Rakurá Chronicles- Draconic Desires

Story by Cheetahs on SoFurry

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Dragons are truly wicked creatures where pleasure is involved...

This story is a COMMISSION! If you want your own, personalized story, Click here Support me on Patreon for novel chapters, snippets, and more exclusive content!Sequel to Rakura Chronicles: To Hunt a MateThis is the continuation of a mini series I wrote for Waldesschwinge After saving her mate, Qyr has to tackle another issue: returning her mate to his previous, draconic form. Will she be able to find enough power to do so? And if she does, in how many wicked ways will she enjoy her dearest mate? Read and find out!Liked it? Please consider the following:Fav if you read itVote if you liked itComment if you're feeling awesomeThankies!*** Qyr blinked her eyes open. Grass tickled her nostrils and got inside her eyes as soon as she opened them. She chuffed once, bending the pesky vegetation with one powerful gust of her breath. "Vharyi..." She strained herself to get up. Her paws felt tired and cumbersome, and her wings ached something fiercely. She lifted them in turns and nuzzled the joints to work the blood into the throbbing muscles. She slid up, then down, until her black slits narrowed at the sight of the human resting on the grass next to her. "Vharyias," she whispered gently, nudging him with a forepaw. She had to be  quite gentle. Vharyias looked so small and weak in this form. The human shifted to the side, grumbling a jumbled string of words. Qyr nudged him again. Her warm breath rolled inside his chest, dispersing along his form. Vharyias moaned softly and grabbed around her snout. He was infuriatingly hard to rouse, even back when he was a dragon.  Qyr growled softly. She lowered her snout and poked him harder, sending his frail form tumbling across the grass. She growled her surprise, but he shouted harder. "Gah. What's with the pushing?" "What's with you and sleeping?" Qyr hissed. She lowered on her front legs, tail swishing behind with obvious excitement. "I exhausted myself saving your scaly hide, my mate," Vharyias got up. He scratched and patted his arm, wincing. "Does it hurt?" Qyr asked. "Nothing I cannot handle," Vharyias walked towards her, head bowed. "These years of solitude seem to have sharpened your hunting prowess." Qyr settled on her belly. Although she wanted to play and express her excitement through more physical means, the body of a human had its limits. The way Vharyias rubbed and winced after a gentle shove proved that. So Qyr decided to be even softer on him. She inched her snout forward, allowing her mate to embrace her. She inhaled his strange scent through her nostrils, rubbing herself softly against his tiny form. "I have been distracted with my tasks since you vanished. Life just...hasn't been the same, Vharyias," Qyr sighed, her warm breath ruffling the human's hair. "I'm here now," he scratched between her hard scales encouragingly. "In spirit, not in body," Qyr pulled back. "The frail shell I see before my eyes holds no semblance to the dragon I mated." "Living in it is even harder...But I don't want to get into this," Vharyias shook his head. His hands slid around Qyr's nostrils. His touch was soft and delicate, and his smile honest and radiant. "I'll find a way to change back." "No. We will. Together," Qyr pushed her tongue out and licked him affectionately. Vharyias laughed as saliva washed across his whole body. Qyr treated him with a few more licks, then lifted a wing, inviting him under her warm belly. Vharyias kissed her between the nostrils and snuggled happily under her belly. Qyr pushed him closer with a forepaw. She liked to have him within reach, and so did Vharyias. They talked, rubbed, and comforted each other. Talk of the past filled the time between grooming. Qyr was quite thorough where that was concerned. She slid her tongue all the way from the tips of her forepaws to the glistening end of her tail. Vharyias stood aside and watched. He made the occasional witty comment, though his eyes constantly fell upon her tail. Qyr knew what he sought. She made sure to lift a leg or turn her tail away every so often to reveal a glimpse of her gender. Vharyias licked his lips at that. He might have been a human now, but his crave and desire remained just the same. He wanted Qyr.  Probably just as much as she wanted him. Qyr felt the tingles of lust spread across her scales once her tongue found its way near her folds. They were wet and puffy, despite  the absence of a male dragon's scent to arouse them. She contracted her muscles, licked once to clean the dust particles latched onto her flesh, then followed her tail all the way to its tip. "I'm done," Qyr slapped her tail on the ground. "It was quite a brief session. Are you sure you haven't missed a spot?" "Quite sure, my mate," Qyr empathized that last word with an enticing lick across the fingers of a hind paw. "Lower." Qyr's throat burst with an amused growl. "I knew you wanted me!" "How can I not?" Vharyias approached, picking one of her claws between his arms. "You are strikingly beautiful. Every part of you is." "Vharyi..." He grabbed around her claw, then bowed and kissed it. "I wish I had the means to show how much you truly mean to me." It was one thing for Vharyias to get emotional, but now his crave transferred to her as well. Qyr pushed him with her tail towards her chest, then grabbed him inside a forepaw. Her wings beat down, launching her in the air before Vharyias had any chance at speaking further words. Qyr knew StarShard well. In order to transform her mate back into his original form, she needed a nexus of power- an area that either had latent energies available, or amplified a Guardian's already formidable powers. CrystalSong cave was such a place. The living crystals were connected to the land itself, and with a burst of energy, they could summon enough power to shape Vharyias back into a dragon. Qyr flew like an arrow towards the mountain range. Her wings sailed upon the wind like living embers, and her scales shone under the morning sun's intense light. The warmth energized her, and Qyr had enough strength to fly for half a day. The forest under her grew denser and bigger, until proud fir trees replaced the sensitive vegetation of the plains. Qyr angled herself towards the chipped peak of a mountain. She soared over rocks, and between tight valleys, until she finally landed on top of a barren plateau. "Almost there," she released Vharyias from her clutch, though not before applying a quick lick to his face. "You're spoiling me," he wiped the saliva off and stretched his half numb limbs. "I'm loving you," Qyr too stretched her own legs and neck.  "And I will see my affection repaid in kind once this little body of yours grows scales." Vharyias laughed and ran ahead, barely containing his excitement. Qyr quickly caught up with him. She tucked her wings close and entered head first into the cave. The narrow walls pressed and scraped against her wings, paws, and scales. Qyr didn't favor the confines of the earth, but she bit back her displeasure and crawled forward into the darkness. It only took a dozen steps for the cavern to expand. Qyr stretched her wings, shaking the numbness from her muscles. "It looks more charming than I realized," Vharyias observed. "You can say that again," Qyr touched a nearby crystal with a claw tip. It hummed softly, flaring with sun-like brilliance. Qyr turned her head away, growling. "It reacted?" Vharyias asked. Qyr blinked the tears forming inside her eyes. "Strongly so. We are definitely in the right place."  The two of them walked through the winding tunnels until they reached the heart of the cave. Crystals grew everywhere around the circular chamber. Qyr had to be quite careful with her steps. Even the faintest touch sent the crystals bristling with energy. She stopped when the clusters became too dense and made herself smaller. She tucked her wings close to her body, and curled her tail around her paws. "Are we stopping?" Vharyias looked back. "I am," Qyr said with a tinge of regret. "I can't risk all these crystals flaring up before I imbue them with my energy." "So...I'll go alone then?" Vharyias looked ahead. "Just for a bit," Qyr nudged his back with the tip of her snout. "Go now. Don't keep me waiting." Vharyias did as instructed. He walked towards the nest of crystals and stopped once Qyr growled her confirmation. Once he took the proper position, Qyr delved inside herself and unleashed her brilliance in a rush of heat and blinding light. A light hum spread throughout the cave. The crystals sang and lit up. Heat built inside the stone. The song became sharper and lighter as the air around Qyr warmed up. "It's getting hot." "Focus on your natural form, Vharyi. Pay no mind to your surroundings." "It's a bit hard with--Ackhhh!" That was no longer a yelp, but a moan of pain. "Focus!" Qyr hissed. She directed her energies around Vharyias. She felt the whole cave through the crystals, and their light became her own. She wrapped it around Vharyias, shaping it into the form of a dragon. The process was quick and ruthless. Humans were not meant to withstand these temperatures. Vharyias' screams made that obvious. Qyr pressed her jaws shut and focused. She could not allow his pain to become hers too. The fire cleansed and purified. It did not burn. It did not hurt. She told herself the same words in her mind over and over as she burned away Vharyias' old shell. His arms became forepaws, and his legs stretched and thickened until they acquired a dragon's trained physique. His spine popped and stretched, forming his tail and giving shape to a proud and elongated neck. The wings came after, and the small details like horns and spikes followed. Qyr focused extensively on those. She had to get everything right. A mistake could mean an extra toe, or brittle claws. She scratched the ground to clear her apprehension. Fear was useless, a dark burden paling in comparison to the light. Qyr allowed the song of the crystals to fill her. Warmth rippled across her scales, and with a mighty roar she shattered the veil of fear. The stone grumbled and rattled under her paws. The singing stopped, and the light dulled around her. Qyr opened her eyes. They felt heavy, just like her paws. Still, she crawled forward, blinking away the bright stars shadowing her vision. "Vharyi?" No answer came. Soon, colored dots filled her eyes, and the tiredness became too heavy to bear. Qyr collapsed, surrendering herself to the tide of exhaustion. She woke up sometime later. The passing of time never made sense without the sun above her. Qyr rubbed her nostrils on a paw and lifted her head. A different scent mixed with the cave's earthly tinge. A scent she had longed for. She turned her head around, bumping into something warm and soft. Qyr growled softly. Her tongue rushed out, catching Vharyias' natural scent along its moistened tip. Qyr growled excitedly and nuzzled into him. She slid across his wing membrane until she met his neck. It was long and strong, unlike the previous stump that held his human head together. "Vharyias?" Qyr licked him softly. "Are you awake, my mate?" Only the steady rhythm of his breathing provided an answer. Qyr tapped her tail on a crystal, illuminating her surroundings. As expected, Vharyias regained his dragon body. He curled protectively against her, head propped on top of one of her forepaw. Qyr's heart beat quicker at the sight of her beloved. She pressed her snout against his, feeling his warm breath upon her smpit. Oh, how she missed his warmth. Qyr rubbed her nostrils against his, then dashed a few affectionate licks along his brow. "I'll let you rest then." She draped a protective wing over her mate. Transformations like these took a heavy toll. She could only imagine how Vharyias felt after his whole body was broken down and reshaped. Qyr placed her head between two spikes protruding from his neck. She stared at them, blinking, until impatience got the better of her. She wanted to sniff and taste her mate, not simply use him as a bed of warm scales. So Qyr lowered her head, starting from his very tip. She nuzzled along his cheek and rubbed her horns against his. They looked strong. Healthy. Just like his scales. Qyr licked them with a long stroke of her tongue and descended along a forepaw. The muscles underneath felt hard and resilient, a trait well known well to his claws. Qyr flipped his paw over and sniffed into it, grazing the tips of his claws with her teeth. They felt perfect, just like she expected from a dragon such as her mate. She continued her trek along his side, sliding under the warm membrane of his proud wing. Vharyias' meaty flank came next. It was licked and rubbed promptly, just like his tail. Qyr slid carefully along its shape. It curled around the male's body, so Qyr had to shift her position to reach his other side. She froze once she did that. The scent that entered her nostrils was strong and daring unlike the one she smelled before. Qyr licked her nose and pushed Vharyias' flank away, licking the scent right at the source.  