Caves Hold Treasure, Chapter 4

Story by Some101 on SoFurry

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#4 of Caves Hold Treasure

The conclusion to Act 1.

Morgan confronts Richard about something he found in his bag...

**Richard's PoV**

Right, scan's as done as it's going to be today... Time to head back. You stuff everything into your bag and start walking down the tunnel towards base camp... Let's hope Morgan bought the little lie. It feels horrible to lie to your best friend but you didn't have choice. You sigh and let your mind wander a bit... How will you get back to the US? For you and Morgan it's not a problem, but for your master...

Don't worry pet, I have a way... A legal way. I can shapeshift myself, remember?

Ah, stupid. Of course he's got a way. Wait... Is it me, or have you stopped talking in that... Posh way?

I did. I can't afford to use an old style of speech now, can I? Just a bit of practice to get back into it, pet.

Huh, so he does know how to use normal talk... That calms you down more, at least he won't be looked at strangely because of the way he talks. You relax a bit, except for that knot in your stomach about lying to Morgan. Ah well, the tunnel's exit is already visible. The die is cast, now it's time to see where it lands. As you exit the tunnel you notice your bag not being where you left it and your phone lying on your sleeping bag... And Morgan's standing, looking at you... Frustrated? Concerned? He's got something in his ha- That's a scale. Yours, the smell is unmistakable... How did he...

I am on my way pet, talk to him, keep him calm.

"You've got something to explain, Rich... I know that sounds like I'm going for your throat but I'm just concerned... What's this?"

**Morgan's PoV**

Richard looks... Startled? That's what you're reading in his face. He's not angry, he's not sad... He's surprised. His eyes are locked on to the scale as you hold it out for him to see properly. That emotion is buried pretty quick though as he looks at you properly, puts down the bag and walks a bit closer... What's on his face now... He's become an unreadable slate to you and that's strange. He's got a lousy poker face but this is something even pros have a problem with. There's nothing on his face, not a hint of emotion as he stops just at arm's reach.

"You went through my stuff? Why?"

Indignation then.

"You lied to me, that's why. You've not been yourself since you went here, Rich. You zone out randomly, you make up bullshit reasons for why a scan, that I've not even seen, is slow... You're twitchy. What is this thing? It's not plastic and it's not a rock."


Shit. He's noticed. All the tells, he saw when you were communicating mentally, he saw through your lie and now he's holding one of your scales, of which you have no clue how it got in your bag... You have to tell him the truth. Master, hurry up, please.

Keep him busy for a bit longer pet, I am getting closer to you... If you must reveal anything, do so. Just keep him there.

"It's not some kind of drug cartel thing if you're wondering that..."

"I know that. What is it, Rich? Please..." He puts his hand on your shoulder, the contact almost burning. But it's not a grip of frustration, it's of concern.

"I..." You look him straight in the eyes. "Morgan... I can't..."

"Yes you can. Please, Rich, I'm worried." He's staring back as hard as you are at him.

You sigh. There's no other way. The truth then.

"It's mine. I mean literally." His eyebrows shoot up, that being the last possible thing that went through his mind. "I... Morgan. If you are ever going to believe me, do it now. You can either give it to me, forget about it and we can keep going the way we always were... Or you can ask me one more time and I'll tell you the truth. But, if you want the truth, you'll have another choice later."

"And that one is?" He's surprisingly composed about this... The pheromones.

"You'll either accept it... Or you'll forget about me. Completely. Every memory, gone. The last six years? Gone. It'll destroy who you are, Morgan. It's worse than killing you. You know as much as I do that a person is nothing but the sum of his memories."

"Forget? You mean... So I have a choice between just... Ignoring what's happening to you and accepting whatever it is?" He throws out his arms in... desperation?

"I didn't mean you accepting it happening to me... I meant it also happening to you. I can't tell you what it is, not until you willingly accept the chance of your life ending. But I swear to you," You look him into the eyes, trying to ooze truthfulness from every pore, "It's worth it. It's so incredibly worth it. I don't want to lose you."

I am near, pet. I will wait for his answer, I can hear you talking from where I am.

Can I shift partially, master? Just the eyes or something?



You turn away, taking a few steps towards the lava flow... Whatever is happening to him... Happening to you? He seems genuine however... Genuinely happy about it. You've not seen him so happy since you got that degree together. You look at the scale... Watching the light from the magma reflect off it, mulling over every last possibility in your mind.

If you don't say anything and just give him the thing, it's status quo... But you're a scientist damnit. Not a member of the sheeple herd. Nothing ventured, Nothing gained.

