MetaMorphine - Twin Kitties

Story by steampunkstallion on SoFurry

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#1 of MetaMorphine

Part of my MetaMorphine Universe, will be putting more stories from this setup for people to enjoy. See what happens when a pair of twin brothers try out the wonderful drug and one of the brothers doesn't pay attention to which of the pills he takes.

Adrian paused looking around the park trying to see if he could find the person he was supposed to meet up with. His brother had gone in with him on getting some metamorphine for them to enjoy since they were going to be home alone for the next few days. It'd taken a bit of convincing but he had spoken with his dealer who promised he'd be able to get him something that would last past the usual few hours. His dealer told him it wouldn't have taken so long but he had insisted on getting something a bit rare asking for big cats. Noticing the person he was looking for, making his way he spoke up.

"Hey man, how's it going?" They exchanged pleasantries for a few, discussing idle things. "Hope you were able to get what I asked for." He nodded and spoke up, his voice lowered as he looked around nervously.

"You need to be careful with this stuff man... this isn't the normal metamorphine that most people get. I've been told this will affect the way you act and stuff since the effects last for a day or two." Adrian was practically ecstatic hearing how long the transformation could last. He handed him the money and looked at the two small bags he was given, one was labelled lion and the other tiger. "A warning, the lion one might not work to the full effect... it'll transform you, but was told it was a smaller breed of lion."

"Dude, it's a lion I doubt there is such a thing as small for them." The dealer just shrugged and they went their separate ways. He looked at the pair of pills in the car, just letting them bounce around slightly in their respective bags. "This is going to be so cool. Just going to have to decide which one I will take, and what my brother will get."

Walking in the door, he grinned calling out to see if his brother was home at the moment. When he didn't an answer, he tossed his bag on the couch and flopped down and turned on the tv. It was when he was flipping through the channels he remembered his brother wouldn't be home till later as he had wrestling practice. Kicking his feet up on the table, he closed his eyes and decided to take a nap since there was nothing on tv at the moment.

It was a few hours later when he was awoken rather abruptly by his brother kicking his legs off the table smirking at him. "Wake up you lazy ass." A glance up at his brother and he stuck his tongue out.

"What the hell, I was having a good dream. Had a dozen girls from the cheerleading team rubbing me down after I won the championship." They looked at each other for a moment before breaking into laughter, shaking their heads. "I got the stuff..." His brother's eyes went wide as he looked at him. "Yep, and it's the good stuff, should last at least a day maybe more." Adrian pointed over at the bag sitting on the table with the pills in them. He could almost see his twin brother Eric drooling at the idea of taking one.

"Then what are we waiting for man? Let's take them right now..." He lifted a hand and smacked his brother when he tried to grab one of the pills.

"Remember mom is supposed to stop by around 3 or so to get stuff for their trip. I doubt she'd want to find out that we've been taking drugs or unless you want to get in trouble." He heard that loud sigh from his brother, and then leaned back against the couch. "besides, there will be plenty of time for us to have fun trying out the new bodies when they leave." A quick glance at the clock showed that it was only one thirty in the afternoon, it would be a little bit before their mom would stop by the grab the luggage for their weekend trip leaving the boys alone. Standing up, Adrian adjusted himself and spoke up. "Think I'm going to get a quick shower before I'm going to change." Pinching his nose he pointed at his brother, "And I think you should get one too, you reek from wrestling."

Adrian let the hot water from the shower soak his body soothing the muscles as he relaxed. He still wasn't sure which of the two pills he was going to take. The idea of being able to turn into a lion sounded neat and he'd have that big mane to play with, but the idea of being some cool striped tiger also sounded really cool. Idly his hand slid down and stroked his flaccid shaft, caressing it and soaping it slightly. He'd seen his twin brother nude a few times and knew that was just slightly bigger in the cock department than he was, but that didn't bother him. Even though Eric was on the wrestling team, there were times that they wrestled and he was still able to pin his brother so he took solace in that fact. He knew that at some point eric was going to want to wrestle as big cats and he figured that he might take the lion as it just sounded cooler and all the big cats were pretty close to the same size anyway.

