Love On the Amazon
|text| Telepathy
*text* thoughts
The Amazon holds many wonders unknown to the people of the world. The beautiful thick vegetation protects its vast treasures from most explorers, scientists, and even inhabitants of this forest. On the eternal darkness of the forest floor were humans of the "R" sort, hacking away vegetation with their emblazoned machetes followed by men in jungle gear carrying sacks filled with books. Not too far from them were the trappers, horned dogs, and the dark hyenas. Many creatures are unnerved by such troops of humans and even more so by those dogs they brought. These men ushered in exoduses any time they came... only fools stayed to be captured.
Not too far away from the camp of the "R" humans, a lone mew named Inca flew through the trees, testing her agility by dodging around the gargantuan trunks and watching for low laying vegetation. She didn't realize that the forest around her had become very quiet. Finally she slowed down as she saw the glow of a campfire. *Humans... and it looks like scientists...* She was quite used to seeing that sort around here, but most of what was in the camp was obstructed from view. She longed for companionship even if it just meant tat the scientists would observe her, try to communicate with her, draw her, take pictures... anything that could resemble companionship. She was to enthralled with the chance that they would study her that she only just noticed that the forest around her was empty. The mew twitched her ears and settled down near the trappers' tent. She peered inside and saw tired, worn out pokemon in the cages. *These aren't scientists... these are trappers, hunters, rockets. I must get out of here*
What she didn't realize was she made her presence known with the glowing of her body. A set of malicious eyes followed her around the camp, the beast rousing his sleeping masters. "Get that creature!" shouted the scientist. Inca had been discovered. She turned around and dashed out of camp into the never ending darkness. She couldn't see the beasts' whole form, but she could see the 8 eyes pursuing her, coming up close. She juked left and right, but nothing swayed them. She dashed ahead and turned around. "PSYCHIC!" A burst of psychic energy illuminated the area revealing her enemies but not hurting them at all. "You are all dark types! Houndoom and Mightyena." She dashed into the understory in hopes of losing them but one of the mightyena fired a dark energy ball that hampered her ability to fly. She couldn't reach a high enough altitude to break away from them, so the chase resumed. *I can't keep this up for long... I must find a river to cross.*
At a river not too far from the chase sat a pikachu without a tribe. The water reflected his sullen, despair-filled eyes that overflowed with loneliness. He looked around and dipped his paw into the water. Maybe a carvanha will find his gangly flame delectable. It wouldn't matter because he was of no tribe... as is the fate of a dethrone leader. The scent of fellow pikachus was long gone since the season where he was challenged and beaten by a young master of battle. Yet this was not his fate... he managed to survive this long after many confrontations with predators. It was hunger that could be his downfall. He looked at his thinning body and sighed. Since he was without a tribe, he couldn't compete with the flocks of birds and the clan of monkeys that would descend on the berries and fish he used to eat. *It has been days, no, weeks since I've eaten. I am Roz. I will not die like this.* He slapped the surface of the water with his paw accidentally scaring away the fish. Salty tears fell from his eyes as he saw the fish scurry away. "I finally see fish and all I can do is scare them away. Screw this life! I should just walk into the deep, cut my wrists and let the fishes get their revenge for their digested brethren!"
He could just picture himself swimming deep into the river, looking solemn as the carvanha, those piranha pokemon, approached from afar, diving as if to find a treasure but with the knowledge that if you reach for it you will die. The trees would disappear as he looked back only to see the surface of the water... a wet blue coffin in which the sun doesn't see. A stream of blood would trail up from him as he would bite into his fur to ensure he died, insurance just in case his body screamed for breath. Yeah, that was the idea. As he approached the edge, fear chilled over his bones... the fear of dying in the cool waters ripped apart by the horrid fish... maybe he would feel tons of pain. Then he looked over to some of the plants noting one of them was one used as a painkiller back at his tribe. "Even now, you torture me memory, but no more!" Bitterly, he grabbed a few leaves and stuffed it into his maw, chewing and letting the juices run down his throat and for some reason did not swallow the leaves in his hunger: even his natural inclination to eat it down was stopped by the knowledge that to swallow it would be a painful death. Spitting the mashed leaves out, he looked over at the water again... feeling a bit lightheaded. *Now why didn't I swallow those leav... oh well at least I can die this way...* He staggered over to the water and prepared to dive in.
