The Royal We (2 of 2)

Story by Runa on SoFurry

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Art - Missaria

Writing - Runa

Missa - Missaria

Ceylon/Talba - Runa

Left in Suspense -

The Royal We 1 of 2 -

The Royal We 2 of 2 -

Honestly, I think I like this part even more!

After finishing up with Missa at the end of the first part, Ceylon and her carry on towards the orchard, where they get some fruits and water to regenerate lost energy! Naturally, Missa decides to get a little messy and expect Ceylon to clean her up. with his tongue.

There's a lot more, including some delicious bolt-themed magic stimulation, a monster attack, and an affectionate, cute ending with some imminent oral to tease you all for another entry in this wonderful Missaria series!

The Royal We 2 of 2

She let out a long, drawn out gasp as she felt his essence flow from her depths, splashing and soaking his crotch and belly beneath her. She could feel her hoof resting against the underside of his knot, the pressure building thanks to the angle she was pushing down on the tip. As she squeezed her walls down tight around his length, she could feel the barbs catching on her walls, tugging and stabbing gently; the pressure was great enough that it felt as though someone with claws was fingering her, someone with dozens of tiny claws all at once.

Missa didn't mind that, though; No, she actually liked a bit of pain. Not too much, but enough to get her nethers to tingle. The barbed tip inside her was still plugging her opening off, with much of his seed still sloshing around inside her, every clench of her walls squeezing his shaft and creating a lurching feeling as the mixed fluids were forced into her womb to splash in there before draining back out into her birth canal. It was clear, she was seeded as deeply as she could be.

"You like that, bird?" She asked as she angled her hips and lifted her tail, slowly descending back on his shaft to feel his length filling her again. Down she squatted, peachy lips twitching and clitoris winking along his shaft until she felt her lips pressing to his cum-soaked knot. Little bits of his essence were escaping between her lips and the groove on the top of his member to trickle down the shaft and soak his sheath. As something of a cum slut, she reached down to collect as much of the delectable juices as she could, licking it off her hand as she stared at him.

Ceylon clamped his beak shut and dug his claws into either of her hips, holding her in place as he bucked up into her, the bulge of his knot grinding against her lips and stretching her muscles, nearly squeezing back inside only to fall a few inches short and be forced back out when she clenched around him again, pressure too much to fight against.

"Yeah, that's right. Do it again!" She grinned, idly bounding on his length as she struggled to not let her moaning get too prominent, but she couldn't help it. A deep rumble of please escaped her lips as she squatted down hard again, using the lube and cum that had erupted from her depths to grind her depths to his knot lobes, clenching each rump muscle and winking clit in cycles, hoping her best to get tied again.

Confused, Ceylon glanced up at her and angled his head to the side with one ear flopped down. "You sure you wanna do that?" He managed to grunt out through a clamped-shut beak.

She nodded excitedly as she slammed her hips down to his belly, tail pumping downward to tickle his balls as she felt his bulge force its way into her with a powerful, friction-tense lurch. Instantly, she winced in pain and gasped loudly, eyes rolling back in her skull as she felt his member bursting into her, the lobes expanding inside and barbed tip stabbing into her womb.

Ceylon's deep guttural roar started building up in his chest, hips twitching and bucking upwards into her as he felt his cock tying itself to her, the bulbous knot expanding and pressing outward against her hip bones and the rim of muscle just inside her lips.

Only, she wasn't planning on getting tied, so she dug her hooves into the ground on either side and pushed off. The extra pressure around the base and neck of his member coaxing another powerful lurch of cum to explode into her before her walls quivered and gave way, allowing the knot to burst out with another wave of gooey, slimy gryphon cum mixed with the clear lubrication she was secreting from her walls.

Before either could regain their composure, she slammed herself down again, this time feeling his knot shift and squeeze to slide into her with noticeably less resistance. When inside, it bloated again to lock them together, but she kicked off again to feel it pop out of her. Again and again, she bounced on his knot, each subsequent motion loosening her pussy walls and allowing his girth to surge in and out of her with increasing ease.

Before long, his knot was pounding in and out of her, lurching inward and popping outward with ease like it was just another part of his member, the pressure increasing and decreasing in steady rhythm. He kept twitching and rolling his eyes back in his skull as his toes and talons curled in pleasure, tail flicking out behind the both of them together as he bucked into her. The friction on his knot was unlike what he was used to - usually he controlled the pace with his partners - but she just kept at him!

She grinded her hips and gyrated down tight to his belly, palms on his chest for balance as his knot fucked her deep, popping in and out with ease, every motion soaking the both of them between the thighs with more and more lubricating fluid. Her pussy was growing more and more tender, the peachy vulva stretching wide to swallow and spit out his member as his barbed tip kept stabbing at her depths, spewing little strands of gryphon cum deep into her womb.

Missaria wanted more; she was twitching in pleasure and gasping every time she felt his bulge burst into her, but she wanted more. As she gyrated her hips, she positioned and angled her body so that his knot stated just at her opening, the thickest part barely sliding in and out against her tightest point just inside her lips. With the girth constantly pleasuring her, she quickly lost control and collaped in a heap on his chest, the knot popping inside her depths and throbbing with every one of the beast's heartbeats. Had she possessed toes they'd be curling in delight. Instead, her tail flicked and pumped up and down and her clit winked, spewing loads of her own ejaculate all over his belly, soaking fur and feathers there.

Ceylon wrapped both his front legs around her back to hold her in place, resisting her twitching and writhing of pleasure as she slowly calmed down. "You gonna be okay?" He asked. His member was still spitting bits of precum and seed back and forth, but his pleasure had long since hit a plateau and he was ready to relax and remain tied for a bit. Knotted beasts weren't known for thrusting or having their bulges ridden like that.