After their mom had left that afternoon, the two boys ran up to Adrian's room grinning. Eric piped up real quick. "Dude, I want to be a tiger... the stripes and stuff are neat." He looked at the bag, reading the label before tossing it to his brother. Panthera tigris altaica, what kind of name was that for a tiger; it sounded a bit stupid. He glanced at his own bag, Panthera leo persica and it sounded equally stupid to him. As he stripped he looked at his brother, and saw that he had already taken his clothes off and his cock was at half mast, he couldn't help but tease him slightly.

"Well seems someone is rather eager for the change..." Pointing as he watched Eric's cheeks go bright red from being exposed. Adrian smirked and slowly pushed his boxers down his cock hanging between his legs. Past experience had taught the pair that usually wearing clothes ended up leading to problems during or after the transformation. Closing his eyes, he popped the pill into his mouth at the same time swallowing it.

After a few moments Adrian felt the familiar tingle of warmth that began to spread through his body. Slowly he opened his eyes and looked at his brother who usually kept his eyes closed during the whole process. A little shiver ran down his spine watching as his brother was changing, there seemed to be something wrong. It almost seemed as if his brother was getting bigger both in height and muscle tone watching as the white fur was spreading over his body. His ears perked hearing those groans, they weren't of pain but sounded more like pleasure. Adrian could tell why rather easily, seeing his twin brother's shaft growing between his legs. It was stiffening and jutting out from his body, looking like a cross between a human and a tiger. It was then that it occurred to look at himself; he tried to fight the wave of fear that filled him.

His body was losing a lot of the muscle tone that he normally had, growing more lithe and slender and having an almost feminine appearance. A glance at the full length mirror on the far wall showed that he was definitely a lion, but he didn't have the big mane that he thought he would but rather something thin and scrawny looking. He hurried and covered his lap with his hands as they were transforming into paws, seeing how had his cock had shrunk looking rather insignicant compared to his normal length. The transformation finished as he slowly moved to sit on the floor, his tail curled around his waist. A loud growl filled the room as he heard his brother speak.

"Oh fuck yah... look at me. I'm a fucking Siberian tiger, this is awesome!" Adrian watched as his brother's paw went down and gripped his shaft, giving it a few strokes. "Mmm damn this feels good." He felt a little nervous when his brother looked at him, seeing that muzzle part and showing off those large teeth. "Seems you didn't pick the right one bro... or should I say little bro." There was a bit of teasing malice to his words as Adrian stood up, he realized that not only was his brother taller but much heavier built than he was.

"Fuck you. Just means I'm probably quicker than you... Besides, doubt you could do anything with that big dick anyway. You'd scared anyone with it." He barely dodged that big paw as it swung out at him, he looked at Eric. "Dude what the hell, you could have hurt me." Noticing that his brother's claws were unsheathed, he stepped forward not saying anything just a guttural growl escaping his muzzle. Adrian was suddenly nervous as his nostrils flared drinking in the thick musk coming off his brother. He headed his instincts and turned and ran, trying to get away from his brother hearing that laughing growl echoing in his ears.

"That's it bitch... run. We'll see who got lucky with their transformation." He bolted out the door, thankful that their parents owned nearly forty acres of heavily wooded forests behind their house. It took him moments to cross the yard, glancing back and seeing his brother charging after him. Least his thoughts were confirmed, he was a lot quicker. Adrian made his way into the woods, hoping he'd be able to hide for a few to let his brother calm down a bit. It was odd, neither of them had ever acted like this before after taking the metamorphine. His paws gripped the tree easily allowing him to slip up inside and hide as he heard his brother's voice around him. "Come out bro... I just want to wrestle with you." He could see his brother through the heavy branches that hid him from site, and with the smells in the air, he doubted Eric would sniff him out.

Adrian watched his brother slowly moving through the trees, looking around obviously trying to find him. It was such an odd sensation, he'd never felt like he was being stalked before and the feeling wasn't something he was keen on continuing to experience. He called out, trying to let his voice echo the best it could so his brother wouldn't figure out where he was.