Right at the moment he placed his forepaw into the water, a pinkish blur blew past him, his yellow body was all wet now. Roz stumbled backwards and tripped up a pack of strange dark dogs. "Get out of our way rodent, we have something to catch!" barked the leader, one of the Houndoom. Pikachu stood up right in the way of the predators, spurred on by the delirium of hunger and a new found anger for the interruption of his suicide. "Get out of our way, forest scum or you will be made a small yellow, crappy little snack." Roz just stared at them with his desolate hazel eyes, a flicker of burning anger all that remained in them. The dogs looked down the river and saw they lost track of the mew; their anger flared up and they turned to face the wet, weak pikachu on this now water-logged bit of embankment. "You will die for this!"
Not too far away, Inca was catching her breath. She turned and saw that they were no longer behind her. "But why did that stop following me? Oh my god, the pikachu. I can't just leave him there!" She dashed hurriedly back into the jaws of danger in order to save this unfortunate pikachu that happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time*. As she approached, a large flash blinded her way and the crackling of thunder almost deafened her. She couldn't see her way and accidentally flew right into of on the giants of the forest: a 400 year old tree. Everything faded, her world going from pure white to dark in moments, her consciousness whittled away by the pain that was consuming her.
"Oww..." She slowly opened her eyes, looking around to see the moss-carpeted ground and the thick of trees not to far away. She could hear the river flowing by and the chorus of sounds from the canopies. She sat up and just looked around, apparently seeing no sign of the pikachu or the predators. "What happened? Where is everyone?" she held her throbbing head in agony as the feeling of pain flooded in. Her nose twitched as a wonderful scent filled her nostrils, her stomach churned in hunger, and her mouth began to water. The light wind of the season blew more of that nose-pleasing scent her way, but she was too tired to follow it.
A piece of meat dangled right above the mew, held by a yellow paw. "Eat up," the voice said as it passed her the scrumptious food. She could hear his ravenous gnawing and loud chewing, but she didn't care for he had fed her. *Something that smells good can't taste bad* Her small tongue licked the piece of meat, taking in the sweet and slightly charred flavor before her teeth set about tearing the meat in small pieces, masticating, then swallowing, spreading the lovely flavor through her insides. The stomach greeted the mystery meat with adoration as it was content for the first time. "This tastes good. What kind of meat is it?" the happy mew asked. "Are you feeling better?" asked Roz as he shuffled about with a few leaves and his paws, apparently ignoring her question. "I'm fine, save his awful headache..." she replied forgetting her question as she watched the chu mashing up the leaves and some water into a paste. The yellowish paste was a far cry from the delicious meat she was eating. It smelled quite bad, like sulfur mines. "Here, eat up... that should heal you up some. What is your name?" said the smiling pikachu. "Inca..." she made a funny face that almost made Roz cry with laughter. "I'm Roz. Nice to see you"
After the lunch of fine meat and medical paste, the two set off headed downstream with no destination in mind. Yesterday's chance meeting gave each of them an opportunity to be with someone else even if it wasn't with their own species. For the first few minutes there was awkward silence and an air of tension between them until Roz tripped over a root, falling right into some mud. "Jeez you are clumsy. Let me clear that mud off of you." As she cleared his face of mud with her psychic abilities, she saw him flushed with embarrassment. "Curse that branch!" he muttered as Inca laughed it up. They started to talk from then on, learning about each other's past. "...But you seemed so strong. How did you lose a challenge?" Roz sighed, looking at a few wooper wading in the shallow parts of the river. "Simply put, I wasn't prepared for it. He wasn't as strong but he used his head more. I was getting too arrogant as no one who fought me even lasted one minute. Then he came along and trounced me. Now why are you alone? I usually see mews in pairs if at all. Where is your mate?"
