getting tail.

As I watched him and his "date" they tore at each other's clothes with a lust that was obviously induced by x. I pulled the combat knife from my pocket and unsheathed it from its blade protector. I felt my heart beat harder and faster as I drew quick, shallow breaths. Vincent had his lady friend on top of a filthy trash bin. I cringed as I thought of the many things one could catch from sitting naked on top of a Liberty City garbage can. It was then that I decided to make my move. It was perfect timing because both of them were far too busy trying to suck the other's lips off. I leapt out of my hiding spot and in three long bounds I was behind Vincent. My steps let out loud clops as my boots impacted the cold asphalt. The sound was just enough to distract the lovers from their lustful embrace and draw their attention. The sound of metal slicing through flesh and bone interrupted the strobe of music emanating from within the club.

Vincent let out a small gasp, then another, then another... his eyes glowed with tears as the reality of what he felt happen hit him. He looked into my eyes for only a second, but it was clear that he recognized me as his old drinking buddy from Vice City. Maybe it was the knowing that the friend he betrayed had done it, or it might have been the slow embrace of the cold death, but I watched him close his eyes in an almost peaceful acceptance. It was then that the reality of what I had done hit me. That same feeling of my soul being torn filled my body with a cold sadness that soon gave way to a renewed sense of purpose.

I tore the blade from Vincent's neck where I had buried it. The blood trickled to the tip slowly like syrup before it dropped to the ground casting a million smaller droplets in all directions from the impact zone. Time felt slowed, but my pulse raced in a heated beat through my veins. My attention then diverted from the blood soaked knife and pool of blood forming on the ground, to the young lady whom had, until a few moments ago, been ready for a good plowing. I was shocked to see the face of the young fox girl from CC's delicatessen. Her tight pink dress that was already pretty revealing was slightly torn and more of her was visible than I can assume she meant for me to see. Besides an obvious look of surprise at seeing her date dead on the ground, she seemed relatively calm. I amused myself with ideas that perhaps she had been witness to such acts before.

"You're that wolf that met with uncle earlier, right?" She asked. I nearly let out a murr when I heard her angelic voice. It was always a pleasant thing to hear a voice match with a person's look.

"And you are that fox girl whom I was told to stop ogling?" I replied. I didn't know what I should do with her. My orders were clear, and I was sure to get in trouble if I didn't fulfill my end of this deal. But how would he react if he knew the girl involved was his beloved niece. Although, he may want nothing more than to murder his whore of a niece who was probably nightly allowing men to add shame to her and her family.

"Ugh... this is so not good. Shit I am high..."

"You know I just killed a man who you were making out with... right?"

"What? Oh Vinny? I don't give a f...fuck about that Italian douche bag. Uncle likes to think he can control me, but he don't know shit!" She said a little too loud.

"Fuck me this is so much more complicated than it should have been." I literally face pawed.

"What? You killed him for uncle like you had to now we can both just chill..." She replied to my statement with a slow, almost drowsy tone.

"Yeah, but I was supposed to kill the bitch he was fucking as well. Two bodies damn it."

"What? You're gonna kill me?" She asked as her eyes glistened with tears of fear.

I saw her tears and I sighed in frustration. Here I was with a drugged up fox slut who was overly emotional because of her x high. I knew in my heart that this would come back to bite me on the tail, but I couldn't bring myself to kill an innocent woman, even if she was a drug abusing whore. So I put away the knife and laid my paws on her shoulders to shake her out of her sudden bi-polar-esque sadness. She gave a small hiccup before she looked me in the eyes.

"Listen to me, you and I are going back to my place so you can come down from your high in a safe place, then you are going to go home and we forget this ever happ-... mmph!" I managed to say before I was kissed full on the lips by the girl.

Her soft furry lips against mine felt amazing, and the slight flavor of liquor and apples teased my senses. I hadn't been on a date in a long time and I was totally against strip clubs, so this simple kiss was like a slice of warm apple pie on a cool autumn night. Soon enough however the surroundings made themselves known with the scent of rotting garbage in the cans nearby and the metallic scent of blood near our feet. I wretched my face from hers and saw her lips still flexing in a kiss that was not being returned anymore. It made me blush seeing her act this way so I cleared my throat loudly. She shook her head back and forth a few times as if shaking away flies, and then she too blushed before cursing loudly.