"Rich. What. Is. Happening to you?" You turn back to him, but he's dropped his head, eyes closed. For a moment, he seems to be focused intensely on something, and he lifts his head again.

"The truth then." He says with, somehow, utter finality in his voice, and he opens his eyes. Solid black, with only the irises carved from orange fire. You stumble back the unnatural look, a pang of fear shooting through your body. But you've mastered your fight-or-flight, not the other way around.

"Rich... What the fuck..?" You manage to say, if just, at only a whisper.

"The truth." His mouth curves into a smile, if just a small one, "Is this. I told you about my dream? The one that there was a dragon down here?" He spreads out his arms to somehow encompass the room. "That wasn't a dream, Morgan. It's the truth. There is a dragon down here... Two, to be precise. Him and me. He changed me, Morgan. He hit all the buttons I didn't know I had, made me realize that my life, as I had it, was boring. Now..." He trails off, before he takes off his shirt and throws it onto his sleeping bag, showing off his utterly perfected body, without any of the scars he used to have, "I'm reborn. It's amazing, Morgan. I can hear your heartbeat, see down those tunnels without any light, feel the lava flow through the mountain, smell things you've never even dreamed existed... Do you need more proof?" He sounds so different... Talking in a way you've never heard him talk before.

"I... How? No, you're screwing around with me, you have to be! I mean come on, Dragons?! They're a part of the heroics, legends and myths of the dark ages! This is a really long shot, Rich! It's been funny, but now it's over." You gain power in your voice, almost shouting at the end. He has to be lying. This is impossible. It's... make-up hiding his scars and those eyes are contacts of some kind.

"Myths and legends... Yes. But even the most insane story... Has a grain of truth, Morgan." He kicks off his walking boots, having undone them while you were talking and drops his pants, leaving him only wearing his underwear, for a moment. He turns away from you and takes a few steps away from his clothes, before that last piece also goes. He's stark naked, right in front of you, and he's not giving a damn. "Now, something I've been waiting to show you..." He chuckles, before he tenses up completely. And he changes.

The first thing you notice is the disgusting sound of his bones popping. He seems to stretch in every way, legs changing shape, back and neck stretching, even a tail growing. Then, a million tiny pricks of black appear on his skin before they expand into the scales that they are, just like the one you're holding. You don't even realize he's suddenly perfectly bald, the hair having vanished somehow, before two spikes of bone shoot from his now elongated skull and every vertebrae in his spine grows a spike. His toes and fingers somehow melt together into three pronged hands and feet, long ebony black claws extending and with a last shudder, before you stands a dragon.

The dragon, no, Richard, turns around and brings his massive head, the size of your entire torso, close to you, fast. You take a step back, trip and fall down but before you can crawl away, Richard chuckles. It's like a gentle earthquake, filling the cave.

"What do you think?" His voice's down at least three entire octaves, sounding more like thunder than a normal voice. "The truth finally revealed. Do you believe me now, Morgan?"

"I-I-I..." Your voice is stuttering, unable to make sense of itself, while you raise your hand, extending it to Richard's... snout, letting it rest on his nose. It's solid and warm. It should be scorching your hand but it's not. It's the heat without the pain. All you can do is stare and gasp while you feel his entire skull, before moving back to his nose. Out of nowhere, a massive tongue licks your hand and it feels... Right. It's not an illusion. It's not a dream. In front of you is your best friend... A dragon. And you'd kill to be one too.


Morgan smells like fear. Or did, at least. Now he smells like awe. His hand on your snout feels strangely cold but it's welcome there. And he's tasty, but not like food. You notice the change in his eyes, from being afraid of you, to being in awe of you... To needing you. Wanting to be like you. There's no mistaking in reading that. Relief shoots through you. One last test is what he needs to complete and if he's really like you, he won't be able to resist. Not a snowball's chance in hell. The pheromones are strong... Very strong.

Call for me, pet. He wishes to join us, I can feel it. He's ready and willing. He'll do anything.

You walk back from where Morgan is sitting on the rock floor and sit down yourself on the opposite side of the cave. You think it over a bit, how to call him... A roar? No, too cliché. You don't know his name... Only one option and you want to see Morgan's face as you do it.

"Master... He is willing to join us..." You hiss out the words, watching the surprise creep onto Morgan's face as you call your master. Surprised him once more, now with what you call the person who granted you this gift and will share it with Morgan too now... Oh you're getting worked up at just imagining how Morgan's going to be changed... You focus on keeping your member sheathed for now though, you want the surprise to be total.


