A Romp of Otters

Story by GoldBunny on SoFurry

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#1 of My Otter Stories

This story series was inspired by the Otter drawings of Dark Natasha: http://darknatasha.com/#

The Otters in this story were inspired by the drawings of Dark Natasha and Goldenwolf:http://darknatasha.deviantart.com/art/Snow-Play-147856802http://darknatasha.deviantart.com/art/River-Spirits-103559978http://goldenwolf.deviantart.com/art/Water-Colors-384444640

Many thanks to my mate SilverrFox for his support, editing skills and participation in writing this story line with me.

Notes on otters:

A romp is the collective noun for a group of otters.

An otter's den is called a holt or couch. Male otters are called dogs, females are called bitches and their offspring are called pups. The collective nouns for otters are bevy, family, lodge, romp (being descriptive of their often playful nature) or, when in water, raft.

In late fall, the young otters leave their mothers to establish their own territories and find mates. During this time, wandering youngsters are seen far from water, traveling on land between lakes, ponds, and from one stream drainage to another.

High in the mountains on a stream, three female otters played with abandon. They had all recently left their families to begin their journey to find their own territories. The freedom from lessons in swimming, foraging and avoiding predators was exhilarating. Since it was late fall, with crisp clear days, it seemed they had plenty of time to play, sun and eat. And eat they did, as they needed to store up fat for the coming winter. The girls did notice the males around their playful pond, but since none of them were in season yet, this did not present any problems. As time rolled toward the Solstice, they knew that would all change.

"So, what do you think of the males preening and posing before us my dears?" asked Ntessi.

"Some are better than others," Halliaru hedged.

"Come now my dear, you are hiding something. You like one in particular don't you?" Ntessi probed.

"Don't be nosey, Tess, you know good and well who," responded Halliaru, her fur bristling around her neck. She stuck her tongue out at Ntessi.

"And you know we are not to bond mate with any pups from our litter ponds," said Ntessi.

"I know," Halliaru sighed, "but now that we are grown, he is oh so attractive."

"Then it is best that we move on in the morning." Ntessi gave Halliaru a pointed look. "And do not tell anyone which direction we will be going! Don't you agree Nissizh?"

Nissizh started at hearing her name. She was busy grooming her fur, and she really wasn't paying attention to the conversation. It had become a ritual among them. Everyone spoke their part. "Are you really asking me what I think or am I to just agree with whatever you just said?"

Halliaru muffled a laugh, which earned them both dark looks from Ntessi. "You can both kiss my furry..." She was interrupted by approaching males.

There were two of them, though they typically traveled together as a gang of three with the tallest and strongest, Hkusio in the lead. Kabbini, shorter than Hkusio, but still tall for his kind was a half step behind as always, forever stuck in Hkusio's shadow. Sizh, absent today, was the smallest despite being from the same litter as Kabbini. Though there were plenty of witnesses at the brother's birth to attest they came from the same mother, everyone joked that one of them must have been switched at birth; they were that different. Where Kabbini was tall and athletic like his friend Hkusio, Sizh was short, agile and introverted, preferring to study crafts and compose songs and poems. All three were covered in the typical brown fur that most otter pelts had, except for Hkusio who had a prominent white patch over his chest.

Halliaru only had eyes for Hkusio. Nissizh bumped her to break her rapturous gaze, which was being noticed by Kabbini. Hkusio's game was to goad Ntessi, who had no interest in him whatsoever. All three boys shared one common interest, though - females. Even shy Sizh enjoyed the game of trying to impress the girls when he was with them.

Hkusio, being the leader, was the first to speak. "Are we having a good time, girls? It looks like it would be more fun with two more players." He gave Ntessi a playful nudge to initiate play; she stepped out of his reach and did not reciprocate.

"Well, we were having a good time before you decided to bring your sorry selves over here," Ntessi spat, "and no, we don't need more players. We were just leaving actually. We have things to do - so goodbye." She spun and stalked off with a swish of her tail. Halliaru only started to follow when Nissizh took her arm and followed Ntessi.

It appeared Hkusio was clueless about Halliaru's attraction to himself, but Kabbini was not. He figured if he could get one of the girls to stay maybe they all would. "You don't really want leave do you, Lia?" He shoved his taller friend forward towards Halliaru. "Hkusio is the best swimmer in the romp, and he would just love to swim with you, wouldn't you Hkusio?"

