Sarah and Josh 6

Story by PrettyPanther on SoFurry

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#8 of Sarah and Josh

Wow, so this is pretty different. Hope you guys enjoy this one. Sorry for the long absence btw, school has kinda been mean to this gal. Anyway, I'm back! Enjoy your read! Ps, requests are welcome!

As I drove home, my phone rang. I picked it up and quickly glanced at it, then answered. "Hello?" "Hey Kitty." Josh voiced. "Hi Master." I smiled. Glad to see he's in a good mood. "Just calling to see when you'll be home?" "I'm on my way now, be there in about 5 minutes. Why?" He paused, quick but noticeable. "I have something set up here for you." he answered. I smiled. "Sounds fun." "Oh, it will be." I smiled. "Well I'ma let you go, be there soon. Love you." I blew a kiss to the phone. "Love you." he replied, and we hung up. As I drove, I couldn't help but let my mind wander on what he could have planned. Each idea I had was better than the last and I was more eager to get home.

As I come in, I see Josh sitting in the kitchen waiting. I smile and close the door, removing my shoes. "Welcome back." he greeted. I paused. His tone didn't sound as I expected. I looked and see a box of cookies. Oh yeah. I try to smile. "Thanks. The traffic on the way here was crazy, you should have seen it." "Sit." "Okay." I quickly sit on the chair next to him. "What is this?" he asked, pushing the box of cookies to me. "The box of cookies you gave me.." I replied. "And, what are these?" he asked, opening it and revealing a little less than half the box in there. I looked down. "The rest of the cookies." He nodded. "Didn't I ask you to finish these like a good girl?" he asked. I nodded. "Come on, speak up." he urged. "Yes Master, you did.." He nodded and stood. "Come." I stood with him and we walked into the bedroom. He took the cookies with us. In the bedroom I see a chair with rope on the floor next to it. I look to Josh and he nods to the chair. I sit quietly. "I am the Master. That means you are supposed to listen, correct?" "Yes Master." I look down. "I'm sorry for upsetting you Master.." I mean this. I didn't mean to make him upset. He grabbed the rope and pulled my hands behind the chair, using the rope to tie them, then he spread my legs and tied them under the chair to the same rope from the sides to keep my legs wide. "If Kitty is going to start acting up, then I'm gonna have to teach her a lesson."

He takes two of the cookies and holds them out to me. I eat them and he puts the box down, going in the bathroom as I chew. He comes back and has the vibrator in hand. Taking another cookie, he has me eat that one as well as he lifts my skirt and pulls my panties aside, exposing me. I finished the cookies in my mouth as he spread my lips, pushing the toy inside. I bit my lip, waiting. Instead of turning it on, he simply left it there. Getting another cookie, he fed it to me and again left the room. He returned with my butt plug and a cloth. I ate another cookie he gave me as he pushed his hand under me, pushing the tip of the un-lubed plug inside. "It would go in better if it were wet." I told him. "Who said I wanted it to go in?" he asked, then fed me another cookie before I could respond. Then he took the vibrator out and turned it on low power, shoving it in me and using the rag to prop it further up. I shivered. "You need to listen to your Master more, don't you?" He asked. "Yes Master, I'm sorry." I replied, keeping my voice level for the moment. He nodded and lifted my shirt, grabbing my breast. Only letting a small sound escape, he grabbed it harder and I moaned. Now he lifted my shirt up over my head and pushed it down my arms behind my back, leaving me in my skirt, panties and bra.

Getting on his knees, he gave me another cookie and sucked my breast. I did my best to chew as I moaned. A hand slid down and turned the speed up to medium on the vibrator as he lightly bit my nipple. I was swallowing as he did this and nearly choked as I was caught my surprise. He continued to bite and suck my breast, giving my cookies still, and began to move the vibrator in and out. My breathing picked up as pleasure increased. His lips stopped and, while still moving the toy, used his other hand to twist my nipple. I cried out slightly in pleasure and he bit my neck in return. Instinctively I tried to move into him but couldn't due to the restraints. As the toy continued, I got wetter and began to drip a little. Along with this, the weight of me sitting on my butt plug began to push it further in. It was slowly spreading opening me as it made it way in.

Two more cookies were fed to me as this happened. "Does this all feel good?" he asked. I nodded. He pushed his hand under again and pushed the plug up until it came to the widest part. I tried to shift to get the toy in all the way but Josh kept it just barely out of reach. "Its so big, its stretching me. Please, let it go in." I asked. A grin was all I got in return. Leaving it like this, he moved his hand to the front, using the other to, again, feed me more. Removing the cloth, he turned the toy up to high and pushed it all the way in. I moaned, then tipped my head back as he put his fingers in with the toy. One finger, two. He tried to get the third in. I panted to him. "M-Master, I can only fit so much.." So he removed his fingers- and the toy. Instead he pressed the toy on my clit, still on high power.

I shivered and moaned as feeling instantly shot through me. "Tell me when you're about to cum." he told me. A short nod was all I was able to do as I continued to moan, moving my hips into it slightly. Luckily I was able to move at least that much. Even better that he let me. Still holding it in place, he used his other hand to grab my breast, playing with my nipple some more. "Oh Master, I'm- I'm gonna cum~!" I told him, arching into the toy a little more just before he pulled it away. It took a moment before I realized it was gone. "Master, I'm so close!" I whimpered. He grinned. "Good." he told me, reaching under my wet pussy to shove the butt plug the rest of the way in. I tried to rub against his hand but he moved his hand fast enough to stop me, then bit my neck hard. "Please, give it back." I begged. "Not until you finish." he told me, showing me the rest of the cookies.

He gave me two and I ate them quickly. After I swallowed, he slid his hands behind me and pressed the pressure points on my back, drawing loud moans from me. Below, I was wetting the chair. I tried to ask him to fill me or give the toy back but I couldn't get my voice through the moans. He continued to rub the spots, then lowered and hit the most intense spot on my back. The feeling was so unbearably good, I couldn't help but whine as I moaned. "Master please I can't take this anymore, I need to cum~!" I pleaded. He fed me the last three cookies and rubbed my clit with his fingers. Again I was brought close to my climax, this time much faster. However, just as I was about to cum he removed his hand once more. "But I finished the cookies!" I whined. "Yes you did, but this is punishment for not listening the first time." He then sat on the bed, pulled down his pants, and began to stoke his member.

Watching, I moved my hips desperately trying to find any sort of relief with no avail. "Master, please!" I whined, which only made him harder. I struggled against my restraints but was unable to escape. As he stroked his cock, he grunted in pleasure. This drove me up the wall and I struggled even more to get free. His hand moved faster and I knew he was about to cum. I wanted to badly to do the same, or do that for him, or anything. Cum spewed from the tip of his penis and he tipped his head slightly, a groan escaping as he did. My pussy pulsed, needing so badly for him to fill me with the same cock. He calmed down and wiped the mess up with the cloth he used on me earlier, then stood and left. When he returned, he had a pair of jeans. "When I untie you, you will put these on. And if I see you touch yourself or do anything that will help you cum, you will be punished again, and next time I won't let you out of the chair til you're calmed down." He then untied me and I unwillingly put the jeans on.

Lying on the bed, he pulled me in with him and I curled up to his chest. I pressed into him and bit his chest softly, holding my breast and moaning to him. He only smiled. "You can do that all you want, I'm still not playing with you." I still tried anyway. No amount of kissing, biting, rubbing or groping changed his mind. Next time, I won't think twice about doing what I'm told right away.