"Just wrestle? You'll keep those claws sheathed right... I doubt you'd want to explain how I ended up with a bunch of scars and stuff." He saw his brother's ears perked up, that massive head glancing around nodding slowly. "And we need to cover up a bit first... we'll just use those jockstraps we got for our transformations okay?" Eric's response made him feel a bit worried for some reason that he couldn't place.

"You can if you want... I think I'm just going to go around naked, I like the feeling of just being in my fur. You can't tell me Adrian that you really want to wear clothes right now." He felt embarrassed, he didn't want to put clothes on right now, his eyes watching his brother looking over that muscled form. There was something that he noticed but wasn't sure why it escaped him for this long. Jutting out from his brother's groin was his shaft, unlike before it wasn't soft but standing at full attention. He'd seen a few large cocks in porn, but this wasn't like those as it seemed to burn itself into his retinas. Adrian closed his eyes and shivered, that shaft was somewhere around a foot and so thick looking. There was a large spade shaped head that topped off the shaft and just behind it for an inch or so on the shaft were rather large looking barbs. His own paw slid down to grip his shrunken maleness blushing as he realized he was also rock hard, panting as he began to stroke himself. "Come on Adrian... come down and let's wrestle. I just want to pin you under me." His ears folded back as he let his cock go, moving down out of the tree silently, watching his now much bigger twin brother.

His movements weren't the typical awkward movements that he had when they had taken the metamorphine before, this was much more predatorial movements like he was stalking his prey. A soft growl escaped Adrian's muzzle, moving slowly behind his brother letting his claws rake the ground slightly. The longer he watched Eric, it was clear he wasn't stalking and more just going through as the massive beast he had become. Adrian roared and leapt out at his brother, grabbing him from behind hearing the snarl from Eric's muzzle. He grunted and held on, his words filling his larger brother's ears.

"Why not relax, I don't want to hurt you Eric... just need to calm down." There was a part of him that hoped if he could hold him down for a few moments and let him clear his head, that things would go back to normal. Adrian didn't expect what happened next, feeling one of those large paws grabbing him by the scruff of the neck and tossing him to the forest floor. That deep growl echoed in his ear, feeling suddenly very nervous and could smell the anger as his brother looked down at him.

"Oh I'm not going to hurt you Adrian... I have some other plans for you." Adrian tried to get up, huffing slightly as the toss knocked most of the breath out of him, rolling onto all fours starting to lift himself up. The weight settled onto his back, pressing him against the ground growling loudly, his brother's words filling his ears. "See... this time I'm going to be the one in charge." He yowled when Eric's muzzle clamped down on the back of his neck, those sharp teeth digging into his neck. Paws stroked along his sides as he froze under that attention and he squirmed feeling that big maleness pressing against his rump.

"P... Please stop Eric. I'm begging you..." His words were soft and plaintive, he was squirming underneath his brother, terror gripping him. "Don't do this... you need to clear your head, it's the drug making us act like this, something is wrong." Adrian felt Eric starting to roll his hips slowly, feeling his arousal coating his rump fur, keeping his tail tucked down hoping it'd help.

"I don't know about you... I don't think the drug is bad. I rather like the way I feel at the moment, I feel strong and dangerous." He tried to lift himself up, not finding the strength to lift himself or his brother off his back. "And there is a much stronger set of feelings that I have the craving to indulge in." That tongue was licking at the fur coating the back of his neck, making him whimper slightly. His words were a soft whisper. "Want to guess what those feelings are Adrian; and I expect an answer."

One of those large paws slid down underneath his belly lifting his rump into the air a bit feeling Eric slowly grinding against his rump. Adrian whimpered and spoke up very quietly, speaking as he answered his brother. "D... Dominance and arousal?" There was a slight laughter in his ear, his brother speaking quietly.