"Ok, I am in no shape to drive home... We'll take my car and go to your place for the night. It's a custom pink Comet parked around the block..." She said with a lazy wave of her paw.

I helped her fetch what articles of clothing that she had managed to remove from herself, then her purse, before we finally made our way out of the back alley behind Masonette's, I also made sure to empty the pockets of Vincent's pants to set up the guise of a mugging. As we snuck through the way I had come we passed by the trash truck. I heard the fox say something about the smell as we passed, but I was in no mood to listen to her bitch about a trash truck. We made it to the open street and I made sure to toss my work uniform jacket into a nearby dumpster; I wouldn't need it anymore now. I followed the drugged up girl to her Comet and made sure to get her seated in the car like a gentleman. I then made my way around the car and climbed into the driver's seat. Just as I had slid the key into the ignition my cell phone went off in my pocket.

I pulled out the cell phone and recognized the number to be that of CC. I swallowed hard before I answered the phone call with a calm voice I was able to muster with the help of the Lord himself.

"CC, I took care of that thing for you..." I said as I glanced over at the girl who was currently snuggling her purse into her cheek.

"Good! Damn good! I will be getting a call within the hour if you aren't lying to me. And was the girl taken care of as well?" He asked.

"I was lucky to not have to worry about it. Just as I made my move she rejected our boy's advances and took off back into the cl-..." I stopped mid word as I felt the girl lean over and nuzzle her face into my neck. Her soft fluff rubbed so affectionately against mine; creating the most pleasant, warm feeling. I had to bite down on my lip to suppress the urge to let out a murr again. When I heard CC calling out my name over the phone I pushed her back to her seat so that I wouldn't be distracted.

"Sorry CC, I was watching some bacon simmer nearby, false alarm."

"Good, last thing we need is too much cholesterol..."

"All you need to know is that you will only hear about one bag of meat being dropped off because the other head of cattle ran off before the trip to the slaughter house..." I said in code.

"I understand. It's for the best; she was probably too young to send to the grinder anyway."

"I agree, sir. I am going to head home now and get some sleep before work tomorrow."

"Oh about that... I had this place set up for you where I can get a hold of you easier. It's located in Middle Park West. I'll text you the street and numbers. Use the extra key to get in. We'll be in touch kid."

He hung up then and just in time too. As the phone signal cut off I yelped because the girl had managed to open my jeans and reach into my boxers. Her fingers groped at my member in its fleshy, furred sheath. I hadn't been touched in that way in so long that my little buddy down there sprang into action like Spiderman on Speed. She had managed to work half of my hardened member out of my sheath before I could react and push her hands away. She pouted in frustration like a young pup being refused her favorite toy. I quickly restored order to my drawers before I looked at her.

"That was not a smart thing to do while I was on the phone with your uncle!" I scolded.

"Ugh, such a party pooper... But you have a nice dick." She replied with a small giggle.

Needless to say I was much more aware of her in the car for the rest of the drive. Even with my vigilance I was still able to enjoy the quiet beauty of Liberty City as we drove up her streets, passing people and places innumerable. The glow of the street lights as we passed them gave me the feeling of vertigo because of how eerie they looked. Red, green, yellow and off-white streaks passed by the windows as we sped up and down the many roads. We had made it to the Middle Park West area before I even received the text containing the street name and number of my new place. When I found it I was glad to see that it was much less seedy looking than my place in South Bohan. For one it had at least five more floors. The ground floor of the building was a dry cleaner. The apartments were located through a single door that led to a hall which led to a flight of stairs. I looked at the text message and I was relieved to see the number was 401, which meant we only had to climb up 4 sets of stairs.