The mare nickered a bit and smiled ass he looked up at him, brushing her mane and bangs back over her head to nod. "Yeah, I'll be fine." She assured him before pressing her arms up against her chest and his to nuzzling at the plumage of his neck. "More than fine, in fact." She moaned gently and grasped at his feathers, nuzzling her cheek to it for a moment as she twitched and writhed in place. The pleasure of her ongoing orgasm slowly dissipated as the pressure of his knot continued to pulse against her walls and massage her from within.

However, Ceylon was starting to regain his composure and lucidity. As the last of his seed drained from his member to her womb, he blinked a few times before his eyes widened. "Missa, dear, I think we need to part from one another. Like, now."

She grumbled and looked up at him with a smile. "Why's that?" She angled her hips a bit to feel his knot shift inside her, another mess of cum leaking out.

"You said you're in heat, right? So, uh, I just deposited a whole lot ... in you. I need to help get it out before you ... you know." He grabbed her hips and tried to pull her off his knot, but she clenched down and squeezed tight around the base, keeping it from popping out.

"Oh, it's fine." She assured him with a wink before shaking her head to clear her mane from her face again.

Ceylon wasn't convinced. "N-no it's not. I'm supposed to be protecting you here, not filling you with gryphon eggs!" He rolled over onto his side then got to all fours, leaving Missa to land on her back below him as he pulled up, the knot yanking her off her rump before having his entire member pop from her depths and leave her gaping and leaking mess absolutely everywhere on her tail, the grass, and her inner thighs.

The sudden pop of his bulge made her writhe on the ground, clamping her legs together as her clit winked in pleasure, not sure what to do next. Rather than fight it, she embraced by by slipping her hand down between her thighs to rub herself until Ceylon stepped back and buried his beak against her pussy lips. Instinctively, she spread her legs and glanced down over her form to watch the gryphon slip his beak right into her tender, swollen lips, opening his maw to spread her like a speculum as his tongue prodded at her depths.

She was already hyper sensitive due to the pressure and beating she took from the knot as well as the stabby pokey nature of his barbs, but the combination of firm, curved beak and the tender nature of his long tongue lapping at her depths had her grabbing at the grass on either side of her body, back arching as she pushed down against him.

Missa actually felt a little embarrassed for herself due to just how easily he slipped his beak into her, the tapered nature of it easily spreading and stretching her peachy lips wide open. The sound of air whooshing into her after she finished clenching was a bit of a distraction, but once she relaxed and her walls opened up, so did her cervix, allowing the seed to trickle out of her in a tiny stream, zigging and zagging over the wrinkles of her pussy walls.

When she sensed what he was doing - sucking and licking his cum from her womb - she shifted in place so she could roll onto all fours, tail up and back arched so that her womb was angled down. All the while, his beak remained inside her, feeling like it was rotating around inside before his upper jaw was pressed against her rump end and nuzzling up to the underside of her cum-soaked tail.

He kept at her, fervently nuzzling and bobbing his head as his tongue slapped at her walls, prodded at her womb, and coaxed more of his seed to drain from her womb. With each passing lick, she felt a little bit better. Since she was in estrus, the cervix was open, and it wouldn't be long before he'd completely cleaned her out as best he could.

However, when she ceased feeling the liquid trickle from her depths, Ceylon just kept working at her pussy, one front talon on her rump to hold her in place as he slowly pulled out, leaving her gaping as his thumb pried at her rump cheek.

She winked gently, collapsing her walls tight closed, forcing the last little trickle of gryphon seed to dribble out over her clit, which Ceylon eagerly lapped up. Missa could actually hear him gulping it down as he gave her rump a slap and backed off, claws tickling her hips before falling down her thighs and leaving her still needy. Rather than accept that fun time was over, she nickered and threw her head back, tail still high and pulled to the side. "Come on, don't leave me hanging, Gryph!" She insisted, winking back over her shoulder with the one eye that her mane didn't obstruct.

Ceylon slowly shook his head at her, smiling as he licked his beak. "Sorry Missa, I'm all out of juice for now and I'm pretty sure we both need to pause to have a drink. Seriously, I'm already thirsty." He padded his way up past her as his knot deflated and pulled back into his sheath, the musk of their combined sex fluids emanating from his undercarriage, which he used to his advantage by waving his tail wide to spread the scent.

Though she wanted more - she had quite the sexual endurance - Missaria decided to begrudgingly get back to her hooves and brush herself clean of the dirt and mess that had formed on her knees and hands, shaking her mane and pumping her tail to clear it of leaves. "If you say so, Ceylon. I guess it's off to the orchard, then?" She stepped over and grabbed her dress from the ground and tossed it over her shoulder before trotting forward to catch pace with Ceylon, who had somehow already grabbed his satchel and tossed it over his rump end.

He nodded as he walked, wings stretching a bit to shake off the dirt as well. "Yeah, it's been quite a trip so far, and we have some hours to go before we get to the orchard, and I'm sure you could definitely eat, right?" He kept walking forward, trotting with ease through the tall grasses and flowers.

Missa, on the other hoof, was having a bit of a problem keeping pace. Her knees were weak and she was still feeling pangs of pleasure tracing her spine that made her gait adopt a bit of a wobble. "Hey, can I, you know, ride you?" She asked as she stumbled, leaning against him with one hand on his hip under the tip of his folded wing.

Ceylon paused and looked back, one ear up high and a smile on his beak. "Man, you're just insatiable, aren't you?" He joked with a laugh before giving her a real answer. "Yeah, sure. Hop on."

