Razberry Cheesecake 1 - An auspicious beginning

Story by Kaily Spensor on SoFurry

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#1 of Raspberry Cheesecake

Stories about a pair of brothers who grew up in a repressed little town. The first is about Raz and his first experience with another boy on the freshman football team.

Yanking his shirt off, he threw the sodden mass onto the floor. His shoes followed while he unfastened the clasp on the back of his shorts, then shucked them and his underwear. "Laps! The fucking Bastard called me a Fag and pissed on me! He deserved more than just a black eye! He gets two weeks detention and I have to run fucking laps! Coach could have at least let me change first!" He fumed into the empty changing room. The young rat danced from foot to foot pulling off his socks. He picked up the whole stinking mess and took it into the showers with him.

With jerky motions he spread his soiled clothing out over the floor and turned two of the showers on to rinse the smell out of them. Moving as far away as he could get he turned on a third shower and stepped under the spray.

He reached for the combination body/hair soap in the dispenser the moment his fur was wet enough and started soaping himself. When he rinsed the suds out he could still feel and smell the urine on his fur so he reached for the soap again. No matter how many times he soaped he just didn't feel clean. He actually lost track of the number of soap/rinses he'd done when he felt a hand on his shoulder.

Turning with a yelp he found himself looking into Colby's sky blue eyes. For a moment it was like his heart stopped beating. He couldn't breathe, he couldn't move, he couldn't think. Then Colby leaned in and kissed him full on the mouth. Suddenly his heart was going a mile a minute, all the blood in his body seemed to be heading in the same direction, straight for his sheath. Colby was kissing him! His first kiss!

It was over in a heartbeat and yet it seemed to go on forever and a day!

Without moving far from his lips Colby whispered, "Every hero deserves a reward." His breath tasted as sweet as his lips did and before Raz could do more than twitch his ears he was being kissed again, this time the jaguar's tongue came into play brushing like sandpaper against his lips in the most delicate of requests. He didn't even have to think about it, his lips parted and he let the slightly older boy's tongue into his mouth. An electric shock went through him making his penis come to full hardness and jerk against his belly. His ears perked up at the sound of a soft purr which seemed to be coming from Colby. Then the lean cat was stepping forward pushing Raz into the wall and he went with no protest at all, welcoming the support at his back as his hands found Colby's slender hips and his tail flicked out to curl around the other boys left leg.

The kiss went on and on as the two young boys explored each other's mouths, Raz loved the differences in their teeth, sliding his tongue over the sharp cuspids and testing the points, at the same time Colby explored the flat blunted surface of his incisors. For Razool this was heaven, he'd seen the jaguar boy the first day of school and had been fantasizing about him ever since but he'd never dreamed it could be like this. Another step and Colby's body was pressed to his, the flat planes of their chests brushing with every one of their faster then normal breaths.

It took him a moment to realize what it was that was so warm against his penis, it felt so smooth and sleek like the rest of Colby, then it hit him, that was the jaguar's cock brushing against his! His knees went weak for a moment and only the pressure of Colby's body held him upright against the wall. Somewhere in all the jumbled sensations he was feeling he'd closed his eyes but he didn't need to see to relish the feeling of that throbbing muscle brushing against him.

Colby pulled back again and whispered, "Keep your eyes closed?" just in time to keep Raz from opening them. While Raz waited breathlessly to see what was to come next he licked his lips. All thoughts of what had happened to him vanished as he felt the shift in Colby's body as the other boy knelt down in front of him. Almost he opened his eyes to see if what he was imagining was what the Jaguar was doing but he caught himself at the last moment and rested his head back against the wall.

He wasn't kept in suspense long. Warm breath touched his skin moments before the softness of the cat's lips. Oh god! Colby was kissing the head of his cock! He felt another wave of weakness overtake him and would have fallen to his knees if not for the gentle pressure of Colby's hands on his hips. A few more of those soft kisses and then the warmth of the cat's mouth sliding around the head! He'd never imagined it could feel so good to have his cock in someone else's mouth! It was so intense, so personal, so overwhelming that he had to bite his lower lip to keep from moaning. It took all his willpower to stay quiet, something that he'd had lots of practice with since he shared not only a room but a bed with his younger brother!