The leader looked quizzically at his friend for a moment, then at Halliaru. "Um, sure. Why not? Would you like to swim with me?" What he really wanted to do was give Kabbini a good smack upside his head. The harder he tried to ignore Halliaru's gazes and attraction to him the more his clueless friend drew attention to it. He did want to swim with her, alone. He just poked at Tess to get a rise out of her. His feigned interest in the leader of the girls allowed him to be near Lia.

Nissizh gripped Halliaru's arm tighter and pulled gently to get her moving. Ntessi finally stopped and turned around, noticing she was not being followed.

"Hey! Let's go, girls. We have things to do and plans to make" her displeasure shown in the way the fur around her neck bristled. She stood waiting her tail swishing back and forth. Halliaru finally started to move, with a sigh, realizing this was not going anywhere, and she knew Ntessi was right, although she would never admit that to her.

"No, thanks a-a-anyway, Hkusio. W-we have to g-go." She ducked her head in embarrassment. Ntessi called again.

Nissizh spoke up for the stammering Halliaru. "Maybe some other time, we really do have a few things to do now." Ever the diplomat, she just wanted to get away from the males before Halliaru blurted out what they were planning. Lia tended to babble and say random things around Hkusio.

Ntessi led them to a more private location. The three girls spread out on a collection of large flat boulders surrounding a deep and wide part of the stream to talk. It was Ntessi the smallest of the three young otters who was always guiding her two friends. Though delicate and unassuming in appearance, she had become the default leader of their trio. This was because she always had an exciting plan for some kind of adventure and was great fun in the water and on the snow. Being small did not mean she was underdeveloped or unattractive; Ntessi had a figure that turned guy's heads. She was compact and well-built with a sleek sable brown coat. There were tufts of fur at her neck, wrists and between her small but perfect breasts that gave her the appearance of being fluffy.

Ntessi's friend Halliaru started out big and clumsy, always too tall, and she filled out early. Now that she was fully grown, she was tall for a female and strong but had become one of the local romp's most graceful swimmers. Her fur was light brown and had a bit of wave to it adding to her curvy shape. She had an artistic talent for making beautiful things out of just about anything. Despite being the tallest and broadest of her two friends, she was well-proportioned and agile. The three friends all wore her jewelry creations: hoops, discs and animal fetishes were common themes Halliaru crafted from easily malleable metals like gold, silver and copper that were found in the mountains above the tree line. She augmented those with shells that were acquired from otter rafts down by the sea. Each of the girls sported multiple piercings in their ears as well as bracelets, anklets and necklaces. They all had long beautiful hair and would sit for hours grooming it and creating intricate braids in each other's hair while weaving in pieces of Halliaru's jewelry.

The third otter of the trio was Nissizh, who was the peacemaker, always smoothing things over between and for her friends. If she had a choice, she would rather be in the water than out, but she did like the quiet solitude of the woods. Just as she was often in the middle when her friends argued, she was in between her two friends in size. She had a long body for the length of her legs. Her hips were a little wider than both her friends. The males noticed her ample bottom and commented on it often, mostly favorably, but she still was a bit embarrassed by their attention. Her coat was a rich dark brown with spots of lighter fur along her tail and back. She also had tufts of fur like Ntessi although hers were smaller, except on her chest where it ran across the top of both breasts and dipped down between them.

"So, are we agreed? Will you leavewith me in the early morning hours to establish our own territories, and to find mates who are not from our litter ponds?" Ntessi looked from one to the other of her friends. They all knew this was a big step and not to be taken lightly. Once they left, they would not be seeing the members of their ponds for a long time, if ever again depending on where their wanderings took them.

It was huge new step in their young lives, and Ntessi looked from one to the other of her friends.

Neither of the other girls spoke right away. Nissizh deferred to Halliaru by nodding to her, so she spoke next with only a hint of resignation. "I suppose it is time to move on and find a new home and some males who we do not know so well."

Nissizh studied her tall friend with a new understanding growing in her head. "Well, that is different coming from you. What changed Lia?"