She stepped forward, never taking her palm from his side as he laid down onto his belly. Once he was low enough, she lifted one leg and straddled his shoulders, easily resting with her legs curled up under his wings like when they were flying. Once comfortable, She laid down so her neck was resting on his and they headed out towards the orchard while she did her best to not grind her crotch against the ridges of his spine. She was quite amicable, of course, and seemed unable to completely turn her arousal off even when it was clear that Ceylon's energy had depleted. Of course, once they ate there would be plenty more opportunity to fool around.

"This is taking so long! I'm so bored!" Missa complained, rolling her eyes and leaning her head back. She was still perched on Ceylon's shoulders, and she wasn't prepared to give up yet. It had been about an hour since they had packed up and left the little clearing in the meadow to frolic, and now she was getting grumpy. Ceylon had taken her from Arrenthen - where all the action was happening - just so he could protect her. More like bore her.

"Would you rather be walking this whole way? Or, I don't know, prefer being back at the castle?" Ceylon offered, still trudging along. Spread out ahead of them, the plains and rolling hills were giving way to a small bush of trees in the foothills of the mountain range. There, lie the orchard full of both apple and pear trees. Though he had plenty of patience and adored Missa's company, it was growing increasingly clear that he was getting frustrated with her steady, droning complaints. She wasn't being unreasonable - in fact she was taking the whole situation quite well, all things considered - but she was getting a little anxious.

"No, of course I wouldn't, but I'm really starting to regret coming all the way out here. Would have been a lot faster to just let you fly to the orchard and harvest the fruit yourself. I could have laid in the grass and enjoyed myself there." She kept lurching along on Ceylon's back with every step, his thick yet silken feline form sliding along the tall grass of the meadow. She was still doing her best to restrain herself, but it wasn't working very well, and her restraint was manifesting as ire.

Ceylon chuckled a bit as he shook his head. "And miss out on that awesome, messy session? Gasp! I see how it is, I mean little more to you than a good ride!" He held his head high, beak in the air as an expression of disgust, even though it was clear he was being facetious.

She playfully smacked him on the back of the head. "Oh don't be like that, you're plenty of fun and I'm glad we did. I just mean, from there I could have stayed in the meadow, spread eagle and soaked while you flew to the orchard and brought me noms. I mean, You're supposed to be protecting me, right? That includes saving me from starvation!" She laughed a bit as she gave his neck and shoulders a gentle finger-massage to assure him she wasn't angry. Then, before he could respond, she started drifting off into her own personal worries and concerns about the conflict at the castle. "I really hope they're okay."

The gryphon mount stopped in place and lowered his upper body so that she could step off. They weren't far from the orchard, so he didn't mind making her walk. In reality, he wanted to look her in the eyes. "I'm sure they're fine. I would have absolutely no doubt in my mind that they've got the whole situation under control. She's been queen for many, many years and she has built up the finest defenses around the castle and city. I doubt they'll even suffer any casualties."

"If they're so confident in their defenses, and you're so sure of her confidence, then why did you have to whisk me away to a mountain retreat and some silly, lonesome lakeside resort? Don't get me wrong, I enjoy your company so far, but I don't want to be stuck up here for too long. I'm a social mare, I need social interaction and from what I've seen you're pretty quiet and reserved. You need to open up a bit more. Come on, tell me about you." She started rambling as she stepped away, fingers trailing along his neck. "We've already been intimate, and it sounds like we're to be stuck up here for a while, so tell me about you."

Ceylon lifted an ear and cocked his head to the side, clearly baffled and somewhat impressed by her ability to jump from a dour tone to genuinely trying to socialize and lift both their spirits. Rather than dwell on it or call her out on what he saw as somewhat bipolar nature, he shrugged his wings and smiled. "Well there's not really a lot to tell, really. Well, not a lot I can tell or should tell. I'm Ceylon, gryphon of Saff'Rald. Been an international diplomat most of my life, as well as a warrior and negotiator. Though I live east of Klyneth, most of my time is spent travelling the globe, witnessing the ebb and flow of the tides. I and a few of my closest friends - including Queen Talba and King Vaulix - have spent our lives doing our best to keep the peace. As you can see, we have recently failed as the Tehgolian army is currently on Arrenthen's doorsteps." He was trying to be humble while also bragging about his accomplishments, but it didn't wow her.

"That's all well and good, I know what you are, but I still don't know who you are." Suddenly, she leaned into him so that her shoulder was next to hers as they continued to walk towards the orchard. There was a suspicious looking, battered down path between the fields of tall grass leading right to the riches of fruit, so they took that strip. "So tell me, what are you like when you're not being all protective, whisking princesses away to far away lands in the mountains?"

He clicked his beak and kept walking, the two of them side by side in the pathway between the tall stalks of grass. "I really don't know how to describe myself. I'm pretty reserved for the most part. When I'm not traveling, I'm usually at my home in the mountains, with my mate Leera, or I'm flying high above the lands and valleys below, wrapped up in my own thoughts. I don't party, I don't drink, I produce potions but rarely use them, and honestly I'm kind of boring."

She just shook her head, golden mane glistening in the early morning light. "I highly doubt you're boring. You travel the world, you see people everywhere, presumably interact with all races and all cultures, I highly doubt you are boring."

"What would you consider interesting then? You said you're a social mare, I'm not that social. I travel a lot, sure, but I usually do it to see the sights, not meet the people. In fact, when I'm traveling, it's usually the people that get under my feathers and are the cause of the woes I'm tasked with fixing. People kind of suck until proven otherwise. I have a few great friends, some acquaintances around the world, and a whole lot of enemies." The two of them ended up at the edge of the orchard by a glade, where a gentle mist billowed out between the tree trunks to keep the leaves and fruits moist.