Her tongue dipped inside his slit. It was wet, warm, and filled with fertile scents. The muscles shivered in her wake, squeezing her tongue gently. Qyr pressed forward until she met his member, then retreated with a wet slurp. She swallowed quickly, before she lost control. The musk of a fertile male heated her blood and made her crave for more than just a brief lick. "I'll taste you again after you wake up," Qyr whimpered softly and placed her head on top of her mate's. She extinguished the crystal, closed her eyes, and tried to calm her twitching jaw. Vharyias' taste was still fresh upon her tongue. She curled her tail tighter around her quivering slit and forced her thoughts to wander away from blissful copulation. The next time she woke up, Qyr had a wet tongue lodged between her nether lips. It entered quite deep, stimulating her with a surge of heated delight. Her toes curled with a wild rush of pleasure. A growl left her throat even before her senses fully awoke. The tongue retreated, then entered again, deeper. Qyr clawed at the air. Her body responded to the stimulation. Her spine stretched, her wings flared, and her limbs tensed under the burst of pleasure. "Vha-Vharyi," she managed to cough a reply between growls of sheer lust. The male looked at her briefly before dipping his tongue back inside her. He brushed rudely past her shivering walls, filling her with his fleshy, muscular tongue. Qyr remained frozen with pleasure, watching her mate slurp away the fluids from her oozing slit. Vharyias took a lick, then another, until his dripping snout retreated. He washed his tongue over his twitching lips, then snarled his lust. His whole frame shook with weakness and desire. That allowed Qyr an upper edge. She scrambled on her paws and pushed herself into her mate. Vharyias fell on the side like a helpless hatchling. His eyes were unfocused, and his tongue kept lolling between his maw with every breath. Qyr knew why when a presence poked her leg. His member was out in force, already wet from the intense arousal. "Vharyias," she called once. No answer. "My mate.  Can you hear me?" she approached, licking her own fluids from his lips. "Can you even understand my words?" He latched onto her jaw, licking and nibbling with wild abandon. His member thrust against her leg, rubbing against anything it found. "We can't mate here," Qyr stumbled back a few steps. "This place is pure. Untainted. If even a drop of your seed touches one of these crystals..." She didn't know what would happen. A dragon's essence carried hidden strength. Maybe the crystals would crack. Or maybe they would just absorb the energies and glow for days on end. Qyr wasn't about to test which theory was correct. She crawled back to her mate and licked his snout a few more times. Maybe her saliva would- Vharyias growled. His paws lashed out, grabbing onto hers. With a push, he sent Qyr on her back, then mounted her, thrusting with sheer abandon. "Grrr," her throat rumbled with both excitement and annoyance. "We. Can't. Mate here!" Qyr hissed again. Vharyias had no regards for rules. He pressed his wet member hard between her toes, yowling out his bliss. Qyr squeezed it, then used Vharyias' throbbing weakness to push him over. He fell.. Qyr turned around and wrapped her tongue around his member. The organ throbbed hard within her embrace. All it took was one touch, and Vharyias already started spilling his lust.

Qyr licked the oozing precum and squeezed him tighter. Vharyias responded with a wild, lust filled roar that delighted Qyr's senses. She took him inside her maw, tasting more of his length until the tip of her snout pressed against his slit. It was rock hard, just like his cock. Qyr squeezed, then tugged it towards her throat. Her mate's reaction was immediate. He thrust, hardening himself with a long, lust filled growl. He was about to spill, and Qyr knew it. She uncoiled her tongue and slurped greedily around his tip. The stimulation sent Vharyias over the edge. His seed burst in a long, ruthless stream. Qyr pushed it back with her tongue, but even that could not stop the powerful eruption. The splashing seed drove straight into her throat, forcing the dragoness to swallow the whole creamy load. Vharyias tensed and throbbed, unloading his essence with terse spurts. Qyr slurped them quickly. She lapped the seed right from the very tip, but that posed certain problems. The rush caused the member to swung upwards, slamming right into the sharp tips of her teeth. Qyr rolled her tongue around it. She missed the warmth of male essence splashing onto her tongue, but it was for the better. With the tip directed right at her throat, she swallowed the rest without spilling a drop. Vharyias unleashed a long, tired growl and collapsed on his back. Everything went limp. His paws, his wings, and now his member. Qyr released the sensitive organ from her maw. She gave it a couple more licks until it retreated back inside the slit, then cleaned her lips with a messy tongue swipe. "I'm-I'm sorry," a soft moan came. A paw wrapped around her wrist. Qyr looked upon her mate. He panted heftily, dashing his tongue between her claws every so often. "Why are you apologizing?" He looked into her eyes. "I tried to mate you. Without your accord." Qyr pressed herself against his chest, forcing a growl out of the male's throat. "You are ridiculous." "I'm not," Vharyias licked her brow adoringly. "I lost control." "It happens. No harm done," Qyr licked him back. She slid her tongue inside his maw, where it was welcomed by warm flesh and