I Dare You ( Part 1 )

Story by Blake_Foxx on SoFurry

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#1 of I Dare You

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Chris was a bit nervous. This dare between him and his friend's was a bit much. Still, he wasn't about to lose besides what was the worst that could happen?

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Would love feedback on what you'd like to see in Part 2

I Dare You

Chris held the trench-coat tightly to himself. He could feel his heart pounding away in his chest. Every touch of his pads against the cold ground of the sidewalk sending a tingle up his spine. Was he really going to do this? How did this even happen? He could feel butterflies in his gut, but he had no choice. He couldn't let his friends win. There was no backing out of a dare after all, not if he didn't want to hear the end of it.

The husky felt a shiver running through his body. That soft black and white fur of his standing on end as he paced towards the bar. He stepped up and pushed the doors open feeling that sense of dread overtaking him. A few gruff eyes turned towards him, but then turned back to their own drinks. He took a gulp of air, it was now or never.

He let go of he trench-coat and watched as it fell to the ground at his feet. The boy stepping away from it as his cheeks flushed a soft shade of red. There he was completely exposed. His lithe naked body on display. Chris having a nice bit of curve about him, with a lush little backside. Not to mention that sheath of his which was on display.

A few eyes were now gazing curiously at him as he was completely naked before the group of older gruff men. The young college student feeling a rush of shame and humiliation as he approached he bar and moved to sit down. His nerves trying to get the best of him as that equine on the other side gave him a knowing little glare, "How many drinks before you can leave?" he asked with a shit eating grin. The boy replied by holding up two fingers.

"Guess you better get to drinking then kid, these fellas aren't the patient type and if you hang around too long they're likely to get a bit...oh too late" he muttered as he went to fixing the boy a drink while a gruff older looking bear with soft brown fur approached the kid at the bar. He looked to be in his forties and had a nice bit of a goatee on him.

"Nice ass ya got there kid" the bear offered, "What's say ya put it to good use and hop on up into my lap. Been awhile since I got off in nice little slut boy." he offered boldly into the room no sense of shame about his words.

Chris was burning red in the face at this point as he hoped the bar tender would hurry up with that first drink, "Heh...w..well umm I appreciate the offer I guess" he mumbled shyly, "But I'm n.not really interested"

"Aw come on kid, don't be that way, he's just looking to enjoy a pretty young thing like yourself" came a voice from behind him. He turned his head back and gulped a bit as to his right there was now a Gruff older tiger male sitting right beside him giving him a lewd grin.

"Dammit man, I was here first, go find yer own slut" the bear chimed in

"The boy looks like he can handle both of us, So how's about you just shut your trap and let me do the talking." The tiger offered back. The bear grumbled a bit, but seemed to accept.

Chris was burning red in the face feeling the blood rushing to him. The husky boy tensing up a bit as they were talking about him like he wasn't even there. His tail nervously flickering back and forth behind him as he finally got his drink. He quickly gripped it and took a drink trying to forget about the two older men on either side of him. A gasp left his lips suddenly though when he felt a hand grasping his tail and stroking up and down along it.

"Nice and soft, I like that" the bear commented as he stroked up and down the husky's tail a bit, "If I put ya on all fours it would make a nice handle bar " he offered lewdly, "Give it a few tugs as I stuffed ya good and proper" he grumbled out.

The husky was really tense and nervous now. He was hoping they'd only keep it to lewd comments, but given the way the bear was already boldly playing with his tail, he was starting to get unnerved quickly. His heart had been racing before, but now it was pounding away in his chest as he nervously gripped his glass, paws shaking.

"Don't worry about him cutie" the tiger offered gently placing a paw against the boy's own as he gazed right into his eyes, "He's a bit direct, that can't be helped. Has no sense of class" the tiger offered his own striped tail swishing back and forth behind him, "But he does have a point, you've got such sweet lips on you. I wouldn't mind finding out what a young thing like yourself could do with those." he offered.

If the tiger was trying to be persuasive the husky was thinking he ought to rethink strategy. He was getting increasingly more nervous as the two older males were all over him. He felt the bears hands grasping his soft bare ass now as he whined softly and finished off his first glass, "Another please" he muttered to the bar tender before gasping out as he was suddenly hoisted up and placed right in the bear's lap.