"If you have enemies, then there has to be stories of how you made them. Ever killed anyone? Actually, don't answer that, I kind of don't want to know." She reached up to grab at an enormous red and green faded apple, yanking it from the branch and biting into it with a crisp crunch.

Ceylon got to his hind legs and started using his claws to slice at the branches that the apples and pears were holding on to, collecting fruits from both kinds of trees. "I've killed people. Many people, but that was a different life before I became a diplomat. My job used to be as a war mount, but now my job is to stop wars before they happen, or use my not-inconsiderable magic skills to halt a skirmish before it gets too bad. Like I said, though, my life is different now and I do all I can to avoid conflict. Hence my decision to take you here instead of dropping you in the middle of an impending battle."

"Magic, eh?" She took another huge bite and chewed, the juices dribbling out over her lower lip before she licked it up. The mare swayed her hips and walked over to Ceylon with a sultry look before curling a finger to his chin. "Any chance I could get you to use some of that magic on me? Not a lot of power in my hometown, and I've been curious to try that kind of ... enhanced ... play with someone; think you could indulge me?"

He scoffed a bit, laughing at her forward nature. "You're remarkably blunt with your desires, aren't you?"

Missa winked and tossed her mane back. "I know what I want and I'm not afraid to do what I need to get it. I'm sure someone as worldly and travelled as you are understands the value in that, right?" She got in even closer and rubbed herself up against the floofy plumage of Ceylon's chest and shoulders. "So come on, don't leave me wanting."

"Come on, you. This isn't some gryphon sex party up here. I brought you here to keep you safe." He pulled away from her so he could stare at her with a half-cocked smirk. "But I do know that there's not really a whole lot else up here to do. For now, let's just get some food, okay?"

She nodded slowly and grabbed another few apples and pears to toss them in his saddle bags as she rolled her eyes and let out a long, drawn out sigh. "Well alright, let's get some food for now, but later, I want to see what it's like to experience magic enhancements, you got it?" She pointed a finger at him, other hand with the apple still on her hips. As an act of dominance, she grabbed the plumage on his cheek and pulled him in to nuzzle at the side of his beak, lips offering him a gentle kiss as she whispered in his ear. "I promise I'll make it worth your while."

Ceylon curled his neck around hers a bit and ran his beak tip through her mane before stepping away to swat at her with his long, powerful tail. "Fair enough, my dear, but you better not disappoint. Right now, I'm just hungry and out of water and food. I need to fill my belly with prey and water, then we can talk. Okay?" He returned to another tree to grab some of the low-hanging fruit before noticing a few peculiar trees in the center of the grove. They were peach trees, with the most plump looking fruits and leaves dangling just above his head.

"Oh wow, those look delicious!" She commented as she trotted over. Having finished the first apple, she was ready for another taste, this time of an even juicier, messier fruit. She grabbed the biggest one she could find - a fruit the size of both her fists pressed wrist to wrist - and bit into it, a flow of orange-pink juices spilled down her chest, moistening her breasts before trickling down over her belly button and between her thighs. "Oh man, this is absolutely delicious!" She crooned, growing weak at the knees.

"You should be a bit more careful, Missa. Those juices are going to get sticky and gross. Luckily, there's a stream nearby where you can clean up and get a drink. come on." He walked over past her - saddle bags filled with apples and pears - only to be stopped by her mid stride as her naked body blocked the path between the two peach trees.

"Nope, I have a better idea. How about you lick it off? More fun, and I'm sure it'd be a lot messier. Plus I'd get clean!" She took another big bite of the peach to let more of the juices spill over her naked form. "So go on, protector, save me from my own mess!" Her tail flicked and pumped out behind her as she rubbed the fruit's flesh against her chest, trailing it down towards her belly and stopping just above her hip bones. Her demands couldn't have been more forthright.

Ceylon, on the other hand, wasn't as keen on another round with her. He was still exhausted from the flight up the summit - one of the reasons he didn't just fly her to the orchard in the first place - and their previous session left him dehydrated and hungry. All he wanted was a meal, not a tasty, sweet dessert of a mare. "Missa, don't tempt me with such a peach-pie delicacy. You know that's my weakness!" He chirped at her and pounced forward, pressing his massive talon to her shoulder and pinning her to the ground. He bit the peach right out of her hand and gulped it down, letting the juices trickle out over the corners of his beak to splash in a puddle on her lithe belly.

"That's a bit more like it!" She writhed and faked a struggle under his foot, legs parting a bit to give him access to her own peachy parts.

"Just a little bit, Missa. I'm still hungry and I need some energy before I can go another round." He cautioned, slowly stepping backwards with his beak tip trailing between her breasts and over her belly, eventually hooking on her inner thigh.

"That's fine, I'm sure I'm both delicious and nutritious." She nickered at him and arched her back, pushing down to rub the juices that had pooled on her belly up against his crest. "So go ahead, sample me!"

He trilled back to her and stepped lightly, pressing his front talon down on her one thigh, pinning it to the ground and leaving her somewhat on her side with the other knee up in the air. Once she was in position, he slid his head between her thighs and darted his tongue to her belly, the forked tip prodding at her bellybutton and gently sliding up her pubic region to capture as much of the peachy juice as he could. Slowly, he made his way from the crook of her inner thighs to her belly and up to between her breasts, tongue sampling the flavors of fruit and mare every step of the way. He finished up by rotating around one of her nipples, caressing the areola before gulping all the fluids down.

