Caves Hold Treasure, Chapter 4

\*\*Richard's PoV\*\* Right, scan's as done as it's going to be today... Time to head back. You stuff everything into your bag and start walking down the tunnel towards base camp... Let's hope Morgan bought the little lie. It feels horrible to lie to...

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Caves Hold Treasure, Chapter 3

You're rested. That's the first thing that goes through your mind as you wake up. Better rested than you've been in months. You look over to Morgan's sleeping bag. He's still out. Slowly, you move your hand above the sheets, checking if you still look...

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Caves Hold Treasure, Chapter 2

_Wake up, little one._ The word echoes through your mind, as you shoot up. Bed sheets? In a flash, your hands are above the sheets, looking perfectly normal. Not even a tiny flake of obsidian remaining. Nails back to normal. Feeling over your entire...

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Caves Hold Treasure, Chapter 1.

Spelunking was always a fun thing to do. Going alone into a cave where there might never have been a different person, perhaps finding some lost treasure or just the sense of discovery as a whole. You never thought this cave might've held a bigger...

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