Inca dashed ahead, ignoring his question in favor of satisfying an urge to eat the delicious food she spotted ahead. Berries galore and for once, there was no troop of creatures gorging themselves on it. The Pikachu's stomach led him to the tree. He climbed up and grabbed a few fruits for Inca who was still staring at the gargantuan tree. "Are you going to just stand there or are you going to eat this tangy fruits?" shouted Roz from one of the top branches. Soon, she heard squawking up in the tree and saw the pikachu dashing as fast as he could down the coarse bark of the tree, a horde of aipom chasing him. "Inca, run!" he muffled as he had a large branch of fruit in his maw. She instead floated towards him and flicked her tail behind him. The aipom dove to attack them, only managing to hit an invisible screen. They clawed at it ravenously as the two stood there. "No need to run... you have me. Now let me get the fruit for you." She used her focused mind to pluck the berries by their sepals off of the large tree, gathering them into one big mass of lavender color. "I will get a plant to carry them in," said Roz as he dashed over and got a huge pitcher plant. "Put them in and let's go before they break through the shield. In flew the berries as the makeshift sac quickly filled. Tossing it on his shoulders, they made a dash back to the river.
They walked for more miles, just talking about the little dilemma they had just encountered. Their silhouettes against the backdrop of the setting sun inching closer together as they conversed. This was the first time that Roz had ever won a tree struggle this season, but he wasn't about to let the victory to his head. Frankly, he loved her company more and more, even their useless conversations held him fascination. Inca felt the same way, reading his mind all the while they talked. "Inca, a person as wonderful as you shouldn't be alone. Why were you floating around by yourself?" The Mew sighed knowing full well he would continue to ask her. Her azure eyes were affixed on his own pleading brown eyes. "I had a mate for 50 years...we seemed to have a good relationship. We were even thinking of having kittens someday." She looked up at the darkening sky at the first visible star. "But then he disappeared one morning without as much as a psychic message... I haven't seen him in the forest since. He was my love and he just up and left me..." She tried to choke back tears, but the sadness that filled her heart became too much as she just leaned into the yellow mouse's shoulder, his fur getting quickly wet." He looked at her as she cried and felt a flood of emotion in his being. "It's ok...I am here now." His thoughts slipped out before he time to consider what he was saying. She blushed and hugged him tightly, a few tears still being shed. Companions they became in this walk along the Amazon in search of something new.
It wasn't too long before clouds started gathering as the rainy season was about to have its climatic ending. Tonight would be the time where the floor would flood and the river would be a tad more dangerous as carvanha use this time to migrate to sea. Not only was that, but also the smell of embers heavy in the air. In fact, they had wandered into another eerily quiet zone. The two decided it was time to switch to the other side of the river before the torrent of rain came. Roz was the first to go in, swimming silently past the carvanha who were wrapped up in being hunted by tropical Seel, swimming as fast as they could to avoid being eaten. The water flowed past him, comforting him, almost guiding him. His face was solemn as he realized that he would have killed himself in such a wonderful place as this water had it not been for the Mew following him closely in a bubble that allowed her to breathe. When they finally emerged on the other side, they had been carried about 200 feet of their target site and close to the source of the embers.
Roz looked around after catching sight of the fire. "It is the 'R' people... those fiends have done nothing but destroy the area, capturing pokemon." Inca darts her head back and forth looking for a place to hide when two very large shadows came into her view. "Roz..." she tapped his shoulder, but all he did was brush it off. "Roz..." she tapped as the figures grew in size, their form the only thing known in the pits of the dark forest. Roz turned to see two humans glaring at them armed with nets and cages. Wide-eyed, Roz was too afraid to run. His mind was already 200 yards away from these guys but his legs wouldn't move. Inca bumped him out of the way, right into a small pit as they ended up catching her instead.