Master? He called the other dragon... Master? What have you gotten yourself into now, you wonder, as something emerges from the tunnel Rich came out of, less than fifteen minutes ago. The other dragon. He's larger than Rich is... If just a bit. His eyes are locked onto your own however and they are utterly unreadable.

"You wish to join us?" He asks.

The voice is feeling, not a sound. And for some reason, extremely sexy. Sexuality never interested you much until Rich asked you yesterday... And now, you can't help but feel attracted to that voice. You look back up, even though you didn't realize you were looking down...

"I do." You state with certainty. You do.

The dragon walks over to the back of the cave, opposite the side where Richard is now laying down and sits down. Although, it isn't much of sitting down... He's more... Lying against the wall, his back curved and his tail sticking out forwards. But the eye of any person is attracted to the crotch of someone in this situation... And you are not disappointed. His member is growing, slowly.

"Then strip, pet. And pleasure me." He rumbles.

Conflict shoots between your mind and heart... Your mind says no, this is can't be real. Your heart says do it. It's what you want. Listen...

"Do it, Morgan." Richard hisses. "I promise you, it's fun. And don't worry about the taste," As you glance toward him, he's staring at the still growing member, licking his lips while he's spread his own hind legs, his own arousal clear. "I envy you right now. It's the best thing you'll ever have had on your tongue, I swear to you."

Do it. You stand up, slowly. First thing that comes off is your shirt. After that, shoes, pants. Step by step... Take it slow... The dragon's member is still growing, easily having hit a foot in length now... Drop the pants... Come on Morgan, let go... let it all go... Pants are on the floor, now for the last bit... Underpants... Gone...

Completely naked, you walk closer to the big dragon, who is still looking at you intently and almost expecting you to walk away. You're at arm's length now from his cock, the warmth palpable over the ambient heat in the cave. You inch closer, step by step, until you are just one lick away. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. You lick the first ridge along his member. Immediately, a salty, tangy, utterly masculine taste fills your mouth... and you're hooked. You know it, he knows it, and from the growl behind you, it seems Richard knows it.

The next few minutes are a blur. You barely remember anything of what happened in those minutes, except more of his utterly delicious pre being drank, your entire body slicking up and both your master and Richard whispering into your ears about how impossibly sexy you look, using your entire body to pleasure a dragon's hard cock.

The first clear memory of the time you have is the moment you stroked your own member against your new master's own. Your nerves lighting on fire with impossible pleasure burned it into your mind. It shouldn't feel that good... But it does. And you relish it, using his member as your own fuck toy. You stroke and stroke using your entire body until you fall onto a scorching, amazing plateau of ecstasy.

You slowly fade back into lucidity and find out that you're laying on your back, still twitching with pleasure. A rough voice fills your ears and it takes you a second to recognize it as your master's.

"He came even harder than you did, pet..." A pair of eyes appears in your vision and you soon recognize it's Richard, when he speaks in turn; "He did... But he's still conscious, master, if barely... Must he finish you off, or can I?" You, in your post-orgasmic bliss, can almost feel the lust in Richard's words. "You can keep me hard while he recovers, pet... He got me close before his own orgasm."

You feel Rich shift before his head moves through your vision and begins making deliciously sloppy noises. You try and get your muscles back under control, which works, slowly. That was an impossibly powerful orgasm... And according to Rich... There's far more of them in the future. That's enough to get you to sit up again, slowly.

"Ah, he's regained his senses... That was fun, wasn't it, pet? But, oooh, I'm not done yet... Come, finish what you started..." You sit up, almost bumping into Richard's withdrawing head, who slowly swallows a mouthful of your master's precum. You turn even just a bit and notice that your master's knot is inflated and ready. He is close. Very close. Your muscles are still rebellious, but you manage to get next to it again, to indeed, finish off what you started. Your body is recovering well though and soon you're back up to a reasonable speed and strength.

"Oooh pet... Yes... Almost... Almost..." He half-moans, half-growls. Suddenly, a claw reaches around you and pulls you off slowly, Richard suddenly whispering into your ear.

"Let him finish himself off... Get ready to take a bath, Morgan, the most delicious bath of your life." He lets you go and withdraws his claw, before he begins growling himself. You look at him and notice his own very impressive member, knot inflated.

"Master... Can I help... May I cum over him too? Please master?" Richard begging anyone for something? Stupid, he's asking your master... the master of you both. You only now realize it. You're both his little pets... And that fills you with happiness. "Once, ah, I am, hmm, done, pet..." But before you can think anymore on that statement, your master roars. You turn to him, notice the tip of his member pointing straight at you, and you know you have to close your eyes now.

