A Walk in the Woods...

This is my first attempt at the genre, and was written whilst trying to pass some time. I therefore warn you all in advance that this isn't my best piece by any stretch. Any suggestions/comments welcome! For my lovely, kinky bunnyboy Zach shut the...

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The Morning After the Night Before

Jaega woke with a start, quickly surveying the room. As he got up off the bed, the wolf looked around, confused. _Where was Zach?_ Slipping into his trousers, Jaega took a look at himself in the mirror; cum from the nights "fun" had dried on...

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New Sensations

New Sensations Jaega stepped cautiously into the bar, looking around timidly as a wall of noise blasted out into the street. Peering inside, he saw male furs of all types; cats, canines, equine, all sorts, talking, watching the strippers and...

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The First Day: A Rough Awakening...

_On your knees..._ Jaega mumbled to himself, his jaw aching hideously from whatever or whoever had knocked him out cold just hours earlier- exactly how long the wolf had been unconscious, he couldn't tell, but the pain told him all too well how...

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