Evening Activities

Story by Quillhog on SoFurry

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#2 of WMD

Who's the alpha here? Written 2014.

After class, Don headed back to his dorm and found Ed hard at work. "Are you ready to celebrate?"

His brother looked up from his computer with an annoyed glare. "I've got nothing to celebrate."

The gray rabbit tossed his bag on his bed and himself after it. "What do you mean? You were bouncing around earlier because you finally got accepted to Sydney."

"Yeah. I'm supposed to go over there next week, but I still have classes here."

"So, just drop them." He removed his shoes and stretched his toes.

"I already dropped two, they were electives and didn't matter, but I'm also taking Math for Health Sciences and Language Illogical. If I drop those, they will count against me for Sydney and the next person would get my place. I contacted the instructors and explained the situation. They're both willing to give me everything now, but I still need to cram all the work into one week."

"Wow. Tough break."

"Tough break? If I fail these two classes, I'll be right here, miserable and spending every moment trying to get accepted someplace else."

"What's wrong with doing it right here? It's pretty ace for morph anatomy, since we were, oh, you know, created here."

Another glare threatened to peel his brother's face off. "I don't want to just be a morph doctor. I want to study human anatomy and go beyond just patching people up. I want to solve some of the big problems that we were made to fix. Besides, Sydney is one of the best medical schools in the world. If Melbourne had better morph studies, I would be there, instead." He returned to his work, trying to ignore his brother's phone as it rang.

Don checked the screen to see who it was and saw [The bitch you balled] He looked at Ed, glad his brother couldn't see what he just read, then answered, trying to be quiet, "hello?"

The voice that came through was familiar and so loud it sounded like she was in the room, "Hey, long-ear! What took you so long to answer? You ready to get out tonight?"

He covered the speaker as his brother glared sideways at him. "Um, not tonight. My brother has some important work to do or he'll lose his acceptance to Sydney and I need to help him."

"What's he gotta do?"

"He needs to finish all the work left for two classes before he leaves in a week."

"Oh ... What classes?"

"Some language class and a medical math class. Look, we can hang out next week, but I'm going to be busy this week. This is important." While he was trying to let her down easy, she was yelling to somebody else, then there was an insistent knock on the door.

"Is the world against me tonight?!" Ed screamed in frustration and buried his head under his tablet.

Don got up and walked past his brother. "I'll call you next Sunday, after he leaves." He hung up the phone and opened the door.

"Don't bother," the little Papillon pushed her way into the room, followed by the other five dogs from earlier.

"You're trying to ruin my life, aren't you?" Ed yelled, then started gathering his things and got up.

The husky pushed him back in his seat, "Sit down, Roger."

"I've got work to do. I'm going to the library."

The yellow lab stepped up, "That's why we're here. What language are you taking?"

"Why does it matter to you? I've got a lot to do tonight. Just leave me ..."

Brizzit stuck her nose between them. "Evan here is a great tutor, especially with stubborn students, like you. If it doesn't make sense, he can straighten it out for you. What classes are you working on?"

With three canines in his face and three bigger ones standing in front of the door, he reluctantly relented, "Language Illogical."

Evan smiled and took a chair the wolf handed him to sit down beside the uncertain rabbit, "Ah Linguistics 3701, with Prof Proof."

"It's Dr Cogent."

"Exactly. That was a fun class."

"I haven't had much fun with it."

"You have to quit trying to figure out the words and listen to what he's saying. Let me show you."

"I was working on my math when you barged in."

"Oh. Well, Switch can help you with that."

"Really?" Don looked at the lab like he just suggested fixing a leaky roof with chewing gum, then glanced at the husky that was comparing the colors in his tail to the color of the wall.

Evan smirked, "Hey Switch, why does five plus two equal seven?"

The distracted dog suddenly perked his ears and obediently answered, "Because those are the terms we use to relate the values more easily than," he barked five times and two more. "Can we order some food? I'm hungry."