Ntessi was about to speak, then stopped herself, deciding instead to let Lia work this out on her own. Halliaru breathed deeply. "I guess I finally understood that we have to find mates outside of our romp," she paused before continuing, "and my attraction to Hkusio is just a crush. Moving on and going with the two of you is what I want, and that is more important to me than a male I cannot have as a mate. So, in answer to your question, yes, I am ready."

Nissizh nodded in agreement. "I also think it is time to go. We can say our goodbyes to our families tonight and set out in the morning."

Ntessi smiled sadly. "There will be tears and hugs around the ponds tonight for sure. I have noticed many of our friends leaving in the last few weeks. It is autumn now, and the frosts will be coming soon. We should be gone no later than tomorrow, preferably early in the morning so we can be sure to have a nice snug holt before the weather turns bad." Ntessi then gestured to the water. "Since we are all agreed, let's have a swim, girls, and forget all this fora while."

From her nearby place of concealment, Bysissia smiled and spoke aloud, but quietly, to herself. Most of the other otters, especially the females, did not like her around, so she had developed a habit of having conversations with herself as a substitute. "I wonder what I can do with this fascinating bit of news? Hkusio will be very interested to learn about this." Her movements as she left to find the handsome otter were covered by the sounds of splashing and yelling from the stream, so none of the three friends marked her presence.

However, Bysissia was not the only one who listened to other's conversations unnoticed. Sizh, the third member of Hkusio's gang of three, was often overlooked as he sat in the woods enjoying the quiet and seeking inspiration for his songs and poems. He did not spy on purpose, but his inadvertent eavesdropping had on occasion allowed him to be able to undo some of Bysissia's mischief. He sighed as he realized this would probably be one of those times and resigned himself to following the troublemaker to see whatshe was scheming now.

As the quiet male followed behind Bysissia, he noted her attractive body and unique red fur. It was an unusual color for their kind. Mostof the otter folk were some shade of brown. Perhaps it was this oddity that set her apart from the others and made her into a loner and a troublemaker. Maybe her temperament was somehow linked to her fur color. Her fiery behavior and passionate nature both complimented the color of her fur.

Her destination was their home pond, but shefortuitouslyran into Hkusio and Kabbini, who after being rejected by the girls, had decided to try fishing. They managed to catch several trout and were cleaning them to eat. She was delighted that she didn't have to wait to have some fun with these two.

"Hello, boys. Have you got enough to share with me?" As she spoke, the red furred otter sat herself on the log between the two males so that her hips were touching each of theirs. She wiggled seductively against both of them and wrapped her tail around Kabbini's. "I know a secret that might interest you two, especially you, Hkusio."

Kabbinienjoyed Bysissia's attentions and snuggled in close to her, but Hkusio had always found her irritating and slid a few inches away from her as he spoke. "What secret could you possibly know that I would want to hear?"

"Halliaru is in love with you. She wants you."

Kabbini laughed. "That is only a secret to Hkusio, who doesn't seem to notice what is obvious to everyone else."

Hkusio did notice, and had feelings for Lia, but he was certainly not going to share that knowledge with these two. The taller male reached around the red furredtroublemaker and pushed his friend's shoulder. "Shut up, idiot. I know she likes me, but it's not right, so I don't reciprocate. You should do the same with this one. We have to find mates from another romp."

Bysissia took advantage of Hkusio's renewed closeness and put her paws on his chest. "Who said I want either of you as a mate? And since when did you become such a rule follower? You two are the biggest trouble makers in the romp, always looking for fun and mischief."

"Next to youmaybe, Bysissia." Hkusio gently but firmly removed her paws from the white fur on his chest. "Now, if you don't have any other secrets for me, then you should go. I am not interested in your news or your affections."

She pouted. "Always so brusque and rude with Sissa. Such a pity that a handsome otter like you doesn't have more charm like Kabbini here. I'm looking for a bit of fun, not a life mate." She turned her attention to the other otter, stroked his cheek with one paw and ran the other down his chest toward his sheath. She knew she could goad him into chasing after the other three girls and maybe even start a little trouble. "I know where Ntessi, Nissizh and Halliaru are right now. I also know that they are leaving to find mates - tomorrowin fact."

Kabbini jumped up breaking contact with Bysissia and almost sending her sprawling. "We have to find them Hkusio. This is our last chance to try to mate them. You know Halliaru wants you bad. Come on."