Underground, the Pikachu could hear the footsteps getting quieter as they left with her. He was alone once again. He climbed out of the hole and looked around for any sight of Inca or the humans... but not even the smell of fire lingered. Instead, a torrent of heavy rains flooded the area. He frantically searched for clues... only noticing two sets of footprints and drag marks after scouring high and low for her. "Inca... I am coming."
The yellow mouse stayed in the trees as he followed the disappearing foot prints as the rain would wash them away just as he got to them. He was giving up hope as his pace failed to keep up with the ethereal trail. That water looked appetizing now as his heart sank. The carvanha were in full migration today, just waiting for the water level to rise. To dive into that soft coffin only to be shred apart by the vicious teeth was a little less than appealing. *Another day...* Once more, he sniffed the air, this time catching an unfamiliar scent, something that was all encompassing as his attention slowly shifted to seeking the source out.
With luck, it led him to the two humans who were sleeping in the trees of the understory with a canopy suspended above their heads, leaving them dry in this storm. His friend was suspended in a cage, dangling above the rising water, in the middle of the pouring rain. He couldn't see her face as the pink pokemon was turned towards the tree, her head on the floor of her cold and wet cell, too tired from trying to break out. He slowly climbed to the branch where the string was attached and made his way down the rope ever so slowly to her prison. "Psst... Inca, why can't you get out of it? Use your psychic attacks on the cage." Inca sighed and looked out of it. "It was special designed to repel all attacks. I knocked myself out last time," she replied almost inaudibly. "Try picking the lock." It didn't take much for him to pick the cage, a trick he learned in the forest as a pokemon who has been captured many times before. *Click* the lock went, attracting the attention of the sleepy hunters. "Damn, discovered."
The two dove into the overflowing river, the two humans close behind. At this moment, they had so many dangers to consider like the current dragging them downstream to places unknown, running into a swimming predator, the carvanha, and the people of the R. Inca couldn't swim too fast with the bubble so she had to learn to hold her breath at this panicked time. They dodged debris and small schools of the piranha pokemon as their pursuers drew near. *Let me shock them!* Roz thought to himself. Then he remembered that Inca would also get shocked and he wouldn't be able to swim carrying her. The eater was no longer the comfortable it appeared to be just hours ago. Like an open field did to an agoraphobic, it only filled them with dread. They had even lost sight of where to go with the water slowly becoming cloudy with silt. Roz was unsure of where to go and he could barely see Inca now.
He rose to take a deep breath only to realize that they had been dragged much closer to the deadly rapids near the basin. The Pikachu could see a small pink form upstream about 100 meters being chased by the humans. "Inca!" he shouted just as a tree branch hit him back towards the jagged rocks. She too was drifting over fairly quickly, almost too fast for her to keep from moving past his position. 90, 80, 70, 50, 30... she was moving too fast and the hunters were moving even slightly faster. "Meww!!!" he heard as he saw a hunter grab her by the tail. Roz swam upstream as much as he could to try to save her. But he was too weak to fight the current. Unfortunately, so were the hunters as a wall of water, containing the migratory carnivorous fish washed them and his friend away down into the fast rapids. He wash washed into a rock, causing him to twist his ankle...but at least he wasn't washed away. He watched the three forms be tossed around in the violent surge of the river, the carvanha growling loudly as loud bone crunches could be heard.
The storm stopped within minutes leaving the river serenely flooded, but Pikachu was still at the rock he held onto just crying. His hunched over shoulders shook violently as he poured his heart out. Nothing but infernal water around him... even the reflection of the lesser night was no comfort to him as he could only see her bubble that she used to swim. The water only reminded him now of the azure eyes he fell in love with... love hadn't occurred to him quite before, but that made his anguish worse. "I NEVER EVEN GOT TO SAY I LOVE YOU TO HER!!!" he shouted as loud as he could. *Godforsaken rock that didn't let him follow Inca wherever she is...* He slapped the water violently, muttering words that would offend those who could understand, cursing the day e had come to the river.... Now he was too fearful to die in this water and yet unwilling to move on. That protrusion of earth was his new home until his body wastes away from lack of all.