"That's better, right where a slut like you belongs" the bear grumbled out heatedly, "It's been a rough day kid. Work's a bitch and I've worked up quite a bit of a sweat today. How about being a good little whore and giving me a nice tongue bath?" he commented lewdly

Chris felt his face burning red as he was now in the bear's lap. He could feel that growing bulge pressing up against his soft backside, only a pair of shorts keeping him safe from the male's size. He whimpered a bit as his ears went flat. Being that close to the older male he could smell his musk now. That strong masculine scent burning into his nose as he saw that sweat drenched into his fur. The bear having already done the work of stripping off his shift exposing his muscular form, though he did still have a bit of a belly despite his well toned body.

"H..hey come on man" the husky mumbled out nervously, "T..this is a little much don't you think? I'm just trying to have a drink..AH!" he groaned out feeling a strong hand swatting against his soft round little rear.

"How's about a little less talk and a lil more lickin" the bear grumbled out as he moved his hand down to swat his ass again, "Less ya want me to bend ya over this bar stool and give you a proper spanking?" he grumbled out.

The husky whimpered a bit and squirmed, "Come on man, cut it out. This isn't funny." he whined before suddenly he felt himself being grabbed as he was spun around and bend over the bar counted his ass pulled to hike up as the bear held him by his tail.

"Guess ya just needed a proper spanking. Good I like a kinky slut" the bear offered in his gruff voice, "Hey kitty, wanna do the honors?" he asked of the tiger who was now smirking as he walked up behind the boy placing a paw on his soft round little ass.

"Just make sure he don't squirm away." the tiger spoke, "Get ready cutie, you've been a bad boy and I'll be sure to punish you appropriately" he added.

Chris was wiggling and squirming around a bit as he felt the bears right paw pressed on his lower back holding him down on the table, while his left had his tail yanked up in the air forcing it out of the way for the tiger.

"AH! Dammit!" he cried out feeling a strong hand crashing down against his soft round ass making it jiggle and bounce against the tiger's paw. He smirked before sending his hand slamming down a second time as the boy under him cried out in light pain feeling his cheeks bouncing and jiggling again. A feeling of pain washing over him, though despite everything his sheath was stirring a bit at the abuse of his rear.

"Damn kitty, don't give him that weak shit" the bear complained, "Give him a few hard swats, making his cheeks turn red. He looks like the kinda slut who gets turned on by that"

"If you insist" the tiger commented and pulled his hand back as he brought it down with full force on the boy's ass making Chris cry out in pain before the tiger's hand was already pulling back to strike him again and then again and then again. His cheeks bouncing and jiggling with every swat the boy's cheeks starting to turn a shade of crimson from the abuse before he finally finished up and started rubbing his sore little ass, "There we go, now try and be a good boy, I'd hate to have to spank you again"

The bear smirked and moved to sit back down as he yanked the boy back into his lap by his tail making him whine out. He then turned the boy back around and smirked to him, "Gonna be a good boy now?" he asked curiously, "I think you ought to appreciate a man a bit more. How's about you just press your little nose right here" he spoke as he lifted up an arm showing of his pit, "Leave it there a few minutes and sniff it all over. Learn to admire a man's scent like a slut properly should"

Chris wasn't given much of a chance to respond as the back of his hand was gripped by the tiger and his face was pushed right up into the male's pit. He whined softly as his nose grinded up against that sweaty pit. He could feel some of it dripping over his nose as his senses were overpowered by that strong over-whelming scent that was now burning into him. He whimpered a bit, but despite his protests and muffled little sounds his red tip was starting to poke out from his sheath.

"Look that that, this slut is starting to enjoy herself" the tiger commented as he leaned up into the boys ear and whispered, "Why don't you tell me the name of the girl I'm going to be enjoying tonight?" the tiger suggested.

"C..chris" he whimpered out his nose wiggling at the scent.

"Chrissy huh? That's a good name fer a slut" the bear offered lewdly, the words making the boy's cheeks flush red.

"Alright then Chrissy, I think you've enjoyed that scent enough" the tiger commented as he pulled his head away, "Now be a good lil girl and give the nice bear what we wants. He works hard, and deserves a nice tongue bath from a pretty little slut" the tiger commented.

Chris whimpered a bit, but with his ass still so sore he worried about what they'd do to him next. He leaned up and pressed his muzzle up against the bear's neck and began to lick along his fur. He could taste that sweat he'd been building up over the day as he brushed his soft tongue through the fur as he continued to lick and explore along his neck and jawline which caused the bear to moan softly.

"That's it slut" the bear moaned out, "I need a nice tongue bath"

Chris tried to drone out their voices now focusing on the task at hand. His tongue moving down now as he found his way to the bear's chest as he began to lick up along his pecs exploring his chest as he tasted more of that sweat on his tongue. He whimpered a bit as the taste was turning him on further his length starting to slip further out while he worked. He blushed a bit as his tongue touched against the bear's left nipple causing the bud of flesh to harden a bit as the bear groaned out a sound of approval. The husky's tongue continuing to explore as it swirled around the nipple coating it in his saliva.