I parked behind my friend Debra's Blista Compact, which I was relieved to see as well, then I got out of the Comet and helped my new friend out. She tripped and giggled as we ended up in a tight embrace, then she nuzzled her cheek into my chest. I blushed and straightened her up before I led her inside the apartment building. Up we climbed and I could smell the rancid odor of mixed foods on each floor. Cabbage and yellow rice with beans, beef stew and fried chicken, and Chinese food with chicken pot pie were only a few of the odd combinations one could smell as they ascended the stairs of this building I would soon call home. Once we reached the fourth floor I found room 401. It was a simple wooden door painted white with thick black numbers nailed into it above a peep hole.

I unlocked the door of the apartment and pushed my way inside while making sure to pull the girl I was watching over in behind me. I was met with the light scent of pine cleaner clinging to the air. I looked around the first room of the apartment and I was glad to see that it was a clean living room space, complete with a color television and glass topped coffee table. The brown couch was just long enough to lounge on and had a very nice looking set of pillows for extra comfort. Beyond the living room was a small kitchen area with an island counter between the main body of the kitchen and the living room. Standing next to the counter were three tall stools for dining purposes. A hall to the right of the living room led to the bathroom and bedroom areas, but I would explore them in due time. For the time being I had to return my focus to... where had she gone?

I turned in a full circle and I saw no trace of the fox girl in the living room. I searched behind the couch and television, then the kitchen behind the counters, but found hide nor hair. I groaned in frustration then searched down the hall. I hoped and prayed that I would find her hunched over the toilet, or pissing in the shower, but she wasn't in the bathroom. After doing a silent prayer to God I slowly opened the door that was surely the bedroom, and I came upon what I had feared. There on a large full size bed was the fox girl, my current boss's niece, splayed out on the bed, legs spread eagle, with her paw placed over her now moist labia and her fingers thrashing about inside her tight love tunnel.

As I watched her spasm and convulse in pleasure, writhing about like a mad person, I listened to her moans. As she happened upon spots inside her cunt that were especially sensitive she would moan out in sheer pleasure, otherwise she would let out steady groans and moans of subtle pleasure. I could feel my cheeks flushed with blood and growing hot, but they weren't the only things being flooded by blood. In my boxer shorts I could feel my sheath, which had calmed from the incident earlier in the car, stirring and growing larger as the prize within swelled. In the air subtle hints of arousal swirled to create the perfect atmosphere to drive my senses wild. Being a wolf I knew that my instincts would soon kick in if I didn't exit the room. I had just closed my hand around the handle of the door when I heard her speak and I froze.


I turned slowly and looked back at the fox girl. Her eyes were upon me and I could see the carnal, drug induced lust in them. I let my grip on the door handle fall loose before I spoke back, "What was that?"

"My name is Angel. I thought you should know since you were good enough to spare me earlier. I know how my uncle operates, so you deserve thanks for being so bold..." I listened and watched as she spoke. Her hand had stopped its aggressive assault on her pussy, but now I could clearly see the swollen pink lips of her cunt. They glistened with the sweet nectar that glazed them.

"I'm glad that I could spare you. And I appreciate you giving me your name. Now if you will excuse me I need to get out of here before I act on instinct and do something we may both regret."

"What? Is my body not good enough for the big bad wolf?" She said teasingly while she gave me a playful wink. She knew I had seen enough to desire her, now she was simply adding the last few hints of invitation that she knew I needed to overcome my inhibitions. I could feel the pull of my desires; feel my body begging me to take her.

With a million voices in my head all arguing back and forth about why this was wrong and why I shouldn't do it, one voice rang forth and rose above the din of my sense and reason. It said simply "why not?" What a persuasive argument that was, eh? Why not? It sounded like a philosophy final question answer. As asinine as one might think that argument was, it was just enough to persuade me.

"No, I think that your body is just right..." I replied before I stepped lightly across the room to the edge of the bed.

I watched her smile grow in width as she watched me make my way over. When I had crossed over to her she immediately pulled me onto the bed and forced me onto my back. In the past I had never been led in bed, so sufficed to say I was very shocked when my back hit the mattresses so quickly and forcefully. I felt her claws graze my stomach as they were dragged through my fur in the process of gripping my white t-shirt. In seconds it was pulled free of my body and sent flying in and arc to the corner of the room. Now shirtless I watched as Angel leaned down, and then felt her tongue trace a small circle around my small black nipple. It was a subtle pleasure, but foreplay wasn't meant to be an intense experience right off the bat.