Ed was backed half on top of his desk with a startled expression on his whole body. "How is that supposed to help me?!"

"Relax, cottontail. You've got Med Math, right? Switch can help with that, too."

The wolf spoke up from the door, "We'll go get you guys something to eat." He opened the door and ushered the other two dogs out. "See you in a bit."

Canines still outnumbered rabbits in the room, but it was a little less crowded. Ed tried again to gather his things, "I'll just find someplace quiet to study. You can hang out here."

Switch grabbed the fleeing rabbit's shoulders from behind and pushed him down into his seat.

Evan leaned on the desk and smiled at Ed, "It would be irresponsible of us to force you out of your own room to study alone in unfamiliar surroundings. Therefore, you are going to stay right here; we are going to help you; and you are not going to just do the work; you are going to learn something."

Ed turned to his brother for support, "Don!?"

The gray rabbit sat down on his bed and smiled, "Sounds like a pretty good deal to me."

The white rabbit groaned and put his head on his desk.

"You can't learn through osmosis. It's been tried for centuries and no one has been successful, yet. Pick up your head and let's dig into this math before Switch finds something to chew on."

The husky looked up from examining the doorknob when he heard his name and came over to investigate.

"Fine." Ed opened his math and shoved it at the Lab. "It's just a bunch of conversion problems I have to work through."

Evan handed the tablet to Switch, who glanced over it, marked three problems and handed it back. Evan smirked at it and gave it back to the rabbit.

"Hey! I spent an hour on those." Ed looked over the marked equations with frustration.

"And they're wrong. How about we spend ten minutes and get them right before you move on?"

Ed groaned, "Alright. Show me what I did wrong."

Evan sat back down with him. "Nope. You're going to tell me what you did wrong, but first, let's look at what you did right."

Brizitt jumped over Don and leaned against the wall, "So, they'll be busy for a while. How about you and I become better acquainted?"

Don looked at her nervously, "What do you mean?"

"Well, first of all ..." She shoved her paw in his pocket and pulled out his phone. "Let's fix this." She poked at it, then leaned close and took a picture of herself and the confused rabbit, ear to ear. She poked some more, then tossed it in his lap as her own phone barked.

Don picked up his phone and found she had filled out all of her information, connected it to her profile on some sites he had joined and included the picture.

As he was looking, she took his phone from his paws again and replaced it with hers, showing his number and the picture. "Your turn."

He looked at her with a smirk, trying to keep up with her, and she gestured to the phone. He filled in everything while she watched over his shoulder, still poking at his phone.

"Windon Lem? I see why you go by Don; the win is already there." she took her phone back and gave him his; a couple seconds later, his phone barked. It showed the picture of them on the screen for an incoming call as she waved hers, then disconnected. "Now you'll know it's me."

"And so will everyone else."

"Is that a problem?"

He looked at her waiting expression and smiled, "Nope. Not at all."

"Good. I'm going to give you a winning fanfare." Her phone played a celebratory tone. "Then I'll know it's my long-ear."


"I don't have any other rabbits in here." She stretched out and put her phone in her pocket.

"WHAT?! You mean I've been doing it wrong the whole time?" Ed was holding his ears down the sides of his head as he looked at his tablet on his desk. "That means everything is wrong!"

Evan chuckled, "Not everything. Your method works most of the time, but in more complex equations, you need to work it all the way through. If you think about it now, it should all make more sense."

The room was silent while they all watched Ed processing the new information. He slowly let go of his ears and they popped back up on his head. He chuckled and sat up, "Yeah. All those exceptions I had memorized aren't really exceptions."

"It helps when you learn the actual math and not just memorize a shortcut of a shortcut." the tutor patted his student on the back.

"Wish I'd known this years ago. It would have made everything so much easier."

"I wish teachers wouldn't assume kids are too young to understand. Just give them the whole truth and let them ask questions."