"Well you got one half right... I do want to show you what dominance is, and the other feeling isn't arousal, but the desire to fuck a lion, to show my brother who's really in charge." They both gave a light moan as that cock head teasingly rubbed against his tail hole making it clench a little. "Now relax, I want to be able to fuck you without hurting you too much." Adrian shook his head trying to muster up every bit of strength that he could to try and push his brother off his back. It was then that he realized that was the wrong move to attempt as that muzzle dug into his neck, teeth just barely piercing the skin and he could smell the faint smell of blood. "Don't fucking move. You try that again and I will make you regret it for quite a long time..."

He slumped down against the ground knowing that he was defeated and Eric was going to fuck him whether he wanted it to happen or not. He whimpered and closed his eyes, trying to relax his body as this wasn't what he was hoping that was going happen after taking the metamorphine this time. Adrian knew that he should have listened to his dealer when he told him there was something wrong with the drug. "Please... You're hurting me Eric."

It didn't seem that his words were reaching his brother, all he could smell was his overwhelmingly male musk. It reeked of arousal and dominance, he'd smelled something similar before when they had transformed, but it wasn't like this. The more he breathed in the scent, the weaker he felt that will to fight. A soft sigh exhaled from his muzzle when Eric let his neck go and gave it a few soft licks. "Now come on Adrian... just move that tail and let me mount you. I promise it'll feel good once you've gotten used to it." He wanted to protest, but there wasn't enough willpower to muster a response; closing his eyes he slowly drew his tail to the side leaving himself exposed to his brother. "That's it Adrian... we will both enjoy this." A light growl filled the air as he felt Eric's tip pressing against his tail hole making he shiver, doing his best to try and relax so it'd be easier.

It was an odd sensation, feeling that cock head slowly pushing into him as he clawed at the ground. Adrian had experimented a few times using a toy to stimulate himself anally, but this wasn't a toy and was far larger than what he was used to. He felt Eric very slowly pushing more of himself into him, not drawing back quite yet. There was a slight burning sensation from the actual size as his brother had become rather large, and he was grateful that they hadn't tried to use any sort of equines. He whimpered quietly once Eric's groin was pressing against his rump, hearing that heavy breathing in his ear.

"D... Don't move. I... it hurts, j... just give me a few." His only confirmation was the huff sound that his brother made in his ear. He felt so dwarfed underneath his brother, Eric, his fur was much thicker than his own and covered him. Adrian shivered slightly as he drew in slow breaths, groaning when Eric began to slowly pull back making him hiss slightly feeling those barbs dragging on his walls. It was only an inch or two at a time, but it was enough to reinforce that sheer sensation that as a tiger his brother was fairly massive feeling. Against his will, his body was starting to respond to the stimulation feeling his cock stiffening and starting to drip against the cool moss under him. "S... so big..." That tongue licked his ear as his brother whispered to him.

"You're so tight... you won't fight me again will you? I'm the alpha now..." Adrian groaned and shook his head, shuddering slightly when those barbs teased his prostate. He felt his cock jerk against his groin making him whimper, knowing that things had changed between him and his brother now. He hadn't planned on this happening but it was starting to feel a bit better, he could feel the thick precum drooling out around his brother's cock. "I want you to say it Adrian... who's the top cat now? Who's the alpha?"

A loud moan escaped his muzzle when he felt Eric push forward, sinking that massive shaft back into his rump. Yowling he gave the answer, feeling embarrassed and the heat in his cheeks knowing if it wasn't for the fur he'd be blushing. "You are Eric... You're the alpha, please... just don't stop." He hated admitting that it was starting to feel really good having that thick flesh stroking in and out of his rump, his claws leaving furrows on the ground. Adrian folded his ears back submissively when his brother growled out, starting to pump himself in and out pulling both of them up to all fours. Their moans filled the air, not wanting to growl as he wasn't in charge and only alphas were allowed that right. His head hung down in embarrassed pleasure, starting to push himself back to meet Eric's thrusts. "P... please Eric... fill me... make me your beta."