The first shot is hot, very hot. It blasts against your chest and the smell is amazing. You can't even describe it but it makes your body want more, more, more. The second lands on your legs, the third splashes over your belly. You open your mouth and receive the fourth one perfectly inside it and all over your face. The taste is like that of his pre-cum, only even more addictive with spicy undertones and pure and utter bliss spreads through your body as you swallow it. You need more. Your mouth opens again and you slowly slip into something like being drunk from the amazing smell, taste and feeling of the dragon cum.

Again and again strings of hot dragon seed land all over you, drenching every last part of you. It tapers off, too fast for your taste, until Richard roars himself and begins splattering you with his own dragon spooge from the other side. You swallow his loads as they land in your mouth too and they're just as delicious as your master's. After what feels like minutes Richard also reaches the end of his orgasm, the final drop of spooge landing perfectly in your mouth again, ready to be swallowed and added to your bloated stomach full of dragon cum.

"Now, little pet... Do you want to join us? Do you want to become a dragon, like your friend is?" His voice is amazing... You can hear him perfectly even though even your ears are covered in still hot, sticky, heavenly dragon cum.

"I do. I want to become a dragon." You can't wait... You need this. Richard was right.

"Then say it. What am I?" You know you have to say it. So you do.

"Can I please join you and Richard for the rest of my life... Master?"


He actually said it. And now you get to see him become a dragon... Like you did. Only two days ago. A ripple seems to flow through the ocean of cum you and your master pumped onto him and it seems to flow into him, somehow. He cries out in pain for a second, which is then drawn into a long moan. Morgan spasms and twitches and he begins to grow. You've not seen your master change, so this is the first time you're seeing the transformation happen. Bones popping, skin shifting and scales growing. Spine lengthening, tail extending, neck stretching and his skull deforming. He's the same deep black as you and your master and you didn't really expect that to be any different. Within a minute the changes complete themselves and, with Morgan's body no longer twitching, he raises his head a tiny bit and opens his eyes, before he looks over himself.

"Welcome to your new life, little pet..." Your master stands up to help Morgan steady himself on his new legs and arms, before he walks a little circle around the new dragon almost like he's inspecting him.

"Tha-," Morgan starts coughing, but one good retch and whatever was in his throat seems to have cleared. "Thank you, master... And thank you, Rich... For telling me the truth." His voice's dropped a few octaves, much like your own. It's still clearly Morgan though. He's meanwhile practically beaming over his new body, doing his best to show it off to both you and your master.

"Ah, now I have two beautiful pets... Two things to love. Hmm..." He rumbles from the deepest of his being, "But one of the two has not yet had the last blessing... Richard," You practically rush to his side as he calls you by your name, "Will you please prepare him? I wish to breed him."

You don't need another word. You dash to Morgan's tail end who, already knowing what's going to happen, has raised his tail for you to get underneath. Your tongue shoots out over his tailhole and licks him ready, rimming him good. You start slobbering a kiss all over his pucker and push against him as he relaxes slowly, letting your tongue explore his insides.

Morgan's moaning already, you muse, as you feel the rumbles in his body. Slathering his insides with saliva, deeper and deeper, you are caught up in the act, your own member hardening again as you prepare Morgan's vent for your master's cock. Soon, you feel like he's ready but you have trouble letting go, just eating out your friends ass is too damn arousing. It takes a soft growl from your master to spur you to let go, a single strand of your saliva dripping from his well prepared vent.

Your master walks around Morgan until he's reached his rear, giving it a single loving lick before mounting on top of the new dragon, getting a slight moan from him.

"Now, pet... Are you ready?" He rumbles softly into Morgan's ear.

"I am, master... Claim me as yours, please... Please make me your little slutty pet." With a single thrust, your chuckling master finds his mark and slides his member half way into your friend's ass, getting a growl from him that brings your own cock to full mast again. An idea springs up in your mind, and you almost don't dare say it. But your own member needs attention, and you have to try.

"Master... Can I use his front?" Having Morgan's mouth wrapped around your cock would be amazing, for you and for him, the idea of being fucked from both sides being something you at least would find amazing.

"Let's ask him, shall we?" Your master proposes, starting a soft, gentle rhythm to get Morgan used to his member inside him. "Will you let him use your mouth as a toy, pet?" He laces every word with lust. It seems he likes the idea too. "Ahh, yes... Rich... Ah... Fuck me... Let me suck you off... Oh god, deeper... Please... Fuck, yes..." And so does Morgan.