"I don't know."

"Come on. It'll be fun. Be a sport."

"I think you boys have forgotten something." The two males looked at Bysissia, who they had temporarily forgotten. "You don't know where they are. Only I do, and I want something in return for the information." She ran her paws up and down her body making it clear to them exactly what she wanted from the two males.

Sizh, who had silentlyfollowed Bysissia, had heard enough. He knew his friends adequately to know that Kabbini would eventually convince Hkusio to go along with whatever the red furred female wanted. Sizh found her plots and schemes distasteful, so he decided to go talk to the three girlsand warn them. Nevertheless, it was with some regret that he left what would likely be an arousing encounter.

The females were thoroughly enjoying their swim when Ntessi noticed Sizh standing on the boulder strewn shore. Making eye contact, he gestured for the diminutive girl to come out of the water. She obliged by moving towards the rock where Sizh stood, but was not happy with having her swim interrupted and only pulled the top half of her body up out of the stream. Droplets of water rolled off her slick fur to hang momentarily from the tips of her nipples before dropping into the water. "You know you could have just come into the water to talk." A hint of playful teasing graced her voice.

"I could have, but then there would have been dunking, splashing, screaming, and very little talking. I have some urgent news for you allthat can't wait for that." His serioustone brought Ntessi up short as she realized he was not just hoping to join them in the swim.

The female climbed out of the pool, and Sizh took in the glorious scene before him. "This is worth my brother's wrath in spoiling their fun by warning the girls," he thought to himself.

Overhearing their conversation, the other two girls followed their leader and stepped onto the rocks at the edge of the water. The other two females were dripping wet with their nipples erect from the cold water of the stream. As the water slid off of their well maintained fur into little pools at their feetjust as it was doing on Ntessi, Sizh had to prevent himself from gawking opened mouthed at the three beautiful females. It was a pity, he thought to himself, that he and his friends were discouraged from mating with these three. Though such things did happen, Sizh understood the rules that helped deter inbreeding. Still, he was wistful as he thought of the three very lucky males out there who would be the recipients of all this fertile, luscious, female flesh.

Ntessi broke his lustful reverie. "You going to look or talk, Poet."

Sizh stammered from the embarrassment of being caught staring. "Oh, sorry. You can't blame or stop a guy from looking and admiring the scenery," he added in an attempt to make light of it.

"Talk, important, hmmm," Ntessi probed. She glanced down and saw that Sizh was ready for more than talk. Sizh unconsciously followed her gaze to find his cock starting to poke out its sheath, where it typically stayed snug and out of sight under his belly. He quickly covered it with a paw.

"Yeah, right, quick version then as they may be here soon."

"Who?" It was almost a shout. She was getting irritated with the slow pace of the revelation of his urgent news.

"Don't interrupt."

"Well, then, get on with the story."

"If you would just be quiet for a minute, I would."

Nissizh finally had enough and stepped into her typical role as mediator. "Quiet, both of you. Ntessi, you do not need to have the last word, and Sizh, give us theshort version, please."

"OK. Bysissia followed youthree earlier, heard everything about your leaving tomorrow, went to tell Hkusio and Kabbini, and plans to tell them where you areso they will do something for her. Kabbini, who is so over sexed he would mate with a feral, is right now trying to convince Hkusio to find you threeand give it one more try to mate with Halliaru, or any of you for that matter."

Halliaru smiled and hugged her arms to her broad chest. "Hkusio wants to mate with me after all?"

Nissizh placed a paw on her friend's shoulder. "Down, girl. He said Kabbini wants him to try, not Hkusio. Besides, we agreed that was out earlier, remember?" Halliaru pouted and said nothing more.

Ntessi sputtered. "That little...."

Nissizh interrupted her budding tirade. "Yes, we all know what she is. Let's just work with the information we have, OK."

Sizh weighed in. "Nissizh is correct. Kabbini is pushing Hkusio to do this, and between him and Bysissia, Hkusio usually gives in to them, no matter how stupid the idea."

"Alright, but if I get the chance, she is going to be sorry she messed with me this one last time." Though angry, she was always practical and in charge. She calmed herself and decided what needed to be done next. "It is now more urgent that we leave right away. We need to get going before they show up. Thank you, Sizh. You have been a good friend. You know we will miss you. Good life to you, and may you find your perfect bond mate this first winter."