I reached my paw up behind her ears slowly then began to scratch and rub while I enjoyed the tiny flicks and swirls of her tongue. She then rose up, kissing along my hard furred chest and neck, until our lips met and she kissed me like she had before. This time instead of pushing her away I embraced her tightly with my arms and kissed back. The tiny hint of apple was still on her breath and it gave our exchange a particularly pleasant taste. After a few moments I felt the soft caress of her paw on my aroused groin and I couldn't help letting a moan escape into the kiss. I received a smile against my lips showing she was pleased that I approved of her touch.

When she broke the kiss that I had been enjoying so very much it was a very disappointing moment for me, but then I felt her kissing her way back to my chest and I felt my pulse race. I had expected her to stop at my chest like she had done before, but this time her soft kisses continued south until she kissed at my navel. I then felt the tug of my belt being undone and I blushed nervously. Soon my pants were undone and then pulled down my legs, and then off completely along with my shoes. I heard her let out a small gasp and then a giggle before she nearly tore the boxer shorts from my body. When she did my cock burst free from the cloth confines and bobbed back and forth from the sudden release of pressure.

As far as I was concerned my 10" erect cock was normal, but I had received word that apart from horse furs that was a bit big. I hadn't gotten many complaints about it from my past lady friends. And from the gleeful expression on Angel's face I wasn't about to get my first complaint. I watched her take a hold of my red-pink shaft with her soft paws gently. I moaned softly at the feeling of it, my exposed, super sensitive flesh being treated with such care. She then began to pump her paws up and down my erect cock slowly, taking care to tease at the very tip of the shaft with her fingers. It was obvious from how slowly she worked and with the accuracy of her caresses that she had been around this side of the block before. It was amid thinking such thoughts that I was shocked out of my machinations by the feeling of her rough vulpine tongue flicking across the head of my prick. I shuddered in pleasure and felt my penis give a small jump from the pulse of my heart.

She giggled softly while she watched my almost virgin like response to her oral teasing. She then slowly lowered her muzzle to my cock tip and engulfed the peak of my mini mountain in her maw. I felt her suckle me softly and as she did my tip let loose small drips of the natural lube onto her tongue. She eagerly lapped up the salty sweet droplets and swallowed them down. It pleased me a little to see her so thirsty for my pre-seed. After a few more minutes of this unbearable teasing she slowly lowered her head down so that more of my not so slim Jim slipped further into her eager mouth. Eventually she was able to work my cock into her mouth until I felt the tip push at the opening to her throat. At that point I was in heaven and I wouldn't have asked for anything more, but she still pushed herself beyond her limits. She relaxed her throat enough to work my cock head down her throat until she swallowed my entire length.

I stared in awe as I felt her mouth give small sucks on my length and she gave no sign of having too much to handle. After a moment she removed my cock from her oral cavity and gave me a grin. A strand of her saliva trailed from her lips to the head of my cock giving her a sloppy, yet incredibly sexy look. She winked at me causing me to blush a bit before she lowered her muzzle to once more engulf my thick shaft inside her muzzle. At first her head merely bobbed up and down so that her lips and tongue would massage my shaft. After a while however her motions grew slower so that every few times she went down she would swallow my cock again sending waves of intense pleasure through my body. I had all I could do to keep myself from climaxing the first few times she deep throated me. By the time she had swallowed me the tenth time I felt my balls cling to my body as they pulled up in expectation of climax. I tried to warn Angel of the impending explosion but I could only moan when my lips opened to speak.