Almost as if he knew how hard it was for Raz to be quiet the cat paused, just holding the rat's glans in his mouth for a few moments before he ran that sandpapery tongue over the tip making Raz inhale sharply as his shaft jerked. A familiar heat was building up in Razool, making it hard for him to stay still and let Colby keep doing what he was doing. He wanted so badly to grab those beautiful furry ears and shove his cock deep into that waiting warmth but he wasn't sure how the jaguar would react so he kept his hands at his sides fingers curled into fists and pressed into the tile of the wall behind him. It felt so good he didn't think he could last long.

Colby didn't disappoint him, almost as if he sensed the need to move in his lover he drove his mouth down the throbbing length of that thick pink shaft, swallowing hard to push past his reflexive need to gag, so that he could take as much of Razool's flesh into his maw as possible. Raz started to say something to warn Colby that he was close when his sandpapery tongue curled around the underside of the delectable treat adding a whole symphony of sensations that were the rat's undoing!

Far sooner then he would have liked a strangled "Ahhh!" slid out of the boy's throat as his body overloaded with pleasure and he shot his load into the feline's mouth. Pulse after pulse of boy cum poured from the rat as his body trembled against the wall. For several moments after his balls emptied his cock kept pulsing and twitching but finally it subsided and Raz opened his eyes to look down at Colby. The cat was struggling to handle the flood of cum that came so unexpectedly, swallowing fast but still dribbles of white seeped down from the corners of his mouth around the thick pink of Raz's cock. Both of his beautifully spotted ears were folded back against his head nearly hidden in his black hair as he struggled with the overflow of Razool's sudden orgasm.

Razool had never seen anything so erotic in his life that spotted face, eyes closed struggling to swallow around his cock. It made his breath catch and he reached down to run his fingers over the cat's head. The feel of his hand brought Colby's eyes up to meet his and he smiled down into those sky blue orbs. "That was... Wow!" Still trembling he licked his lips as Colby slowly pulled his mouth away.

Ears perked forward Colby smiled up at him. "Never done that before but it seemed appropriate." Slowly he stood up, licking at the dribbles of cum on his jaw. "You kind of surprised me." He purred softly leaning in to press himself against the still trembling rat.

Raz wrapped his arms around the jaguar's body and hugged him tightly taking a few moments to recover his breath before he chuckled, "You kind of surprised me too. sorry I didn't last longer but that's the first time I've ever... I mean..." He blushed hard enough that his ears felt like they were on fire. A wicked thought occurred to him then and he pushed Colby away gently. "My turn!" He slid out from between the slightly smaller cat's body and the wall pressing Colby back into the position he'd just been in and winked as he started to fall to his knees.

"Wait! That was a reward, if... Oh god, if you suck on my cock it's not the same!" Colby sounded almost like he was trying to convince himself as much as Raz and the rat took full advantage of the situation smiling as he landed on his knees.

"But it's my reward so I should get to pick what it is right? I want to feel your cock in my mouth! I want to suck you till you can't take it anymore and you cum all over my tongue so I can taste you like you tasted me." He didn't let Colby's hands on his shoulders stop him from leaning in and licking from the base of the cat's sheath up over the head. It was rough! Like his tongue, around the head which made Raz shiver in anticipation, he'd loved the way that rough tongue had felt on his cock, now he'd get to see what the rough cock felt like on his tongue!

Colby gave up arguing as any sensible male would when someone said they wanted to suck his penis and let Raz have his way. That first lick was followed by a few more before Razool couldn't wait anymore and wrapped his mouth around the head of Colby's dick. It was so warm and hard in his mouth that he couldn't help himself he started sucking right away, pulling more and more of that thick member into his eager mouth. His eyes closed as he worked his lips down the length of the cat's cock, gagging once before he worked out the trick of swallowing as the head got close to that point in his mouth, then pulling back to start all over again, his lips sliding up the slick skin in a single smooth motion only to start the downward press once more.

He fell into a slow rhythm, loving the firm flesh that was sliding between his lips and along his tongue. He toyed with the rough part of the head every time he pulled back dragging his tongue over it and savoring every little twitch and soft gasp he pulled from the cat. He almost fell into a trance like state, holding Colby's slender hips in his hands as his head bobbed up and down along that hard shaft. Then almost too soon for his liking the cat's hands grabbed his head and held tightly as his cock pulsed like a living being spitting thick rich cream out over his tongue and down his throat. He was taken by surprise as much as Colby had been when he came and lost some of the sweet boy jizz down his chin, but he got to swallow most of it which pleased him no end!

He kept sucking like Colby had while the boy's shaft twitched and jerked in his mouth, savoring every little move it made before he pulled his head back and looked up into his lovers face. As a final teasing touch he ran his tongue around the rough head once more tormenting the little barbs before he pulled his mouth off and licked his lips.