Again, he slid backwards to nuzzle and kiss between her breasts, over her belly, then up against her inner thigh where he prodded at her opening and slipped a tongue inside, tasting the combination of mare and peach juice from within. Though the fruit's mess was quickly cleaned up, the mare kept producing more, constantly drooling fluids out to darken his already black beak with a glistening sheen. Like a hungry beast, he offered a few gentle beak-nips at her lips before licking at her depths again; for a moment he seems a little surprised and discouraged, as her depths had retained their tightness from before and his tongue - though powerful and sleek - was having a hard time parting her walls to sample her nectar.

When he looked up at her, his blue eyes had gone dark and his gaze was the intensity of a feral, which just made Missa want and need more.

"Oh? Have I reverted you back to the feral ways of your ancestors, or something?" She teased, releasing the grass next to her so she could grab at his cheek feathers. To her shock, she felt a sudden and intense pang of tension course through her body from her arms, down her shoulders, through her torso and breasts, and into the thigh that Ceylon's talon was pressing down on. Every muscle clenched at once as a static sock zapped her from hands to leg.

Immediately, she let go of his face and let out a long, drawn out gasp as the residual shocks traveled through her torso, tickling under her fur and leaving the hairs to stand on end. "Oooooh!" She hooted at him, body writhing under his talon. A moment passed when she gradually relaxed before Ceylon started tapping his talons on her inner thigh, the sharp points of his claws digging into her flesh a bit before letting loose a series of jolts to pass from claw tip to claw tip.

As an act of instinct, she curled up and tried to push his paws off him - the electric stimulation was a bit more than she was prepared to deal with - but the claw tips kept them in place. Her maw gaped open as she pushed up against his talons, body slithering under his touch as her peachy lips started drooling their own sweet fluids all over her rump and tail.

Ceylon glared at Missaria and stood tall above her, one hand gripping her inner thigh with his thumb claw gently poking and prodding against her luscious vulva on one side, the very tip of his claw sliding into her to stab at her inner flesh. With him on top of her, he got his other hand to wrap around her other knee, slowly forcing it down to the grass so that both her legs were splayed out flat with her puffy peach-lips parted in the middle to show a slit of cherry pink insides. Her folds were converging where Ceylon's talon tip was stabbing at her inner wall, but not bleeding or punctured.

He wrapped his other hand around her other thigh, mirroring the first with the forward fingers up on the leg with the thumb rubbing her lips and slipping a claw tip inside her. She was soaking wet, eager and excited for what was next even if she wasn't ready or prepared.

A crackling zap echoed through the orchard as a series of powerful shocks snapped through her. The first wave erupted through her nether regions, lighting up her touch receptors and tensing up every muscle, mare clit pulsing as gushes of fluid sprayed out in an uncontrollable orgasm. She gasped and cried out, her shrieks of pleasure melting into a long, drawn out whinny of contentedness as she writhed and twitched, fingers grasping at the grass for support.

Though the first wave was over, he wasn't done. Another series of concentrated shocks zapped her, each one emanating from Ceylon's thumb claws that were stabbing inside her pussy walls to cascade out to each of the other talons. Since each one was at a different location and was a different distance away from the thumb claw that was lodged inside her, each one felt a little different and a bit more intense than the last.

She arched her back high and grabbed at her own breasts as she pushed down as hard as she could against his hands; even though she tried to close her legs - unwillingly, of course - Ceylon's weight was too much for her so she couldn't move. She was stuck with her knees parted, and her pussy spread open by claws that kept pumping shock after shock into her depths. After each wave of pulses, Ceylon paused for a moment to let her relax and catch her breath, pussy shaking in delight and drooling fluids out its gaping opening.

When she expected another wave of surges to rock her body, the gryphon drake took his hands away from her inner thighs and stepped over her, his member already at full mast as it dripped more fluid of his own out the tip co coat her peach-lips with a creamy topping. "I bet you're even more delicious, now." He hissed at her, his powerful form stepping over top of the mare's spread-eagle body. He grinned and growled as he lowered his hind end, pressing his barbed tip up to her loins, the end slipping into her with ease.

She giggled a bit and lifted her legs to straddle him from below, eager to once again feel him inside her. This time she was more prepared for his barbs, yet the second they touched her folds she clenched up and whinnied at him. Her clit folded out in a wink and a bit of juices splashed up against his shaft as he plunged into her with one brisk thrust.

Ceylon let out a grunt as his length disappeared into Missa. "W-wow, you're so tight again! Didn't I just knot fuck you this morning?" He practically growled into her ear before biting down on her neck and shoulders.

"I tighten up-" She started, only to be stopped when his beak wrapped around her, the curled tips poking into her and holding in place. Though she was expecting what came next, she wasn't quite expecting the intensity.

For a brief moment after he bit down, a crackling sound could be heard between them, a blue mist emanating from Ceylon's hindquarters with little bolts of static electricity arching from different locations on him, from stripe to haunches and up to tail. Before she could properly brace herself, she felt a deep, powerful surge of energy flow from the puncture points of Ceylon's beak and right into the depths of her mare bits, causing her vaginal walls to contract tightly, constricting his many ridges and bulges but also locking his barbs in place.

Normally she would have held on for a moment before relaxing, but the jolt of electricity was flowing through her in little pulses and waves, leaving her unable to release her muscular clamp from his length. She didn't mind, though. Rather than resist, she pushed into hit and grinded down against his knot, malleable lips distending and stretching as they attempted to swallow the bulge of his knot again.

This time there was no chance it was happening. As Ceylon bucked into her, she just scooted backwards on the grass, her vaginal walls twitching and caressing him as a combination of her own orgasmic contractions as well as electrically induced tensing. After a few violent thrusts that pushed her hips to the ground and made her skid along it, Ceylon stopped moving, his hips remaining immobile as he pried his beak away from her shoulder.