The tiger seemed content just watching for awhile, but then he moved behind the boy from his position in the bear's lap. He used one hand to stark stroking up and down the husky's tail. The boy whining softly as his sensitive tail was being teased and played with. He used his other hand to cup the boy's cheek as he groped his cheeks and began to massage and fondle his cheeks a bit, "Mmm damn your ass is nice. Your body was built for this, natural born slut" he commented.

The boy switched to the bear's other nipple and began to lick along it tasting it on his tongue as he swirled it around the bud of flesh, "Don't be shy, suck on it a bit" the bear commented placing a paw right on the boy's head petting him. Chris blushed a bit and wrapped his lip around the nipple starting to suckle on it a bit.

He kept to that for a little while sucking on the male's nipple a bit before suddenly pulling his lips away and he placed his paws on the bear's gut squeezing the doughy flesh and fur a bit as his head began to trail a bit further downward. The bear suddenly gripped his headfur and puled him back up though.

Where do you think yer goin?" he questioned as he gazed down at him, "Yer not done up here" he spoke as he let off his head fur and raised up both his arms exposing his pits, "I need a full tongue bath boy, and these are pretty sweaty, not that a girl like you minds much. Right Chrissy?" he asked as the husky whined a bit.

Chris whimpered a bit before his head leaned up to press into the bear's left armpit. That overwhelming scent burning into his nose as his tongue slipped out and dragged up along that sweat drenched armpit. He could taste that salty liquid on his tongue as he dragged his tongue along the male's armpit, "mmm" he moaned out softly unable to resist as his arousal continued to grow. The boy's paws kneading and groping that belly of the bears.

"Was that a moan?" the tiger mused, "Seems this slut is getting into it. She just needed a little push" he offered letting his tail flicker. He continued to stroke along that soft tail playfully teasing it as he leaned down suddenly and pressed his muzzle right between the boy's cheeks, "mmm wonder how the slut tastes?" the tiger mused and Chris whined out feeling that hot breath washing over his tight little pucker.

Chris whimpered a bit feeling that hot breath washing over his backdoor and groaned out as the tiger's tongue began to glide along his entrance making her whine. The scent or arousal starting to rise up in the bar as he kept himself busy licking over the bear's pits a bit more before switching to his right armpit. The husky lapping all over it coating it in his saliva as he played with bear's belly even more, "mmmphp" he groaned out softly his hips starting to rock a bit.

The husky then began pulled from the bear's pits and began to trail down further placing little kisses along the bears belly before her reached that soft squishy gut of his. The husky murring heatedly as he began to lick around his tummy some exploring his body a bit further before he found himself face to face with the bear's shorts. His ears flattening a bit as he gazed up at the bear with cute little eyes.

"Don't be shy now, just pull em on down. My balls could use a tongue bath, they'd been baking in these shorts all day. I'm sure you'll love it though ya slut" the bear mused as he gently brought his paw back down to pat the husky's head.

Somewhere along the way the husky had found himself on his knees facing the bar stool and the bear's crotch as that tiger was on all fours with his muzzle planted between the boy's cheeks. He was furiously licking with that rough tongue of his inside of Chris as he eagerly tongue fucked him before pulling away and licking his lips, "Looks like the real fun is starting" he spoke as he began to unbutton his pants and let them drop to the floor.

Chris whimpered softly as his paws moved up to the bear's shorts and he began to peel them away from him before they slid down along his ankles. The husky gazing as he saw that impressive bulge through the boxers his nose wiggling at the strong scent. He leaned up and pressed his nose against the bear's bulge as he sniffed at him a bit before dragging his tongue over the soft fabric making the bear moan out lightly.

"F..fuck you little cock tease" the bear moaned out softly as he kept his paw on the boy's hair stroking along his ear making it twitch a bit, "Know how to get a guy riled up" he added.

Chris gently hooked his digits into the hem of those boxers and peeled them back as that thick fat bear cock sprung forward already stiff from all the foreplay. The boy gazed softly at this thick size. He was solid 10 inches and at least 3" thick making the boy squirm a bit. Resting underneath that impressive fuckpole of the bear's was those heft orbs of his dripping with a days worth of sweat that strong scent overpowering the husky boy.

The tiger was already out of his own clothes at this point. His thick cock was about 9" but he had those rather curious barbs all along the length of him. He gently gripped the boy's tail and guided his tip to the boy's tight little pucker as he began to work himself into the husky. Chris muffled out a little sound feeling the tiger pressing inside of him as he felt that head starting to fill his soft little virgin ass.