"Now that is what I call a reward!" Slowly he stood up sliding his arms around the lean jaguar and pressing him back into the tiles this time. The pair of them stayed like that for a while just holding onto each other and trading soft little kisses until a sound in the changing room made them jump apart and look back to see if someone was coming in.

Colby got his breath back from the fright first and as he turned on the shower next to Razool he whispered, "We can't do that in here again Razberry, we'll have to figure something out to make sure we can keep seeing each other."

The way Colby said his name had the rat boy's ears perking up. "Raspberry? Where'd you get that?" He grinned a little once more soaping his fur but this time to make sure he got any traces of what he and Colby had just been doing washed out.

Colby actually blushed a little under his fur, his ears turning a darker red and folding back into his hair a little. "Well you look like raspberries to me. The way your eyes and... other things are all pink but your fur is white. It's like raspberries and cream."

Razool looked down at himself and considered the other boys words. His albino coloring had always been a source of discomfort for him in the past, with kids calling him spook and pinky. Seen through Colby's eyes he didn't mind it as much, raspberries were tasty and if Colby thought he looked like something as good as that he'd gladly accept the pet name. That got him to thinking about what he should call the jaguar. "Humm... at least my parents didn't name me after a cheese. What were they thinking? I've heard the guys calling you all kinds of cheeses like Swiss and Jack..." He watched the sadness in Colby's eyes for a moment, then unable to stop himself he stepped in close to the slightly shorter boy and hugged him. "I've always liked cheesecake myself it's so rich and creamy, I'll go out of my way to get some. Think you could live with them calling us Razberry Cheesecake?" He smiled and kissed the other boy before he could respond.

Colby let the kiss linger for a few moments before he pulled away. "You really think I'm rich and creamy?" There was amusement in those sky blue eyes now instead of the sadness that the other names he'd been called brought up so Raz took that as a good sign and nodded, stepping back to rinse the last of the suds from his fur.

Both boys shut the water off at the same time, just as the janitor walked into the showers. "Oh I didn't realize there was anyone still here. You boys should hurry up and head home!" He busied himself collecting the used towels and making sure the soap dispensers were all filled up while the boys grabbed towels and Raz's wet but no longer odorous clothing from the floor and headed for the changing room.

They giggled like the boys they were as they slipped into the changing room, with the janitor showing no signs that he knew what they'd been up to a few minutes before. Tossing the wet clothing onto the floor Colby headed for the janitor's cart and came back with a garbage bag. "Here Razberry you can put your wet stuff in here and wash it when you get home. Did any of it get on your shoes?"

Raz frowned a little and shrugged. "Don't think so that's why I didn't soak them but I suppose washing them won't hurt." He shoved the clothing into the plastic bag unceremoniously then stood up and pulled the towel from his waist to try to rub his fur at least partially dry before he put on his school clothes for the walk home. "I'm still a little pissed at Coach. I mean he just got detention for two weeks. Why didn't Coach throw him off the team or out of school or something! They're supposed to have a zero tolerance for bullying right?" He pulled open his locker and started fishing for his underwear, before he realized that it was in the bundle of soaked clothing and opted to go commando under his jeans.

A strange look crossed Colby's face, "Huh? Raz did you listen to what Coach told him?" He put a hand on the slightly taller rat's shoulder.

A snort followed that question, "I was running laps remember? Fucking punished me for punching Derrick." He yanked his jeans up and looked at Colby a frown coming over his face. "Why? What did I miss?"

"A lot!" Colby broke into a huge grin. "Derrick's in second year, he had a chance at being on the junior team this year. Thing is that Detention happens at the same time as practice, and if you'll remember Coach told us if we missed three practices in a week we were off the team and couldn't try out again till next year. He did throw Derrick off the team Raz. And he wasn't punishing you by making you run, he wanted you to cool off some before you had to face Derrick and his cronies again."

At the dumbfounded look on Razool's face he laughed, reaching for his underwear. "They do have a zero tolerance for bullying, that's what Coach was saying when you were half way around the track. Derrick's friends were all pissed and glaring at you so Coach made them hit the showers and then cleared out the dressing room before you got finished your laps. He let me stay cause I told him we were friends but he made me promise to make sure you didn't go looking for Derrick so he didn't have to toss one of his most promising recruits off the team too." The last was thrown over his shoulder in an off handed way that was calculated to make the rat lose what little composure that he still retained.