even warmer saliva. "Your scent was so intense..." Vharyias said while he tasted and pushed her tongue around. "And your seed so tasty," Qyr smacked her lips shut. Vharyias tried to get a taste, but a forepaw promptly sealed his maw. "I'm not sharing that, my mate. That part of you is for my tongue only." Vharyias tugged once, twice, then pushed his tail between Qyr's legs. The dragoness suckled in a sharp breath and tensed with raw pleasure. Vharyias used the opportunity to shove her paw away and kiss her rather passionately. "Grr," Qyr growled. "It's my seed." "That entered my maw," Qyr pressed. Her mate retreated from the challenge. "Fair point. I can always taste myself, you know." "Do that," Qyr rumbled with amusement. "Or I can let you take me if you can stand on your paws." She had quite a good time watching her mate's silly attempts to get up. His muscles were still weak and unresponsive until his mind and body reached a balance. Vharyias stumbled and fell. The only way to get out of the cave was to crawl. Qyr walked ahead, teasing him with the tip of her tail. If Vharyias caught it between his teeth, she was his. But that never happened. Qyr was much too agile, and her mate too distracted by the scent wafting out of her squelching slit.  "You are wet! And by that I mean completely soaked." Vharyias observed as they left the gloom shade of the cave. "Anything else you want to add?" Qyr lifted her tail above her shivering cunt. "Doesn't the dripping answer your question, dear mate of mine?" "I can't hear it over your greedy huffs," Qyr flashed a toothy smile. She was leaking quite a lot. Gooey drops fled her lips, splashing onto the ground below.  "My challenge still stands. Catch my tail, and you get to lick every damp patch from my scales." Vharyias growled with lust. He stared at the prize nestled between her legs, then dropped his head on the ground. "I give up." "So soon?" Qyr rounded him, poking a wing here and a paw there. "I can't even walk properly!" Vharyias complained. "That is a bit of a bind." "A bit?" he hissed. "You should see how it feels with your-" Vharyias suddenly clamped his jaws shut. "Your what?" Qyr poked around his belly. "Is it out?" "I'm not telling," the male shielded himself with his wings.

Qyr shoved it away with one of her own wings, then pushed him on the side. A speck of indigo flesh protruded from Vharyias' meaty slit. It was covered with debris, thanks to all that crawling. Qyr sneaked her tongue out to clean it. "Stupid," she said between licks. "Why didn't you tell me?" "Because it makes no difference," Vharyias mewled, tensing hard when her tongue slid along his hard flesh. "Your scent makesss... Makes me hard. All the time." "You just released," Qyr said. The throbs and the hardening flesh of the member spoke otherwise. She cleaned it before it got fully hard, then nuzzled the length of her mate's neck. "I want it as much as you do, my mate," Qyr said between licks. "To feel your seed splashing inside my womb will be the greatest joy." Vharyias drew back, moaning softly. "Then why can't we mate?" "Because I want you to walk and fly first. Copulation is the greatest motivation." She wasn't sure if she could keep that promise. Her own instincts scratched at her mind. Qyr had to keep her focus up at all times, least she lost it, just like Vharyias did inside the cave. She shook the distraction from her horned head and grabbed onto one of Vharyias' emerald legs. "Lets try to get these beautiful paws of yours working now." Vharyias grabbed onto one of her horns. "After I release," he said, launching two long licks along her head. "Can't you keep your seed-" "No," the male shook his head. "I can barely focus as it is. My instincts are still rampant after the transformation, and all I can think about is..." "Mating me," Qyr wrapped her tail around his, making the male release a long hiss of delight. He was so close to the edge. She could feel the tension in his muscles. The heat in his breath. The longing between every stroke of his tongue. "What if I let you lick me?" "Now?" Vharyias asked, hopeful. "After we work on your paws and wings," Qyr said. "It won't take long, and the reward will be well worth the effort." Vharyias never had a head for arguments or debates. He dropped his head and submitted with a soft, needy whimper. Qyr kept her promise. She used her heated tail to stimulate the muscles of his paws, and after many failed attempts Vharyias finally stood on his own. His wings still drooped to the sides rather uselessly, and his member was stiffer than his tail, yet progress was made. Both dragons agreed to solve those problems later. They descended the plateau through a narrow pass, emerging into the pine forest. Vharyias was delighted by the surrounding life. The gentle breeze and the chirping of the birds flying from one branch to another distracted his thoughts long enough to allow his member safe retreat inside his slit. Qyr smiled at that. Her own arousal decreased, allowing her thoughts to focus on something else than mating. She put Vharyias through quite a laborious chase. They slid between trees, ran through verdant clearings, and made a few brief stops in between. She nuzzled each of his muscles during these breaks, pointing out positions and running techniques. Vharyias learned a lot quicker than a hatchling, and made for quite the prey too. Qyr announced her playful intentions with a growl, and Vharyias answered. The two dragons leaped at each other, ran, and scuffled until the sun bled in the sky. That was their cue to stop. Qyr found shelter at the foot of a mountain. A rocky ledge was draped above them, shielding the dragons from the chilly wind blowing from the west. Vharyias snuggled happily under Qyr's wing, licking her neck with appreciation. "My paws feel a lot more steady, all thanks to you." "Me?" Qyr smiled. "I didn't drag you by the tail, my mate. You put in all the effort." "Only because you encouraged me," he sneakily descended towards her chest. "You want something," Qyr stated. Vharyias tail curled around hers. "Am I that obvious?" "I know every scale on your body, Vharyias. Tell me, or I will snatch that answer out of this cute maw of yours." Vharyias eagerly welcomed the upcoming