A warm trickle of blood trailed down her chest when the stab of his beak was withdrawn. Instantly, he got an apologetic look on his face as he licked it off. "Sorry, Missa! I didn't mean to-"

She cut him off mid-sentence, her body still twitching from the residual jolts that were coursing up from within her pussy. "Don't worry, good sex is rough sometimes." She paused to look down at him, his bulging cock resting gently within her, the barbs splaying out with each beat of his heart to tickle her depths. "Are you finished or what?"

Ceylon blushed and lowered his beak to rest between her breasts. "No, just exhausted, really, it's been a long day."

Though she wanted a longer encounter, she did feel that her wells had dried up. Her depths were moist, but nowhere near the leaking, drooling arousal levels she was used to. No, she knew if he got too vigorous she wouldn't be able to accommodate him fully. Though her resignation disappointed herself, she patted him on the head and smiled. "Then don't worry about forcing yourself to finish. If you're tired, we can go get a drink, refresh ourselves, then come back to this later."

He nodded and slowly pulled his length from her pussy, pausing and holding his position every time he felt his barbs catch on her walls. He relaxed, let them un-hook, then pulled some more until finally his tip burst from her tender, swollen lips. Though they were usually a peach-cream color, now they were more like pink and red - he had been a little too rough without proper care. Sensing he needed to fix this little mistake of his, he stepped back and laid down flat on his belly, paws against the ground on either side of her tail while he gingerly licked at her swollen vulva.

She twitched again the moment she felt his tongue slipping into her, its powerful, prehensile length wrapping around her clit as he dragged it upwards. "Oh dear, you don't have to keep doing that, I'm fine!" She assured him, her lips tender and a little over-sensitive. His length wasn't as well lubricated as before, and she wasn't as viscous as usual, either. As such, she was ready to relax. Plus, it certainly helped that his electric stimulation had coaxed a few more dry orgasms from her, so she was quite effectively spent.

Still, Ceylon kept licking at her lips, cleaning her until any and all juices were cleared of her nether regions, leaving only saliva on her fine hair; that would dry up with ease. Once he was done, he stood tall over her and stumbled a bit as he stepped over her, heading towards the watering hole. "If you need me, I'll be buried, neck deep in the creek." He informed her as he stumbled away through the trees. The saddle bags were still slung over his hips, full of apples, pears, and peaches.

Missaria slowly closed her legs and rolled to her side in the fetal position, inner thighs squeezing her lips and clit tight against her body as she shivered and twitched, idly kicking bakwards with her hooves digging into the ground. She just laid there for many minutes, listening to the splashing and gargling sounds of Ceylon fooling around in the water as she regained her composure. She was hungry, she was thirsty, and she was out of juice, so she knew it was time to eat. The peach was delicious, but she needed more.

Slowly, she got to her hooves and stumbled around a bit before finding her balance by leaning against a tree. Her free hand reached up to grab an apple, which she plucked from the branch and shoved in her mouth. Half of it was chomped in one bite, followed by a second bite that finished it off. Two, three, then four apples all eaten one after another. She was certainly not the gluttonous type, but she needed it. After she had a belly full of apples, she stumbled with a bit more confidence over to a pear tree and had a few of them before taking a peach to suck on. Mostly rejuvenated, she trotted her way over to the little lake and creek that was nestled in the opposite end of the orchard, fueled by a waterfall that cascaded over the cliffs.

Ceylon was dipping his head in the cool, clear water and drinking bits of it as he cleaned himself off. She could see that the pool beneath the waterfall was quite deep - despite the clarity of the water she couldn't actually see the bottom - and Ceylon was on the edge of the pool, shaking his plumage of the water that cascaded over him.

"I see you're rather comfortable here." She commented as she leaned down next to the bank of the stream, cupping some water in her palms to drink it up. She noticed that the saddle bags were sealed shut and resting on the banks between her and Ceylon.

"Yup. I like it here, regardless of need or war. Anyway, I was thinking it might be time to take a nap, have some food, and call it a day." He insisted. After letting her have her fill of water, he stepped out of the lake to stand next to her. Once he shook himself off, he grabbed the satchel and slung it over his haunches and proceeded to walk towards the pathway that led out of the orchard.

Missa took another few drinks and shook her mane clear of sticks, dirt, and water that had accumulated in their rough session. In time, she'd regain her energy and be hydrated and she'd be able to have another go with her protector. After all, it wasn't like there was a whole lot else to do up in the mountain valley. She trotted up to speed and quickly hopped onto Ceylon's back as the two of them returned to the settlement at lake shore.

Both mare and drake plodded their way east bound across the valley of the northern Triquatic Lake towards their little hamlet on the shore. On the way, they cracked jokes about each other and got to really know each other a little better than they had before. Ceylon opened up more about his time in Klyneth and his vore-loving partner and the time it took him to accept that desire in him, while Missa told him of the first times she had experienced heavy bondage. She was still quite young but had a taste for rope that only the more versed types could match.

The trip was only a couple of hours since both had stopped to enjoy a meal mid way and the second half of the trip blasted by quite quickly. She enjoyed a trifecta of fruit while Ceylon blasted off into the sky to hunt some vermin. Though he could eat fruit, it wasn't enough to sustain him.

Upon arrival to the hamlet, Ceylon quickly hobbled over to the building that housed the storage cellar and deposited the fruits while Missa clopped her way out the pier, sitting at the end of the dock to kick her hooves in the water.

Like the tiny pond in the orchard, the water was crisp and clear, but also quite deep to the point it got black only a few dozen meters out. Though her eyes weren't attuned to underwater sight, she could have sworn she could see almost a hundred meters down the rocky embankment before everything went black in the abyss. Chilling.