The rat's silence prompted Colby to turn to look at him as he tucked his basket into his tight little underwear. "Oh didn't I mention that Coach thinks we'd make a good team, he wants me for QB but he says you'd be a killer Tightend." He ran his eyes down the rat's body slowly then smiled in a slightly different way. "I have to agree with him on that."

Raz's ears burned with embarrassment at the look in Colby's eyes. No one had ever looked at him like that before and it was both pleasing and a little scary. He zipped himself into his jeans, conscious of his every move being watched by the feline, reached for his shirt and fumbled a little with it as he tried to find the right holes. Colby finally looked away to finish getting dressed himself but that didn't change how he felt about being so close to the other boy.

The Janitor chose that moment to come back in from the showers and shoo them off toward home. "Ye get on home now an' no dallying!" Which made both boys jump, then scramble into their remaining clothing, collect their things and head out. Outside the school they were careful how they acted, a simple one armed hug and they parted ways, Colby to the waiting car that was there to pick him up and Raz to start the long walk to the small house his parents owned.

Usually Raz would have ridden the bus but the extra laps the coach assigned him put him too far over time to make it so he settled his athletics bag over one shoulder and his school bag over the other and trudged toward the suburbs. The walk gave him time to think for which he was grateful. How was he ever going to explain to his parents what it felt like to be so different from the other guys? He'd never been interested in girls as anything more than friends, that's why Derrick called him a fag in the first place.

He didn't feel like a fag. Fags were limp wristed girly boys who dropped to their knees any time a guy got close to them, weren't they? He didn't like just anyone, Colby was the only guy who'd ever kissed him, or anything else for that matter. Colby... Now, there was the root of the problem. How on earth would his Dad react if he brought Colby home and said he was seeing him? That'd go over like a lead balloon! He could see it now, his Dad would blow a gasket and his Mom would start talking about eternal sin and his soul. Gah, that would never work. They would never understand, never!

He'd made it to about three blocks from home when the family's minivan rolled up beside him, Roxanna behind the wheel. "Where have you been? Mom's frantic with worry!"

"Coach made me run 10 extra laps and I missed the bus." He opened the back door, shoved his bags onto the floor and clambered in after them. "Today was football tryouts. I told her I'd be late from school." He carefully buckled himself into the bench seat and nodded to his sister. She was only a few years older and had just gotten her license so she was really careful about making sure everyone was buckled in when she drove.

Roxie waited for that nod before she pulled back onto the nearly deserted road. "Well then she must have forgotten 'cause she had the whole house in an uproar looking for you until Rollie told her you likely just walked home. You owe me by the way, she was going to come herself but I talked her into letting me come. You know how her driving gets when she's upset." They were already within sight of the house, a worn down once white two story with toys all over the front lawn. It wasn't that they were in disarray or anything just that with so many people sharing such a small house things had a habit of spilling out into the yard.

"Thanks for coming to get me Sis." He unfastened his belt when she turned the engine off after parking in the driveway. "Is she really bad? God how's Dad handling it? Has he kicked everyone out of th--" He broke off as a tidal wave of kids exploded out the front door, all six of their sibs surrounded the van and clamored for them to get out. With a parting grin for Roxie, Raz opened the side door and slipped out into the throng.

He didn't have to reach back for his stuff, his ever present little brother Rollie got his athletics bag and Jordan struggled to manage his school stuff before Nicole finally took it away from him as he headed for the stairs. Petra was waiting there for him to pick her up bracketed as she always was by the twins. "I hear Mommy's upset; I better go let her know I'm alright, Pest." He gave the smallest of his sisters a hug before he passed her to Alicia, much to Amber's disgruntlement. Then he was through the gauntlet and at the door. He looked back at Roxie for a moment then squared his shoulders took a deep breath and walked through the front door.

Inside the house was eerily quiet, like the calm in the center of a hurricane. Cautiously, he headed for the kitchen, his mother's dominion and the most likely place for her to be if she was having hysterics. On the way past he paused to check out the living room to make sure his father wasn't in his customary place before the television. He stopped in the kitchen doorway and looked around.

The stove had several pots on it all bubbling merrily away, as well as something in the oven. The table looked like someone had started setting it before they just dropped everything in mounds and ran for it, which is likely what happened when his father was roused from his usual torpor. In the corner with the rocking chair he found his patents. Father was in the rocking chair and Mother was on his lap. They looked up as he paused in the doorway and both sets of eyes showed relief. Their reactions were totally different though.