Nissizh then hugged the otter male, as did the other two females. The male hugged them with one arm keeping his paw over his now stiffening member has each of the pretty girls embraced him. The females then slipped through the bushes downstream returning to their families for their goodbyes.

Sizh called out after them as they left. "You never know when we may meet again. Good life girls, and may your bond mates be at your journey's end."

Sizh was now fully erect and hard as a rock and was left deciding if he had enough time to paw off before returning to his friends. Growling in frustration, he worked his way back to where he had left the red furred otter and his two friends and let his maleness return to its cozy home.

WhenSizhfound his friends, itbecame apparent that it was unnecessary to delay them to allow the girls to make their escape. Sizh also didn't have to worry about his sexual frustration. His erection returned as he watched what the three were doing. Bysissia was straddled over a log with Hkusio in front of her and Kabbini pushed up against her from behind. Having delivered his warning to the other females, Sizh had nowhere else to go, so he decided to watch their mating play.

Hkusio looked sidelong at Bysissia. "Just what do want us to do for you to tell us where they are, Sissa?" He was fairly certain that he knew what she wanted. It was what she always wanted. It was the same with Kabbini. Hkusio rationalized that if he went along with this, he could delay Kabbini long enough so that the girls would not be there when they went looking for them. He did not want to have another scene with the girls. He did care deeply for Halliaru but knew it was not meant to be. He did not want their last meeting to be tainted by an awkward scene of trying to having meaningless sex with him.

Unfortunately, that meant meaningless sex with Bysissia and Kabbini here, now. It was a no win situation. The red furred otter had a knack for bringing out his darker sexual tendencies, and he resented her for that. If he refused, though, Kabbini and Sissa would go find the girls without him. Halliaru and the others needed to get away, and he did not want them hindered.

It was not the first time Kabbini and he had enjoyed what Sissa freely offered. Since otters could generally not conceive at their age, there was little risk of the female getting pregnant, leaving them free to enjoy each other's company completely as they desired. Even though sex between romp mates was highly discouraged, it was not completely forbidden. More because of Kabbini's insatiable desires than because Hkusio really wanted to, they had used Bysissia many times for just such enjoyment. Sometimes it was the three of them. Sometimes Sizh joined them. She didn't seem to care how many there were or what they did to her as long as she was the center of attention and was being satisfied for the moment.

"Oh, I thought we could have a little going away party of our own, just the three of us, just how you like it."

Kabbini stood there expectant, grinning stupidly. He got idiotic whenever he was about to get laid. The other otter girls were completely forgotten by him, eclipsed by the immediate offer of sex with Bysissia.

Hkusio gave in. "A party, eh? What would you like to do at this party, talk, eat,...fuck?"

Bysissia laughed. "Always the gentleman. Such pretty words for little Sissa." She ran one claw up and down each boy's chest, parting the fur as she did.

"Why waste pretty words on you. I know the dirtier I talk the more you like it." As she touched him, his cock started to slide out of its sheath. Kabbini had his out already and was franticly pawing himself as he watched the exchange between his friend and Sissa. It always excited him to watch Hkusio dominate the red furred otter bitch.

Hkusio grabbed Bysissia by the back of her neck and forced her down in front of him. "On your knees bitch. Is this what you want? Say it, tell me how much you want me in your mouth." Hkusio was not usually this forceful with the otter females, but Bysissia brought out the inner animal in the males she chose for sex.

"Yes. Yes. I want your cock in my mouth all the way, lover. I will take you completely if you let me do this for you."

"I am not your lover, understood. You are my bitch, only here to pleasure me. Now do it!" He grabbed her head and pushed his cock into her waiting mouth. In and out he slid, and she could take it all. It was the reason most of the male otters their age sought her out and for that matter males around the pond in general, which led to the reason most of the female otters avoided her.

Kabbini was still franticly pawing himself waiting, as he knew he had to, to be invited into the threesome by Hkusio, who was now in the dominant role.

Hkusio stopped thrusting with his cock deep in Bysissia's mouth and stepped sideways to turn her to straddle her over the log they had been sitting on. He then continued his use of her mouth for his pleasure. He nodded to Kabbini that he could now join in. Kabbini took his place behind the otter bitch and slid two fingers inside of her. She clenched down on them with her vaginal muscles. He chuckled. "Boy is she ever ready. Does she ever not want it?"