Curious, she glanced around the side of the dock to see where it was all being held up, and she could tell that the pillars connecting the dock to the ground beneath them were actually angled and they were jutting out like a balcony over a cliff side. Very nice, but it didn't stop her from being a little unsettled concerning the darkness that spread out before her and below her.

The whole scene felt unsettling to her and she had no idea why. Strewn out before her was the massive lake so large she couldn't actually see the opposite shore, but she could see the pale mountains stabbing into the sky. There were clouds, but they were sparse and darting across the sky quite quickly. Everything was so quiet that she couldn't even hear the birds or insects in the distance even though she was sure such creatures resided here. How else would the valley around the the lake be so well vegetated?

Her hooves splashed in the water in front of her, the only noise that came to her aside from the brief hushing of her own breath. The sun was going down, the skies were growing dark, and she was thinking it was maybe time for her to get to sleep. If Ceylon wasn't planning anything, and she couldn't really go for a walk without risking getting lost, then she was stuck at the hamlet with the gryphon.

Luckily for Missa, she was the social type who got along with pretty much everyone unless they proved themselves to be unpleasant people, and Ceylon seemed nice to her. Everything he did made her think that he genuinely cared, and given their solitude he was easy to get some dick out of. She wasn't the slut type - not usually - but she was in heat and had a thing for gryphons, plus the scenario of being whisked off and away to protect her was quite the turn on.

No harm in enjoying oneself in the wake of potential tragedy. If there was nothing to do to help, the least she could do was help herself. Ceylon seemed amicable to that mentality.

As Missaria kicked at the water, still deep in her thoughts, Ceylon started trotting out from the hamlet and onto the dock. "Hey there. How are you holding up?" He asked as he squatted down next to her, tail flicking behind the both of them before curling up and cradling her rump.

She nickered a bit as she gave his tail a bit of a massage. "I'm doing fine. Starting to really wish I was back in Arrenthen, but I'm not going to whine and moan and gripe about something that's clearly beyond my control." She leaned over into him and nuzzled her cheek to his shoulder. "Besides, I've got pretty good company with you. Not even two days and I like you already."

A deep rumbling purr emanated from Ceylon's chest as he extended a wing to cradle her in response. "I'm glad to hear it. I enjoy your company, too - but then again I kind of have a mare fetish. Shh, don't tell anyone." He grinned down to her and flicked his ear, blue eye winking at her.

"So that's why you were so eager to mount me even when you knew you shouldn't have! It all makes sense now!" She joked back. "But of course, no man nor beast can resist the wiles of me!"

Ceylon nodded. "Well, nope! Absolutely irresistible. Literally. Yep. But all joking aside, it's true. I don't know what it is, every gryphon I know has a thing for mares. It's in our blood, I guess. If we're not eating horses, we're mating with them. Maybe that explains my weird linked fetish with being both pred and prey, but also loving equines. Ah well, I can theorize about that kind of stuff later. For now, just gotta ask: you doing alright? Belly full? Hydrated?"

She couldn't help but laugh a bit, idly pushing at him to make him shuffle his feet before nearly falling into the water. "I'm well. Had lots to drink, enough fruit to last me till tomorrow, and I guess the company will have to do."

"Glad to hear it, because I have to go." He informed her before stepping back to spread his wings.

In panic, she turned back around with eyes wide. "Wait, no, you can't leave me here! It'd be so boring without someone to fool around with! I mean, I suppose I could use the apples to pleasure myself but it's not the same!"

He chuckled at her. "Not like that, dummy. I'm hungry. I have to go get something to eat, probably some fish. I had a few rabbits earlier, but I'm a fishing bird and I need to go catch something to fill my gut. You stay here, I'll be back in a bit. Less than an hour, I promise." He used his extended wing to push at her shoulder before leaping into the air and flapping hard, the gust of wind blowing dust around in all directions.

She watched closely as Ceylon flew in circles above the hamlet, gradually gaining altitude before gliding out over the lake. Once out far, he circled a few dozen times before finally diving don into the calm surface of the water, his splash barely seen and the sound more like a slice than a splat. He was under the water for about two seconds before bursting back up, form bounding up off the surface as he spread his wings to catch the air before rising for another attempt.

Missa's eyes weren't all that great at such a distance - she was more equipped for closer, moving objects - but it appeared that the gryphon had failed to catch a meal. Another dive, another failed attempt to catch a fish, so he flapped a bit to go to a different area, like he was following a school of fish below the surface.

After another half dozen failed attempts, Ceylon took another attack with a bit more gusto. He flapped harder to gain more altitude, and packed his wings in tighter to his side for a better streamline and faster dive. Down he went, splashing violently at the water and disappearing beneath the surface.

While he was submerged, however, Missa saw a deep teal glow emanating from the water. She got to her feet so she could get a better look, but it didn't help. A second later, Ceylon burst out from the surface with a massive fish in his front talons followed by the gaping jaws of a massive eel-serpent trying to snap at his tail!

Whatever the creature was, it was absolutely massive - big enough to swallow Ceylon in one gulp - and had glowing points or bulbs along each and every tip of his neck frill, which was the cause of the illumination. He missed making a meal out of Ceylon, so it curled back up, each bit of his massive body shifting in a semicircle above the water's surface before his twin tails splashed at the sky and disappeared with the rest of him in the lake.

Missaria's eyes were wide in shock and fear as she slowly stepped backwards off the dock. Ceylon was banking around and gliding right towards her as he tossed the fish up above him; he did a bit of a midair roll, hooked around, and caught the massive fish in his beak, swallowing it in one gulp before spinning around to regain his gliding stance, right side up. He was coming right for her as though he'd been hunting her.