Mother rose from Father's lap and ran to wrap herself around Raz like a protective mother hen with only one chick. Father bellowed "Where have you been? You made your mother cry!"

As always it was father that he addressed his comments to while he hugged and petted his once again weeping mother. "It was football tryout day. I told Mother this morning...maybe she forgot, or just didn't hear me over the usual noise." He had gotten used to being taller than his Mother over the last year but it came as a bit of a surprise to him when his Father had to look up at him.

Father didn't speak much and when he did you paid attention. Mother was usually the talkative one, handling all the daily coordination and running of the household. Father just grunted in response to that respectful reply then arched a brow.

Knowing his parents as he did Raz nodded slightly pushing his Mother back so she could see his face. "I made the freshman team, Mother. Coach says he wants me to play Tightend." He purposefully left out the earlier parts of the evening's tryouts that would have upset his parents, like being pissed on and called a fag as well as what happened in the showers after. "That means I'll be at practice every evening after school until 5 pm. I should be home in time to have dinner with the family then I can get to the shop by 6 pm and work till 8 pm doing the clean up for Uncle Vinni."

At this point Roxie came into the kitchen and headed for the stove sure that Raz had had enough time to calm their parents down so that she could help finish getting dinner on the table. With her arrival Mother snapped out of her weeping fit and busied herself moving briskly around the kitchen and calling out orders to the girls as they came in from the front yard. Dinner was thusly laid out and partaken of in short order then clean up began. Father and the three boys moved to the living room where their chores were decided for the upcoming week.

"So you made the football team, that's good for you Razool. I understand that changes how much time you'll have around the house. Your weekend chores will stay the same, but Roland, that means that you'll be taking out the trash now as well as helping your mother move things about when she's vacuuming and weeding the garden."

Rollie nodded in agreement and bumped his older brother with his elbow. "Sure Father, I can take over where this slacker's letting you down."

"Hummm... my boys are growing up. Jordan, do you think you can take on another chore as well?" Father looked down at his 4 year old son and smiled slightly at the youngsters eager nodding. "Ah good, I was hoping I could trust you to assist in Rollie's weeding tasks. Mother is getting frustrated with how many weeds are growing up in the garden this year and we could use the extra hands."

Jordan's eyes nearly popped out of his head when he was told what his new task could be. The garden, nearly an acre this year, was what fed them most of the summer and fall before the lean winter months set in when food was scarce. "Yes Father!" He nearly squirmed himself right off his spot on the couch while both of his older brothers looked on with amused smiles. The youngster wouldn't be much help but it would make him feel like he was doing more for the family and that was what Father was aiming for.

With the household chores settled it was time for Raz to head out to his evening job. He politely took his leave of Father and the other boys and headed for the door. Luckily Uncle Vinni's garage was just down a half block so he didn't have far to go. He was right on time as usual, collected his broom and started cleaning up the office. Two hours flew by and before he knew it he was finished for the day. Uncle Vinni walked him home, leaving him at the front door with a hearty squeeze on his shoulder.

That night in bed he curled up close to his little brother and welcomed the warmth, it was still a little chilly in the house and the two boys often cuddled together while they waited for sleep to claim them listening to Jordan's soft snores from the upper bunk.

"Raz?" Rollie kept his voice to just above a whisper so that Father and Mother wouldn't overhear and Jordan wouldn't wake up.

"Yeah?" Raz whispered back.

"Roxie said you were in a fight today. What happened?"

Not wanting to worry his younger brother he kept the details as vague as possible. "Oh some jerk called Derrick called me a bad name and you know how Father is about letting people get away with that, so I punched him." He waited for the obvious next question.

"Oh! What did he call you?"

A soft sigh and he hugged his brother tighter. "A fag."

"What's a fag?"

"Hard to explain little bro. It's a kind of guy who likes other guys, you know like to kiss and stuff."

There was a longer pause this time as the younger boy digested that information. "And you punched him? Did you get in trouble?"

This time there was a smile on Raz's lips as he nodded. "Yep hadda run ten laps, but Coach gave Derrick detention and kicked him off the team."

"Good! I don't think I like this Derrick guy, Razzie, he sounds like a... fag!" The boy giggled a little as he said the word that started the whole mess.

"Hey, don't you let Mother or Father catch you saying that! It's a bad word almost as bad as taking the lord's name in vain." He closed his eyes and settled his head a little more firmly on his pillow. "Go to sleep now Rollie."

"Night Razzie."