His first night on the rock was quite uncomfortable... river was still too dangerous to try to cross as carvanha schools swam by. Too uninterested in eating, he let food pass him by. His dreams where nothing but horror... reliving the moment the wall of water took her away. His paws reached out for her, but he couldn't reach her... the wall just pinned him to the rock. He tossed and turned on the rock whimpering, just wishing to hear her, talk to her, see her again.
|Roz...where are you?| He got up as if in a waking nightmare, sweat trailing down his fur, pupils dilated, nerves very jumpy. Even her voice sounded real. He glanced into the water, looking at his fear-stricken face. |Roz... I am not dead...| Roz perked his ears up as he heard this. He had to pinch himself to check if he is asleep. Sure enough, he left a reddened mark in his arm as he scrambled to fin a way to one of the branches. |Roz... please hurry... this tree is going to get washed away... I'm too tired to float.| He wasn't sure if this was just in his mind but he jumped into the water and swam across at lightning speed, not even giving the predatory fish time to react as he made it to shore. *I'm coming for you, Inca... and this time I won't fail.*
From a distance, Inca could see the yellow dot racing to her, smiling weakly, it only being interrupted by creeks in the old weak tree... the water level wasn't rising, but there was a hungry horde of carvanha waiting at the tree so that they have a piece of rare meat. Looking down, she tried her useless psychic attacks, finally deciding not to waste her energy and just wait for Roz to come. How did she end up in a tree? Well she survived the rapids and the first wave of carvanha but she was too weak to swim to one of the larger trees so she clung to some driftwood for a while. It took her down about half a mile to the tree she is in now. Unfortunately, she hadn't recovered from all the damage she took.
The tree creaked a bit more as the carvanha started skull bashing it, laughing it up as she got lower and lower and closer and closer to the surface of the food waters. Inca shouted as she climbed higher, only to see it wasn't much help. Soon, the tree fell over and she was flung into the water. "She tried swimming frantically but her legs weren't doing it. They were gaining on her and she had little chance of outrunning them. Soon though, a strange pain coursed through her body as she heard a snap in her arm. One of the carvanha had caught up and gotten a hold of her arm.
Not too far away, Roz began to feel Inca's presence weaken and he doubled his speed. "No... Inca!" There was Inca, swimming rather slowly as the rest of the school was catching up. He had to make a quick decision and decided to shock the whole section of river with his most powerful technique. His pouched glowed deep red when out of nowhere, electricity struck him and made his attack highly effective. He launched a huge thunder ball right into the middle of the school, electrifying the water for 1000 feet in either direction... Inca was out but just barely alive when he retrieved her from the water. Plenty of dead carvanha too, her cerulean eyes watered with tears of joy but she as too hurt to do anything right now.
"I'm sorry... I should have protected you then and I should have done something else to save you now." | It's did your best to save me. They were mere seconds from devouring and you did what you thought best at the time.| Roz held her paws and kissed her gently, tears wetting his cheeks, his hope spent. "Please don't talk like that... you will be fine. I wanted to ask you to be my mate.... I didn't have the courage and *chokes* and..." The poor pikachu couldn't believe it... his companion lived with is a total of two days before she died. |I will be your mate though for as long as I can hold onto my life. I don't want you to be alone anymore and I don't want to be alone either... I want to give you two things before I go Roz.| He stopped his sobbing and nuzzled her closely. "I will stay with you until the end, my love..."
Inca mewed softly in his tender embrace, clinging to his wet yet warm fur as he gently caressed her body, stroking from her neck to her tail, wanting her to feel comfortable. "Roz... I want you in me... I want to die in the throes of passion with you mind taking charge I can't quite move much?" Roz was shocked by her question, but her eyes pleaded for it. "Oh Inca... I love you so much; I can't ever forget you even after you die." She mewed silently as he moved his muzzle to her lower lips, licking her as tenderly as he had hugged her, trying to make it as good as he could for her, in the back of his mind wondering how he could live without her.