I finally hit the limit. I finally reached the edge of my pleasure precipice. My body tensed up tightly and I let out a shaky moan. The pulse of my heart sped fast and my hips bucked involuntarily. Angel drew back just in time to allow my seed to erupt all over her fire red furred face. The black of her nose and the red of her face became striped in strands of my seedy syrup. As amazingly sexy as she looked when I saw what damage I had done, I still felt the pang of regret that came with making such a shameful mess. I was about to apologize until she gave a pleased squeal when she felt the cream that was now all over her face. Over the course of the next few minutes I watched her clean her face. First she licked her lips and chops clean, enjoying the flavor of my wolf cum. She enjoyed the taste so much that afterward she wiped the seed from her face, and what she couldn't reach with her tongue on her nose, and licked it off her paws eagerly. I hadn't seen anything like it before.

"Now that's what I call a tasty treat, hehe." She said to me as she finished the last of her prize and gave me a seductive wink. I felt my face heat up and my cock stir as I became instantly aroused once more. Her gleeful expression when she saw my renewed sexual vigor was priceless.

She slowly repositioned herself on the bed until she was seated on top of me. Her wet cunt could be felt on my lower stomach as her legs straddled my waist. She looked down at me with a smile that said she was very eager to feel her cunt being filled. I merely blinked as my cock bounced and bobbed from the hard pounding of my heart in my chest. I was just as eager as she was, maybe more. It was a relief to feel her moving her hips down to my lower body and even more of a relief when I felt the warm juices of her pussy dripping down from her labia to the tip of my length. The feeling of those hot drops of feminine pre slowly trickling down the side of my length and onto the opening of my sheath sent shivers up and down my spine. Finally she lowered herself down as her paw held my shaft in place and we shared a moment of pure ecstasy as our bodies became one.

The world around me became a blurred soundless environment. All I could see was her body above mine convulsing in small spasms of pleasure. All I could feel was my own shaft pulsing within the folds of her juicy, pink sex. All I could sense beyond that was the scent of our mixed arousal thick in the air, like a deviant potpourri. Time sped forward in an instant then and I recognized first that our surroundings were moving because of the motion of our bodies. I had taken a hold of her round hips and I was moving her up and down on my large member. She was using the cushion of her perky rump and the tight muscles of her hips to bounce her body on top of me. Her moans were full of pleasure and need.

I closed my eyes so that I could fully appreciate the feeling of her moist walls within her cunt massaging my length. It was like feeling warm clouds tighten and pull on my cock each time I attempted to remove myself from her depths. Her bouncing increased in both speed and force and soon the lewd sound of flesh smacking flesh filled the room. The bed we were laid upon was made of brass so the old metal frame was creaking loudly once we had really gotten down and dirty. I amused myself with pictures of the neighbors listening in as they attempted to sleep, but were kept up by the passionate intensity of our love making. Soon her hips stopped their thrashing and bouncing and she began to rock her body in a wave movement. I helped the best I could by holding her hips and pulling and pushing when her body would flex and move, but she was having no trouble keeping up the pace. She then gave a loud moan when my cock hit a particularly sensitive spot inside her tunnel and she shuddered in intense pleasure.

"Oh fucking God... you're cock is driving me crazy! I am so close I can feel it in my toes... don't you dare stop." She said and ended with a lustful growl. I had no intention of stopping. I was eager to feel her cunt tighten in orgasm. And that is just what I felt as she let out a passionate scream of ecstasy and came. She came harder than any female I had ever been with. Her warm nectar flooded over my groin like a dam being broken. When I felt that intense heat wash over my shaft and balls I snapped. My body tightened and tensed as it had before and my cock pumped rope after rope of thick seed into her tight pussy.

Angel collapsed on top of me and her head rested on my chest softly as she panted. Her warm breaths cascaded over my chest warming me even more than my orgasm had. Her large breasts could be felt pressed against my lower chest and I felt a small spark of disappointment that I hadn't gotten the chance to enjoy them during our love making. I had been too absorbed in the sensation of our groins joining as one that I forsook all else. I made a mental note to show my lady friend's more attention in the future, if there were any.

We soon calmed down and Angel covered us in the blankets of the bed for warmth and modesty. Her x induced mood had cooled down but she showed no signs of regretting our time together and there was no way in hell I was about to complain. As we held each other we slowly drifted off to sleep where we both no doubt had pleasant dreams of what had occurred.

In the corner my jeans' pocket lit up and a faint buzz of vibration could be heard by no one...