licks. He opened his maw to speak. No words came out. Only a long, lust filled growl. "I was thinking about that reward." Qyr cocked her head. She should have expected that from a male. She squeezed her mind for possible replies, but all she had was a somewhat convenient excuse. "Tasting my scent will only disturb your rest," Qyr pressed her protective wing tighter against her mate, making her intention to sleep known. "I do trust you. I just...I just want you." Vharyias allowed no room for reply. He immediately put his charm to work, touching wherever Qyr was most receptive. Her neck fell under his assault first. His massage was so hot and relaxing that she dropped straight on the ground. Then, Vharyias fell upon her wings, licking the joints and cleaning the membrane with broad licks. Warmth filled Qyr. Her wings shivered under the waves of stimulation, and her claws dug their tips into the ground. Rational thoughts fled her mind, replaced with a pressing, burning desire. She missed Vharyias too much too deny him. Her body acknowledged that, even if her mind remained ever so stubborn. After the next breath she took, Qyr shifted on the side, wing lifted, slit completely exposed to the warm touch of her mate. She could deny her instincts no longer. Not with a fertile male snuggled right into her. Vharyias blinked once. His nostrils flared, sucking the scents right from the very air. He looked at Qyr, then at her slit, suddenly undecided. Qyr grabbed his attention with her tail. It wrapped around one of his hind legs, squeezing in rhythm with her contracting lips. "Do it. Take me." Vharyias clacked his maw with an acknowledging growl and crouched, paws trembling with eagerness. He licked at the air, swishing his tongue this way and that before he finally found Qyr's awaiting slit. The dragoness gripped him with three of her paws. Her fourth raked the ground, drawing three separate gashes into the soil. A long moan left her throat, interrupted by the hungry slurps of her mate. Vharyias ate her like he's been starving for months. He circled her slit, cleaning every trace of moisture. When her scales held no more fluids, he delved deeper into her flesh, pushing that muscular tongue all the way inside Qyr's tightening muscles. The dragoness grabbed hard onto the flesh that slithered inside her. It felt so good to feel something scratch away her lust after all these years. She tugged on the tongue, urging it deeper. Vharyias pressed his snout harder against her vent. Wet noises escaped as his warm breath met Qyr's spurting essence. The male savored the lubrication thoroughly. The taste of her rich pheromones and their intense scent were a feast for the senses. Placing both forepaws on Qyr's belly, Vharyias untangled his tongue and started licking in his earnest. Qyr could not handle his frenzied licks for long. His long tongue went in and out quicker than anything she expected. Its firm length scratched her sensitive lips, while the pressure forced her muscles to contract harder and faster. Each squeeze sent Qyr closer to her climax, until the heat rushed right out of her flooded sanctuary. She announced her climax with a hard beat of her wings and a shattering roar. Her tail stretched so hard it hurt, and Qyr couldn't help but expel a breath of blazing light from her maw. The beam of energy vanished into thin air, leaving only the smoldering heat behind. It was intense and wild. Its clutch smothered Qyr, at least until she expelled part of its burden through her fluid drenched pussy. The dragoness choked on her own roar as her essence fell upon her mate's snout. Vharyias licked even quicker, determined to catch every bit of ooze onto his hungry tongue. Qyr spasmed quicker and harder each time he rubbed and suckled on her flesh. Bursts of watery essence left her walls, each stronger than the last. The dragoness squeezed her eyes shut and bathed in the intense heat that claimed her. She milked out everything she had, until her muscles stung and ached. Vharyias cleaned the last remnants of her heat, then turned upon his member. It glistened with a wet sheen. Qyr noticed beads of clear fluid escaping the tip with every throb, but she was too tired to care. The afterglow washed over her like a curtain of soothing rain, calming the fire that previously consumed her being. She lowered her wings back on the ground, curled her tail around the first paw she encountered, and exhaled a long, drawn out breath. Vharyias looked away from his own needy member. The organ bounced against his belly, making the male hiss softly. "Can I mate you now?" he asked with a paw placed on Qyr's flank. "Let me clean you first, and then we will talk," the dragoness said. Vharyias shook his head. He was much too aroused to care for requests. He dipped his head back under her wing and inhaled another dose of her heat. Qyr grabbed him by one of his horns and slammed his snout against hers. "Grooming always comes first, mate," she licked her own fluids from his scales with a long swipe of her tongue, then pressed her tail tip against the base of his slit. Vharyias growled at first. Pressure alone was not enough to release his seed, and Qyr knew it. She sent a spike of energy along her tail, heating her conducting tip in a flash. Vharyias' growl turned into an instant roar. His muscles tightened hard, and his member shot upwards. Qyr pressed into his rock hard muscles, heating her tail warmer than her own flesh. For a male, this amount of heat pressed against such a sensitive part of their body could have unforeseen consequences. With Vharyias, that meant an instant climax. His arousal and the sudden surge of stimulation worked together to release his seed in a single, bursting throb. The male bit onto the first thing he encountered, unable to handle the overwhelming pleasure. A tide of fertile semen washed across Qyr's belly, drowning her scales with warm goo. The first spurt was the longest. Then, shorter squirts followed, pelting her dripping scales with fresh reserves of milky draconic seed. Qyr pushed her head into the line of fire. She liked the warmth of her mate's seed, but she favored its scent a lot more. She got a load inside her nostrils, then inside her maw as her tongue rushed