The dominant male did not answer, he just continued to thrust in and out of the otter bitch's mouth. Kabbini slid his fingers as deep as he could, then began to work them in and out, eventually adding a third finger and placed the thumb of his other paw on her clit. Bysissia squirmed in pleasure. It was true that Kabbini was over sexed, but he always made sure he pleasured whoever he was with while taking his own pleasure. Bysissia thought how it was a shame she could not have him as a mate. Their sexual appetites made them a good match.

Kabbini felt her reaching her climax from his finger play, so he removed his fingers to let her settle down a little before he replaced the wet and sticky digits with his fully erect and dripping cock. He loved entering her as she came. She was so wet, he could slide all the way in with one swift motion until his retracted sheath was pushed against her sex. He began pressing hard against her rear feeling his own climax building rapidly as he felt the shuddering spasms of her orgasm already in progress.

With Kabbini behind her enthusiastically fucking the female, Hkusio slowed his thrusts and then commanded her to make him cum with her mouth. "Lick and suck me until I come. I am going to cum down your throat, and you will swallow every drop. Do you understand?" The female nodded and started her well-practiced blow job skill on the handsome male. She slid her tongue up and down his shaft, slowly licking the length of him. Up and down she went, until he was moaning involuntarily. She then began swirling her tongue around the head, pulling the tip into her mouth, and sucking him hard, over and over again. Taking him into her mouth as far as she could, she pulled him in and out, in and out, increasing her speed and taking him deeper each time until his cock was hitting the back of her throat. It was then with a grunt, he shot his copious seed down her throat. To her credit, she swallowed it all without having any spill past her lips. Kabbini came at the same time filling her from the other end.

Bysissia groaned from her own fading orgasm and momentary disappointment as the two males withdrew from inside her. A thick tendril of semen and saliva stretched from her mouth to the tip of Hkusio's cock until it broke as he moved around her to take his turn at her other end.

Changing positons quickly, the otter males soon were back in rhythm front and rear of the insatiable female, who was getting much more than she thought she would for a change. From his new position in front of Bysissia, Kabbini finally noticed his brother, Sizh watching and pawing off to the action. "Come join us, Bro. You know you like a foursome just as much as I do."

Sizh thought to himself that nobody enjoyed sex as much as Kabbini did no matter the number involved. It wasn't that Sizh didn't indulge now and again himself, but he was not interested in fucking the female with his two friends. She was trouble he didn't need. He also knew that Hkusio was not in the mood to let him have access to Bysissia's only open slot. He could tell by the look on his friend's face, even if Kabbini could not, that Hkusio wanted this threesome to be over.

"Thanks for the offer, but it looks like you all are almost done there, and I have things well in paw over here." Kabbini laughed at the corny joke, and then returned his attention back to his own cock and the female whose mouth was attached there as if her life depended on it.

Hkusio felt the pressure building down in his balls as his second orgasm approached; he grabbed the fur on the female's ass and hilted into her as deep as he could go. Her muscles clenched around his member as he came inside of her. He filled her with the rest of his seed, secure in the knowledge that females of her age usually could not conceive pups.

Kabbini yelled out his war cry as he came again, this time in the female's open mouth. He let her suck on his cock for a moment, then pulled out and shot his last squirts all over her face. It wasn't how he normally treated the females, but Hkusio's dominating behavior was erotic, and he wanted to be like him. Done with the bitch and with their erections rapidly fading, both boys went to the stream to wash up

As he washed in the stream, Hkusio shook his head and asked himself "Why did sex with Bysissia always leave him feeling like he was the one who had just been fucked?"

The need for a swim overcame him. The cool clear water that trickled down from the melting snow and ice high in the mountains would wash off her lingering scent and the residual feeling of her paws on his fur. She brought out emotions and actions from deep inside himself that he did not want to admit were there. He was dominant and rough in their sexual encounters now, he did it to punish her and demonstrate his dislike for her.

However, this strategy backfired on him. The more he dominated her, treated her badly, made the sex rough, the more she enjoyed it. It seemed Kabbini also enjoyed when he played the dominant in their sex with the red-furred otter bitch.

