The First Day: A Rough Awakening...

Story by Jaega on SoFurry

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#1 of Pernicious Pleasures

On your knees...

Jaega mumbled to himself, his jaw aching hideously from whatever or whoever had knocked him out cold just hours earlier- exactly how long the wolf had been unconscious, he couldn't tell, but the pain told him all too well how real his current predicament was. Slowly lifting his head, Jaega attempted to rub his stinging face; his paw, however, stayed fast to the coldness that could only be tiling. Before he could utter a complaint, an almighty blow landed upon the wolf's already-tender muzzle, causing him to cry out in agony.

"I said, on your knees boy!"

Another slap fell upon the stuck lupine, now whimpering uncontrollably on the floor. Slowly, painfully, Jaega rose to one trembling knee, quickly followed by the other. He didn't even try opening his eyes- the itch of rough material before them made it clear that he was blindfolded-not that he wanted to see what was before him. The gruff, gravelly voice that had beckoned him up had fallen silent, only to be replaced by a chuckle that made the wolf's lush nape fur stand on end. In the distance, but all too close for Jaega's liking, the sound of boots on metal began to echo towards him, the sharp report of each footfall sending shivers down his spine.

"You are here..."


"...and you will remain here..." The voice approached unceasingly, each word practically dripping with depraved delight, chilling the wolf to the core.


"...until I, or my.. acquaintances, shall we say... see fit to release you."


The footsteps stopped, inches from the incarcerated lupine. Silence fell upon the alien room, even more terrifying than the footsteps just seconds before.

A smug chuckle broke the silence.

"I am your master now..."

Without warning, a paw shot out and grasped Jaega's muzzle hard, holding firm despite the wolf's frantic movements. The vice-like grip was painful, excruciatingly so, but at the same time...Somehow delicate, caring even. Still, unable to move, unable to see, all Jaega could do was groan through gritted teeth as his captor rubbed a thumb-pad along his jawbone, as if stroking some banal house pet.

"Quieten down, wolf. You'll be well looked after, I assure you.. For the time being, of course..."

Soft laughter reverberated around the wolf's spinning head, hardly concealing the lust and desire his new master was obviously experiencing. As suddenly as it had grabbed him, the heavy set paw fell away again, but not before tapping Jaega's nose sharply, drawing out a loud "Yeeeep!" from the hurting wolf. Off in the distance, easily audible over the sound of his master's sadistic chuckling, Jaega heard a heavy, rusted door bolt slamming open, followed shortly thereafter by a eerie, almost mournful whine as the lock's charge swung open slowly. A rush of frigid air struck the lupine square in the chest, only then realising the distinct lack of any protection clothing may have provided him; the thought left Jaega even more terrified than he was before, something he couldn't believe possible. The voice that trailed from the distance, however, was what really drained the blood from his veins:

"Is this the... surprise, you had waiting for us, my dear friend?"

The newcomer's utterance was torture on the lupine's sensitive ears; losing control, Jaega began to howl in distress, calling out with all the exclamation he could muster, praying someone, anyone, could hear his call for help. The words of this new fur, despite being so far away, felt as if they were being screamed straight into the wolf's tear-soaked face, cutting into him in scything blows, setting every inch of his lithe form aflame with despair.


From out of nowhere the booted footpaw of his master swung forth, burying itself deep into the wolf's midsection, forcing the air from Jaega's lungs and making him gasp out in shock and pain amalgamate. He tried to heave, desperately clawing at the walls, anything to relieve the agony that filled him; all his frenzied actions brought was laughter from the room's other occupants, much to the wolf's anguish.

Without warning, the blindfold that veiled Jaega's sharp eyes was wrenched off; even with eyes screwed tight shut, the wolf could feel the hot brightness of un-shrouded strip lighting above his head, bearing down intolerably, unbearably.

"Open your eyes, boy, and do it now"

A steel toecap pushed against his reeling stomach, a subtle reminder to the position the wolf was currently finding himself occupying; as slowly as he physically dared, Jaega began to force his resistive eyes open, focusing on the floor as best he could to avoid the perpetual burn of light from above. Straining to focus properly, the exhausted lupine caught site of his surroundings for the first, agonising time; the floor he was sat on consisted of nothing more than a square metre of worn-out concrete, surrounded on three sides by an expanse of cross-hatched metal cladding, raised slightly above where he was pinned. Edging his head to the side, Jaega noticed the tiled walls which he was positioned against, surgically clean- unnervingly so.

It was when his head was turned that the wolf noticed the first other occupant of the room, towering over him from atop the metal flooring; reluctantly, he took in the monolithic figure, shivering as he saw just how much taller this fur was than he. His eyes bulged at the sight of the huge expanse of muscles that strained at the tight clothing the fur-who Jaega quickly identified as a tiger- was wearing. The leather pants barely concealed the gargantuan feline's arousal; the crotch, if anything, was more strained than than the pecs or biceps, and the musk that emanated was further, unwanted, evidence for the wolf. In front of him, the Jaega's unseen master spoke once more;

"That there is Kain; he's the one who, mmm, brought you in...You can thank him for the awakening, too."

A thin smile crossed the tiger's muzzle as he looked down upon the shackled wolf, his eyes twinkling with sadistic amusement as the latter squirmed uncomfortably upon the numbing concrete. Gulping with dread, Jaega turned his head back around, to face his main tormentor. Even with his eyes half-blurred, squinting through the glare of the overhead lights, the wolf could make out the iniquitous, menacing grin on his master's muzzle. Jaega's pupils dilated in fright when he saw the silver-furred wolf before him; his size, his scent, his brilliantly bright, piercing eyes...everything about the dominant wolf overpowered Jaega. It had been centuries since the old pack traditions had been adhered to; but right now, the smaller lupine knew that the wolf above him would be the Alpha of any group, answerable to no one. The evil chorus of laughter rose once more, as the young wolf slumped back against the slippery wall, defeated.