out to greet the oozing cock. Qyr lapped the spurting seed, savoring every drop until her mate pulled back with a short whimper. He couldn't do so without falling. Qyr removed her head, avoiding the crashing weight of a full grown dragon. "That felt so...grrhhh. So intense," Vharyias said. His jaw trembled with fading lust, as did every part of his body. Qyr smiled. She was quite tempted to express her affection in a physical manner, but seeing her mate huffing like an exhausted beast enticed her, especially after he spent himself so quickly. "I had time to experiment during your absence," Qyr licked a few drops of seed from her snout. "That is how you pleasured yourself?" Vharyias whimpered. "From time to time, among other things" She said, rubbing the tip around her mate's chin. Vharyias licked it once, then pawed at it, sending it from one paw to the other. "We have to try it again. It felt so wild. So..." he licked his muzzle, unable to find the proper word. "I'll do it again if you like." "No," Vharyias looked at her. "The next time I release, it will be inside you." "We'll see about that," she slapped his snout with her tail, then rolled on her back to imitate his posture. Both dragons relaxed from their orgasms, playing with their paws and tails until the sun set. Once darkness claimed the sky, they cuddled and fell asleep to warm licks and gentle nuzzles. Qyr woke up several times during the night. Most of the reasons were her own. One time she had to relieve herself. She padded to a tree and made her water, then promptly returned into the embrace of her mate. Right after that, another urge claimed her. As much as she tried to, she couldn't ignore it. Qyr heated her tail, using it to bring a quick and decisive climax upon her sweltering lips. With her lust temporary settled, she believed she had the whole night ahead of her. Wrong. The next time she opened her eyes, she found herself with a male pressed on top of her and his member poking just past the entrance of her slit. Qyr pushed her needy male away and scrambled onto her paws. Vharyias was not only confused, but hurt. It took a dozen licks, several wing rubs, and another heated climax to buy his forgiveness. Qyr calmly told him he had to exercise his wings before inseminating her. Vharyias snarled a bit and growled some more before finally understanding the wisdom in Qyr's words. The greatest efforts bred the greatest rewards. And like she said before, insemination was the ultimate motivation for any male, dragon or not. When dawn broke, Qyr took her mate on his first flying lesson since he shed his old human body. They practiced leaps and jumps first.  Once Vharyias proved he could jump higher than a lazy feline, Qyr moved under one wing at a time and pressed her snout against his muscles. Vharyias quickly learned how and when to flex them. He flapped one wing, then the other, until they finally beat in unison. Qyr was quite proud of her achievement. She rewarded her mate with many loving licks and a teasing promise of impregnation. Vharyias immediately became tense at that thought. He talked about the next lesson and taking shortcuts. Qyr disapproved of his rush and slapped his rump every time he even thought of mating. By the time he was ready to fly, Vharyias encompassed every shade of excitement. He tried to seduce Qyr, then pleaded for her accord to mate, and finally tried to pleasure himself. She allowed him none of that by flying high into the sky. Vharyias had only once choice left. To follow and chase his desires, or remain on the ground and delight himself with a temporary relief. He chose to follow, just as Qyr expected. She rounded him and kept a critical eye for every mistake in his flying technique. Contrary to what she believed, Vharyias was more skilled in the air. He knew which currents to seek, and his sleek body allowed him to perform the basic maneuvers without a hassle. The two dragons danced and chased each other in the skies for the better part of the day. Flying was a real joy, especially with a mate to tease and play around with. Qyr put her mate through all sorts of challenges. At first they tested their endurance, flying in circles until one of them gave up. After a brief rest, they tested speed. Finally, Qyr came up with something a lot more exciting. A game of pleasure and skill, as she named it. Whoever got the other aroused first won the game. Vharyias was good, but Qyr was brilliant. She made use of her every asset to entice her mate. A paw rubbing along a flank, a tail sliding between his legs. They all worked together to force his member out of his slit, while Vharyias barely managed to get close to even one of her claw tips. "This is irritating," the male growled, looking at his dangling member between each beat of his wings. Qyr swerved into him, managing a short lick across his head. Vharyias enjoyed it, even if he had trouble showing his appreciation between bared teeth. "Fly to that clearing. I have something enticing planned for you." "If it involves another challenge, I'll-" "You will like this one. Trust me." Qyr dropped on her back as soon as they landed. Vharyias eagerly mounted her. He licked her neck, kissed her snout, and lowered himself upon her. His paws trembled with excitement, just like his wings. Qyr almost hated what she had to say next. "The tailhole, Vharyi," she said, pushing his member away with a hind paw. The male snapped at her, fangs bared. Qyr returned the favor with a full blown roar that sent Vharyias shying away with a startled yelp. He was displeased, and for good reason. That mating had been in his mind since he became a dragon. If only he knew Qyr harbored the same thoughts. She didn't intend to annoy him, just get him excited enough so that the final mating would be the best one of his life. She couldn't tell Vharyias that, so she paid with the only currency she had: herself. Vharyias demanded nothing short of licks, and Qyr offered him plenty. She kissed and licked every part of him, paws included. Then, she splayed on her back, allowing his tongue to taste her once more. Vharyias licked her quickly and relentlessly. He became so aroused, that Qyr had to push him back again. Unlike before, he jumped on top of her, lips