A knock on the door interrupted their wishing and Switch sprung to open it. Grant held the excited husky back as Rook carried four pizza boxes near the ceiling. Chai followed behind with bags of more food. They set them on Don's desk and started unpacking as Briz jumped off the bed to get some.

"Patience pup, there's plenty." Grant kept Switch by the door. "So, we got an all veggie for you herbivores and they had some fried cauliflower. I hope you eat cheese, 'cause these guys pile it on. The smell of meat doesn't bother you, does it? There's the All-meat, a steak and burger, and a Super Bacon."

"I want the bacon. Baconbaconbaconbaconbacon." The husky squirmed with excitement.

"You'll get it. Just let our hosts have some before you devour everything." He finished his list, "We got a couple dozen bacon wings, an order of the crab puffs that Briz likes and a bunch of juices. We didn't know what you like, so there's even a couple bottles of water in there."

Rook handed a plate of food to Ed.

"Wow. What do we owe you?"

"Don't worry about it. Our treat for barging in on you."

"No, really." the rabbit tried to insist.

"Really," the wolf finished the argument with the husky under his arm squirming anxiously.

Briz came back to the bed with two plates and offered one to Don, "Here's a couple slices of the veggie and some cauliflower for you."

Don smirked and reached past to take her plate.

"Hey! That's ... oooh, okay. Well, let's do this." She traded a few pieces to make the plates mostly even. "I should have expected you to be more progressive. I don't usually like leafers."

The rabbit smiled at her and popped a crab puff in his mouth. The intense new flavor caught him by surprise, but he held back his reaction and smiled as he chewed and swallowed.

When Rook and Chai stepped out of the way, Grant finally let go of the husky. Switch scrambled to the desk, but fell on the floor before he got the few steps there. He pushed himself up and knocked his head on the underside of the desk, then sat on the floor and rubbed it. "That wasn't very nice."

Grant tried not to join in the stifled laughter in the room as he walked over, pulled out a slice of the Super Bacon, and gave it to his friend. The happy husky sat under the desk and enjoyed his piece of pizza, looking up to the wolf for more. After filling a plate for himself, Grant piled three more slices of pizza and a half-dozen wings on a plate and gave it to Switch under the desk.

Chai and Rook sat on Ed's bed while Evan resumed the tutoring and Grant joined Briz and Don. "You two are okay for rabbits."

Don smirked at the wolf, "And you're pretty okay for dogs."

Briz poked him with a chicken bone, "Pretty okay?"

The rabbit pointed to the wolf, "He said it."

She turned her glare to the canine, "Yeah, if he wasn't on your team, this bun could've kicked your ass today."

Grant raised his paws defensively, "I believe it. He's good."

She pointed the chicken bone at him firmly.

"Okay, he's great."

"And from now on, he's mine. I'm not losing like that again." She punctuated with the bone, then stuck it in her mouth and sucked it clean.

Grant laughed and looked at Don, "Well, you're in trouble now. She's the bitch and it shows." The chicken bone hit his nose and he laughed, followed soon by both of the others.

Tutoring continued as they ate through the food and chatted about anything that came to mind, until Don's yawn caught Briz's attention, "Do you have class tomorrow morning?"

He chuckled, "Yeah, Atypical Anatomy."

"Ew." The small dog collected the plates and hopped off the bed. "Alright, everybody out."

Evan looked around Ed's shoulders, "What? We're on a roll here."

"Take it to the library. Don needs his sleep."

The Lab knew better than to argue with her and quickly gathered Ed's things.

"But this is my room, too," the white rabbit started to object, but Rook ushered him out while Switch got the door and Chai quickly cleaned up. Before he knew it, they were walking him out of the dorm.

Grant looked back as the Papillon started to close the door behind him, "Don't keep him up too late. He has class tomorrow." He laughed as she glared and pushed the door shut.

Briz turned around and headed back to the bed. "Alright, you don't sleep in your clothes, do you?" She hopped up on the bed and pulled his shirt up.