"Ah fuck he's tight...I think this slut is fresh meat" the tiger moaned out

"Dammit, are you for real!?" the bear exclaimed, "Shit knew I should've just stuffed him, now you get to break the bitch in" he complained, "Ah well fuck it, he's got a nice set of lips on em, I'll be sure to teach him how to use em proper" the bear commented glancing down at the boy, "Now how about you start by cleaning up my balls?" he spoke, "They're pretty dirty, but a slut like you won't mind much, will ya?"

The husky was offering a slight sound of pain as he felt those barbs grinding against his tight inner walls as the tiger began to feed his soft little ass a few more inches. Trying to shift his focus he leaned up and pressed his nose to the base of the bear's thick meat as his tongue slipped out to begin licking all around the those heavy musky orbs of his tasting the sweat his tongue dragged along those orbs.

"mmm damn, hey kitty" the bear grumbled out, "Our slut forgot he's supposed to show a man some appreciation before he gets his treat"

"Oh you're right" the tiger mused and leaned over the boy from his position behind him and gasped the boy's headfur as he re-positioned his muzzle so that the bear's heavy sac was resting atop of it while his lips were pressed to the bear's own pucker, "There we go much better, now be sure to sniff at him a good bit, and maybe offer a few licks I don't thick this ole bear will mind you getting a taste of his backdoor. Just don't get to thinking you'll be getting anything more than than from him" the tiger offered.

Chris blushed deeply that sweat was dripping down onto his muzzle now soaking his fur as he felt his face pressed up against the bear's tight hole. He whined and let his tongue rube along the tight entrance as he explored it a bit pressing his tongue at the hole a bit while he lapped at it some more. The bear moaning softly as he did. That strong musky smell flooding his senses at this point as his hips squirmed.

The tiger behind him smirked and gripped the boy's waist, "There we go, that should be enough for us to really get at it" he spoke as the first few inches of his thick size were in that virgin ass of the husky's, "Try not to be too loud" the tiger spoke as he pulled on the husky's waist and slammed his hips forward roughly driving himself down to the hilt inside of the boy, his heavy balls smacking against his cheek as he filled him with reckless abandon.

Chris whimpered out a sound of pain his own cock throbbing at this point pre leaking down his length as he continued to lick and lap at the bear's tight hole tasting him on his tongue as his body felt a rush of pain while the tiger pulled back out dragging those barbs around his tight walls which made his hips quiver before he felt the male slamming back inside of him causing another little whine.

"Damn gonna break him proper huh? No mercy. I like that" the bear moaned out as looked down to the boy, "That's enough of that, now get those lips around my balls and slurp on em good" he commanded.

The husky whined softly and pulled away from that dirty backdoor as he parted his soft lips and wrapped them around one of the bear's hefty cum filled orbs. He began to suckle a bit coating the bear in his saliva as lewd noises filled the room his tongue exploring all the sweat that his orbs were drenched in while he eagerly slurped on the bear's sac.

The tiger was hammering away at his backside. Slamming his hips into the boy, making his balls slap off his soft round little ass only to draw back grinding his barbs against him before slamming forward again. Pre leaking inside of the husky boy slickening his thickness as he continued to build up his pass slamming away at him feeling those tight virgin walls squeezing his thick feline shaft, "Mmm d..damn so tight. You're such a ah fuck good girl Chrissy" he moaned out.

The husky was burning up as his hips rocked into every thrust the tiger was offering while he slurped and sucked on the bear's heavy orbs savoring the taste before moving to his other sac wrapping his lips around them to slurp and suckle even more. The bar echoing the lewd slapping noises and slurping sounds of their three-way.

Pulling his lips from those hefty orbs chris began to kiss gently up the length of the bear's thick meat before reaching the tip and letting his soft tongue playfully rub along the bear's foreskin teasing him a bit drawing a moan from the older male who's shaft was leaking a nice amount of pre now. The husky taking the opportunity to let his tongue drag along that sticky mess moaning lightly as it filled his lips.

"mmm damn yer a natural" the bear complimented his large paw ruffling through the husky's fur before he began to play around with one of his ears making the boy moan even more.

Parting his lips the boy gently wrapped them around the head of the bear's thick meaty shaft swirling his tongue around just under the foreskin lapping up the messy pre that the bear was offering as he breathed in the strong scent of the male. His lips starting to glide up and down along that thick size as he felt the bear's paw suddenly grasping against his headfur.