twitching with the intention to breed. Qyr directed his member towards her tailhole and allowed the male to do what any male wanted. To thrust. Vharyias sunk inside her with a whimpering growl. He was hard and big, much larger than Qyr expected. She clamped her maw shut against the pain and allowed him to mate her. He tested her hole with a long thrust, then pulled back, snapping and biting at the air. He liked it a lot. After a hard throb, Vharyias thrust inside once more. He pushed in and out, rubbing her dry walls with uncomfortable thrusts until his member oozed a spurt of lubrication. Once fluid wet her muscles, Qyr found the mating a lot more agreeable. She gripped her mate with all her paws and pushed back into him. Their bellies slapped together, and their wings flapped with excitement. The dragons bit, nipped and licked at each other, growling out their lust every few thrusts. It was a passionate and wild coupling that sent both of their orgasms peaking quicker than any of them expected. Vharyias broke loose first. His warm seed shot deep into Qyr's tight muscles, unleashing her own climactic ascent. She tightened all over. Wings stretched, paws curled their claws, and her tail slapped the ground as her heat squirted out into the open. Vharyias loved feeling her heat squirt against his slit. He pushed in as deep as he could, spurred by the instinct to mate. He unloaded hard, crying out his bliss through repeated roars. Qyr milked him quickly and efficiently, squeezing his cock with every motion. He was so deep, that every single spasm felt like fire inside her sensitive tunnel. The dragons tapered off with long growls and even longer licks. Their snouts were as wet as their genders once they were finished. Vharyias dismounted, allowing a flood of seed to trickle down Qyr's pale scales. The dragoness looked at her leaking hole, then at Vharyias. The male bowed his head in acknowledgement and rushed to plug her leak. His tongue felt delightfully silky. The way it slid around and inside her made Qyr growl with intense pleasure. Sweet words escaped her maw between breaths, and after each compliment, Vharyias slid deeper, until Qyr melted into another orgasm. "Can I mate you now?" Vharyias asked. He stood on top of her, like they mated haven't mated at all. "Soon," Qyr licked his lips. Every drop of fluid was gone, swallowed by the devious tongue hiding beneath his soft emerald scales. "What do you plan now, my mate?" "A final lesson," Qyr answered. Varyias remained silent. That word probably annoyed him, even if he showed no signs of it. Licks kept him too busy, and soon enough he was too tired to even keep his eyes open. He fell asleep right on top of Qyr, paws and tail wrapped around her mate's. Qyr hugged him with both wings and lost herself inside the realm of dreams. She woke up when the sun was still in the sky. Qyr slowly disentangled herself from Vharyias and got up. All her paws felt stiff. Her wings were even worse. Qyr flared them and slowly lifted them towards the sky. Her joints popped softly and her muscles warmed up under the flow of heat. Qyr bent on her paws one pair at a time, curled her lengthy tail as she yawned, then returned to her mate. "Wake up, sleepy head," Qyr poked his paw with the tip of her snout. Vharyias blinked twice to moisten his emerald eyes. He looked around and snorted his disappointment. "It isn't night yet." "Why should it be? We have a final lesson to attend." "Now?" "Now!" Qyr pushed his drooping wing away. She had her ways of waking up sleepy males. A few licks around their slit usually did the trick. She pushed her head under his flank and licked. She expected to find scales, not the fleshy tip of his member. Vharyias hissed. He lifted his leg, revealing his cock. It poked halfway out, its tapered head wet with lubrication. "You are a lot feistier than I remember." "Not my fault," Vharyias lowered a wing over his member. "Sleeping near a fertile female has this effect on me." "Fine," Qyr pulled her head back and looked her mate in the eyes. "Complete this last lesson and I will see what I can do about these needs of yours." Vharyias couldn't be more excited. He rewarded Qyr with many loving licks and followed her wherever she went. That meant a chase on the ground, a race through the clouds, and a swim through the crystal clear waters of a nearby lake. Qyr was the first one to test the waters. She splashed like an arrow, sending droplets all around. Vharyias joined her shortly after. The art of diving has clearly been lost to him as he splashed belly first into the lake. "We'll need to train that," Qyr shoved her wings forth. "Maybe," Vharyias shielded himself from the pelting water with a wing. His tail rushed forth, sending a wave towards Qyr. She dived under. Vharyias knew this trick. He waited her to grapple his limbs, then flapped his wings hard. Both dragons lost their balance, and they had to break away to keep their heads afloat. "That won't work twice with me," Qyr said. Vharyias growled at her challenge. "Remains to be seen." She showed him how wrong he was through a chase above and below the water's surface. Tails offered a burst of speed, and both dragons used them efficiently in their maneuvers. After a long round of playing, they retreated on the shore. Qyr's paws felt numb with effort. Vharyias didn't fare any better. He crawled towards her, dropping his head just under her wing. "You won. Again." "Are you surprised?" She licked the water from his snout. Vharyias closed his eyes, growling happily. "No. Every defeat reminds me of the perfect mate I have chosen." Qyr's tongue went limp. She blinked once, wings fluttering with unexpected warmth. Vharyias pressed his nostrils against her and looked straight into her fiery eyes. "You are everything I could ask for, Qyr," he nuzzled her softly. "Your touch showed me what happiness truly is. Your wings sheltered me, your paws held me tight, and your tongue soothed every lust or worry I ever had." "Vharyi-" The male gripped her snout with a forepaw, then licked her lovingly along her chin. "I love you, Qyr. Now and always." Warmth and desire flooded Qyr's body. No growls or even licks could quench her urge. She needed something more. Something stronger. She