Without any pomp and circumstance, you do what feels natural and place your fore claws on his shoulders, before presenting your hard member to Morgan. He moans and growls under your master's fucking for a bit longer, before he slides you into his warm mouth. This gets you to moan, and at that moment your master locks you into a loving kiss once more.

Morgan is feisty however and soon is deep throating you like a champion, getting you to moan deeply into your master's mouth, who has finally gotten down to the knot, deep inside Morgan. This gets him to moan again, causing his throat, wrapped around your hard cock, to pleasure you much more, letting you moan even harder. That in turn excites your master even more and so a cycle of ever increasingly hard and fast fucking appears, sloppy sounds soon filling the air and the heavy musk of three exceptionally horny dragons filling the cave, driving the three of you into an absolute frenzy.

Your master breaks the kiss and lowers his head down to Morgan's, who is trying to fit your own knot in his mouth with every slurp he makes. "Pet... I'm getting close... Let his cock go for a moment and, ahhhh, tell me you want my knot inside you... Tell me how much you want my, hmm, hot seed fucked into you, deep and hard... " His words get you close to the edge and you're feeling especially horny today, so you shout out while fucking Morgan's mouth, "God... ahhh.... I'm going to pump you full... hmm... you're going to get filled from both sides... Can I, master? Fill him toge- hnnnng -ther with you?"

"You can both cum, pets , nnng, once I do too." Morgan slips you from his mouth and starts begging; "Please master, aaaah, fill my tail with your cum, hnnn, fuck your seed into me deep and hard... Rich... Please, yesss, fuck my mouth and cum, god yesssss!, down my throat," before he shoves his maw back over your cock so fast, your knot finally pops into his mouth.

Your master thrusts to lock his knot inside Morgan and finishes off his thrusting once, twice, and then locks you into another kiss while he roars, letting you unleash your own steaming hot dragon cum into Morgan, flooding him from both sides. That sets him off, his seed splattering against the ground, you three all cumming together as a peak of draconic lust, lightning scorching every nerve in each body, three roars all muted by being locked into each other.

Flood after flood of cum pours from each cock, all three pairs of testicles straining to produce as much as their owners want them to. Too damn soon, you taper off as does your master, while Morgan spurts extra hard twice as two knots are pulled out of their used orifices. He breathes in deep once your massive cock is out of his throat, having blocked his lungs from getting any fresh air during your orgasm, before one last spurt shoots out of his cock and he collapses along with you and your master into a beautiful pool of delicious dragon cum.

The first to have any semblance of life after this amazing three-dragon lovemaking is surprisingly Morgan, who slowly begins drinking the still hot cum he spurted out only a minute ago, softly humming after every gulp. Next is yourself, slowly dragging yourself to your feet to see what happened to the camp. Surprisingly, it's fine even with the three of you rutting your brains out only a couple dozen feet away. And there's a clear path to the flow, away from the camp.

"Hmm... I said you we're the best I've had in a few centuries, Richard... Morgan just beat you." You feel a blush come up when your master uses something like that to show he's not unconscious. Morgan laughs, spurting out a mouthful of spooge he had just slurped up to drink before slowly hauling himself to his feet. He's still weak from the fun however and threatens to collapse. Your master, noticing that happening quickly moves next to him, letting him rest a bit while leaning. You step over to the rock that has a hole underneath it to drain the spooge away, almost sad at letting all that delicious protein just flow away.

After it's all gone though, you notice Morgan and your master having walked over to the flow already. Well, dragged themselves over. You, somehow more energetic than the other two, easily catch up, letting yourself slide into the molten rock first, the cum hissing as it evaporates in the more than thousand degree heat. Morgan is quick to follow you in, after just watching you step into it and again hums to himself as he feels the impossibly comfortable warmth flow over his body. Last is your shared master, who lies himself down between you two, as you all three cuddle up close to each other, sharing in the lava's heat together.

"I love you, master... Thank you again, Rich. I... You were right. That was the best I've ever had. Of anything. I love you." Morgan almost whispers, the feeling of the magma flowing around him just too good to ignore. "I told you... I love you too, Morgan... And I love you, master... For letting us both join you." You also have trouble speaking at more than a whisper. "I love you both, my beautiful pets... I was alone, but you both have given me a reason to live again... I promise to you... This is just the start of a life of pleasure... Forever." Your master isn't different from you both, exhausted after the lovemaking. You muse for a bit, wondering how it'd look, three dragons just lying next to each other, bathing in the magma's heat... Together. You fall asleep, wondering what other pleasures could possibly bring you close together as lovers.