The drama was repeated with regretful regularity; she managed to be around nearly every time Hkusio and Kabbini talked to Ntessi and her two lovely friends. She would slide in and get Kabbini aroused with her teasing and amorous innuendo, and Hkusio would end up being goaded into doing something he did not want to do, but felt he had to do, to keep his place as the leader of their group. Even the rational influence of Kabbini's brother, Sizh, when he was present, couldn't seem to stop the inevitable result.

Today was no exception; there she had been on the edge of their encounter with the three female otters Hkusio preferred to play with. It was clear now to him that Bysissia had followed the lovely trio and then came back to see what trouble she could start and, of course, make a play for sex. It was time to go he decided, he would set out in the morning to find his territory and a mate. If they brothers wanted to go with him that was fine, but he wanted to be away from Bysissia and her wiles as soon as he could.

Bysissia could hear Sizh grunt and turned her head to watch him cum onto the ground after pawing off to their threesome. She was satisfied for the moment, but would probably seek out some of the older males by the pond later for her pleasure as well as theirs if she could catch them alone. The older females did not want her around their mates any longer.

That was why she had decided that she would leave tomorrow morning just as the other three girls had planned. It was time for her to find some new males to play with. That still left her some time to scheme, so as she stretched her muscles to work out the kinks from being humped so hard, she started to think on what mischief she could cause with this session with the three males. Second only to sex, it was her next most favorite thing to do.

The three females started out early the next morning, there were varying levels of relief that the males did not find them yesterday. However, not one of them would have guessed the real reason they did not see the males after the warning from Sizh. They said their goodbyes, packed what belongings and food they could carry. The three friends headed south with Ntessi leading the way.

"Why south? Why not north, east or west?" Halliaru was bored of walking after nearly a day of travel from their pond. Verbally sparring with Ntessi was always an entertaining way to pass the time.

"Unlike you, Lia, I actually listened to the things that the elders taught us in school."

"I listened to the talk about sex." Nissizh laughed aloud at Lia's naughty comment.

Ntessi was less amused and sighed knowing that her friend was trying to get her goat. She remained patient anyways and decided to explain her reasons for going south, but first a little chastisement was in order. "Off topic, and I listened to those parts, too. Maybe even better than you did: I never thought that mating with a member of our own pond was a reasonable thing to do."

"Ooh. Nice burn." Nissizh usually played the peacemaker. She was a little bored and footsore herself after walking so long without being able to swim, so she was enjoying their verbal battle today.

Ntessi continued before Halliaru could think up a clever rejoinder. "Going east will just take us higher into the mountains. Considering Winter is not that far off, we are unlikely to find any mates there. West takes us down to the flat lands where the neighboring otters are crowded together and aren't very friendly. We may not be welcome there. Our pond lands extend much farther to the north than south, so heading this way got us out of our own lands faster than north."

Halliaru was now feeling just plain grumpy since her friend was being so pedantic and sour. "Faster? We have been walking all day. The pads of my hindpaws are sore and we haven't seen a single lake or crossed a stream that we can swim in. No wonder this isn't part of our territory and no one comes this way. It is unlivable."

"It isn't all like this. We just have to keep walking until we find a suitable place with lakes and deep rivers."

"That could be hundreds of miles for all you know."

"I know more than you, and it won't be hundreds of miles. I expect we will find something..." She stopped talking and walking at the same time. Halliaru bumped into her from behind, and Ntessi had to steady herself against a tree to stop from being pushed over the cliff that had suddenly appeared in front of their southward path. Nissizh, who had been taking up the rear peered from around her large friend to behold the wonder before them.

A broad valley, many miles across carved deep into bedrock by an ancient glaciers crossed their path. Many small and large lakes nestled in the base of that flat bottomed valley along with an inviting meandering river that had been born in the mountains to the east and was winding its way to the waters of the ocean in the west. The low angle rays of the setting sun reflected off the inviting river and lakes making the valley look like it wore a necklace of silver with diamonds hung from it.

Even Halliaru was momentarily speechless. Mute was an unnatural state to her, though, so it didn't last. "It's beautiful. Why didn't you tell us this was here?"

the end

This is the first installment of "A Romp of Otters".

Each Otter will have a turn telling the story of their adventures on the journey and search for their own territories and life mates.