needed her mate deep inside her sweltering lips. Qyr licked his snout once, then rolled on her back, forepaws held against her chest and wings laid limp at her sides. "Claim me, Vharyias," she growled with untamed lust. "Take me however you want." The male's nostrils widened with arousal. He kissed her quickly, then delved straight into her exposed sex. He licked with wild abandon, stopping only when Qyr kicked his neck away. "En-enough," she stammered. Vharyias growled. Within a heartbeat, he was on top of her. During another, she pushed swiftly inside the embrace of her sex. His member sunk between her lips faster than any of them anticipated. Vharyias roared a harsh cry, while Qyr's breath stuck in her throat. She coughed twice, tongue curling with sheer bliss. She barely had time to regain her breath. Vharyias plunged hard inside her, spreading her apart with the bulbous ridges of his cock. It slid in and out far quicker than Qyr expected. Her flesh shuddered with weakness, and her breath was shaky and weak. The pleasure was just too strong. Qyr tried to growl, but only a shattered yowl left her throat. Vharyias dug his claws between the pebbles and pushed himself inside her, faster and harder. He had been wanting her for days, and now, when he finally found a fertile womb to deposit his seed inside, he could contain his lust no longer. His thrusts splashed their combined fluids across their scales, and summoned all manner of wet noises. He claimed her like an enraged beast. His thrusts no longer cared for fatigue. Vharyias pushed past his limits, going in and out of her in a rush of blistering lust and heated desire. Qyr melted with a harsh roar. Her muscles shook and trembled with the sheer weight of his thrusts. He was too swift. Too hard. She squeezed his cock, gripped his paws, and even bit his neck a few times. Nothing slowed down Vharyias' frantic pace. He thrust, and thrust, then thrust again, slamming herself inside her fertile flesh. His ridges scratched her trembling muscles with maddening alacrity, and his tip kept kissing her most intimate of sanctuaries. Squirts of precum pressed on the oversensitive flesh, sending Qyr way over the edge. Heat flooded her. She clamped her jaws around Vharyias' neck and roared, surrendering to the waves of unending bliss. The pressure and the squirting heat shattered Vharyias' resistance. With a last, desperate thrust, he entered as deep as his throbbing member allowed and broke loose. Fertile seed invaded Qyr's womb in a harsh burst of warmth and desire. The dragons roared out their shuddering climax. Vharyias spurted long and hard, filling Qyr's collapsing walls with warmth and the promise of future offspring. Vharyias spent himself with a shuddering growl. His cock spasmed hard, pushing fresh reserves of seed into her rapidly filling womb. He licked Qyr's snout between breaths, and she did the same. Both dragons clenched and throbbed, basking in the heat of the mating. Once his seed was completely spent, Vharyias started to retreat. "Stay inside," Qyr embraced him with her wings. "Why?" "I like how your cock feels inside me," she licked his exposed fangs. "But I'm spent," Vharyias growled. "I already filled you with everything I had." "Just stay, my stubborn mate." Qyr kept him occupied with long licks and short games. She pawed at his snout, scratched his neck, and licked the membrane of his wings. Vharyias was mostly pleased with her neck. He licked Qyr quite a lot, and when he got bored he turned to the long scythes of her forepaws. Qyr found his tongue quite arousing. No dragon licked her claws quite like Vharyias did. He was so careful and meticulous, cleaning every spot. Qyr wrapped her tail around his and licked his snout adoringly. "I love you, my mate," she pushed her tongue inside his maw, slurping part of his saliva before pulling back. "I love you so much." "I love you more," Vharyias joked. The dragons remained like that, belly pressed upon belly, until something stirred inside Qyr's seed drenched slit. "Are you-" "Yesss," Vharyias hissed. "It feels so hot. So good." He started thrusting, limp as he was. His cock hardened and expanded between Qyr's fleshy walls. Qyr pushed into him. The way his cock throbbed and massaged such a sensitive part of her made her more than aroused. She thirsted for his seed, and hungered for his long, untamed spurts. Qyr gripped him tighter, and tighter, until the male announced his premature climax. "Not yet," the dragoness wrapped her tail around the male's. She curled it tight, then pressed her tip hard against his shivering tailhole. It hardened when Vharyias tensed. He was about to cum, and Qyr knew it. She sent a surge of heat towards her tip. Her tail became hotter than any flesh, her tip even more so. The warmth seeped into Vharyias' tailhole, causing him to burst with a shrilling cry. Qyr pulled his tail hard just as he was about to burst. His first jet splashed inside her so hard that her own arousal leaked forth in the form of an explosive orgasm. Qyr roared out her lust and milked hard around Vharyias' clenching cock. His seed filled her with long, healthy ropes that pushed deep inside her womb. Qyr suckled them with loud, messy spasms. Every time she oozed her essence, she tightened, absorbing her mate's erupting seed into her fertile depths. Vharyias melted with long, drawn out moans.  He kept thrusting inside her, stirring her flooded walls. Seed leaked from Qyr's lips, making for loud and messy splashes. When their mating reached its end, the two dragons embraced one another with everything they had. Qyr hugged Vharyias, while his own paws grabbed around hers. Wings covered them like a protective blanket, and warm licks washed away the heat of their fading bliss. They circled each other's heads, again, then again, and again, until their eyelids became heavy. Qyr laid her head back, welcoming the added weight of her mate's scaly chin. It felt good to be nestled under the comforting bulk of a dragon. She dreamed of this so many times during her lone, cold days. Qyr looked upon him once more to make sure he's real. She breathed in his scent, licked him once more on his snout, then fell asleep to the warmth of his wings and the comfort of his scales.