Eventually, he landed at the edge of the dock, chest heaving and beak agape. "Time to go." He ushered her, lunging forward with flutter-hop to keep his balance and pace. "Don't fret, my dear, but you really should evacuate the pillar, and do it fast."

Missa was still in shock, hooves clopping on the wood as she back-stepped closer and closer to shore, not sure what to make of what she saw or what was happening. She was nearly to the sandy beaches of the pier when a glowing disturbance burst out of the depths next to the dock, lunging directly at Ceylon!

He twisted and flipped in midair, letting the beast's jaws clip his wing and shoulder as it struck at him, its massive form arching over the dock as it attacked. Ceylon contorted his body until he was in a backflip, giving him the chance to dig all his claws into the beast's scales, surging a massive shock into its body to paralyze it in a hail of static bolts that exploded in every direction before kicking off its side in midair and using the leverage to spread his wings and bank sharply. He did a barrel roll before quickly changing direction and flying directly towards Missa. "Come on!" He urged, flying low overhead and using his hind paws to claw at her shoulders as he whizzed by.

The monster itself lay twitching on the dock, head and tail dipping into the water with bits of static electricity arching around in bolts from fin to fin and from scale to water. It was completely paralyzed, at least for now.

After witnessing the monster's attack and being gobsmacked by its size and audacity in attacking her, she finally turned and started galloping down the pier to hide between the buildings on the shore. A moment later, Ceylon flipped and landed heavy behind her, his chest heaving and beak agape still. He was exhausted, clearly, and it didn't help that he'd used all his energy shocking the beast's scales before kicking off.

"Are you okay?" Missa asked him. Her heart was racing and her adrenaline was flowing, since she had no idea what to do from that point forward. Did she ask him questions? Did they leave? What was next? How was she safe here with a creature like that patrolling the depths? "What do we do now?"

Ceylon took in a few more long, deep breaths before answering. "Well, I guess for now we head out away from the shores, at least for the night. Come on, let's grab some grub and be on our way". He wrapped a wing around her and guided her away, but she couldn't stop staring at it.

She resisted his pull as she stepped out from the buildings to stare at the eel-serpent as it twitched and writhed on the dock. Slowly, its slimy body allowed it to glide off the side and disappear into the abyss, each of the once-glowing bulbs dim and snuffed out. It was alive, but hurt. Not a good idea to attack Ceylon, it seemed. Of course, the power of the electric attack showed her just how gentle he was being with her when he zapped her.

The gryphon had stung the lake monster with enough juice to paralyze it, and it had to be sixty or seventy meters long, two or three meters thick with a maw that could have swallowed a half dozen horses in one gulp. That was one scary beast, and here it was attacking Ceylon as he hunted for fish. "Did you know that thing was here?" She asked, unblinking eyes wide as she watched the last remnant of its tail slip away into the abyss, tiny rivulets of waves trailing behind it.

"Of course. There are great creatures in the deep of most of the lakes and seas around the world. Some in the mountains, many in the oceans. Normally they stay near the lake bed, especially here. It's quite odd to see it near the surface. I should have been able to feel its presence but I wasn't expecting it so I wasn't focused on it. Glad I got out of there when I did, I wouldn't have wanted to kill it to get out of its belly."

She gulped and glanced back at him. "What do you mean? If it eats you, you fight back, right?"

"Yeah, of course, but I'd rather not kill a creature I don't have to, and I certainly wouldn't want to have to struggle to reach the surface. Come on, let's forget about this now. The moon is out, the stars are high in the sky, and it's really time to sleep for the night." Again, he wrapped his wing around her and tried to guide her away from the lake shore to bring her past the hamlet and into the rolling fields at the base of the mountain.

Though she was still fixated on the massive creature, Missaria didn't have too much of a hard time allowing herself to relax in the care of Ceylon. He'd done so much for her, having flown her out of a war zone and saved her life from a hungry sea creature while also offering himself as an eager source of her pleasure. Certainly nothing wrong with any of that, other than the worry about massive creatures attacking and eating her.

Certainly not a positive thought.

Still, she was here, alone with the caring gryphon in the foothills of the mountain, staring at the stars while the moon bathed the night in a cool blue glow. Though some more company would have certainly been preferable, she couldn't think of a whole lot of better ways to end a day. Well, that wasn't entirely true, she could think of one better way to end it.

Ceylon rolled over onto his back with his wing spread, inviting her to lay down. When she did, he wrapped it around her like a blanket as she nuzzled into his side, head poking out next to his shoulder so she could enjoy the mostly clear night skies, moon illuminating the dark side of the clouds to give each one something like a halo. When there, she curled up close and ran her fingers through his chest feathers, slowly trailing down to his belly fur.

"What are you doing?" He chirped at her, belly starting to rumble in a deep purr.

"Just thanking you for your heroics, dear. Now be quiet and enjoy." She kept walking her fingers down his belly until the very tips were at the end of his sheath. Once there, she slipped a digit inside the black ring of moist flesh, giving the barbed tip inside a gentle rub while also bringing her other hand down to stroke it through the sheath flesh.

He grunted and let himself rumble into a purr as hie bucked his hips upwards, the motion peeling his skin back to poke the pink tip of his member out through the black flesh lining his sheath, stabbing at her palms and grabbing the fine fur there.

Missa grinned and leaned over, pulling the sheath back as far as it would go as she brought her lips down to give the end a kiss, ignoring the poking sensations that caught her flesh. Her equine tongue slipped out to cradle the underside of his length, supporting it in place while she gave the shaft a massage. Her fingers bumped up and down the rivulets of his many ridges as she leaned in farther, careful to not swallow too much of his shaft.

She wanted to thank him for his kindness and bravery, not suffer through the worst sore throat she could imagine.