Don relented in his surprise, but caught her paws as she started to unbutton his pants. "I can manage it myself."

"Alright, go for it." She sat down at the foot of the bed and leaned against the wall to watch him.

He wondered for a moment what she was doing, but after the warnings from her friends, he decided that it was best not to argue with her. He took his pants off and threw them at the hamper, then smiled at her for approval.

She waved her paw at him, "Well? Get under the covers."

He lifted his hips and pushed the sheets down, then tucked his feet into them and slid down in the bed until they reached her.

The little Papillon hopped to her feet and walked up the bed to stand straddling his hips. "You're going to sleep well tonight, I guarantee it."

He watched as she pulled off her shirt and tossed it on the other bed, then did the same with her shorts and underwear. He was trying to think how to tell her that he couldn't have sex with her because his mother was a firm believer in the Rabbit Rules, but his brain wasn't working. She stepped up to his head and he stared up her copper furred legs to the white fluff between them, his mother screaming in his ears as he wondered what harm it would do to try it just once. She leaned against the wall over his head as she turned sideways, slipped her toes under the sheet and slid down beside him. Feeling her body against his and knowing what she was planning, his body reacted despite his inner objections. She laid her head on his shoulder and brushed her paw through the fur of his chest. He couldn't help his excitement as she slid her thigh up his leg and over his bulging crotch, but it caught in his throat as she bent her leg to catch his tented erection firmly behind her knee. "Um, Brizett, I really can't..."

She put her paw on his nose, "Shh, go to sleep. You have class in the morning."

"I..." He tried to decipher her mixed messages, but she shook his nose and he decided to go with the current, direct command, answering nasally, "Good-night, Briz."

She moved her paw back to his chest and snuggled close. He wrapped his arm around her and sighed, admitting to himself that having her holding him was very comforting and he probably would sleep well, as he drifted off with a smile. His dreams didn't stick, but he slept deep. He was awakened by a sudden weight on his belly and opened his eyes to see the naked Papillon smiling down at him.

"Wake up, sleepy-head. Time to get ready." She drummed on his chest, then slid down his legs, teasing his bunny bits once more. However, she didn't pay any attention to them and hopped off the bed without even a glance. He pushed himself up and watched as she bent over with her tail raised in the air. He could clearly see her canine mound and she waved her hips a bit before she stood up again and shoved his wash bag and a towel against his chest. "It's shower time."

"Oh, I usually just spray off during the week and shower on the weekend." He pointed to a can on his desk.

She looked at the can, then back at him with a disgusted expression, "Not anymore you don't." She pulled on his arm and he swung his legs down to stand up, then she walked over to pick up the can and dropped it in the trash. Turning around to look at him again, a smile grew on her face, then she pointed at his crotch. "You might want to put that away before you go out there, though."

He looked down past the shower stuff he was holding to see his erection sticking out.

"At least cover it with your towel. Now move your tail." She pushed his hip to turn him towards the door and groped his fluffy tail, making him jump and gasp. She giggled and before he could reach the door, she grabbed the base of his tail again.

He fell against the door and his tail twitched in her paw as he lost his load. He pushed himself back and looked down as his bunny seed dripped down the door. "I, uh..."

"Oooh. I'll have to remember that for later. Don't worry about it, I'll clean that up. You go get your shower." She casually grabbed the base of his penis and slid her paw along it, squeezing the last drips onto her fingers, then opened the door and pushed him through. He looked back to see her smile at him as she licked her paw clean and shut the door.

His mind raced, trying to keep up with what just happened as it echoed the Rules. "Let other species waste their seed on infertile ground, but a rabbit life is precious and unused egg or sperm is killing a bunny before it has a chance." His heart started to pound as he thought about his mother's reaction if she knew that he just killed some of her grandchildren. Somebody walked by and he remembered that he was standing naked in the hallway, staring at his door. He fought back his horror and hurried to the shower. As he turned on the water, he remembered that he was wearing underwear when he went to bed...