A low stream of power fed into his body, obviously one of her gifts that came with the small flow of fluids she already had. |Inca, what will I be able gave me telepathy.| Inca smiled and put her one good arm to stroke his ears as he continued to lap up the honey that oozed out of her treasure. He worshipped her pussy, licking at variable paces and different places, slurping on her clit, then licking her lips before letting his tongue wander the insides of her canal, doing this remarkably slow as to draw out the pleasure. The rose colored mew was quiet for the most part, only giving off moans and twisting a bit in the pleasure as she tried to keep from succumbing to the almost torturous pleasure. Her clit leaked out more juices with every passing sensation, garnering enough strength to squeeze Roz's head into her aching box with her paw, not letting him go, not that he minded as he was engrossed in giving her pleasure. His tongue stroked her into her passage, stroking her walls until he hit the G-spot. Upon that happening, her moaning turned into gentle panting and inner moans that escaped as her breathing became very heavy. The pikachu's cock hung below him, full erect and already leaking pre. But it was about her today, giving what he could to her before she died. Just as she was about to reach her peak, Roz slowed his licks then pulled his maw away, repositioning his cock near her entrance. He locked lips with her, sharing the heaven he tasted with his mate in a bittersweet moment.
|Roz, I'm ready...please do it as best you can.| Roz nodded and slowly passed through her wet lips, the wetness aiding his initial entrance, feeling the wonderful carnal fleshes join with one another in union of one. They let out a moan of contentment, apparently looking into each other's hearts. |Inca... can't you stay longer?| Inca shed a small tear... |I wish I wasn't this hurt... but I am thankful for all you have done for me... now please ride me like there is no tomorrow!| Inca and Roz looked at each other, knowing that they would one day see each other again. "Please... Keep going..." Inca moaned as the penis twitched in her a bit, bumping her spot. Roz obeyed and began pistoning into her pussy, no longer needing to go slow for her, mating as the chus do, fast and strong. "It's so hard to keep in rhythm when it feels so good!" he moaned.
Inca moaned in full ecstasy, loving the feeling of the mouse cock ramming in her, sending surges of pleasure never felt before with her old mate. She clamped down harder on his cock to make the thrust pleasure them more. Roz moaned in ecstasy, his cock in the upper strata of her heaven, feeling the wet lips, the warm moist tunnels... her love, just flowing through his body. He knew she was the one for him and it only made him thrust harder: love was his aphrodisiac. Her voice was angelic as his member brushed against her spots, her 'mmm' were like angels singing. His paws gravitated to her beautiful face, rubbing her head, locking her in a deep kiss.
Their orgasm was fast approaching as they stayed in the throes of passion. |Roz... thank you| she managed to say before her walls unleashed a floor of her passion on his crotch, moaning deeply as most of her remaining energy was spent. Roz came soon after, eyes closed, shouting 'chu!' as his virile seed filed her womb, covering every inch of her insides. |Oh my god Inca, that was... Inca? Inca???| He opened his eyes and saw her.... She was barely alive as just a flicker in her blue eyes remained... the mew lifted her head to kiss him, a final tear streaking her cheek. "See you later...Roz." Roz quickly pulled out of her and held her is his arms crying, wishing he could go with her. "Inca, I love you." She smiled once more as the flicker of life dissipated and the heat started to wane.
He lifted his eyes to the clear sky and wept softly. *I will miss you... * He turned to grab some large leaves from a large flower in the tree when he saw her body start to glow. Quickly rushing down to her body, he saw it transform into a pink egg with two yellow bands circling it. |The second gift... is a child to remember me by. Sayonara, Roz.| He felt the wind blow him a kiss. "This egg... I will cherish it forever." He used the leaves and wrapped it up, cradling it on his back as he walked along the branches above the still flooded Amazon River, feeling happy that he had met her and in away she would be there with him for as long as he lived.