He shook his head, wondering why he said those words and realized that he wanted to obey as he moaned out. Reaching back, he gently cupped his brother's heavy balls and began to stroke them listening to the loud growl of pleasure escaping that muzzle. Adrian clenched his eyes shut when his brother starting to thrust hard into him now, paws gripping his slender hips and claws digging in slightly. "G... going to cum in your tight little ass... then we will have to make sure you know your place." He groaned, part of him wondering exactly what that meant but his world went white when Eric hilted himself inside him roughly. It was far more than he was prepared for, a mixture of pleasure and pain flooded his senses making him snarl. His small cock jerked between his legs, shooting his watery seed against the ground beneath him.

Even with his ears folded back, it was a deafening sound when his brother, Eric, lifted his head and roared out signaling his orgasm and dominance over him. Adrian knew that people could cum quite a bit but this was something completely different. He felt the heat flooding him and even when he thought it would it still kept going, there was so much it was leaking out around his brother's shaft. A quiet whimper escaped his muzzle, Adrian could feel it oozing down his ass crack and over his balls and then onto the ground. This was humiliating and he just wanted it to end, but he knew it wasn't going to. Suddenly he felt very weak, slumping forward as he felt Eric withdraw from his body leaving him feeling very empty.

"S... see you got your wish. You're done, n... now help me up so I can get cleaned up." Slowly Adrian rolled onto his back, looking up at his brother and he started to push back slightly. The look in his brother's eyes was far different than he was used to seeing this was a look of raw dominance and similar to the look the animals at the zoo had.

"Oh we aren't done Adrian. I said we had to make sure you know your place didn't I?" His words were loud and commanding, he nodded slowly feeling his small mane jostle slightly. One of those large paws was gripping that semi hard shaft by the base, waggling it in his direction. "Now come on... we can't go back to the house if my cock is all dirty with cum can we?" He almost retched realizing what his brother was implying that he should do. A loud growl brought him back to his senses as that muzzle was pulled back. "Well..." Shivering, Adrian slowly leaned forward nostrils drinking in the musky scents of his brother's groin. His dominant male musk was far stronger this close and with the cum staining his groin and shaft just made it more difficult to think clearly. His raspy tongue came out of his parted muzzle and licked the head of his brother's cock making him growl out. "That's a good kitty, now get it all clean..."

This was about as far as he expected this weekend to go, and he never considered himself gay unable to recall any thoughts about having sex with guys. Yet here he was, about to suck his brother's cock since he wasn't able to muster up the strength or willpower to assert himself. Closing his eyes, he gave into the feelings of submission and began to gently suckle on Eric's cock. His tail flicked behind him when one of those paws began to stroke between his ears, he was a bit sad he couldn't purr as it felt really good. He knew the longer that he did this, the worse his brother was going to be with this dominance kick he was on and oddly it didn't seem to be a bad idea to submit like this.

Adrian bobbed his muzzle over that stiff length cleaning the thick cum off that shaft before his head was gently pushed off, he shivered and looked up at his brother. "See. That wasn't so hard now was it?" Folding his ears back once more, he shook his head and bit his lip. He was kneeling in front of his brother, his legs spread as his small cock was jutting out between his legs, dribbling precum. "Oh look at that small little cock... think we need to hide the scent of some little submissive lion don't we?" There was a moment of confusion, then he shook his head realizing what his brother was going to do.

"No that's pushing the bar there Eric. You can't..." His words stopped mid sentence as he felt that hot fluid splash against his chest, shuddering. The smell of his brother's urine was overpowering it made his head spine and he didn't stop when that stream soaked his chest, belly and groin. "W... why would you do that?"

"Well after fucking, I usually got to piss. Do you really think I wasn't going to mark the submissive little lion you've become?" His voice was a deep gravelly growl, commanding in its presence. "And I don't want you washing that off do you understand?" A slow nod before he let his head hang down, biting his lip just a bit nervous as to what was going to happen at this point. He took Eric's paw and stood up as he led him back towards the house, watching that firm rump. Adrian couldn't help but wonder what else was going to happen or if his brother had other plans for him.