"Look Mihain; see how quickly the boy gives in before you! Oh, the fun we'll have with this one!"

The last, unseen voice spoke again, his words once more piercing the wolf like razor-sharp daggers, as if going straight for his panic-stricken soul. Whatever species this fur was, Jaega didn't ever want to know, that much was certain. The wolf flattened his ears as best he could against the audible onslaught, to no avail, as the words drew nearer, nearer, with footsteps reverberating around the room once more.

"Kane, if you'd be so kind as to raise the boy's muzzle..."

Sobbing in protest, Jaega tried, with every last ounce of strength left within him, to avoid the inevitable paw pulling his muzzle upwards once more. All too soon, he was looking up into the light's searing glare once more, eyes darting in their sockets like a madman's. At first, only the Alpha wolf was visible before him, to which Jaega foolishly allowed himself to sigh in relief; all too suddenly though, he felt his jaw being jerked to the right, hard- there, before him, stood the origin of his oratory affliction. For the first time, the wolf spoke; or more accurately, croaked through a parched, bruised muzzle;

"Oh, oh Gods..."

He had to be 9 feet tall, easily. Clad in inky black scales, the dragon was- if anything- even more impressive than the two other furs that surrounded the quivering wolf. The scales seemed to consume the light that struck them, so dark they were; were it not for the burning orange that covered the dragons impressive chest, Jaega could've mistaken him for no more than a shadow. Unlike the others, the dragon was completely bare, his body both elegant and terrifying at the same time. Its snout, angular and powerful, was beset by two shimmering eyes of the most fiery yellow, the pupils even darker than the scales that surrounded them; raising above those glimmering jewels sat the dragon's ivory horns, razor sharp, pitted and scarred from countless engagements and quarrels with others of his kind.

Jaega's eyes, however, were fixed further down, staring in horror at the dragon's uncovered loins. It was the length of the wolf's arm, and just as thick, adorned with ridges that had the lupine gulping in abhorrence.

"Mmm, he certainly seems willing, too! Say, boy..."The towering dragon smiled sardonically as he bent down towards the wolf, his snorts leaving wisps of smoke to drift upwards to the ceiling as he spoke; " that the first prick you have laid your eyes on, except your own?"

The magnificent length seemed to pulse and throb with unholy energy, fully hard and furiously aloft. Jaega trembled, shakily nodding his head; his answer drew yet another deep chuckle from the well-tooled dragon, his all-too-impressive member bobbing in time with each sadistic laugh. The alpha wolf, paws already caressing the considerable bulge in his trousers, growled in malicious delectation, his head turned towards the smirking dragon.

"We're definitely going to have fun with this one..."

The chained lupine began to whine again, eyes wildly darting from the wolf, to the tiger, to the grinning dragon. He went to cry out, but before he could utter another sound, the paw of the tiger came down hard upon his skull, sending his mind reeling. The last things he saw before the blackness took him were his master's lust-filled eyes beaming down at him, and that dragon's menacing, threatening grin...


Jaega woke slowly, his head swimming; he shook it from side to side slowly, trying to recall what had happened before he had passed out, but finding nothing. Instinctively, the lupine went to rub his throbbing forehead, but found his wrists stubbornly staying put behind his back. Moaning, he tried to pull himself free, the chains digging into his wrists painfully hard from the effort. He squinted, trying to ascertain his darkened surroundings; to his dismay, all the wolf could make out was tiled walls, metal flooring extending out across the room's length, a monolithic iron door far off in the distance...

No, that can't be... Jaega shook himself again, harder this time; ...That can't be true; no way did that happen...

The wolf strained forward some more, shuffling about upon the cold concrete, looking behind and down at himself; he was naked, bare except for the chains that bound him to the wall. He whimpered in despair, a low, pitiful whine that echoed mournfully around the foreboding cell of a room. The room, barely lit by the small neon bar across the top of the door, seemed to close in around him, the silence overpowering, suffocating him.

This can't be happening... No way...

Jaega tried to think back to before, and how he'd ended up here like this. Vague flashes flickered his mind; walking back from work, eating dinner, going to the club...

...Waking up here, chained, blindfolded. Surrounded....

Those last recollections chilled the shivering lupine to the core. The faces of his three captors began to form in his mind, all of them laughing cruelly at the hapless, stranded wolf beneath them. He began to sob quietly, pulling his knees up to his chest, desperately wishing he could hug them tighter to his exposed chest. He felt his empty stomach grumble hungrily, and this only made the wolf sob louder and harder, a tear already rolling down his cheek fur glistening in the half-light.

I wish I knew what to do... I just want to go home...

Jaega sat there, motionless except for the occasional shudder as he fought off the tears and the cold that enveloped him, permeated to his heart. The silence was broken suddenly when the light tube above the door flickered once, twice, but before long the room fell silent again, to the wolf's sorrow.

It wasn't long until Jaega felt his eyelids droop low, his muzzle falling forward towards his chest. Despite his best efforts to stay awake, the exhausted lupine knew he couldn't win.

What will they do with me...?

The wolf sighed weakly one last time. Slipping back against the slick tiles, Jaega's head fell forward as the darkness took him once more...