Growing tired of just enjoying the show the bear decided to participate. Clutching the boy's head fur he began to rock his hips forward as he pushed the boy's inexperienced lips further down his length. A few lewd moans leaving the bear's mouth as he rocked himself into the boy's mouth listening to him gagging a bit as he struggled to keep up, "Mmm damn just relax slut, you'll adjust" he told him as he continued to rock his hips.

The tiger didn't seem to mind as he lifted a paw up and struck the boy's ass watching the cheek jiggle and bounce as he continued to ram into him from behind. His panting growing heavier as he felt the pleasure washing over him. That tight little ass clinging to his thick size making the tiger feel euphoric as he continued to slam away into his backdoor stuffing him full of that feline cock of his dribbling out his pre as he grew closer and closer to cumming.

The bear wasn't letting up either his hips slamming into the boy's face as he began to eagerly face fuck him. His hips stuffing that thick size of his down the boy's throat feeling those throat muscles contracting around his cock as the husky gagged a bit lewdly making him feel a rush. He paused for a moment holding the boy as far down as he could on his cock letting him adjust to his size a bit. The boy's drool dripping all down his length as his head was held on that thick tower of meat.

"Mmm fuck...he's a good little slut" the bear moaned out softly, "I wish we could just keep the lil whore" he mused, "But after tonight I'm bettin he'll be coming around a lot more often, knowing this is the place to find some studs to properly stuff him" the bear offered with a chuckle.

Chris was pressed between two older men now. One stuffing his face without mercy as the other stuffed his tight little rear. His body being flooded with new sensations and scents as he moaned and whined out his pleasures his own cock drooling pre all over the floor in a messy little puddle. His hips squirming a bit as his body heat continued to rise.

"A..ah fuck let's see how much I can fed ya before I give you a nice meal" the bear moaned out as he pulled the boy's lips all the way to the tip of his cock before pushing his head down roughly and bucking his hips upwards repeating the motion over and over as the boy slurped and slobbered and gagged around his thick cock until suddenly he felt his nose grinding right up against the male's crotch fur making that scent burn even stronger into his mind.

"Ah damn, slut took the whole thing. Guess he must've been really starved for some dick" the bear mused as he held the boy's lips at the base of his cock and began to rock his hips making short hard jerks until he tensed up and cried out in pleasure, "A..ah fuck drink up" he moaned as his cock jerked and spasmed pumping his first few shots right down the boy's throat before he quickly pulled his head back letting the next few spurt cover his tongue soaking him in that taste. Finally he pulled him all the way off his cock as he let the last few spurts splash against the boy's face covering his cheeks and let eye in that sticky mess of his as he panted heavily, "D..damn good girl" he panted out.

Chris was panting heavily now as his lips had been separated from the bear's cock a string of pre and saliva all that connected them now. His face coated in that messy cum, "A..ah mmm..ah" he was moaning out still feeling the tiger inside of him still hammering away. His body aching as he gently leaned up and began to lick along the bear's cock. Being more gentle this time as he set about cleaning up that messy shaft of his.

"Mmm good girl" the bear whined out tiredly feeling the sting just a bit as he'd only just finished cumming.

"N.now fuck it's our turn slut" the tiger moaned down to Chris.

He continued to rock his hips into the boy as his pace grew stronger and faster giving a few more hard slams as he rocked himself into the boy's prostate causing chris to whimper out and leak more pre onto the ground. He continued his motions for a few moments as he felt his balls tightening up as his orgasm began to inch closer.

"F..fuck you slut cum for me" the tiger groaned out as he moved a hand down and grasped that thick red meat the husky was offering and began to stroke over it making the boy pump his hips into the tiger's paw as he felt his hole being stuffed with that thick meat.

They were both lewdly panting and moaning as the sounds grew louder and louder until the husky tensed up and whined out a pleasure sound as his cock began to spasm shooting his thick mess all over the floor adding to that puddle on the ground. The tiger smirked and followed suit as he gave a few short jerks of his cock before ramming himself balls deep into the boy and unloading his own thick messy cum inside of the husky.

Chris groaned out feeling that sticky mess flooding his walls as it began to leak around the feline's thick barbed shaft and drizzle down along his thighs and over his soft fur making a mess of it. The tiger panted a bit and offered one last swat to the boy's ass before pulling himself out, "Fuck..hope you stick around for a bit" he offered, "I know a few more guys could use a slut tonight."

"Don't worry, he's still go to stay for at least one more drink, unless of course he wants to lose his bet" the equine bar tender offered with a playful wink. Seemed that Chris was in for a bit of a long night.